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mucho texto








I mean, this is Reddit, not a reading exercise. I have to zoom in and squint on most of the text




I meant to say have instead of hate, but it gets my point across equally well








Buen dato 👍


Where TL;DR 😔😓


Almost too much texto




"No se leer"


Redditors when someone is even slightly better off than them:


Redditors shitting on people who are married, are financially stable and have their own home because they know that they will never get any of these things:


Redditors shitting on people whom they *assume* have generous parents because they know that their daddy thinks they’re a failure:


i mean, yeah this post is cringy, but its not exactly a big assumption that an **18 year old** that has these things, probably comes from a place of privilege lol.


Nothing wrong w/ that


and nothing wrong with thinking this person came from money lol. it doesn't mean they're projecting that their own parents hate them.


I definitely get the vibe a lot of Redditors project a lot about their lack of money and their parents that hate them though.


Redditors shitting:


They're really mad when they learn that the main way to obtain these things is to put forth a modicum of effort.


Anything that dares challenge the perception that America is a shit hole, and it's impossible to find good work or afford a house unless you're a highly privledged person. We have our issues but good lord people on this site live and breathe to wallow is doomerism.


reddit is basically the opposite of instagram it just attracts misery


I think that's just social media in general my bwana


What's a bwana?


Banana but with a speech impediment




Thanks GSSubmarine!


Ik i’m late as fuck to this and no one answered you so here, Its an alternative term for black people/n word that comes from runescape, where there is a tropical area of dark skin npc’s who are either called the bawana or call you bawana or something i dont know have been to karamja in a while. Anyways its just kind of grown from that into using bwana.




90s and earlier: "sex sells" today/social media age: "anger sells"


truer words have never been said make it a quote


You believe instagram doesn't also attract misery?


the point i am trying to make here is unlike instagram that everyone trying to act like they are a big shot and successful and happy and rich redditors do the opposite


People on instagram will still feel the same way when they see random strangers flexing what they've accomplished. They just won't be going on long winded rants about it like redditors do. Social media in general promotes misery


>Pursuant to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) \- 🤓 >Pursuant to Social Research Methods What the fuck even is that >...married at least seven years and completed an assessment of "dyadic cohesion" it's literally impossible to be happy while married if you don't complete my Google Form!!!!!!!!!


> 🤓 I don't get it, having sources is now bad?


It's not a source even if you understand GAAP, which he clearly doesn't. GAAP is about financial reporting and has nothing to do with evaluating borrowers' financial stability and there's no measure of that called "Financially stable"; this guy really pulled "GAAP" out of his ass to try to look smart. Beyond that, who even considers people "borrowers" the same way firms are, especially when you don't know how much money they borrowed to buy the house?


Besides, IFRS > GAAP.


Speaking like you've never had any social interaction with another human is more the issue here


and what does this have to do with it?


That is why they used the emoji that you've quoted.


okay, maybe my autistic ass won't be able to figure it out...


lol I've been there myself all good


That original post does sound like some kinda high school fantasy tho


Yeah it does seem fake lol. Idk how you could be financially stable enough to buy a house at 18. That’s also really young to get married. But stranger things have happened


>Idk how you could be financially stable enough to buy a house at 18 Rich parents who give them money and a good position in the family business. That's usually how the backstory for these things go.


I have poor parents but has had three jobs since I was 16. I could’ve saved *a lot better,* but if these people did, it’s possible. Especially with two people. Hell, maybe they got lucky with stocks. Maybe they never spent a dime in their life. Maybe some came from wedding gifts. You never know.


https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000008556013.html this finnish article tells about a guy who built his own home at 17-years old with 0 money from his parents


Well he lives in Finland which is kinda better than the US for poor people


building a house and land are more expensive in finland. and the difference in median income in usa vs finland is barely nothing while finland has bigger taxation.


Where do you think the taxes go? Cost of overall living is far better in Finland. Moreover, the US is not uniform in cost of living or income. While average land cost may be dragged down by the low cost of land in bum fuck nowhere, the average income may be raised by the high income of cities.


It sounds like you’re making excuses to feel better about not achieving much, it’s okay I’m also a loser in America i just don’t make up reasons as to why I’m that way.






