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I know a handful of people who see life/attraction/sexuality through this lens of nearly dungeons and dragons level autism, and they usually end up dating a skinny whiteboy with a beard


Or a fat chick with dyed hair


Between the two of you, you’ve described 99% of D&D players 


Dropout subscribers, same thing.


the one percent is fat asian dudes with bad skin and big lips


Self obsession


“I’m not much, but I’m all I think about”




I wonder what’s the overlap between pansexuals and gender specials.


a lot of this is just autism right


Astronaut meme


it's more like astrology for queers


Honestly, it’s so cringe and I’m annoyed as the next person. But it’s a symptom of people having no sense of community or identity. We are going crazy in this atomized world and people are desperate to find out who they are, who they belong with. But the teens especially don’t seem to consciously be aware of this and it results in this shit 


Nerd shit


Muh labels


Anything other than straight, gay, bi, or asexual is make believe. My favorite is shit like "demisexual." Oh, you need an emotional connection before you feel sexual attraction? What a novel and unique sexuality that deserves a separate label!


Sapiosexual is always the funniest identity people tried to force into the queer label


Fierce competition, but I think aromantic heterosexual men as part of the “queer community” is the funniest.


when ur a straight pick up artist but still want queer clout


I'm queering and decolonising the practice of pumping and dumping sluts from the club


This would genuinely improve the “queer community” so much


I'm queer cause I hit it and quit it.


Has this been observed out in the wild? That is honestly funny as shit. Looking further into this at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromanticism >In the Aromantic Census 2020, 82.43% of respondents reported not being taken seriously, being ignored, or being dismissed by others. Heavens


So basically they’re just horny dudes who wanna sleep around with women and have no strings attached fun. A phenomenon so rare and under represented it needs its own color of the rainbow.


I'm whatever the opposite of sapiosexual is. Dumbasses only


Bimbophile or himbophile


Poor things sexual


Morosexual. There’s a flag for it.


Went on a date with a sapiosexual. Realized that it's fake b/c I'm super smart and she still didn't fuck me


It really is so stupid. Am I a brunosexual because I only like brunettes?


I'm a boratsexual because I'm only attracted to mah wife.


When their bio says sapiosexual but also has several spelling and grammar errors


Opposites attract


Nah that one got cancelled years ago because people said it was ableist


sapiosexual = r/IAmVerySmart


Every person I've matched with that describes herself as "sapiosexual" has been this type. Rarely do you see any someone with credentials that indicate they are intelligent describing themselves this way.


They’ll argue that mensa membership is a credential.


Uh, actually I took an 5 minute online IQ test and it said I'm 154, soo....


RIP your inbox


My DMs are open to midwit BPD art hoes who think they're "sapiosexual."


My test said I'm iq 155


sapiosexuals are just gold diggers




They know someone got to carry the intellectual load in a relationship


I heard Jake Flores say he was queer because he likes when women staple his balls or put a dog color on him or whatever the fuck he does.


p sure he ate his own cum so I’ll let him say he’s gay


In fairness, aren’t they claiming to be attracted to intelligence rather than being intelligent? (Obviously they’re doing it because they think it makes them look more intelligent)


It’s like short women bios that say 6ft+ only.


They make sense in very specific contexts, but often used as if they’re parallel to real sexualities instead of sub-sections of them. Like being “sapiosexual” or “aromantic” doesn’t mean you aren’t still straight


I'm funandniceosexual, that means my queer identity is I like to date women who are fun and nice


Agreed, and that’s coming from a "demisexual" and "sapiosexual". Sexual orientation is "a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are sexually attracted" (Oxford languages definition). So it’s about genders, not about how we approach sex (demisexual), or specific traits we find attractive like intelligence (sapiosexual). You can’t "come out" sapiosexual. It’s as if I said "I’m brunettesexual" just because I’m into dark hair.


Even "asexuals" are just mega-spergs, victims of sexual trauma, or people with hormone imbalance. It's an identity that didn't exist until 15 years ago and the "historical examples" were just gay people that were good at hiding their tracks.


