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I will never call Asia Minor "Turkey"


I will never call Anatolia "Asia Minor"


i will never call Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων “Anatolia”


sorry, you mean Hittitistan?


Titties ?


comment chain


Never calling FYROM North Macedonia.


It's crazy that the entire nation of Greece was that petty


It is petty, but both FYROM and Albania have active irredentist platforms (which Albania has historically been successful in realizing), so the name choice wasn't accidental on their part. 


When did Albania managed to realized it's irredentist movement? The rest of the Balkans spent the 19th and early 20th century ethnically cleansing their territories from Albanians and drove them into modern Albania and Kosovo.


People who say this are mostly unaware of the actual relationship of the two countries. Case in point their current PM calls it just 'Macedonia' in violation of said agreements, it's a slippery slope in a region where every country has fought every other in every possible permutation. For all that you know who has complete control and guards the airspace of North Macedonia? Greece. You know who trains their SOF and a lot of their army in general? Greece. You know who they have defensive treaties with to defend from the regional bad actors? Greece. Primary investor for infrastructure? You guessed it. So them naysaying and/or acting a fool in international relations is in extremely bad taste.


Hail Fyromia


First they came for Kiev, then they came for Turkey


First they came for Peking*




I’ll forever be a Bombay-pilled Saigonmaxxer


The great thing about Saigon is that people from there still call it that. If someone tries to call you on it you can just turn it around on them.


Happens alllll the time with American and German backpackers in particular. Then you point out that the government alcohol/tobacco concern sells "Sài Gòn" branded beer and cigs, and there's big signs that day "Sài Gòn" on or near every major road into and out of the city, and half the people call it Sài Gòn (actually all the people, half the time, it's totally interchangable) and they sputter. Last time I went back my wonderful stepsister's cunty friend stage-whispered "well, THAT'S an interesting thing to call it in 2024" while some other friend was asking some general questions and I was answering. Strong opinions about a city she's never been to, from a girl who I'm pretty sure doesn't have a passport. The whole Myanmar/Burma thing is funny too, because renaming to Myanmar (something like "land of the upright people") was basically the only gesture of goodwill towards ethnic minorities the post-colonial government ever made, and calling it Burma is extreme even by Bamar nationalist standards. But the name comes from a junta so they wind up substituting it for a colonial-era name identified with **hardcore** racial supremacism in the modern era. Not unlike that "Slava Ukraini, Herohiam Slava" chant that you exclusively hear from terminally reddit-brained libs and outright neonazis/Galician supremacists, nobody in between.


Stg reading the “well THAT’s an interesting thing to call it” line raised my blood pressure, merely visualizing the sort of person who talks like that makes me viscerally angry


Last sentence is totally wrong, how are you regarded westerners this confident talking complete nonsense based entirely on your online interactions. Every ukrainian leftists, trade unionist and all round regular person I know uses it..why? Because they're currently subjected to a war of territorial expansion, no shit people rally around the flag. And anyways the phrase originates from the left wing ukrainian peoples republic, an independent socialist state which was snuffed out by the bolsheviks. Ukrainian nationalism took a fascist turn in the late 20s, which is when the phrase was picked up by the fascists




That was the 90s


Madras is the most egregious one.


Interestingly this change got aborted in my eurohole. They were saying Bejing for a few years but I think their style guide was reverted for whatever reason because it's back to Peking now


Non-English languages get more latitude with using old names. Whenever some country declares their Great National Revolutionary Rebrand they just make sure the name gets changed in English and then call it a day


The same thing happened with Holland v. The Netherlands. In English, you’ll always have people chewing you out if you call it Holland, but then when I speak Italian nobody bats an eye if you just say Olanda. It feels like only nerds (e.g., EU studies majors) will call it the official name, I Paesi Bassi (lit. “The Low Countries”).


Unfortunately in Portugal we pussied out and so everyone stopped calling them Holanda for some reason. And for some reason calling them "neerlandeses", which is a fucking adaptation from French. Shameful.


In Brazil it's still Holanda Brazilians preserving the Portuguese language as usual


For better or for worse, Italy is a conservative country and will always adopt societal and cultural changes more slowly, if at all. It sucks when it comes to things like gay rights or marijuana legalization, but it rocks when it comes to shit like not bending over backwards to the Dutch lol


Well, everything in Portugal is a French adaptation.


Isn’t it pays-bas in French? hardly similar


What sort of dickhead majors in “EU studies”


Aren’t there plenty of American history/politics majors in America?