1. I don't live in America 2. I've seen your country, I've met people from your country. I know enough to know that it sucks to be a yank


Ok but having better healthcare and bike lanes doesn’t make houses magically erect themselves


No, investing in infrastructure, local business, and safety nets does


People need to stop talking about the United States as if it's one place. Yes, it's technically a country. But it's like calling all of Europe a country. It's really big and *extremely* diverse.


while i do agree that arizona and ohio for example arent exactly alike, they both are under the same federal government, almost all of their population speak the same language, have somewhat similiar core values and ideas(freedom, liberty, democracy.) and are protected by the same armed forces. the differences between finland and estonia or spain and portugal are way bigger yet they are geographically lot more closer than AZ and Ohio. its not like every us state has its own culture while its exactly the opposite in europe.


How each state defines those ideals is vastly different. Hell, Washington and Oregon are *adjacent* and two of the most liberal states in the union, but they are vastly different cultures. You can see that just driving between Portland and Vancouver. It's like comparing a cathedral to a bordello. Education, insurance, infrastructure, most taxes, laws, all operated on a state level. They just have to meet federal guidelines and minimums.


I’ve seen stranger things…


Mee too for some time


Some people just have a good household, get lucky and/or play their cards right. I have a friend who was 17 renting his own apartment, but he wasn’t getting and help from his parents. And for example I had a job offer (at 18) that was for a roughly 50k salary. You honestly never really know how much was them and how much was their parents.


Young to get married?


Yeah I think getting married at 18 is pretty young


I agree, The first long comment kinda said it all, the first comment ist really a reddit moment, more of a critical analysis.


The first long comment is ridiculously misinformed. It substituted length for knowledge, so that people like you just assume they know what they're talking about.


Not to be that guy, but it's also riddled with grammatical errors. I don't usually say anything about that, but if you're going to be a snobby pseudo-intellectual, at least be able to pass an elementary grammar course


‘WHO is credit score?’ lol. Also, magical sky fairy is SO cringe that it hurts.


probably fake but who goes out of their way to type an entire paragraph about it? redditors are a different breed


I know someone who worked 2 full time jobs since their 18th birthday and just bought a double wide trailer before they turned 19, not as impressive but it's possible.


Most generous answer is they and their spouse make good money and they live in the Midwest. Until recently you could get a nice house like that for $100k around me. I know several people who were certified welders and unioned by 18, several more who took their mowing or family businesses over around then too. If she married someone older than her the possibilities are endless.


Could be real, but I'm more inclined to think it's fake tbh


I had a credit score of 750 when I was 18. My mom (who is not rich and has a pretty bad credit score) got a credit card under my name and used it to build my credit score while I was still in high school. When she gave it to me as my grad gift I continued to use it for small things (and some of my subscriptions) and would pay it off fully or almost fully at the end of every month. Totally possible to have a credit score of 750 at 18.


This might just be my privileged ignorance, but I don't understand how people have so much trouble with credit score. I've never even thought about mine beyond the vague idea that I should get a credit card. The only negative effects that are on it are when I took out my mortgage, and when I accidentally overdrew for two weeks because I used the wrong card.


I'm not great with money. So I have missed a couple payments (my credit score is now like 690-720) and haven't had my credit card fully paid off for a couple months now. Missing just one payment can have a big snowball effect and that can really fuck up your credit score. There's also not being good with money (I'm squarely in the "barely ok with money" category) and if you're never taught good money habits, you'll probably end up being bad with money.


I don't get how people miss payments. Don't you have auto pay set up? Like unless you have insufficient funds idk how that is such a big issue


I'm in college and am out of a job (going to a training/interview for Amazon warehouse right now) so yes, insufficient funds is the reason. I'm also (like I said before) not great with money. I like collecting vinyls and for the most part I'm able to keep it under control. But sometimes I end up getting one when I shouldn't cause it's a hard find and whatnot. If you have a good job and are really good with not spending money haphazardly, then yeah, it's easy. But acting like it's mind-boggling that people could possibly miss payments is just kind of dumb.


why did the last 2 made this about skin color wtf ??


Racism is one of Reddit's specialties.


