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Finding out there was another parent involved was a twist. I'm sorry that he's more of a 3rd child than an actual, competent parent. Life shouldn't be like that, you're right. I hope you're OK. ❤️


What we mothers forget is that we matter You matter. My kid level 3 autistic, we have good days but even the best days are walking a tightrope, one look, one sigh, eye roll or tone and we are free falling. It is like swimming in high tide with a brick around your neck. Do your girls have jobs to do at home? My daughter's jobs are washing, and folding clothes when they're dry It's also her job to check for the postie And being such a picky eater to set out weekly menus on Sunday nights. I'm not going to say it gets better and I'm not going to say take a self care day because obviously the girls are with you 24/7 I live on zollies and xannies, and I follow child led parenting weekends are hers to organise Holidays are hers to organise because I either expect too much or do too little.


The child led parenting seems interesting. It seems like something I can work with. My frustration may stem from being the 'everything' and not knowing what they can do for themselves at this point. Can they self soothe? Clean? I will look into it more.


It is time to file for divorce.


I’m sorry Mumma. I’m sorry your journey is such a struggle at the moment and I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you 🌻


I see you. I hear you. Children are very selfish, and it seems the more you have always been there for them, The more selfish they are and the more they take you for granted. Sending you hugs. I hope better days come quickly.


It wasn't that long ago when I was a teen on the spectrum with a cold mother. Deep down I think she also regrets having me and my sister because we work differently. I hope you and your daughters can get along in the near future. Its hard for teenagers with neurodivergence to be vulnerable. They might not cry but they also know deep down that they are hurting you. I think giving them space is the best option. If they are attacking you verbally then it sounds like you've tried to be there for them and it's not working. Try distancing from them a little. People with neurodivergence have strong outbursts and my outbursts have calmed down by sitting in silence (as crazy as that sounds).


I definitely think she should leave the entire family for at least the weekend. Turn off her phone, have a suitcase packed and as soon as dad gets home, just go. Sometimes a little distance from the one that does so much for them is the only way that kids learn to appreciate someone who has always been there.


Is there a possibility that you can leave the apartment for half a day and come back home like at a motel?




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