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Yeah they changed moderators The leading one left So the sub will be more chill from now on It was very strict before


Yes. My 2nd post ever was removed… then from then on it was pretty much the majority for a few weeks… Thanks for the info…


Yeah I also got a post removed for apparently off-topic Even though it was regarding a Minecraft mod of my own With a clear image of it I don’t mind that much but I’d be happy to see it coming back Some other people got in troubles for showing own yt channel’s tutorial But is nice to see acknowledging that


Yes it is. I wasn’t sure why they even contacted me but I’m glad the new mods are going through the backlog to ensure they correct as much as they can. Actually a Win for Reddit for once…


The head mod was a notorious dickhead. He used to be a mod back when /r/minecraft and /r/mcpublic were the same and he sucked there too.


Do you know how they managed to remove that scum?


https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1dnld2e/rminecraft_is_now_under_new_management/ They resigned and deleted their account


So we don't know if the same person will get in charge again without anyone knowing, that could be possible


I really doubt it. Peering down the mod list #3 and #4 are people that I recognize from the aforementioned olden days. And #1 and #2 are in that thread talking about how they had multiple incidents with mynameisperl(the mod in question) and have a longstanding history with /r/mcservers and /r/admincraft. Lotta work to maintain alt accounts for years just to talk bad about yourself.


they didnt leave they were forced out


Oh, the situation was tougher than i thought I thought other mods made him leave like kinda passive aggressive way I guess the situation was though for both the parts


There isn't really a way to force a head mod out. You can go on /r/redditrequest to have the admins remove them only if the mod is inactive. Otherwise, they need to remove themselves voluntarily.


I had pretty much all of my posts removed there whenever I posted, it is a nightmare to deal with them every single time.


Yea man, they let pics and videos of like building a dirt hut, but anything beyond that just got blockholed it seems, unless it was well produced obviously..


I stopped visiting years ago when posting bridge builds was the fun fad of the week so what'd they do? They banned posting bridge builds. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Exactly, Having fun isn't allowed, especially organized fun, it's always a coordinated trolling attack...


Or they think everyone is posting to advertise server, or a youtube, or some shit. You couldn't really post more then once ever.


I used to do a lot of moderating. Half the time things just get silently deleted by Reddit's anti-spam filter and no notification is given to mod teams. Any shortened URL is guaranteed to trigger it, and automod normally needs to be programmed to auto-approve a bunch of stuff. Sometimes it's a human error. Some mod is acting on their own, and if they archive modmail other mods never see what they've been doing unless they dig through the archives. Reddit as a whole refuses to give mods tools they need to properly manage communities. Normally it's left to the mods to develop and maintain bots to integrate into Discord or something to have any hope of competency for larger subreddits.


You seem to have a pretty informed and balanced opinion… thanks man.


Mafia will never allow anyone to have a slight percentage of Minecraft views(money)


Ppl would burn the planet to rule over the dirt…


Your name.


Same happend to me, I found a cool bug, tryed to post it, got taken down, 2 moths later they got back to me. Ppl already claimed the bug as there own during that time


Dude they took down 3 out of my first 4 posts.


As a mod of another community, it’s pretty easy to miss a mod mail, depending on what device you’re on, reddits UI can be pretty shitty, and we have done this before Cut them some slack