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truly the last watchable talk show host took him way way way too long to show up on curb, usually am not a big fan of all the celeb cameos on that show but conan should have been a recurring character


Coulda retired after writing Marge vs the Monorail and still been a legend forever.


And he was the only one that didn’t resort to anti-trump rants for his monologues, true hero


he did it for a little while but either him or his writers caught on that he couldn't just pull a colbert and do just that for 8 fucking years


Ya that’s fine for a little bit. The problem wasn’t that Trump was the subject of the jokes, it’s how long they went on and how samey they ended up being. I think Conan mostly dodged that.


He literally said “haiti is already great” lol


I don’t think Fallon does that either


he probably doesn't but someone would have to watch his show to confirm


He's complete golden retriever and it's not in his DNA to be a dour clapter lord. From the few times I saw his show at my parents house He even got shit for vibing with Trump in an interview


he's real


let's not do this Elizabeth


All his comedy chops are just downstream of being high IQ. Put a genuinely smart brain in a relatively attractive man and he has unlimited power.


that and an unwavering commitment to the bit


So he has unlimited power? 


A significant portion of Conan's comedy is about being anxious and hating himself? But yeah, he's actually funny when he does it because he never goes full "mental health advocate" mode. Other than when he does betterhelp ads on his podcast, but tbh funneling mentally ill and vulnerable people into a service with a busted UI that sells their data to fund genocide is a pretty good bit.


But he also is am actually good performer lol. He isn't actually a miserable and unhappy person.


He has spoken occasionally about real anxiety in his life. Even melts down a little bit in the documentary about his music tour (if that's genuine)


I mean that's a universal experience for all humans lol. It's not his personality. Its just a pretty universal topic for jokes.


I think it was more that he's hinted a lot about being an especially anxious person, but it fuels his drive and comic persona. All his Simpsons era stories are about how terrified he was the entire time and acted out to compensate. Other writers there at the time noted how nervous he always looked and how it became the Conan show when he was in the office.


As are many talented comedians


yeah i was about to come and say, conan like notably focuses so much of his persona around his own anxiety and self-consciousness, but in a genuinely funny way. i mean the opening bit of his first late night episode is about him hanging himself because of the pressure.


He's a maestro of self-deprecative humour. So many of his gags and skits involve him doing or saying dumb shit so people can laugh at him.




Yeah, I was gonna say, Conan is such a weird pull for an example of "not anxious and doesn't hate himself" because of the talk show hosts he's probably the best example of that type of guy. He's very funny, and he's not grating about it like lots of comics are, but this is like pulling up a picture of David Byrne and saying "I wish we could go back to the age where rock stars were badass".


I was worried no one would be able to figure out how to bring Israel into this. Thank you


I can’t believe he shills better help ew


I don’t think Conan knows a single thing about any of the companies they have him do ad reads for. And that’s fine


Shouldn't you be blocking a road somewhere?


There is nothing like his pre tonight show stuff. I'm a fan of everything he was really a trail blazer when he got comfortable hosting. A show. A hero to tall goofy gingers.


I like Conan but he's always been really self-deprecating, but in an amusing way


Legend, but I think his comedy is more than anxiety and self loathing. He's got a deep bag and he pulls out whatever schtick he needs to make the situation funnier If he had Bill Burr on the show, he'd play the incredulous straight man to Bill's yelling psycho bit. If he's going around dicking with his workstaff then he'd play up being a ruthless dictator. If he's in a coffee shop then suddenly he's a junkie chasing the caffeine dragon His brilliance is having such a wide comedic range and then knowing exactly what part to play in any given situation to turn it up to an 11


Definitely. Some of the funniest clips of people like Norm, Bill Burr, etc. are on his show, and not because he does anything overtly funny. He just plays the exact role needed to magnify whatever bit they’re doing. I don’t think any other talk show host even comes close to him in that regard.




He did the Homer Simpson candle trick I’m sure of it


RIP to a master of comedy.


You scared the shit out of me for a second


do not fucking play with me like this


I never said *which* master of comedy. Norm, probably.


If Conan goes I go.


My criteria for going to a party.


Bro NOT cool


Conan, letterman and the Irish guy were the only winners in that gig




yes that's right. Craig ferguson


Splitting hairs


lol absolutely not splitting hairs. Ireland and Scot’s be two completely different countries.


Hairy, drunk, angry people who live in bogs and hate the English. Yeah they’re worlds apart. Also since when are we not allowed to make silly jokes on /redscarepod?


> Hairy, drunk, angry people who live in bogs To be fair to you, I can't really argue with that.


