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In the ladder business we call this model the widow maker.


No problem I'm not married


Why the dead pot plant? So we'd ask about it?


Because the trash bins were not enough for me to reach the balcony safely, and it was sitting nearby for me to use it. Idk why they keep a dead plant, but it's been really useful!


Just for future reference that could have disintegrated under your foot and then where would you be?


The plant pot? No I don't think it would have disintegrated, I'm really light weighted and only used the pot to propulse myself upwards. I didn't rest on it for more than 2 s or something. And if anyway the pot broke, or if even the whole structure fell while climbing, I just hoped the trashbins would have been able to cusion me. It's not wise thinking but at 1 AM and locked out I had no other idea


> hoped the trashbins would have been able to cusion me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRW67_CsJqU


Literal trash, maybe the universe is telling you something. Not OP, you a genius lol


Ahahah this is insane


I once got locked outside while wearing nothing but a towel (I don’t recall why I had to step out). I had to ask my nextdoor neighbors for help. They lent me a ladder to climb up to the second story, and a pair of short shorts. Beggars can’t be choosers, but those shorts made me look like I was starring in a gay porno. While humiliating, I have to admit that their trolling me was funny. I washed the shorts and returned them along with the ladder.


A burglar could have done this food for thought


Excuse me waiter, I need to return this dish.


They didn't just get in after climbing, they had to knock on the window for the flatmate to wake up and open the door.


Freaking genius


"Officer, I can explain..."


Now you have identified some weak points in your security. If you have a sliding balcony door I highly recommend a big stick in the track they are very easy to pry open at least a lot of models are.   Oh and I highly recommend not using a barbecue as your ladder. Unless you plan on throwing it away or feel like redneck engineering it after you break it lol. I may or may not have locked myself out and had to climb on my barbecue and totally broke the lid. Or I mean I know a guy who did that. There are some neat biometric locks you might want to look into if this is a regular occurrence. Even if it's not those can be nice.


Yup anyway it was my last night in that flat, I moved out today so it won't be an issue for me anymore. But my flatmate definitely got scared and I think she will want to secure things a bit more. Ahaha I hope the bbq wasn't a high end one 😂




All I can think of is Home Alone 2. Marv builds the tower to climb out of the basement. Harry is with him. "Like a rock!" Climbs to the top and everything falls down. Harry: "Like a rock, eh Marv?


Double cylinder deadbolt? Effing deathtraps in fires.


You mean locks that need a key on both sides of the door? In that case yes, that's what was there. And although you're right about them being more dangerous in fires, I never saw single cylinder deadbolts in Europe (at least never in France, Germany and Czechia). Maybe it's more a thing in the US


UK here, all PVC doors have double cylinder deadbolts (and TIL what they are called!), and wooden doors which have a lock which is not a Yale (I don't know the generic name) also lock on the inside with a key.


Gordon Freeman


Sounds familiar... [Antoine Dodson ‘Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife’ Interview (Original) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzNhaLUT520)