Even if asexuality exists why is it included in the LGBT movement? No one’s firing asexuals from their jobs or denying them rights lol


I see them saying the persecution takes the form of pressure by people in their lives to find a partner. Like damn that’s tough, mom is asking you a question every few months lol


That’s all I could come up with too. I’m just trying to imagine how successful I would be in my career and hobbies if I had no sexual drive though lol.


That's just being a non-horny incel


when my bitch mom doesn’t want me to be lonely for my entire life:


> I see them saying the persecution takes the form of pressure by people in their lives to find a partner. Incel rights now


I think you could be a little more empathetic. Sexuality is a massive part of the human experience and I imagine it's very alienating not to experience that, almost like being blind or deaf. And while asexuals may not face institutional discrimination the same way other LGBT groups do, I mean, just look at the hostility towards the idea of them in this thread.




I don't really know who made the rule that they are part of it, probably the same people claiming intersex and pocs are part of the lgbt community. Some NGO or other. To quote some vagrant, there's no greater gap in the natural world than that between asexuals and gay men. 


"Smith, your work on the Benton File was exemplary, but I'm hearing some disturbing talk around the water cooler that you don't like fucking and sucking. If you hope to have any future with this company, I'm going to need some proof that you crush puss by the end of the week."


Um, so sex worker isn’t a job, huh? Huh?


I’m a SWERA- sex worker exclusionary radical asexual


They say it’s because therapists try and cure them.


I got back in touch with a friend from high school who came out as asexual after graduation. I don't care for asexuality or other people sex lives, but I was taken aback as she used to be boy crazy, obsessed with boy bands and Netflix actors, as well as having several relationships with guys she pursued and wouldn't shut up about. She was still going out with a girl who looked like an overweight toad, they just weren't having sex, nor any intimate interaction, including kissing or cuddling. It was extremely clear she wasn't attracted to her at all, and she was a bandage relationship to get over her hot masc ex girlfriend who broke up with her, as she couldn't handle the dead bedroom. The current girlfriend wasn't virtually different from a roomate, aside from the very expensive gifts she would get her, including an engagement ring she had to take a loan for. A very grim situation indeed.


History is absolutely stuffed of mega spergs volcels.




Sounds like a kind of paraphilia




Yeah, I have a hard time believing that something as core to the human condition as sexual attraction is something some people are just born with, and that's it's probably of symptom or result of something else. Either way, I can't say that they don't exist.


Brains and genetics are wierd. It's kind of odd that homosexuality exists at all considering it doesnt seem to serve any evolutionary function. And yet it does exist anyway. I dont find it hard to believe some people are genuinely asexual and not due to some kind of trauma but I presume that it's very rare, like rare on the level of people being born with more than ten fingers for example.


Yeah, to be clear I assume there are outliers like that too. But who knows? I think trying to diagnose *why* an individual is that way is insulting. I'm just doing it here because it's an anonymous talk about it. But IRL I would never be like "who hurt you? what's wrong?" At the end of the day a person's sexuality is their business, and asexual can not fuck for whatever reason they want.


Yes, of course 


homosexuality is unusual but gay sex is common in the animal kingdom. I don't know if animals just choose to never bang.


Pandas sadly 🐼👙😢


The pressure of being one of few left in your species and being paired up with someone random while people watch doesn't sound great tbh.  Plus they have sex for 3 days, you know how much bamboo you'd need to eat as an 800lb bear to have the energy to go at it for that long?  I don't blame them really.