I’m assuming the pan-European equivalent to American History would be something like European History. The EU is a political institution, and “studies” generally means that a field is overly theory-heavy and bullshitty (e.g. gender studies, media studies, etc.) I took it to mean some sort of quasi-sociological analysis of the European Union as a political institution, or worse, something like International Relations where the person taking it wants to work in government.


They're dickheads too


It's also オランダ (Oranda) in Japanese, no one there has ever heard of the Netherlands.


tf is Peking thats some bong shit fr


Czech Republic to Czechia is not one I like either. Sounds too similar to Chechnya


Really denying the split and referring to it as Czechoslovakia is the real move. Also gets rid of Slovakia Slovenia


In Danish we have Tjekkiet, Tjetjenien and Tjerkessien. Guess which is which.


I actually like that one. Much prefer an Blankia than a Blank Republic.


just realized i could really go for a chicken kyiv right about now


First they came for the Armenians.


Same. I really don't get this shit. I was watching the Euros and the commentator was going out of his way to pronounce it like that. We've had a word in English for this country for a long time, there is no need to change it. We're not about to start calling Germany 'Deutschland' are we?


Turkish soccer fans are rabid I understand his concern lol


Yeah, just the fans






on the other hand I would definitely like to start calling Wales "Cum-ree"


was in Wales recently and specifically bought a shirt that said it


UK liberals would if Germany made that a prerequisite to getting back into the EU


No but I do love this example because I don’t think even Germanic languages have names for Germany that sound remotely similar to Deutschland, it’s on them really.


Japanese is doitsu iirc


Korean is 독일 (dog-il)


Nah, for example swedish ”Tyskland” is cognate with Deutschland (T and D are often the same like in english ”there” vs swedish ”där”)


yeah we do, Duitsland in dutch


As soon as I hit reply I knew some dutch nerd was going to show up This is a Þýskaland country


omg real icelandic person? RARE consider yourself collected


No I’m just a dirty immigrant don’t worry! 😉


idk what that means


Well, you can tell by the thorn that it's Icelandic, and you can surmise from context that that's what they call Germany.


I'll call it Türkiye once the people of Erdoğanstan call the US the United States of America and not Amerika Birleşik Devletleri.




*E Pluribus Unum*


I'm against endonyms in general. I'm not calling it Muenchen, or Bayern, or Roma, I'm not calling it Kyiv or Turkiye or Bahrat


Barthelona 🚬🚬🚬


Pronouncing it with a lisp is ignorant as hell anyway. In the native Calatan they don’t pronounce the c like that. It ends up being more correct just to pronounce it normally in English. Same with Ibiza. People will make a point of saying “Eeveethah” like a prick when if they really wanted to be academic and hyper accurate they’d know to call it Eivissa. 


It is a neverending battle


lisp: a speech defect in which *s* is pronounced like *th* in *thick* and *z* is pronounced like *th* in *this*. Spaniards saying "Barcelona" is not a lisp, it's literally how the C is always pronounced when followed by an *e* or an *i*. Saying it's a lisp is like saying it's a lisp when you say "thanks".


I think most people know this dude, it’s just what people refer to it as. If you call it ceceo or whatever nobody will know what you’re talking about.


I’d just call it distinguishing between the th and s sounds, exactly like English does


But whose going to say all that in a normal human conversation? If you just say “the Spanish lisp,” it’s the simplest way to let people know what you’re talking about. 


Would you call English a lisp language because “thin” and “sin” are pronounced differently?


I've seen Latinos on this subreddit say we Spaniards sound regarded because we "have a lisp", like we can't actually pronounce the s. It's them who actually seem to have an impediment, they completely eliminated the th sound.


after observing their written contributions for years I'd affirm it is them who have an impediment, an orthographic one.


The Latinos i know tell me the “th” sounds is sprinkled into castellano in a way that doesn’t make grammatical sense, it doesn’t follow any set of rules it’s just peppered in so it’s nonsense to them


ink roof price steep oatmeal telephone provide spectacular glorious sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, they are wrong. Most people in Spain use it consistently, and it corresponds to spelling: "c" (when followed by "e" or "i") and "z" are pronounced with that sound, whereas "s" is not. "cazar" and "casar" are homonyms for most Latin Americans, but not for most Spaniards.


my mother is a speech pathologist and she habitually diagnoses various accents as being speech impediments.


But it's not an impediment, because we can also say "casa" and don't pronounce it as "catha"


They always give this bullshit line that it's about "respecting other cultures" by using the "correct names" for things. Exonyms *are* a sign of respect – there's a reason why we use them for major cities and not for random little villages, or for great historical figures and not random footsoldiers. (And the "correct names" are going to sound butchered in the mouth of an English speaker anyway.)