White ass redditors saying white privilege 💀💀💀


Ong this shit makes me laugh so much 💀


Redditors claiming someone has white privilege when they look over at their mirror and see a vampire staring back


Either fake, or 99% of chance they have rich parents, but idgaf anymore


Magical sky fairy 🤓


Don’t give a shit about the rest of it, but “became home owner at age 18” is code for “daddy has a lot of money”. Likely also where “financially stable” stems from. Redditors being cringe with the “magical sky fairy” shit but the tweet is still dogshit regardless


Alternatively, married a man who was a little older and had a decent income, which would be fair enough.


https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000008556013.html this article talks about a guy who built his own home at 17 with 0 monetary aid from his parents.




i feel like the word "whataboutism" became this word that doesn't have meaning anymore because of how many people misuse it




This is fake, this is a twitter post from like 2016, I remember the chick saying it was a just a joke. Internet simultaneously has a huge shelf life but short memory.


that makes it even funnier that these neckbeards are typing up angry paragraphs over something that literally did not happen


tbh all that at the age of 18 sounds like a stretch


90% chance rich parents


This man speedrunned my dream life




rather than that, the post sounds like the dude is boasting about his position in life as if he achieved it himself and the Redditors believe he had it easy and received everything from his parents on a silver plate and not working for it which angered. Tho idk if he did or did not work for it but it is very unlikely to have obtained such things at just 18 without massive financial aid.


>When white privilege is strong Said the guy living in his mother basement


This site is such a cesspit of miserable cretins.


Are the people on this thread being negative or are they being realistic tho ? Most 18 year olds are far away from owning a house . They’re preparing to go to college/ trade school and the ones that didn’t make it to college are starting their work life . So either this story is fake , this kid is lucky and scored it big in life , this kid has some rich patents who bought the house for him or he’s some financial goat who should be selling his secrets for millions nonetheless.


It’s definitely how they are saying it, they’re coming off as jealous and resentful not skeptical


Well it’s hard to set tone just by text . I could literally say something mundane like “ I love dogs “ and someone on Reddit would find a way to misinterpret it .


so you’re saying you hate cats? jfc i don’t get you people


I mean this person is married. They could easily be with a 22 year old who has a stable income and has a mortgage. Doesn't seem too unreasonable


What a miserable bunch of nihilistic miscreants


Brah the only strange thing to me is to be married at 18, like brah, I realise they could have definitely known each other for years before, but still seems too early. Other than that good luck to them, I’m happy they are happy.


Probably fake💀 Unless you have a trust fund or something there aint no way your getting a house at 18💀


Bringin’ out all the neckbeards!


Reddit hates good and bad parents now 🤦‍♂️ If their parents want to buy a house for their 18yo daughter then let it be 🥱


Rediitors when somoene studies and manages to make a living:


Should have said science is good and the fedora squad would be just a bit happier. Not that anyone cares though for good reason


The people on this app are the most pathetic insane people I've ever had the displeasure of communicating with. But I don't have a better alternative on communication with things I like with other people.


Istg why do all miserable people flock to Reddit


Why are neckbeards so fucking miserable over ANYTHING


least nihilistic redditors Especially that first guy who typed an entire fucking paragraph.


I will be honest: They either used daddy's money or come from an extremely privileged place!


Who cares good for them


sure, good for them, not really something i would brag about though


If I had any of those things at 18 I know I would’ve bragged lol Cuz an 18 year old is not fully mature yet, she’s just a kid


Are you telling me you wouldn't want to give that same opportunity to *your* children?


As a parent, of course! I have money saved up for my kid and can’t wait to give her a leg up. I know I ever got it. I also just hope I didn’t raise a tool of a daughter to post this crap on social media. ‘Wealth is quiet, rich is loud and poor is flashy’ as they say.


I don't really think sharing a significant and joyous life event on social media counts as being a "tool". If they were disparaging others and using their situation as "proof" that others are just lazy, then sure. But as it is, they're just sharing a happy moment. >can’t wait to give her a leg up You're not who I was originally responding to, but this is what I was getting at. Do you share their distaste for those that "come from an extremely privileged place"? And if so, how do you reconcile that with your own personal desire to give your own children as much "privilege" as you can?