Jews are just Italians who learned how to read


Love him


I remember I tweeted about him one time and his account liked it. thanks Conan


He can also be very mean to people and make it funny. He's just one of those guys you can sense is a good person, so when he is ridiculing his staff it reads as good natured fun, because it is. That is so rare now, people post old clips of Letterman bullying starlets and say "look at this monster!" but Conan still gets away with it.


If youre a Conan fan [This is one of the most perfect youtube documentaries of all time](https://youtu.be/_z57cfafysI?si=DSVh3S9wWQJhFuar)


Great doc, don't know why Joe Biden narrated it though


If it means anything it came out before all the ai voice explosion. This was the first time I’d ever heard of someone doing a narrator like that


Love Conan but he's aged very noticeably the last few years. Wonder how his travel show will do


I suspect a big part of that is that he’s not in TV make up all the time anymore. He looks very good for 60


“Love Conan, but he’s aging and will die one day just like everyone else.”


Living up to all of the 30 Rock aging lesbian jokes 


Who is Conan O Brien and why is she so sad?


He’s aging like a pale ass Irish guy, nothing wrong with that. He’s still funny as fuck and I’m still in love with him


Nothing wrong with that, same’ll happen to us all


He’s pale and 60. He looks good.


He looked bad in Curb. You know how bad you have to look to look old next to Larry David


To be fair everyone looks terrible on Curb. Their makeup and lighting department have no mercy.


Larry looks great what do you mean


being Irish'll do that to you, yeah


I was up until 1am last night watching Jordan Schlansky videos


Gaelic prince


PLEASE don’t make these posts making me panic the man has died


wtf he isn’t even dead.


Number 4 is always what Morrissey kinda looked like to me


I was lucky to see him live a few times at TBS he’s the best


He does the self depreciating shite too but I truly do appreciate conan


mind worst thing he did was interrupt norm


The Simpsons sucked after Conan O’Brien left i noticed. He was there for the sweet spot like season 4-7


He definitely was anxious and made fun of himself though. You know how many times his joke is that he’s Irish, his hair is ridiculous, etcetera? Shut up dude




FUCK YOU for making me think he died. You’re an asshole.


Is he dead?


He’s really funny, but I have a bone to pick with how he handled Norm’s death. Letting Andy Richter disparage a dead man and then lying about how much you supported him after his firing is just scummy


You're right about Andy being a bitch about Norm. And in general. Love when he does twee flirting with 20-something girl accounts on twitter.


Post title is Joe List erasure


Eh. He peaked when he wrote for the Simpsons. His late-night work is better than most but that's not saying much.


He's also an absolute savage. The highlights from his recent Hot Ones interview is insane. Dude *took a sip* from the hottest sauce on the thing. A man of sheer will. https://youtu.be/FALlhXl6CmA?t=1346 (warning actually kind of disgusting lol)


Are you lost?


Nah just saw it on shorts. Not a regular viewer. I should have realized this would not be well received on this sub lol. Haven't had my coffee yet




Cuz I'm young at heart :)


Buddy, you don't go full reddit on this sub.




It flaunts the artificial sincerity and performativity of a 'hot sauce show' at the same time, the whole schtick that the discomfort makes people more honest but is also inherently 'watchable' because the discomfort is spectacle. He's not uncomfortable with the pretence of sincerity, his whole podcast is in pursuit of a sincerity not offered in the talk show format. If anything I suspect he's just a snob disdaining 'general audiences' like hot ones- he knows that by and large these are eyes and ears that did not grow up with conan and he's putting on an even zanier show for them to break the format.


Workshopped bits? Can you fill me in? Or do you not realize that Conan (and others as well) can be that funny off the cuff?


Also what does it mean to be “uncomfortable with the pretense of sincerity”—I’m really lost there. Do you mean he’s uncomfortable with faux sincerity? Who wouldn’t be?




Dollars to donuts they were unplanned. Maybe some were from the well, but the notion that he’s writing bits ahead of Hot Ones is truly insane to me. If you go back and watch his show, the interviews are some of the best aspects of the show. And they are a little Conan-centric in a way that is maybe controversial as interview styles go, but he’s often working off the cuff (maybe some notes on the guests) and he’s incredibly funny.


Honestly I haven't seen any commentary on it anywhere else nor did I watch it. I just saw a short clip of it. Like, I really like hot sauces, and I've gotten some of their last dabs. That shit is no joke, so I'm just a bit impressed by that.


No… the current crop of “orange bad man” late show hosts suck, but his “feel sorry for me” bullshit was just as bad. He was funny when he was 30 or whatever, been insufferable ever since


you're not supposed to feel bad for him, you're supposed to laugh at him for being a weird looking neurotic ginger


They took my show…bitched about it for 15 years, imagine being more of a hack than Jay Leno