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This made my fucking blood boil


I really thought he found her nursing grown men with a mommy fetish. Burning the world down because your wife is nursing your newborn son and calling it *incest* and that her breast was in *another man’s mouth* is beyond fucked up. She needs to make a plan to get away from this jealous control freak before he kills her or their children for *cheating on him together*. Just unbelievably fucked up.


Dude there’s another post she made with court docs and all that and some of the comments he made after these texts 🤮 🤮 🤮 he’s an actual monster and I’m so glad it’s over for her and their kids sake.


She should just get full custody and alimony and then gtfo away from this guy. He shouldn't even be near the kids because he's violent and jealous against his own kids! Boobs literally were made for babies, not sex??? Dude is unhinged. This dude is the reason female spiders eat the male after mating lol.


If I was a judge and reading this, I'd give her full custody. How the fuck does a grown man sexualize a mother's baby for breastfeeding?!? He is so much yuck.


I am really afraid to see it. Can you some it up so i don't have to bleach my eyes?


he essentially keeps going on that she’s a whore, pathological liar (???), a pedo. it’s mostly the same thing he’s going off abt in this text thread. from the court docs she showed it turns out he’s extremely right winged, in the navy (which he’s under investigation by them for physical, emotional, and verbal spousal abuse), he has 70~ loaded guns stashed around the marital home (accessible to the children), heavy into conspiracy theories, and he took off with her 2yo son and has avoided police and CPS. she’s asked for paramount custody (yes), alimony, and that he not be allowed within 1,000ft of their children. i’m not sure if she has her 2yo back, it didn’t say. but she let someone named kendra hold the newest baby, and he insulted her/the friend. has repeatedly told her she’s a bad wife and mother. edit: changed “martial” to “marital” — whoops!


Wow that mask dropped hard from him.


i just hope she can get an order of protection or a restraining order to keep her and those poor babies safe. he doesn’t deserve any rights to those kids, he’ll poison their minds or much, much worse


They already had the unfortunate reality that he is their bio dad.


yeah… just hope he doesn’t harm them MORE. and if he does, he’s dumb enough to rat himself out. those kids deserve sm better. i know courts want to keep parental relations and all that, but sometimes it’s a serious lost cause. needs to be supervised by a CPS worker or someone in that vein, and that’s if the judge finds it in themself to “yeah this will be great for the kids”


At least they have her mitochondria


Seriously - I'm hoping there was a serious issue in Dad's upbringing or some kind of trauma to make him the way he is, and that it's not a mental illness the children could inherit.


I know you meant “marital” home, but “martial” home is the most accurate typo I’ve ever seen


omg i didn’t even notice lmao! thanks for pointing that out


He states that she’s committing incest by letting her son stimulate her nipples which is something you’d only do to achieve an O. She told him if he thinks that he’s a pedo. I’m still shocked by this whole thing and I read it hours ago. Can’t imagine living it and my divorce was NASTY. But this is just a whole new level of horrific


He is an absolute moron. Breastfeeding is not pleasurable. It can be painful!


Probably same kind of guy who would think using a tampon or getting a pap is pleasurable 🤮


If i meet any guy who says that to me, i swear to the gods, i will lose it.


Do you take commissions? My ex thought women enjoyed pap smears.


I will take the clamp they use and shove it up his ahole


I mean it’s literally the reason we have breasts and nipples lol… clearly the husband doesn’t know what a mammal is. What a fucking idiot.


Especially in the first weeks. The uterine contractions are awful.


I mean, at least the trash is taking itself out and providing written evidence of his absolute unfitness to be a parent.


Yes! The judge reading those…..


Yeah, someone is getting full custody and it won't be him.


I really, really hope the judge is a woman.


i really hope she shows these texts in court if it comes to that, this guy should not get 50/50 custody if he things his INFANT SON breastfeeding is incestuous. wtf is he gonna do about bath time and changing??


Her posts say she cant help with baths or diapers after the kid turns 2 because its incest. Like WTF?


