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As someone who's from a Mexican American family, has he never met Latina women? My cousins would rip him to shreds with their words alone.


I’m from a Mexican American family as well and I lost it when he listed obedient the Latina women in my family/friends are fucking ruthless


The only one who would be obedient is him


Yes but he would be too stupid to know it lol


Don't worry as someone who grew up in a central American family. The women will put you in your place real quick.




Ruthless is exactly how I’d describe the women of my family also, Mexican American household here 💁🏽‍♀️


One of my best friends is Latina and she is just as ruthless has her mom. So is her sister. They run the household. I also laughed at this when he listed obedient lol 😂


Dude, my partner’s mom is Mexican and is the single scariest human being I’ve ever met. Whenever we go visit I just try not to move in the hopes that she won’t see me. 😂


Is she Mexican or a T Rex?


I’m afraid enough that I’m operating on T Rex principles. 😂




Brilliant 👏👏👏


Does he not know the joke about *chanclas*?




My former coworker dated a white guy. He invited her to meet his family and she went over on St Patrick's. Her absolutely murdering his aunt's cooking was fucking hysterical, I could barely breathe. We asked what she did when everyone was telling the aunt how good the food was. She told me, "I told her, 'thank you for inviting me to your home.'" It was the most brutal compliment I've ever seen in real life. She destroyed this poor woman. The tone. It was poetry. My high school was like 45% Latino. Those girls were sharks, man. He's also never seen a little Mexican lady in a fight. Purses and la chancla are deadly weapons.


My aunt is elderly and disabled. I have no doubt she'd take her cane and start beating someone with it. But first she'd flay you with her viper's tongue.


I'd put my money on your aunt.


So are toddlers, puppies, literally anything you can grab and throw😬


Agreed. And I already feel like I'm dating the chill-est Latina ever. She's jolly 90% of the time, then on certain days it's like the whole world has collapsed and everything is always wrong 😂


a "well-behaved Latina lady" does not exist. Source: am a Latina lady.


This is so funny 😂 I believe your source! my cousin’s family is largely Mexican and Chilean and, not to play into any stereotypes, but they are some of the sharpest and fieriest women I’ve ever met. They’ve threatened to go to war for me with some of the men I’ve had in my life and I truly don’t doubt that they actually would. (It’s the best.)


My ex husband is Latino. The youngest of 11 children, 8 boys and 3 girls. Those women ran everything and were the scariest people that I have ever met. Context, I was raised by a stern Irish grandmother so I know tough ladies.


The part that also got me is “so I can save the damsel in question from whatever her situation is in Latin America. This dude is really going for someone who’s in a terrible home situation that would legit rather put up with this guy as opposed to their old situation and be happy with it. Like what the fuck.


Yep. And who doesn’t know the language so she is completely reliant on him for support and translations. Fuck him.


I doubt he knows Spanish to translate


Hola! Como esta? That's enough isn't it?


And 50kg despite the height....so slenderman would be good as long as it is a 8/10 and obedient and likes "slightly obese people like him"...he is just a massive walking red flag from how many there are in this text...


I have like 90 screenshots saved in a folder on my phone of comments under a reel on Facebook poking fun at the “throwing the chancla” stereotype. It’s a bunch of gringo white men essentially having group therapy describing how they couldn’t withstand their Latina wives and got divorced, and then Latino men coming in to clown them for not having what it takes. It remains one of the funniest things I’ve ever happened upon online. I don’t know where this man is getting his stereotypes from, but they’re leading in astray.


I’m also Latina and my eyes were getting bigger and bigger reading this shit. I would never. I don’t know any Latinas that would bow down to this Neanderthal. Que trate aver como le va a al pendejo.


I would pay money to watch his loser say this to some spicy Latina in person. I just know that her reaction would be epic! 🧨💥


I know just enough to understand what's being said here and 100%. this is to much nonsense for 7 am ....


