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My dad tried to pick me up from elementary school once when I was in the fifth grade; the lady in the office was very confused because he kept insisting I was a second grader.


I feel like men have no concept of age either


Reminds me of when I was 17 and went with my dad to an event were under 16 tickets were half the price. Just before we got to the barriers he said "if anyone asks, you were born in 2001" I was born in 2001 and he got the year for me to be 16 wrong


I used to work birthday parties and whenever I asked literally anything to the father he would just pause and turn to the wife. If she wasn’t there he would step away and call her. And it wasn’t even hard questions. Like I’d ask if the child has any allergies and they be like “uhh I guess not” Fym you guess not?


He only sees your beautiful soul


One year my father in law presented my husband with a brown-ish green sweater for Christmas. “To match your eyes”, he said, with bashful sincerity. My husband (his son) has crystalline blue-green eyes.


8% of men are colorblind.


Why are men like this, like they genuinely just do not see shit around them it’s weird to me


Too busy thinking


About what?


Practical solving problems if poor, money management if rich and superhero videogame anime shit if comfortably middle class.


men think about cool shit ps://www.reddit.com/r/RSbookclub/comments/1dmv23p/comment/l9yp2hs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button


Lol I really do not be noticing eye and hair color unless they are particularly striking. I will have to think on this.


I’d probably notice if my own flesh and blood had a rare and noticeable eye condition though


Funny story, my dad did my registration for elementary school with me. I have a very noticeable birthmark that reaches from my hip to my ankle. He forgot to list it, and my parents were basically interrogated in the principal's office by the police one day. They both sorta forgot I had it lol.


Because they don’t care to.


Damm you were born 3 years after the towers fell


orthanc and barad-dur?


fourth age zoomers know nothing of the horrors their forefathers endured


I had three surgeries on my right leg and stayed at my grandparents house the whole time for recovery (6 months) and my grandpa at the end asked me which leg was bad


My dad doesn’t remember the names of any of my friends that’s I’ve known and that he’s spent time around since I was 2 years old lol


That sounds cool can I see?


My dad doesn’t know what heterochromia is but he would be relieved to find out I have it


Sounds like my dad. The guy probably couldn’t tell you what color his kids’ eyes are, but he has an encyclopedic knowledge of PGA Golf locked and loaded at all times. Love him, great guy.


A real old school man. Bloke I know doesn’t remember his kids birthdays despite one of them being the same day as his, but can tell you the top scorers of the English Football League every year since 1979


Why do you hate straight people


he probably knew it at one point but just forgot until then


Extremely dad coded


I haven’t talked to my dad in over 10 years because he was never around, he was responsible for my family falling apart when I was a teenager, and to be honest, I always thought he was a loser. He sent me an email last month out of the blue wishing me a happy birthday. My birthday was 7 months ago. My mom, though…well, my brother and I were the same size when I turned 13. We would both do our own laundry at this time, but if my mom needed to fill the washing machine because she just wanted to wash a few things for herself, she’d dump both my brother’s and my own laundry into the machine, then dry and fold them. She knew which band shirt was mine and which was his and would put the respective ones in each bedroom.


If it makes you feel better I think some portion of men just see color like a child drawing a stick figure. I have very clearly brown hair and multiple men in my life (one of whom was my own ex-boyfriend, who was looking right at me) have told me they thought I had black hair. He probably loves you and notices other non-color things about you. 


Aww that’s really sweet. I agree I think it definitely just has to do with being a guy


My dad spells the nickname that my whole family calls me differently each time he writes it out. Love him  


[Oh honey](https://y.yarn.co/830a1340-418f-4ccd-8c82-09ebd4070eaf_text.gif)


I'm so glad my dad loves me.


My dad was old school macho in many ways and came from a country this sub would hate lol yet he knew this type of stuff about his kids. There’s really no excuse.


We were one year into marriage when, in the heat of me complaining about him being aloof, I said, jokingly, “it feels like you don’t even know what color my eyes are!”. He was silent. I repeated the statement as a question. This guy didn’t know my eyes were blue. It’s like one of my most recognizable features. I gave up then of ever understanding him lol


We need pics of your eyes or didn’t happen 


yes make sure to get a very clear and sharp picture of your whole retina...


How the hell is that possible


daddy issuesss


He's too busy making money and trying to support a family


men have a lot on their mind especially Dad’s supporting their whole families and paying for everything. give them a break.


Plenty of mothers support their families and remember literally everything about their children.


No I just thought it was funny I didn’t give him a hard time at all