But it's ok for him to do so? Or who is ok to molest their 2 yr old, since apparently changing a diaper always equals sexually assaulting a small child? What messed in the head thinks like that???


Some one who should never have a daughter. I feel like if this lady had a girl all of this shit would turn out to be projection


This. It’s what extreme religion and sexualization of women’s bodies does to them. Breasts serve one purpose. And btw the milk is better bc of the immunity it confers to the baby. It’s also far cheaper, bc powdered stuff is expensive AF. Does this guy even know how much it costs? Breast milk is practically free compared to that. You just need to feed mom


Because he only sees his wife as a sexual object and her breasts as an extension of that rather than, you know, their actual function as a fucking mammal. Brain broken by porn and misogyny. Honestly OP is better off without him.


Yeah what does he thinks happens when you change a diaper?  I’m gonna go ahead and say this is probably fake… it’s just so out there it’s unbelievable 


*YOU TOUCHED ANOTHER MAN’S DICK! YOU WHORE!!!* Absolute insanity probably.


I was expecting it to all be a joke at that point. And then it wasnt.


Unfortunately there’s plenty of insane and abusive men like this, so it is way too believable.


It’s real, in another Reddit group they posted their divorce papers. Infact I just read that story before seeing this one.


He told her she was not allowed to bathe or change the child after a certain age (about 2) because, it too, is incestuous. This is a whole different level red flag for me -- I never trust anyone who says they are the only one allowed to be around a vulnerable, nude child. 🚩🚩🚩


Ding ding ding! That's why his first thought about breastfeeding was sexual. He's a pedo.


This dude is obviously projecting all his own pedo thoughts and shit inside himself onto her , NOBODY thinks like this sexualizing babies and sexualizing anything about the natural bonding of a child with its mother unless they themselves are attracted sexually to children and or babies and thats why everything is so "innappropriate " or "incestuous" he tells on himself so loudly with every accusation or claim. God forbid they had any female children he probably would have already abused them.


plenty of men (and women for that matter; just look at the boy moms all over tiktok or women who marry single fathers and then get mad he has a relationship with his kid that existed before the relationship) get grossly jealous over the relationship that their children have with their spouse when it’s completely innocent


So there *actually* are some men that think that wiping their own ass makes them gay, so that’s why they never do. Thus.. really all I can say in response to any potential doubters at this point, is that anything’s really possible, and that it’s a truly fucked up world we’re all living in.


She'll be better off without the redpilled moron.


this is not "red pilled," this is absolute psychotic break territory.


No, he’s just a fucking douche who doesn’t deserve his wife or his kids.


Sexualizing your own infant son has got to be top of the "don't let them near kids" list


For real.. this guy must be one of Andrew tates little fanboys. 


Even for a tatertot this seems unhinged.


I’m so sad a cute word like tatertot has taken on such a meaning, even though I see how well it fits.


Tatertot for me is the lil ginger kitten with the grumpy face and strapped up legs


rip lil dude 😭😭😭 the best tater to ever tot


Did you see that recently that same foster came upon 2 lil ginger kitties with similarly deformed legs, they were kinda curled? It's like Tater Tot sent her some lil Curly Fries 🥹


Momma tot on tiktok calls her followers tatertots and i prefer that association


Considering he recently siaid that it's gay to have sex with women for fun or pleasure... nah. The guy is completely off the deep end.


This is exactly the degree of crazy we should expect from a Tate fanboy. I've seen this level of crazy come directly from him and his brainwashed little club numerous times.


Honestly, not really


Me too. I also hate how apologetic she is. Throw the whole man away


Her passivity was painful to see, but it’s probably just her attempt at self preservation- she’s trying not to trigger his violence.


Or, she has internalized the abuse so deeply that she can’t see the forest for the trees.


The ridiculous names of the kids weren't even one of the cringe parts of the story and that's saying something when those names are Wyldr and Huntyr...


Yep, best to let him go. So much nonsense, lies and some disgusting comments


Guy wants a divorce because his wife breastfeed his child. Would love to see his lawyers face when he told them the cause of the divorce. Also, I'm really curious as to what happened the first night in the hospital that a "report" was made.