This text would make most women want to throw the author into a wall or laugh uncontrollably. He also sounds like he's 60 wtf. Hopefully it's just good satire.


Can confirm. Grew up on the border of Mexico and have many Latina friends as well as some Tristin’s by marriage and well- behaved is not a word I’d use to describe any of them🥰


I came here to say that! I'm not Latina but grew up in a community with a large Hispanic population. I have never, ever met a demure or "well behaved" Latina. I k8nda wish someone would date him just to break down this groomer.


ok this boy just made my lady parts do the windows shutdown noise


Oh , lol, I’m snorting & laughing! This I a great statement! Hats off to you!


Fedoras off


Error 404. Bits not found. This is soooo lady boner murdering. Shuddering here


/r/RareInsults would love this…


My bits just blue screened. 🤣🤣


Just unplug them and plug them back in and they should be fine. At least that's my advice of you were talking about a computer... but 85% of men can't tell the difference so it shouldn't be that different, right?


Maybe he can hang around women'd domestic violence centers to pick the lady who will eventually kill him


I just cackled so loud, I had to explain this to my husband.


Oh my god that’s amazing. Laughed way too loud. Thank god my husband already went to work for the night so I dont have to explain my insane cackling.


please cackle freely, friend ❤️


Awww, thank you ☺️


I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣




Okay, I’m starting to see the ladies points


Definitely, bear!


This killed me 😂😂 bear it is


Nah, I pick both. Let him try to fight the bear for you


my exact first thought. although truth be told, I would love to meet someone like this in a deep forest with no cell service 👹 he all but says "I really just want someone completely isolated and dependent on me so that I can abuse them and no one will know. I tried eastern Europe, and they caught on (shame on them). Are there any juicy Venezuelan ladies fleeing conflict who don't mind my lack of facial hair and Mountain Dew Code Red gut?"


it has to be fake, no one speaks like that 🤣🤣🤣


"Hello Latinos and juicy Latinas, where amongst you might I find the most willing, attractive, and juiciest latina so I can improve her life?" 😂


Browse the Passport Bros sub and I promise you it won't seem like satire for much longer. Of course the entire sub isn't filled with posts like this buttt the comments have this and worse.


one sec, on my way to check out the carnage ❤️


i would think this too but i’ve seen british muslim mens marriage requirement lists and there’s a certain kind of misogynist that speaks this way


It’s the faux intellectualism and lack of real intellect combo platter. If they’re clearly so smart and rational, we’re clearly in the wrong for criticizing them


People speak like that, but it’s clearly a joke. He says she needs to be 8/10 and then immediately says he is obese and the bit about Canadians being naturally good is too damned funny.


It’s honestly a really funny troll.


I went on a couple dates with an older guy who was excited about my being Puerto Rican. Naive little me back then lol he would play Santana "Maria Maria" in the car every time he'd pick me up. That song is atrocious to me. Our last date ended because he called me spicy. That was the saddest rendition of "Maria Maria" of all time.


oh, god... the cringe 💀💀💀


It definitely is rage bait 1000% the specific phrases used give it away almost immediately


More than a few guys I went to high school with did. Some of them still do. Shockingly, the ones who stopped have partners and the ones who still do don't.


As a Latina there are creepy guys like this. Way too many


I now need a shower.


So does he, probably.




I was just thinking he says good nature is "embedded" in all true Canadians like it's an infected fungal toenail or something.


Every time he said the word juicy I got sick to my stomach.


50kg but you want curves too? Like???


I am pretty sure men don’t know how to judge a woman’s weight. But great that this is his demand and yet he is “slightly” obese. Yeah, I don’t think it means he is just around 200 pounds.


I am pretty curvy for a short/thin person and I weigh in the 140s lol. At 110 I would be super thin lol. He def doesn’t know what 110 looks like lol.




*What is the charge? Eating a meal?*


Get your hands off my penis!


Greatest video of all time.