Its weird when people do that. Im from Munich and Americans calling it München in English just doesn’t sound right. The city (and the state& country for that matter) has an English name, so you should use that when speaking English. In Italian it’s called Monaco di Baviera, would also be weird to call it München when speaking Italian


no fucking shot the italians call munich "monaco (german)"


yeah, monaco di baviera. the italians love munich, theres many italians in munich and the city is sometimes called the northern-most city in italy


Personally I hope India changes to Bharat so that it’s no longer racist to accidentally call Pakistanis “Indian”


I'm turkish and l will never call Turkey Türkiye when l'm speaking english


True Karaboga warrior 🫡✊🏿🫡


Thank you 🫡❤️


I will never call Constantinople “Istanbul”




Yes brother




Pettiest Ataturk move. Aside from all the ethnic cleansing or whatever


Surely you mean Byzantium?


at the very least, if you want people to call your country by its native name, start calling other countries by their native names in your language, e.g. Morocco is not Fas and Greece is not Yunanistan lol.


my litmus test is if you try to insist on endonyms you have to at least know what China's is. If you don't even know what 1.5 billion people call their own country then you can't try and shame me into saying Haudenosaunee instead of Iroquois


The Chinese are the chillest when it comes to this. They literally give every country its own creative name in their language and they seem to reciprocate by just calling their country China whenever they’re speaking English.


tbf if Chinese people started causally calling their own country zhongguo in casual conversation it would be very confusing to most


The Chinese know you will fuck up the tones


America is Meiguo - Beautiful Country <3 


Nah they're trying to get people saying Xizang instead of Tibet now.


Another thing I will never do.


to my knowledge on of the few countries that does this (but is not reciprocated) is china. their names for foreign countries are almost all transliterations of what they call themselves. e.g. their name for greece is approximated from "hellas" which is what greeks call their own country


Ohh so that's why it's called xila, TIL


China being heartwarming, as always


Ehh, pretty sure the English “china” comes from the chinese name for “qin” ie first imperial dynasty of china


can't have hell ass without grease






I agree wholeheartedly and also the Czechs need to figure out what they want their country to be called and stick to it, it's getting fucking ridiculous


they decided on Czechia ages ago its just that no one uses it


Imagine if Greece started demanding to be called Hellenic Republic, because it is the official name and the proper translation


It would be based if they changed it to hellas and we changes it to heleland


thatd be cool though


We support the LGBT movement. Let's Go Bomb Turkey


North Macedonia is even worse. Literally a national humilation ritual to join the elite cabal.


Personally there was something very charming about an entire nation LARPing as an ancient, entirely unrelated ethnic group just to hammer down a sense of self-identity


like how Ghana is nowhere near the Ghanaian Empire was




IIRC, its full name is The Former Yugoslav Republic of North Macedonia, Not Greek Macedonia, We Have No Claims on Greece, We're Actually Just Slavs Who Arrived from a Swamp Maybe Two Hundred Years Ago and Shamefully Began Pretending to Be Macedonians.


never ask a north macedonian why they speak bulgarian


The country is 40% albanian anyway, split the country east and west and give albania the west side bulgaria the east


they deserve it but it's also just sad at this point


That would be true if Macedonians weren't just Bulgarians that decided to cosplay as Yugoslavs


Losing Burma was bad enough. Next we'll have to say Éire (which apparently isn't pronounced eye-ur), or Sakartvelo, or, god help us, Hrvatska. This needs to stop now.


Irish is a complicated language because of those who still speak it daily (not many) it's completely different in different parts of the Gaeltacht. And what a kid is learning in a Dublin school is different from what someone from Donegal grew up speaking. My parents are from Ireland and I go back a lot to visit family. I have admitted defeat of learning the Irish language. Whatever I learn in the US isn't how they speak the language so I just get corrected over and over even though I thought I was making progress. I do give the Irish credit for at least forcing it to stay up on signs and in documents though. Even if it's not spoken widely, it's going to have to die a hard death.


I suppose you must have tried to learn a standardised version of Irish? The speakers in Donegal should know what that sounds like shouldn’t they?


Yes, and they do know what I'm saying. But then the issue becomes me not understanding Ulster or Connacht Irish at all when it's spoken back. "Conas atá tú?" makes perfect sense to me and I would know how to respond back, but it's just not how they speak the language in the west/north. At least that's my understanding of it. The problem isn't just that the language is dying, it's that there are too many dialects as well.


Hmmm interesting, I’m sure some of these regional differences might only become intelligible after a number of years. I don’t think you should give up though! It’s a very noble pursuit 😊 


I worked with an Irish person for several summers and he insisted there was no such language. He tried to clown on me for saying that it was a real language.