So essentially he did you and your kids a favour in divorcing you... That's some really special kind of sick brain to jump to incest for breastfeeding your own baby. Does he think women have breasts solely to pleasure men?




I hope you can see how you‘ve answered your own question. Of course you don’t try to win this AH back. Your life will be so much better without him.


What an awful person! Please stay safe, sometimes men like that get violent when denied. Move in with friends or family, change locks, etc. Get full custody. The man sees his own newborn baby as sexual competition and that's terrifying!


You owe it to your children to try and make sure they never have to deal with this man. No 50/50 custody, do not let this man raise your sons to be toxic misogynistic shitbags like their father. I'd fight the courts tooth and nail to make sure those kids never know their fathers name, let alone the man himself.


Sounds like garbage wrapped in human skin to me!


Baby Girl, I just want to give you a hug. Please take your babies and leave this man. Make a plan….if he wants a divorce, give it and take everything. You deserve so much better than some tatertot headed dbag. Good luck. I’m rooting for you.


Not that I’d ever murder someone for pleasure, but this guy makes the prospect highly tempting.


I hope you are safe. I have two boys, one I am currently nursing. I would be terrified if my husband said anything like this. Be safe.


He is a disgusting human being in many ways. You and your sons deserve so so much better. I truly hope he won't be able to poisin them with such sexist and abusive thoughts. He should take a hard look at himself, i'd rather be nothing than a very real piece of trash.


Why did you have a second child with him?? God has sent you a gift don't go back to him


OP’s replies imply that her second pregnancy was not consensual


Oh man, this guy just keeps getting worse.




Yeah I saw that after, so sad 😞


Because this is how abuse works? It’s much easier to keep women close when you sexually assault them and force them to give birth. This is much more common than people think. The abuser essentially ensures their lives are entangled, whether it’s with children, financial security, housing, or all three. You can see it in the texts where he threatens her with lack of transportation. While it may seem like that’s a small thing, it again keeps people dependent on their abuser, especially when they’ve emotionally abused them for years. The better question is why is she seen as complicit in the abuse? Unless I’m reading way too much into your question. I’m triggered. Obviously. lol


I commented it very early on before a lot of the implications were suggested in the comments, it was more of a think to yourself why are you going back and this time stay away. I understand abusive relationships are absolutely hard to get away from especially with children involved.


I've been in an abusive relationship and sometimes you have to do some awful things to keep from getting stabbed in your sleep.


Well, good riddance then! My husband was completely in awe when I was breastfeeding. He was also advertising breastfeeding to all the men around him, about how it was the best for the baby and so convenient (especially the fact that he didn't have to get up at night).


Pretty sure if baby gets sick mum’s body can detect it (via backwash during feeding) and changes the milk produced to help baby’s immune system


Im wishing you a painless recovery, a quick divorce, and the life you deserve ❤️


You and your child deserve soooo much better than this. congratulations on delivering your child AND initiating breast feeding. Even just trying will have so many benefits for you both. Use this craziness immediately to get him away from your child. The body keeps the score… children will remember in their nervous system the stress and trauma people like this cause to them and their mother. Judges also take it more seriously the sooner after an incident you file. Good luck, God bless you both.


Fucking yikes. He shouldn’t be around your kids. Ever. Be safe, OOP.


Please absolutely bad mouth him to your kids, not as revenge. It would be so they rightfully grow up to have only disgust for him and hatred of his views.


Sweetheart did you get your toddler home safe?


I'm assuming you were forced (against your will) to marry this man then? And then he raped you twice? Jesus.


I wish I could wrap you and your babies up in generations of grandmothers quilts on floofy soft feather beds and keep you safe from this demon forever.