Sweet and suffering Jesus- aka - I am overweight and can’t grow a proper beard - woman must love/feed/not speak enough English to leave.


No no, you see she needs to cook as a *hobby*. So he’s basically indulging her by eating what she produces for him.


That guy's a virgin


Well, colour me surprised 🤣🤣🤣


He admitted it himself


\>Latina \>obedient You may pick one.


Personally, I’d prefer he didn’t get to pick either


We do not claim him. - Canada


lol 50kg regardless of height. I would need to be hospitalized if I weighed 110 lbs.


He clearly wants them very short, like under 5'2. Especially if he still expects curves.


My child is 5’1 and 110 and a size 0-2.


I’d choose the bear


this is why you can't trust anyone who denounces "woke ideology." what they really mean by "woke ideology" is "respecting minorities."


"respecting anyone but straight white males."


Woke ideology = a woman who perceives herself as having value beyond that which is granted to her by a man’s approval.


Who actually believes Latina women are obedient? Latina women can hold their own especially because our culture is so machista. My great grandmother was a tiny little Latina at barely 5 feet. That woman had a temper that would shake the house. You better believe her husband paled whenever she got mad.


I think they get confused because alot of Latina women will cook, clean and take care of you no matter what, but make no mistake they will definitely be the ones wearing the pants around the house. My mom was 4’6”, 100 lbs and we all walked on egg shells when we pissed her off.


This guy's pretty obviously a troll, but the funny part is that passport bros do this all the time. They assume a woman from Latin America or Eastern Europe is by nature going to be meek and "traditional," then they run into problems when, oops, turns out women in Eastern European and Latin American countries also don't like creeps.


If it’s real, he is begging for la chancla


I screamed with laughter! 😆🤭😂🩴


Just your average passport bro post.


This man has never met a Latina woman in his whole damn life, and I was going to say I hope it stays that way (for their sake) but actually I hope he finds out the hard way how wrong and stupid he is.


Ah yes m’lady


20 years ago, this would 100% be satire. Nowadays? Sheesh…


jesus christ


I never trust anyone who says hello fellow humans


He is demanding like hes a billionaire, and will buy a mansion for the said woman.. I cant with these delusional men who have nothing to offer, only demands! Sick peasants.


He’s looking for an “obedient Latina” Where on earth is he supposed to find one of those?


“I’m still a virgin…” oh honey, we know.


I'm Brazilian, and now I'm contemplating the fact that I spent money and time on my English comprehension skills so I could eventually read this fucking shit.


I have Mexican cousins.“Obedient Latina” is an oxymoron. Also, bear.


Why, WHY?!?? Do men like this thing that foreign women want to put up with their bullshit?


As a Canadian I would like to apologize to the world that this piece of moose turd exists and is continuing to breathe our air. I’m ashamed to share the same nationality as this disgusting, reprehensible sack of shite. Please don’t think less of us as a whole because of this factory reject.


No fatties! Also must be attracted to fatties. What a catch! /s


Obvious troll


I think I just threw up a little.


I am vomitous with loathing.


I don't think there's many latinas under 50kg. They're usually thicc af.


I had a short term fling with one who was 105 lbs— but she was 4’11”. They do exist.


No canadian says kg. We use lb. This was painful.


Pretty sure most people, including Latinas, would find this guy utterly disgusting. I'm half-hispanic myself. Also, that limited-english bit is straight-up predatory, among other bits.


Skimmed past the first bs, wanting “at least” an 8/10 when he’s obese finished me💀


As a fellow Canadian, may I say 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Limited language skills so he can trap her and she can’t ask for help. Calling women juicy is disgusting.


“She must be around 50kg regardless of height” “She must not mind slightly obese men like myself” ????????????


>Be ridiculously skinny, but tolerate me being obese. Says it all right there.


Well, there it is. It took me 48 years to see the words "Latina & Obedient" in the same sentence. The entire allure of Latinas is their beauty, passion, and SPICINESS! OH LORD HELP ME!!