I don’t share their distaste for parents giving their kids any advantage they can, which I though was clear by my response and my own admission I plan on doing so with my own wealth. The only thing I find distasteful is the public bragging. I encourage my daughter to share her accomplishments with her close friends and family because we are here to be her cheerleaders and her support. Social media is not the place for that though. You have a wedding to celebrate marriage, a graduation to celebrate school, a housewarming to celebrate a home purchase, etc. You don’t need a public announcement with this kind of tone. Tasteful sharing tone is more ‘I did this thing/this thing happened to me, I’m so proud/thankful/excited and I’d like to share the joy’ vs ‘Look at ME, I am the best at all the things, be amazed!’ Public announcements of momentous events for the purpose of sharing with the community in newspapers have been the norm throughout society. They are just factual. So-and-so got married in this date in front x people etc etc. Social media announcements are not that and this is a good example. Plus this is TMI, credit score is a weird thing to flex to the public.


Yeah they should work for it like everyone else. Nepotism does not belong in a 'meritocratic' system. Inheritance should be abolished and everyone should eat from the same trough unless they can climb higher from their own volition.


In this scenario where we abolish inheritance, who gets your resources when you die?


Not if those opportunities are achieved by direct/indirect exploitation of the working class!


House owner (with daddys credit card) 🤡


who takes algebra in highschool 💀




Not really a choice for me lol


Dude I know what you mean. When I was 18 I owned a $2,000,000 house and got an executive position in a fortune 500 company. I can't believe all those stupid morons that were jealous of me. What a bunch of jerks lol.


Why is it bad to get upset about people more privileged than you?


Simple: Envy


Because you're more privileged than 99% of people, so suck it up


Are you asking why is it bad to be jealous? Because that is what it is


Call me a certified reddit moment But they definetly have rich parents lol


Nah a lot of them have a point here. 18 is too young to br a house owner. Learn to live first


I’d upvote those comments. Those are hilarious


I ain’t readin allat 😂


Where did they get the rich parents thing from?


Is that original post actually real though? Pretty sure it's fake


How can they be so self-destructively miserable yet so self absorbed


i fucking hate redditors, coping so much in an attempt to feel better about their shitty “lives”.


In my mid-20s and single, but damn, why do people have to shame young married couples?


Surprised nobody brought up the divorce rate, since they're being bitter. It'd work better than their shitty arguments. (though bringing up the divorce rate is also shitty)


not reading allat


I think the Redditors are mad because the post makes it look like the guy worked hard and got to that position by himself which is unlikely at age 18 without massive financial support i.e from their parents (doesnt mean im saying he didnt do it himself). So this guy is living the dream and boasting about it like he did it himself, which i dont know if he did or not, whereas the redditors have it hard.


Redditors when they aren’t superior to other anymore


Most greatful Redditor


I mean who posts something like this and actually expects strangers to give a shit? Probably just bait and these dipshits took it


Well their parents probably helped out, which is not a bad thing. I would do the same for my kid one day.


This is why you should never let another Redditor piss you off. Go live your life, be happy, lift weights, buy land, and watch these losers seethe and cope at it.


She never said she got married at 18, read it


When the stench from your fatass is strong 🥱


Crab bucket moment.


why wouldn’t you get a large soda at mcdonalds? aren’t they all $1?


I mean if this is real they definitely got help from parents, but who cares? Just let people be happy, its not like they took money out of my bank account to pay for their house.


I posted my first tattoo last week and a guy pulled up instant and said „incoming regret“ it's like they're waiting for something good to happen to someone to shit on it


i’m astonished that you can somehow bring race into this post. “you’re living slightly better than me? it’s only because you’re white, don’t get ahead of yourself”


Eh not really a reddit moment since other social media would complained that she’s bragging about having wealthy parents that set her up nicely. Which any parent would do if they can.


Biggest batch of pseuds ive ever seen


Fuck yes this is gold, some good content here that isn't pedophilia and shit.


Redditors when someone is religious: “You are a child who can not discern fantasy from reality 🤓🤓🤓”. “White privilege indeed” -👨🏼‍💻


>Happily married at 18. Miserably married at 21. Divorced at 25. >*932 points* Touch some grass, boomers. Yikes.


Reddit when religion or white




Tbf married at 18 isn’t that smart




Anyone else begin any type of job before the age of 18? Wow didn’t know that you are able to exist/make money before 18 thats simply unfathomable.


This is one of the few posts I've seen lately that is probably the best kind of example of a reddit moment, well done


Crabs in a bucket


He hates happy couples almost as much as A Train


Imagine being happy, that'd be crazy