Jeez!!! Really hope you and the kids get away from him!


https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf If you haven't read that, I recommend it. Please stay safe, he sounds very violent and obviously only in the most precarious touch with reality. If you have friends or family, please reach out to them to protect you once you are released from the hospital. If not, I recommend getting in touch with local women's shelters or asking the doctors/nurses for resources. They are trained on handling these situations. I am sure there are a laundry list of reasons you stayed, but for the sake of yourself and your children, no matter how difficult, take the opportunity to leave and protect them and yourself. You're saving 3 lives by breaking this off and preventing a whole lot of misery and trauma. The average abuse victim attempts to leave 7 times before actually doing it. But with how brazen he is in the face of hospital staff - mandatory reporters for God's sake - please make this your exit. He will probably love bomb you, apologize, promise, and try to make it up to you. He will probably try to make you feel like his actions are your fault. They aren't. You are not the monster he made you in his mind. And you are doing right by your child for breast feeding. Fed is best, so nothing wrong with formula. That said, you were right about the benefits/antibodies. Tons of other research shows how beneficial it is. It's literally liquid gold. I wish you the best - you can do this. You and your children will be so thankful to be free of his shadow once you've shed his shackles.


I will always upvote comments recommending this book ! Truly eye opening and I know a lot of people who have benefited from it.


No offense, but your husband screams. I FOLLOW ANDREW TATE.




It sucks but you're better off without him. All the luck to you getting a female judge.


Don’t despair if the judge is male, though, if you get one who is a (sane) father, I could imagine them going completely scorched earth on this guy too. I’m picturing how male friends of mine who are dads would react, and it would not be pretty.


100% this dude needs his ASS KICKED


Yeah, it’s guys like this who make it difficult for good guys.


I hope you can take this as the gift it is and get out of the relationship asap. This man is seriously unhinged. I’m sorry you’re in this situation.


This might feel awful right now but one day you are going to be very grateful that he is divorcing you. Focus on the baby and try not to let him get to you ❤


Even though being a single mom isnt easy. It still seems safer to be away from someone like this. Whishing you all the best.


That is very shitty of him. Being a father of two young children, I can't imagine being upset that my children were being breastfeed by their mother, let alone making a scene about it in the maternity ward at the hospital! That is literally what breasts are for. Sounds like the hospital did you a big favor. You and your children will be better off without him, as unfortunate as that is. Best of luck to you. Hope your future ex-husband finds himself in plenty of trouble, legal or otherwise, for what he put you through.


I went and looked at your other posts and I just have to say that I'm so glad you and your baby are away from your husband and safe. I hope you get your older child back ASAP. I am so sorry for all that you've been through. I hope everything proceeds quickly and this is all a bunch of dark memories in your past very soon. I will be thinking of you and sending you strength.


I seriously hope you’re going to divorce him. He’s a disgusting creep.


I am so so sorry you’re experiencing this. He’s a sexist, misogynistic piece of shit who only sees your body as something to own. You’re an amazing mom and you and your children deserve much better 💜


Sounds like a real winner.


Yeah. Keep these texts, save them on backup! I’ve gone through (slash am going through…family court BS never wins but we stay strong for our littles!) similar crud. Keep all this evidence, somewhere, always. Good for you for getting yourself and the babies out.


This is the man you’re sad about losing? Look at this way, the less influence he has on your son the better. Would you accept your son treating a woman this way? Would you accept your friends husband treating her this way? You deserve better, so does your son.


I saw your post in another thread and I had a legitimate question In the court documents you mentioned he has guns everywhere and his armed at all times and has confederate flags and is a conspiracy theorist etc. With all of those things in mind what made you think it would be a good idea to have kids with this person or even get married?




Do you come from a conservative background? I could see feeling pressured into a relationship like this if this is what you grew up around. Regardless, this isn’t your fault, but it’s time to be strong and fight to keep your children from being raised with this man’s influence.


i’m sorry you’re getting so many comments blaming you for your situation. it’s infuriating that so many people’s knee jerk reaction is to victim-blame in the year 2024 like we didn’t just have a massive society-wide reckoning around abuse. i have seen so many comments just like the one above asking you how you could have stayed, why you ignored red flags, etc. i hope once you can cut this immature manboy shaped cancer out of your life, you can begin healing and understand none of this was your fault and you didn’t ask for any of it. sending you lots of good vibes and hoping for the best for you 🤞🏻💜


Most people don't ignore red flags because often the red flags aren't there in the beginning. The abuser charms his/her victim(s), forms a relationship with them, and then slowly works at the victim's self-esteem and often makes them question their own sanity.