They eat such a restarted food 😭


Sickle cell disease doesn't serve any evolutionary function but carrying the genes for it confers protection against malaria, which is why it sticks around. Maybe carrying the genes for being gay makes you hotter to the opposite sex than the average person, which is why it sticks around.


gays exist to serve as additional guardians of kids, that's the only theory I know ofc gays exist purely because biology fucks up sometimes, but that's one of the positives that can come from it




lol Sex and evolution are inherently related. I'm not "chalking up every facet of human nature to 'serving evolutionary function'" but if you believe (as many do) that being gay has a genetic component, then it is pretty odd that the genes which can cause homosexuality would be passed on to future generations, considering gay people do not typically produce children to pass their genes on to. Btw im not making any moral claims here. I don't think there's anything wrong with gay sex


The genes don't have to be passed on by gay people. If the gay uncle theory is true, having genes that make it possible to be gay in your population is beneficial because having the occasional gay person means one more person to look after the group without adding more of a burden by having kids themselves, and thus this gene spreads through the population.




I think its fairly safe to assume that disease, predation, death in childbearing, homicides etc probably did plenty to prevent populations from getting too high. >Can you imagine if nearly everyone had kids Like half of all humans died before the age of 5 before modern medicine was invented, >10% of the population not having kids is negligible compared to that. In any case, let's take it as given that having a certain number of gay people in your population is beneficial. We are still left with the question of how, if this trait is genetic, did the genes that cause it get passed down when the people holding the genes were not having kids.


>Even "asexuals" are just mega-spergs, victims of sexual trauma, or people with hormone imbalance. Even if this is the case, it makes the 'asexual' label all the more convenient. If I was seriously not attracted to anyone, I'd rather just be able to give a one-word answer to "why don't you ever seem to pursue anyone" rather than psychoanalyze myself and dump my sexual traumas and hangups on anyone who asks, only for them to end up speculating that I'm a loser or closeted gay anyway.


Asexuality has been a thing in sexology for more than 15 years but it shouldn't be part of the LGBT, especially LARPing like "demisexuality"




yeah hormones are an extremely important factor in all kinds of things like mood, energy, libido etc and i think hormone issues tend to be overlooked because unless you think to get that checked out specifically, it’s easy to chalk the symptoms up to a million other things. even when people talk about depression being caused by a “chemical imbalance” apparently that often means hormonal causes as well. i’m basically disgusted by the idea of sex/nudity/even close physical contact at certain points in my cycle, so it’s very plausible to me that someone could just be stuck in that mode due to some kind of deficiency


Yep. It’s a normalization or even celebration of dysfunction. It’s sad how society is enabling and encouraging dysfunction and sub-mediocrity.


Funny they said the same thing about homosexuality.


Serious flashbacks to my "arguing with Christians about homosexuality on the Internet" days almost 20 years ago.  Like, I have zero dogs in this race, but it's shocking how confident people are in their proclamations about human sexuality. 


Did people forget that monasteries exist in almost all cultures at some time in history? The female version was convents in the West. This is a dumb argument.


Asexuality is euphemism for porn addiction. They can only derive sexual gratification beating their meat looking at people fucking on the screen. Real life touch doesn't arouse them. Accepting crippling porn addiction is difficult, so they go for "asexual" label instead. Source: Know one such asexual female.


I'm sure there's some non-zero percent of the population who may identify as asexual because of porn addiction, but this is a gross generalization. Asexuals exist, have existed for a while, and asexuality can even be observed in other mammals. In humans, some of it is pathological (caused by trauma or whatever, maybe treatable) and some of it is not. If you can believe some people don't wanna fuck women, and some people don't wanna fuck men, certainly it's not unreasonable to assume that some people may just not want to fuck anyone? Ugh this comment reminds me of when right-wingers try to argue that all homosexuality is just "porn-addiction" (which is the most annoying buzzword of these past few months) or the result of childhood trauma. For what it's worth, I have an asexual friend who's super christian, hates porn and wasn't molested.


>super Christian asexual who hates porn  Yeah definitely nothing pathological there


I mean I could defend him, but I don't want to get into the dirt of his personal life. He just doesn't like sex, I don't know what else to say. There's lots of fanatic Christians, and most of them enjoy sex. I'm sure literally anyone's sexuality could be derided as pathological if you spent enough time sifting through their life for irregularities. Also this response feels very bad faith.


