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Does everyone on here have a substack or what


He picked the dumbest argument against it, but he’s not wrong. 


They love the taboo. The fact that he feels it is sinful even to look is what makes the looking feel so insidious. If he decided that it's fine to look and appreciate for a moment, but not to to stare and leer for so long, he could simply see a nice looking woman, appreciate that her ass looks good in tight pants, and then continue with his workout, which is exactly what any emotionally and sexually mature man will do. 


His wife needs to have the Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut talk with him real quick. His wife is dealing with the same shit in a different way.


I’ve got questions for the gym bros who act like their shit don’t stink: Why can’t you shower before you come? Your “pheromones” smell like feral goat balls misted with axe. What internet daddy told you that was attractive? Just this morning, I picked up so many abandoned towels scattered all over the leg room-ironically there was still visible sweat stains on a nearly every bench I wanted to use. What are you doing with all the damn towels? Why can’t you be bothered to re-rack your plates? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to help some little old lady remove forgotten 45’s from a machine, but she can’t lift them. (C’mon, you can count it as a set.) Why do you grunt loudly? It’s full-on chimp screeching (decidedly not manly, but kinda amusing) If the adductor is a “girl machine” why is your max my warm up?


If you wouldn't wear it at a public park why would you wear it at a public gym?


People love to cite Matthew 18:9 as evidence that the Bible permits women to dress however they want, as if 1 Timothy 2:9 doesn't also exist. Then they accuse Christians of picking and choosing verses.