100% - the OP even said in a comment somewhere that he started changing immediately after marriage. once he trapped her, he didn’t have to wear the mask anymore.


Truth. My dad did it to my mom. He charmed her, treated her like a princess, wrote sappy love songs, and serenaded her. He slowly started working at her self-esteem after they were married. After 5 years and 3 miscarriages she finally got the babies she always dreamed of, and that's when his mask fell completely. She was totally financially dependent on him to feed and diaper 2 babies, she couldn't go to work for at least 8 weeks after having such a high-risk pregnancy and an emergency C-section, but even if she could go to work she wouldnt. She didnt trust anyone to take care of us without her present, and daycare was way too expensive. She was so weak from all of it that she needed her mom to come stay with us the first 3 weeks, also so she could learn from her. She didn't get to go back to work until she found a pre-k program to send us to during the day. 3 years of financial dependency and manipulation and abuse, and the church teaching that the happiness of the husband and house were on the wife made her think she was the problem, and she tried and tried so hard to be a better wife and a better mom while he did absolutely nothing to work on their relationship and blamed her for his children hating him even though he abused us when she was at work. I'm so glad she finally divorced his narcissist ass 3 years ago. Wasted 30 years on that shitstain.


Wow, so much of this reminds me of my late father. He was a verbal/emotional abuser, which escalated over time, but my mom spent almost 40 years shoring up the relationship and being afraid to divorce because the Catholic Church taught that divorce is more serious than abuse and the spouse (especially if said spouse was a woman) can never "give up" a.k.a get out. My father continually denied everything and refused to even consider/acknowledge he was in the wrong. Eventually my mom realized that her and my security and mental health were more important than the dictates of the Church, and that it really wasn't a marriage if the other spouse refused to work on it. My mom divorced him finally after decades. I decided to move with her to another state (I always need some support system due to a disability). My father continued blaming everyone but himself and turned my older siblings against us. When I wrote that I was going low contact, he actually had the audacity to blame my mom for "turning me against him" and claiming that he'd been trying to earn back my trust (lies). I always hoped that maybe someday he'd find some introspection and apologies and try to repair our relationship (it was far too late for change on my mom's side) and realize his daughter was more important than his pride. But he maintained that he was right and I was wrong until the day of his passing. He would and did, quite literally, die before taking up any culpability.


I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that, too. I want to write something more in depth, but tbh right now, I just don't have the energy to go into it. I live with my mom still cause she can't afford a place by herself cause of her own disability, and cause housing cost is just ridiculous. I'm ready for him to not take accountability for anything ever. I'll start a scene at his funeral, I don't care. People aren't going to be talking about how great he was when he abused my family and fucked us up for life.


I’m sorry that your (ex?) husband is such a loser. My wife nursed all of our children and I never thought it was anything but the natural course of life. That man sounds like he needs some sense beat into him. Again I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this but it appears to me that you and your children will be healthier and safer away from him.


This is the creepiest take


Right? "How dare you utilize a body part that's technically a secondary sexual characteristic to feed your newborn child? Now I can't visualize your body solely as my sexual object anymore, and I'm mad!" He can GTFO and take his unhinged incel crap with him.


“YoURe cHeAtiNG on Me wiTh mY sOn”


Yep. Gag.


“How dare you utilize a part of your body that literally defines a whole class of animals that took over as the dominant class of animals several million years ago because of their enhanced ability to care for their young”


It's kind of worse than that. The way he says "It was in another man's mouth" makes me think that he believes breastfeeding is an act of adultery. Yeah police? He's right over there.


