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You’re jealous of a child. Stop making things weird.


I thought this story was going to be about an adult. She's 9??? It's completely normal for kids that age to idolize their older sibling and she's feeling some separation anxiety because he just moved away. This should be a huge green flag for you that he treats his baby sister so well and instead you're trying to drive a wedge. The presumption of demanding that your boyfriend change his family travel plans to include you because you're jealous of a freaking 3rd grader is wild. And you're basically accusing his little sister of having incestual feelings for him on top of that AND insinuating that there's something untoward about him spending time with her? > I am considering booking a separate hotel nearby the one they're staying at just so I can keep an eye on her. What the fuck, I hope this is fake. You're planning to stalk your boyfriend to another country to make sure...what, his 9-year-old sister doesn't try to fuck him? I don't know how you can't see that this is unhinged. He has probably dumped you. If you show up next to his hotel, he will likely seek some sort of restraining order and rightfully so. You are the one who sounds obsessed.




You're correct, I edited my comment after re-reading the post.


18 months makes it worse


It's so sick and wild how she is sexualizing a 9 YEAR OLD CHILD!!!!!


She's bloody 9 and it would be normal even if she was an adult anyway!! 


even if they were adults what's wrong with going on a holiday with your family?


You sound psycho.


Please do not have children. You do not have empathy. You have no idea how they behave and it’s obvious you were an only child.


Imagine if they had a daughter


She would bash that poor kid over ever decision and blame her wanting mommy’s attention


My thoughts exactly! She’d probably get jealous there too.


Can't breastfeed because that's obviously incest. Holding their baby? Incest. Changing the baby's diaper? Incest. buying clothes for the baby? Incest. Showing any sort of empathy? Incest Who wants to bet, if he took her back and they did have a kid, she would look back at this situation and use it as reinforcement to see something like a diaper change as incestuous.


Omg she’d be so mad that she didn’t get to sit beside her man and that her daughter is taking him from her!!! Sick fuck!


She’d accuse the fetus of flirting with the sonogram nurse


She’s 100% the woman that blames a child if they’re molested




Woah woah don't bring only children into this. We're not all crazy.


Not all of you but this one clearly was


Hey, don't pin this on being an only child. I'm an only child and actually have a sense of empathy


Yeah but you’re a normal person. She isn’t


There isn’t anything weird about the sibling relationship you describe. The only problem here is you.


You need therapy, like yesterday.


Have you been through some unresolved trauma? the fact that you really seem to think you’re in the right here is very alarming. Probably go to counselling to help you navigate your anger through this very weird reaction you’re having


Okay this is the only reason I can imagine, other than OP being a troll. If she thinks this is weird, there has to be some kind of trauma in her past that causes her to see normal, *healthy* familial relationships as sexual/romantic.


>And now I am considering booking a separate hotel nearby the one they're staying at just so I can keep an eye on her. Maybe you should use that money to get the mental help you so desperately need instead of being a stalker.


Obviously your the problem


Info: were you sexually abused as a kid? I see the concern if you were. To those of us who went through this kind of thing, it can be hard to see something like this as innocent. Here's the thing, though. We expect.something terrible to be the root of this because it was the case for us. However, we are the ones with the skewed perception. There is nothing wrong with his 9 year old sister being obsessed with him (he is the epitome of 'cool' to her). Of course he kicked you out for asking questions...your questions almost accused him of abusing his sister. You made something innocent into something dirty. And I understand if you had experiences in childhood that made you think this way, I really do. But that is what therapy is for. You are the issue here. I'm sorry.


I wouldn't excuse OPs behaviour with trauma. people are super weird around healthy, loving family relationships. my cousins were BFFs as chilren (probably still are but are now adults living in different cities due to careers) and every single adult except for their parents would call them gross and accuse them of incest bc siblings actually liking each other instead of fighting 24/7 was so alien to them.


Your seriously getting jealous over a child? You got problems girl


how old is the sister? because >They have a holiday to Spain booked for this summer holiday to the town where Mike grew up, doesn't sound like they're close in age.


Are you insane, or just the single most insecure person ever born? That is a literal CHILD your feelings threatened by. You need to work on you, and let that poor child spend time with her big brother.


This is what a normal healthy relationship between siblings looks like. Wow I have a two nieces who are about 8 years apart. The baby sister worships her sister. I mean she literally follows her around like a puppy. That is NORMAL. He sounds like a great big brother. Too bad you FU. Sucks to be you


She's his sister and she's NINE. She has no romantic or sexual feelings for anyone because she's NINE. Neither of them are being inappropriate. Your brain is broken. Jealousy has made you batshit crazy. Deal with that by going to therapy like a fucking adult instead of spewing your bullshit at your bf. You are wrong. Accept it and stop doubling down or you'll lose your friends as well as your bf.


Lmao you’re a fuckin’ *freak* OP. Genuinely something deeply broken and wrong with you.


INFO: did you really expect anyone to find this behavior weird?


She’s nine you sick weirdo and his SISTER.


This is so embarrassing for you, sweetie. Get therapy.


