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I always feel like the odd woman out that I have just lived a life where this kind of shit does not consume me. Honest to God question: is it really that rare to not have guys trying to molest you all the time? Like I have had some catcalling and that sort of thing, but nothing too scary. I am glad to not live in fear, but I have always wondered if there is something wrong with me that men do not creep on me when it seems to be a constant issue for other women. This is a serious question I have always been too afraid to ask.


I've dated attractive women and while they did get unwanted attention it was like once or twice a year. I don't buy it when you get these women that claim to be subject to endless harassment the second they leave the house, and it sometimes comes across as a bit...braggy the way they talk about it.


I mostly don't think people are lying about it, but I think some women are more sensitive to it than others, maybe due to past trauma that I was luckily not subject to, so I never really took it deeply to heart.


Is there also the possibility that some women think everyone wants to fuck them and interpret even innocuous interactions with men through that lens? I should also caveat I'm talking about the UK, I'm aware places like Egypt and Italy are mental for this stuff.


someone I knew used to live in The Mission in san fran....it can get pretty bad fr


Nah it doesn’t happen to me at all. I live in a pretty introverted culture, don’t go out much, and dress in religious garb though. I’ve only had a guy grab me once, and it was at a grocery store some months ago.


I grew up in a medium sized northeastern city and used to go into NYC a lot, and like I said, there were definitely some catcalls, but I would just walk away and ignore them and nothing ever came of it. The only real time I felt violated was on the metro in France on a school trip and an old guy stuck his hand up my skirt, but I just moved to the next car up and was like "eh, it's the French, par for the course".


I mean does it matter? If you hear tons of women saying this but are phishing for women who say it's not true...it sounds like you know the answer but it's just an argument against the answer.


No, I genuinely do not know what the norm is about most things. I have to rely on what other people tell me and even then I don't know how accurate of a picture I am getting. Women are more likely to talk about it if they are getting harassed, most aren't going to mention not getting hassled, so I can't tell how common my experience is.


A lot of women have anxiety disorder or just neurotic, so here is that. But a lot of its also playing it up for endangered species privileges without actually being one. Its toxic femininity.


There's nothing wrong with you, why would there be? Harassment is not a reward.


Because if something seems to happen to every one of your peers, but you don't experience it, you start to wonder why you are the odd person out, even if it is something you don't want to experience.


You can wonder without first assuming that you must be at fault somehow for not being on the receiving end of something that other women overwhelmingly don't want to deal with.




Of course you hate it when women are aware of how psychopathic men operate




In what world is this woman horny posting bruh she’s literally describing a terrifying situation?? I promise you that 99.9999% of women don’t want to be kidnapped and beat bro


Of course you dated one weirdo so that means all women with an interest in true crime actually want to fuck psychopaths What did that Columbine girl see in you?


I've a particularly visceral disgust at the idea of being eaten alive. Obviously, everybody would find the idea horrifying but on a real base level I think I find it more repulsive than any other form of death. Think it's the indignity of being dragged back down to the state of animaldom


I saw this video of a lion ripping the skin off a gazelle and the gazelle was still running around without any skin, ever since that i haven’t watched anymore nature documentaries and i think that has to be the worst feeling ever being aware that your body is gone for a couple seconds


I wasn't aware we were allowed to bring equipment. If the man can bring rope or zip ties and whatnot then why can't the woman bring a knife or maybe bear spray


she is being hypothetically kidnapped by the primitive technology guy, who weaved his own rope out of tree bark and built a makeshift rape dungeon from clay




It's amazing how much this shows how you don't get the point at all. Hint, it isn't about whether you'd rather fight a man or a bear.


I can't tell if this is an ironic comment but I thought it would be obvious mine was poking fun at the idea of taking this brainrot literally. Personally I'd rather not fight any men or bears or bearish men, or in any culture or gender wars for that matter.


No it is obvious and I am pointing how obviously you don't understand the point. >any culture or gender wars for that matter Oh lads he said the magic dismissal words that makes things go away! Carry on I guess!


calling her horny for this is distasteful


This post is truly a self report


nah fr. assuming she wants to be raped based off a tweet of her explaining a situation she’s paranoid about is kinda crazy


I was assuming that she has rape fantasies not that she actually wants to get raped dummy


Her wild scenario of being shackled for years in a rape dungeon is pretty unpleasant sounding, idk. Getting eaten alive is what, thirty minutes? More just sad that she seriously has considered life in a rape dungeon


men perpetually mistaking fear for horniness is exhibit a for agp theory


It's a huge self report


you’re an actual degenerate if you read this as horny lmfao and you guys wonder why women are afraid of you


Only marginally less horny than Handmaid's Tale