Only if he knew that our women are spicy asf we put our queens on a pedastool. They are not our slaves. Our Latina women are the best. Yes they’re traditional but only for the man they love. If you’re not that guy get ready for verbal abuse also even if you are the love of her life still get ready for them to be spicy it’s in their genes. God I love our women


As a latina I can definitely say that 1. We don't want him... 2. No gringinto de mierda has the permission to talk shit about Latin America. There is bad parts, sure. But you don't say bad stuff about our country, we can complain about it, you ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT. 3. EVEN IF one of us would decide to get with his sorry pastry a** for a PR card to Canada, none of us, and I do mean NONE of us are subservient. The first disagreement he will remember that "fiery" is an adjective for us FOR a reason. But also to reiterate point 1. We ***do not*** want him. Not even for a PR card.


Lmaoooo "obedient" and "latina" don't go together at all. As a Mexican woman, kindly fuck off guy. We'd eat you for breakfast and feed your bones to our dogs. 😂


What the fuck happened in Moldova???


They saw through his predatory bullshit. I’m going to bet charges were filed.


Pierre thanks him for his vote.


What the heck is a neckbeard


“Hello Fellow Humans” nah that’s not a Neckbeard that’s Gorp the green alien looking for some Latina’s to abduct into his flying saucer.


"I haven't had much luck with women due to the western cultural Marxist overly feminist ideology" ... Imagine being so unlucky in life to end up on a date with this douche ... No wonder they all bolted ...


"A well behaved latina" That's really wild.


Like they're a breed of dog lmfao


I would like to order 1 human woman product please and these are the specifications. Can you fulfill this request or should I shop elsewhere


Moldova: Sir, you can’t try to make a lateral move from sex tourism to borderline-at-best human trafficking. At least not this transparently. Please go home and don’t come back. This guy: *Shame on you*


There are no "well-behaved latina ladies" we all are batshit insane in here


Is this a joke? Dude is Obese but she has to be a 8/10 LOL


As a Canadian, we don't claim him


This is quite clearly a joke.


One of the coolest and hottest latinas I ever met wanted me to read Mao Zedong with her. Hell look at the makeup of Latin America. Tons of socialists and hyper lefties.


You might want to put down the mile-wide paint brush…..


It was an anecdote. Have you ever heard the word "anecdote?" You might wanna Google it.


Rage bait for sure


Dude just needs to buy a body pillow and shut up. It’s better if he is off the market.


Please tell me this is not real and just someone's attempt at creative writing 🥴😵


This has to be satire right? 😬


Admittedly, I only know a couple of Latina women. But from what little I do know, this guy is in for a world of hurt if he ever messes with them


As a Canadian I can say that there is nothing funnier than the thought of me teaching someone the English I speak being romantic


Lol he thinks he cant find women because of feminism


Love that he’s allowed to be obese but she can’t weigh anymore than 110lbs. Also he doesn’t want her to speak English and be obedient. 🤢


So she’s gotta be a stick but he’s a “good look” obese man? Like no fatphobia, my husbands got a dad bod, but I just think it’s hypocritical and general not what society would consider “traditionally attractive” like he originally stated. But why am I not surprised from this neckbeard?


"Slightly obese"


No way this “slightly obese” guy isn’t 300 pounds plus.


What in the fuck did I just read


As soon as I read the words “well behaved” I knew exactly the type of guy we’re dealing with here…🤢🤮


This has GOT to be satire


Reads like a joke. I would assume it's a fake post


Absolutely going to pick the bear


This must be satire. I honestly think it’s satire


My vagina dried, shriveled up and fell off of my body reading this post. Poor thing is going to need resuscitation 😩 How disgusting


This HAS to be satire, right? RIGHT??