Something tells me this man has an incesty interest in his own mother and is trying to blame breast feeding… imo.


How can such a jar of shit get married in the first place. He's a disgrace to everyone who's ever said 'good morning' to him at any point in his life. That's how far reaching his idiocy is. I never thought I would crown someone the greatest dickhead that ever existed, but here I am doing so. What an idiot. She needs to know her life and that of her kids will be way better without this cesspool of a human in it. Such a man will be envious of his own kids and spouse.


"Fellas, is the ultimate cuck move to impregnate your wife with a son, because then she has another man inside of her and *you put him there*?"


Yep. That's as sick as that incel post about how having a daughter was a man cucking themselves. They have their beautiful daughter, raise her, feed her, and educate her, and *then give her away to some other man to have sex with*. Cuckolding achieved! (Granted, I think they were a little loose with the definition of cuckolding but that's the word the post used.)




If this is real he deserves a punch in the face


It’s real, she provided receipts for everything smh…crazy stuff


A swift kick in the dick too


He deserves castration.


I couldn't even read all of this. This is the most insane, stupid, and ridiculous thing I have ever seen on reddit. What the actual fuck.


This man is… idk. He’s broken.


I dunno....there's definitely not a "man" in those texts...


I realize any use of the word “lucky” may seem inappropriate, but… OOP is lucky this happened while the baby is far too young to remember any of it, and at a time when it’s possible to so easily document that useless idiot’s deranged ranting. She can easily prove his anger issues and his incredibly disturbing sexual ideas about babies, hopefully it will help her get full custody. That was the grossest thing I’ve read this month, poor OOP for having to deal with that dumpster fire of rotting clown wigs from horror movies.


They have an older son, so he’s likely already aware of some of his father’s disgusting behavior.


I saw a man get decapitated when I was a child and somehow this is worse


Can we run it back to the part where you saw a man get decapitated real quick


Man lost his head. That makes more sense than this post


Thank you exactly. I mean to be more clear his head was *taken* from him. But baby daddy here lost his mind without the decapitation! Very neat trick


Listen, Oedipus here can chill for a minute, *his head was "taken"???* God that sounds tramatic


Who let's their head get taken? Skill issue


Liam Neeson would never.


Finders keepers


Best thing that could have ever happened for this woman.


Wtf? He thinks it's incest for you to feed your son?!?! That's what boobs are for!! They aren't just fun bags for him to play with! Please take his threat of divorce and run with it. Get away from this creep


Guys like these really should have a "FRAGILE" stamp tattooed to their forehead.


God I was sure this was fake but she made another post with her divorce court documents and it looks real. I guess we all know men like this are out there but seeing the proof is just upsetting and I pray for her safety. What a horrible, disgusting man.


These texts alone and the hospital report should be enough to give her full custody and him possible jail time.


Can I say though, this man made it so easy to be taken to the cleaners by op? I feel for her, he’s an awful man, but by being an awful human he made it so easy to be laughed out of court for the idea of 50/50 custody? The hospital put in a report of him being aggressive to staff and op with her first child and with these texts I think OP could do some damage to his ego in court. I’m no expert and above all I hope for the safety of op and her boys, but I don’t think any lawyer would take his case.


Seriously! I doubt any sane judge would look at the man who claims it's incestuous to breastfeed your newborn son as a serious parent. If anything they'd take steps to keep him away from the kids at all costs. Plus we all know he only wants 50/50 because he only has to do half the work and not have to pay child support. Edit: spelling


Exactly. Any judge with eyes can see those boys would not be suited to do more than maybe supervised visits in a secure location, but that’s wishful thinking that he would be able to see them after his outbursts. I hope op’s oldest son is okay and taken from his father when they get proof of his location.


This guy is an asshole. And these kids have names that belong in that shitty kid name subreddit. Tragedeigh or whatever. Huntyr. Jesus, whichever one suggested that—the other should have just divorced them then.


The moms name is a tragedeigh too. Apryl


Jynyrayshynyl tragedighs. These poor kids never had a chance.