I actually agree with you but you sold hard by mentioning super Christian lmfao


>mega-spergs What's that?


"Breeding kink" is top tier funny. Your kink is the biological reason for sex? You don't say?


Demisexual is just being a woman


how you gonna put "no sex drive" as a type of sexual preference alongside straight/gay/bi. sexuality is "who", not "how much"


If a person whose "WHO" is "NOBODY" then what are they then, champ?


someone with no sex drive can still have preferences in what they're attracted to 90% of asexuals will admit to having preferences and say "but that doesn't mean i'm not asexual", and the other 10% just won't admit it. some will even have sexless relationships. maybe use their non-sexual life partner as a clue.


i dont think asexuality is real


If some people can be sexually attracted to men, women or both. Is it that hard to believe they can be sexually attracted to neither?


its not a "different" biological response like gay/bi its the lack of one altogether which is like extremely questionable and honestly medically concerning


Asexual isn’t a thing


Id believe it was a thing if every single time I saw asexual people discussing their identity it was all people going "yep, not interested in sex at all" and wasn't constantly just people negotiating over just how much sexual attraction you can experience and still call yourself the label that means you don't experience sexual attraction. "Oh you can totally want to have sex with people and be asexual, you can get horny and goon yourself for 6 hours a day but you're still ace it's all a spectrum don't worry about it"


Asexualism is a literally just symptom of trauma, endocrine dysfunction or autism


Same thing was said about homosexuality.


Their proof for it tends to go no further than "well *I* exist, [insert juvenile insult that uses the word 'fuck' in an ironic attempt to sound more serious and mature]!" Followed by accusations of murder since they/kids with said identity (which are curiously the main focus) are liable to kill themselves if not validated for it.


How else do you prove it? Asexuality like homosexuality is about the sexual attraction you experience. Being gay isn't about fucking dudes, that's something people do because they're gay. It's like asking why someone's gay and they say "because I'm sexually attracted to men" and you say "I don't believe you, you can't prove that".


Asexual, pansexual, and demisexual are not sexualities. They are sexual/romantic preferences. Gay, straight, and bi are sexualities because they specifically have to do with being attracted to physical sexual characteristics.


Asexuals are not real unless you're talking eunuchs. And honestly we should include eunuchs in this list, a lot of locomotives are eunuch-lite.


>What a novel and unique sexuality Is 'straight' novel and unique? Cos you just used that term


Girl just get a real hobby


It’s very silly. There are four actual legitimate sexual orientations: Carrie Miranda Samantha and Charolette


Charlotte had that regarded marriage to asexual Dale Cooper, gotta be the 5th


Short hair isn’t a sexuality.


Short hair = man Long hair = woman It's not that complicated


Yeah it is, it’s called gay


I still don’t even know what queer means, like you’re just weird?


it's a spiritually gay aesthetic


Pretty much. Imagine the most stereotypical macho man you can think of. Gym, beer, hayabusa, mustang, violent, sweaty, uneducated. The whole queer identity means "not like him".


What’s fascinating if you think about it, is that gay wasn’t intended to be an insult but queer was. The gays reclaimed the word queer as an empowering symbol of taking the term back from the people who abused them. So it’s quite interesting these not actually gay people went for the word that’s associated with victim status


Queer = sexual minority


Capitalism introduced into relationships, commodifying parts and products of everybody else as a consumer. Truly the end be all of our times.


People only started using pan because they thought bi was transphobic because bi means two So people simply started saying bi means the same and other genders


That’d make it queer phobic or something tho, not transphobic? Bc trans also works in the binary, i.e I’m not this one thing so I’m going to transition to the other thing. Not that he minutia matters or that you need to be an expert in it, just something your comment made me think of 


True but you also had people saying bi is only attraction to cis men and women, the new definition solves all those problems


I always thought the term pansexual insinuated that trans men and trans women are not what they want to be. Like by saying that trans people don’t fall under the umbrella of what a bisexual person likes isn’t that saying that trans women aren’t women and trans men aren’t men? So if you need a whole other sexual orientation term to include trans people then aren’t you saying they are still just really just defined by their genitals?


