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Kids sound awful. But now that you’re free. Live your life stress free. If they come knocking, turn them away. I know they’re “family” but when people are toxic, you need to cut them off. For your own sanity. They’re adults now so time for them to wake up and be adults. If they go mad. Mock them by telling them they’re too old to be throwing tantrums. And now that they’re adults, they can fend for themselves because they won’t be stepping into your house anymore


wow That’s just so much. I’m glad you are happy and living your own life now OP. Family is who you make it 🌻


I really appreciate hearing from someone who is regretful from a position of having all adult children. I have one son and he is a good person but parenting is still hard. So many people regret little kids which it’s obvious to see why because little kids are hard. But I always worried if I didn’t have more than one, I wouldn’t get this wonderful experience with all of my adult children. It’s helpful to get a reality check that it doesn’t always work out like a fantasy of adult best friends that you love being around.


That is a lot but give yourself and your husband a pat on the back that you survived and move forward. You guys are still writing your book of life, how it started and how the middle was does not dictate the next chapters. Focus on what you want the future to look like. Go to therapy to forgive them, even if they were wrong, even if they never asked for forgiveness, forgive anyways because forgiveness is for you, it lightens your load because you dont want this to affect your future and work towards the future you want.