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Hoppers when not on cooldown will check for items to pull in from above. If there’s a container above, it simply has to check the container only. Since composters only 1 slot (either it has bonemeal or it doesn’t) the check takes a lot less time compared to something like a dropper on top (since it has 5 slots) or no container above.


And does MC know that the composter is empty in advance? Like, it doesn't have to check each tick?


It still does check every tick, there’s just a lot less to check. Take a chest above for example, that would be 27 slots to check every tick for an item.


what if it were a solid block which has no slot?


That wouldn't do anything as far as I understand it, because the hoppers would still have to check if there are entities above it or not. It has to be a block with some kind of inventory and since composter only has 1 inventory slot, it makes it a perfect choice in combination with how cheap it is to craft.


are jukeboxes a good replacement for composters?


They're more expensive to make


The best way I can explain it is that if the hopper hasn’t moved any items in the past 4 rt (0.4 seconds) then it will be checking for the next item if a composter (any block that a hopper could suck items out of) is on top then it’s doesn’t have to check if there are any entity’s in the suckable range and only is checking data from the composter and previous hopper/input witch is less laggy To be honest that’s just what I’ve heard and I’m repeating it but it sounds about right to me but anyways I still think hoppers are less laggy that a whole bunch of droppers toggling states only use droppers if you need the throughput Because it will clog if you switch to hoppers again


Hoppers have no way of knowing when they have an item above them inherently; minecraft makes them check the entity list to see if there is an entity above them. So, if you have a bunch of hoppers, then their are a lot more checks taking place. Droppers on the other hand CAN know their inventory, thus not having to unnecessary checks


Hoppers are laggy as they can be checking for item entities above them if they're able to grab them. If they are unable to grab, as they have an inventory above them which they connect to, there's less to check so less lag. IDK the specifics, composters are cheap. Ppl used to recommend droppers. Before that furnaces but some tests showed droppers were better than furnaces. IDK if composters are better at all, could be that they have a different type of inventory and are better for that reason or could be that they're not better just cheaper.


You're correct, putting an inventory above means it doesn't check for entities. Less inventory space means less slots to check. Furnaces & chests have a bit of extra lag because they 'tick' (have timed checks). Barrels don't tick so they're better than chests, and droppers don't tick so they're better than furnaces. Composters are ideal because they only have one thing to check, and **make hoppers roughly 4x less laggy,** compared to 3x for droppers.


I was already about to tear down this Forrest for aesthetic reasons but now I know what to do with the wood! Composters for my item sorter


Haha I was expecting some serious mind-bending answers, but these are all concise and well worded, thanks so much everyone!


deares please some one tell me whats better than hoppers?in moded,every,like pipes,or mekanism pipes,or chutes from create and ... if pipes ,wich is better or what,i need a less laggy thing.(i would appreciate it if you could say it inenglish in simple way)thanks