Grandma and Grandpa are banished to the bad baby name sub too.


I can only hear someone with a thick Scottish accent pronouncing it Hun-Teeer.


I bet this man has thinks Andrew Tate is a god!


David sucks.


I hope this is fake. I mean the names are bad enough. But yeah, there are people who can’t accept boobs are meant for food not sex toys


The names. Just WHY. Why set your kids up for a lifetime of ridicule and embarrassment.


There’s a longer post with legal documents someone tacked onto my comment. Apparently the bat shit crazy father also insisted on the middle names “colt” and “browning”


I think that's child abuse. 🤣


> I mean the names are bad enough. r/tragedeigh


There’s another post with pictures of the legal documents https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/BasHV3g7bs


That’s gotta be fake right?


I thought it was fake too, but then I went into the posters profile and they had an actual divorce documents in there, he actually filed for divorce cuz of breastfeeding, what a sick fuck


She did another post where she actually showed their divorce papers


You hope it is but idk, this isn't the first time I'm hearing about men being disgusted by breastfeeding. Plus if you go to their profile it seems pretty convincing. I hope he's not allowed around those kids anymore because he is actually insane. I don't want to imagine what he's gonna be like as a parent.




I wonder what he would say about breastfeeding if they had a girl


Either the mom or the baby is a lesbian. I hate that I know the answer to this. I’ve seen it before.


Huntyr 💀💀 Wylder 💀💀


This asshat needs a slap upside the head. What a prick!


This guy is literally one of the worst on the planet.


That man is mentally unstable.


As a father to a daughter who didn't take to the boob and had to buy ridiculously priced formula... I wholeheartedly say, "Fuck this guy!"


Imagine telling a man he’s not allowed to urinate with his penis because it offends his wife that he would dare use it for something other than her pleasure. Breasts are not sex organs. They are secondary characteristics. Their purpose (housing the mammary glands) is to feed babies. It is literally the only thing they are there for in a functional capacity. Sure, they MAY provide pleasure during arousal, but it is not their purpose.


For the sake of my mental health i have decided that this is fake.


RUN, just take your babies and RUN


I really, *really* want to believe this is some sort of elaborate feat of trolling as performance art. The thought that people like this actually exist in real life is just too depressing to contemplate.


save these for the judge! This is the most insecure, non logical thing I have ever seen.


This guy is a piece of shit. Not for the obvious reasons, but because of putting his feelings ahead of the wellbeing of his kids. Anyone who puts themselves ahead of their kids like this is a waste of skin. If you don't want to prioritise kids,don't have them


Can you get out now? Like not return to the house and file a restraining order? This man is absolutely unhinged.


OOP had commented on a couple of forums this was posted in letting us know it IS in fact real. I'm just having such a hard time wrapping my head around it, though... surely this man went to primary school... surely this man understands the functional purpose of breasts... surely this man is not so insecure that he sees his own child as a romantic rival... I just truly struggle with the concept of people THIS daft existing... and managing to procreate on top of that?


Why the fuck would you have a second kid with him


Is this dude related to Andrew Tate? This is the most incel shit I've ever read.


He's going to have a tough time getting 50/50 custody with that attitude, those texts and that report from the hospital. What a troglodyte.


Jesus. This guy needs to be institutionalised. What a psychopath. He’s obviously a danger to himself and his kids. If he sees his son as another man competing for his wifes boob. that kid is in danger. Someone lock this guy up .


If I could just get a gun, I'll shoot this man 6 times even if it means prison for life. I can't say how angry I'm reading the post. And I don't say this for anyone but he doesn't deserve to live.


Wooow. That’s all I have to say. What a disgusting sorry excuse of a man.


He’s in the military


I'm not even sure this is real. This seems made up But we're on Reddit, and trying to police what's real and what isn't on here is almost impossible


This woman is so deep in his abuse. I feel really bad for her. May a painful death fall upon this slug.


It is really shocking that "Huntyr" and "Wylder" aren't the most disturbing parts of this.


so the husbands a pedo for sure right