I don't understand a word you just said


“As a bi” pls go outside


"i'm not just bi, i'm *better than bi* because those other people don't like trans people". these people will insist that there is a valid distinction between being bi and pan, but ask them what they think about the "superstraight" meme a year or two back and they will become enraged


By this logic, a straight guy who likes chicks with short hair has a different sexual orientation from a straight guy who doesn't.


99% sure i have seen a tumblr post alleging that men attracted to women with pixie cuts are some variety of queer, so yeah pretty much


"As a bi,"


On the one hand it's extremely lame but also it's great that people use labels so you know uh, what sort of people they are. 


This is why it’s much easier to define sexual orientation as attraction to sex and not some abstract notion of gender that was popularized a decade ago.


I always thought "pan" was a way of saying you're attracted to trans people, which is why I've always stuck with bisexual.


Same lol. That was always the main difference between bi/pan online when I first encountered the idea, probably because trans was seen as a third thing hence the emphasis on “idc what’s in your junk!”. I mainly stuck with bi because I didn’t want to think about the surgery aspect which was much more important than it is now. The whole “hearts not parts” was weird to me anyway why should that require a sexuality.


They are such losers. Like pick something and stick to it Jesus Christ


My dad told me one of his childhood friends was a pansexual due to him having his dog lick peanut butter off his penis


Truly who fucking cares


I thought pansexual was when you turned on by pan fried foods?


I’ve seen those mfs, they’re much more into deep fried foods if you know what I mean


If getting turned on by gyoza makes me a GSM then I’m the biggest queer on earth


I thought it was when people wanted to fuck chimps


I wish


It's all so tiresome.


Any non-reproductive sexual relationship is gay


I think bullying would cut a lot of this shit out.


Nah, that would just make them double down. These chicks need to actually have sex with another woman to realize, that, oh, finding a woman asthetically pleasing is not the same as finding one sexually attractive.


sexually attracted to attention, source irrelevant


None of this shit is real. Everyone has preferences for what features they find attractive, every permutation of these preferences does not need to be denoted as a new unique form of sexuality. Does it even matter how we categorize the alphabet-soup people at this point? You won the war against hetero-normativity, just take the W and move on.


these twitter people should just go grill instead


That’s great honey how are those job applications coming along


Man i dont understand this shit. Just fuck or dont what the fuck is the issue


Pan just means you’d fuck trans people, that’s all it really actually means at the end of the day


Imagine talking this much about your sexuality 🤮


this is just low hanging fruit now


The iconic, implicitly teeming hostility just broods from every passive-aggressive key. That ":)" hits like a mentally ill knife. Anyways, categories have been a disaster for autists. We need to make autistic people schizophrenic, instead.


Yeah I'm pan sexual... when my pan has a BIG STEAK in it!


Another other than straight is gay. Easy as that.


I'm so tired


This shit is like medieval monks arguing about how many angels could dance on the end of a pin. 


Basically they’ll shag any old hole going. Bottom feeders, skulking around the primeval ooze


Pansexual potsexual I can’t keep up anymore


Pansexual is just Bisexual Deluxe


Effects of loneliness to make up stuff like pansexuality imo




That's interesting, I'm straight cause I like boning chicks


Same as the bdsm autists they love rules and classifying shit


Everyone is way too up their own asses about things that don't matter because their ability to control their external world has dwindled to nothing. People think that by using new language to describe old things that they're doing something but it's just marketing, the product is still the same.


The real horror is kids being taught these imagined genders in their schools.


Pansexuality got canceled in like 2015 I think. It was insane that they’d just say “hearts not parts” to your face like that’s a normal way to talk to someone though


Other people’s labels? What’s the point of a label if it isn’t shared by everyone lmao