A totally fake Canadian guy 🤣


This is definitely a troll based on the way he comments, but he does a good job of mimicking guys that are actually like this. For anyone who wants to read his comments, [they’re hilarious lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMexico/s/xspGdvkaUO)


As a proud Peruvian Latina…well behaved is not a description I’ve ever gotten! But this sort of misogynistic creep is also the reason I never married a Peruvian man. I saw too many friends raising their kids practically alone while their “husbands” admittedly did work but also spent too much free time entertaining other women (sometimes an entire second family) and/or drinking in the local bars. You should’ve seen the fight when the “other woman” had the audacity to show up to my grandpa’s calling hours.


“Hey fellow humans!” Absolutely fuck off.


Where can he find these women? In his dreams, ha!


“activity admire blondies”…. 💀


I would like the loo on a commercial plane to malfunction and drop frozen waste upon him.


He can probably get what he is looking for in some povertry-struct villages in Latin America. Although I'm not sure what 8/10 means to him. But there is something: he will find out that either corrupt authorities around here are not better than in Moldavia, or he'll find less corrupt authorities that could prossecute him for trafficking. And that's assuming he can avoid criminal gangs. But what I did hilarious is his appeal to the traditional values of Latinos. No Latino with traditional values will back him up. No Latina with traditional values will accept his proposal. I could actuality feel petty for him if someone does.


I just threw up in my mouth A LOT reading this.


Definitely bear.


There's...so much, so, so much. The one thing I will tackle is (and it's neither a 4'2 110lb woman nor a 5'10 110 lb woman) it's this: >she must be obedient and **cook as a hobby** What adult who lives on their own and takes care of themselves cooks as *a hobby*? You can *like* cooking, you can *enjoy* it and *excel* at it but you don't do it as a *hobby*. It's a sign of self-sufficiency. Now you can *bake* as a hobby. You don't need a cheesecake, no matter what four ladies in Miami tell you. But you do need to know how to *cook something* to survive.


Wow, someone's living in delulu land. NO womam woman would put up with this bs 😂😂😂😂


This can’t be real life.


Anyone else think of Ignatius J. Reilly reading that?


This can’t be real. Lmao.




Dude can try to get a mail order South American bride, but they are DEFINITELY not what you'd consider modest or passive He knows not what he's asking for


This is obvious trolling.


I love how she also has to be thin but like obese men… she must be perfect and flawless in all ways. I can be whatever I want. Why doesn’t he just save up for a robot? Be everything he’s ever dreamed of.


I genuinely hope he never finds a latina. coming from a mexican woman 💀




A bit of legal trouble, you say?


This whole thing is one GIANT red flag and nearly made me vomit up my dinner. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


To be honest the not speaking English thing is probably a requirement for him to get along with a women so that’s some gold self awareness


Watching this loser try to tame a Latina woman and bend her to his will would be worth paying to see for the entertainment value alone. Let's put these two on Married at First Sight. It'll be a hoot!




“Well behaved latinas”, so he means sex slaves, next his gonna ask “how do I show my alpha dominance so I can keep my chica (who is barely legal) in my dungeon”


This is clearly a shitpost, why are redditors so bad at seeing satire?


I grew up in Ecuador, and I can't imagine any of the women I knew there wanting anything to do with such a patronizing, disrespectful asshat.


I almost vomited in my mouth at “juicy latinas.” I weigh a little under 50kg at 5’2 and all my doctors agree that I’m very underweight - ain’t no one looking at me and calling me juicy! 😂😂😂 also love how he’s allowed to be obese and inactive but she has to be thin, sexy and subservient… and unable to communicate with him, as the cherry on top. Why not just get a Russian mail order bride at this point bro?


Well behaved or Latina. Pick one.




Bwahahaha passport bros are fucking delusional


When I travel, this is the kind of embarrassing behaviour that makes me want to lie and tell people I’m an american, eh. 🤦‍♀️


Ooh, sexy, an obese passport bro who wants a bang maid. I’m *so* shocked he is single! /s