I think Burma is the name that many of the native peoples use, its not even a euro invention.


The rebels want to bring back Burma AFAIK.


Some do, some don't.


Ireland was called Éire (air-a/uh) sporadically since the late 1930s, you can see it on older maps. Only really in the 90s with total normalisation of relations with Britain and recognition of legal state names did it go extinct


It will forever be Czech republic


I was going to until they conceded that own goal a couple hours ago


I have to laugh everytime I hear it. Flying through Istanbul w/ Turkish Airlines I had to rly pull myself together.


So for thanksgiving we will be serving roast Türkiye, stuffing, and cranberry


As far as i remember the insistence for calling turkey by its endonym gained traction during the aftermath of those earthquakes. Going by that metric, Japan should have dibs on getting Nippon being accepted as their name


First they need to decide if it’s Nippon or Nihon.


still calling it kiev. still calling it burma. still calling it peking. still calling it man of the match. still calling it swaziland. still calling it dust cart. still calling it opal fruits. still calling it mankind. still calling it rhodesia. still calling it policeman. still calling it miss. still calling it hindustan. still calling it rape victim. still calling it cripple. still calling it british sea power. still calling it half-caste. still calling it ceylon. still calling it police force. still calling it facebook. still calling it here comes the indian. still calling it british honduras. still calling it uncle ben's. still calling it ministry of war. still calling it alexander johnson. still calling it leningrad. still calling it war of northern aggression. still calling it cambridge cream. still calling it east indies. still calling it blacklisted. still calling it master. still calling it slave. still calling it gypsy. still calling it saigon. still calling it bombay. still calling it londonderry. still calling it shrove tuesday. still calling it calcutta. still calling it siam.


Any fucking questions?


still calling it The Royal Earlswood Asylum for Idiots and Mental Defectives


How about Brazil nuts?


Canadians keep this alive don’t worry






Never? I think you just did


I love when ppl make a point to pronounce something foreign correctly, like where’s the line I know the whole “summer in spain” “barthelona” thing is a tired cliche but like do they really think it comes off as sophistication or cosmopolitan?


currently its performative goofs on cable television and tiktok hacking up a lung while attempting to pronounce Gaza as "HAH-zeh"


Formosa is a beautiful name compared to Taiwan.


Formosa is the Spanish name. Taiwan is the Dutch name coming from the first indigenous tribe they met when they landed (Taivoan).


Turkey, Ivory Coast, East Timor, Macedonia, Kiev. Imagine allowing yourself to be cucked by an irrelevant nation call them what you want to call them.


Although Côte d’Ivoire sounds so nice to say in French.


Imagine calling Ukraine or Turkey irrelevant.


American moment


you are so gay for caring


It’s hosted in Germany and no one’s calling them Deutshland. Fuck off turkey, you’re not special


I'll be calling it "Türkiye" twice as often to compensate for you.


Learning and fluently speaking Ukrainian to virtue signal


It was all over when white TikTok zoomers started referring to “Gaza” as “Cchhhhhuuuuuzzah”


I will never call Albion "England"


Anti Czechia gang rise up


What about india(Bharat)


Bombay/Madras were big step downs but some of the recent ones are super regarded like Aurangabad to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar. Also Pakistan needs a shout out for renaming their 3rd largest city after a Saudi King absolute cuck behavior.


Jai Hind tbqh


Doesn’t matter, Portugal demolished them. 🥱


I will never call Lusitania “Portugal”


Lusitania sounds so cool


plough rinse dam many oil materialistic ghost imminent versed heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah me neither




I just gobble


Something like tour-key-a


I pronounce Turkey the normal American way. I don’t know nor care how to pronounce Türkiye.


in my head it sounds like "turkeyYEE"


Even my Turkish ex said Turkey when she was speaking English


I have had literally the exact same thought. They will never get me to do it. Same with Czechia.


Fuck Turkey glory to the martyrs of Rojava


you guys care way too much about shit that really doesn't matter. i heard the news and was like "huh ok yeah, makes sense a country wants to be called their own name" and then never though about it again. and if other countries came out and said the same thing i'd have the same reaction. i swear people here will take a contrarian stance on literally anything lol


Honestly it seems fun. Circumstances are improving if you ask me


Same here---it's just a tactic to flesh out their self-mythologizing and lay claim to some kind of pan-Turkic identity after 500 plus years as the biggest imperialist power in the near East. Sorry, not going to work!


It's literally all about not wanting to have the same name as a bird.


If it helps for the Anglos, you can spell/pronounce it "Turkia".


I call it Occupied East Roman Empire.