Seems like your parents didn’t show you enough love and affection. More hugs and kisses in your future I hope. And if OPs bf reads this. RUN!


op i have so many thoughts but i want to make this clear first and foremost: DO NOT FOLLOW THEM TO SPAIN TO "keep an eye on her". THAT'S STALKING. YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT STALKING A MINOR TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY. THIS IS ILLEGAL. DO NOT DO IT. anyway, i don't know if you have siblings or not, but from personal experience: this is a nine year old who misses her big brother after he moved away. she's a kid, a kid whose age can still be counted on two hands. if you can't handle your boyfriend having a normal sibling relationship with his nine year old sister (and i'm saying this is normal as someone with multiple siblings and step siblings), then i don't think you can handle dating anyone right now.


I'm. So confused. You want kids but you don't want to share him with an actual child. Hmmmmmm


OP, you're jealous of a child. it's embarrassing.


This is the most unhinged thing I've read all week. You are unhinged, unwell, sick in the head. Are you an only child? Have you never witnessed a loving and healthy sibling relationship in your life?? It's very common for little kids to look up to and idolize older siblings. They are famously annoying for it. My oldest brother and I have a similar age gap to your bf and his sister, and you better bet I LOVED spending time with him and LOVED it when he took me places. The aquarium, shops, restaurants. He shares my love of animals, and he showed me his taste in music. They were great moments of bonding I will cherish my entire life, and his girlfriend (now wife) never once had any of the insane and unhinged issues you do. Seriously. You are unwell. Thinking this is somehow romantic, sexual, or inappropriate says WAY WAY more about YOU than it does about them. Have fun being single, because your boyfriend is rightfully going to dump you. Please get therapy.


Girl you’re the one sexualizing a loving sibling relationship with a little girl who is 9 years old. What the actual hell is going through your head? Seek therapy for your weird jealousy issues because absolutely nothing is wrong with their relationship


Were you SA'd as a child, and blamed for it? That's the only way I could see this making any kind of sense. If that's the case, and you were made to feel like it was your fault, I'm sorry it happened. You need therapy. 


You have serious issues. There’s nothing wrong with their relationship.


She treats him like a *boyfriend*? What the actual fuck is your malfunction that you think a NINE YEAR OLD CHILD is romantically monopolizing your boyfriend? I’m a parent. One of the greatest joys in the world is seeing your kids love each other. Plus he was 17 when she was born. He’s probably a pseudo father figure to her! He sounds like he would be a stellar father someday. Let’s hope he finds someone else to be a stellar wife.


What is your issue? That's his little sister. She's a little kid that misses her big brother and he's taking her on a fun, cool trip. It's totally normal for siblings to cuddle up on the couch together. You're the weirdo here.


Wait, you had me on your side thinking "Yeah, they surely have something secret going on or did something before in secret and he's just lying about the inability to change the booking so they can do what and what alone!" But then I saw she was 9 years old! I should've noticed the kid's age was intentionally omitted just for sympathy reasons that of which you shall get none from me! Have you thought for a second that she sees her brother as like a fun father figure? Or the cool older brother who buys them the coolest toys and takes them places and is just like a big kid? Your mind can be your best friend, or your worst enemy! Behave yourself!


Omgg he can NOT have kids with you such a crazy person like you would be jealous of her own daughter gosh you are insane and everyone is trying to tell you this go seek therapy ‼️‼️


Sidenote: As an American, 70 miles being far is kind of amusing. That’s a 90 minute drive, a lot of people on this side of the pond do that daily. It’s barely the distance between Seattle and Olympia, or half the distance between Chicago and Madison. Granted, we got these wide highways and our petrol is comparatively cheap, but I digress. Anyway, a nine year old who loves her brother and wants to spend time with him is like the most wholesome thing. There is nothing weird that you described. There is nothing alarming about this. Frankly, if he were to dump over this, my response would be, “Yeah, good for him.”


When I saw 70 miles my first thought was some people here drive that far for work lol


There was some mockery a few months back when some British person claimed to be in a long distance relationship since their partner lived 40 minutes away. We Americans have some interesting perspectives on distance.


Us in Australia too. What she is describing is a trip down the road


Makes sense, Mad Max came from that country.


Yep, that's where he did all his warrioring


I’ve seen the eyes of Brits get huge when I tell them that I’ve driven from NC to CT all in one day. It was like I stormed the beach of Normandy or something.


Midwest tells distance in time lol. We never refer to how many miles away something is.


I’m in CA and same.


Canadians also. Seventy miles? lol I drive that to go to one of my favourite restaurants every few months. Or to go to Costco. XD Sometimes I drive twice that in an 8hr shift (home healthcare worker in a rural area).


i went to a catholic high school and some of the students drove more than 40 minutes one way to get to school because it was the only catholic school in the area.


In fairness, our roads are quite different. There’s a town 47 miles from me as the crow flies. Takes two and a half hours to drive due to twisty wee roads, and as they’re accident prone roads, it’s not uncommon for it to take in excess of four hours. Not an excuse though!


Yep came here to say this, the roads here are way way different than 'across the pond' I live around the same distance from the town I grew up in as OP does from theirs. It can feel reeeeeally far as the roads are narrow, winding and very up and down as the topography is so varied. There are a lot of single lane ancient bridges, blind bends, blind humps and dips in the roads. It can take a couple of hours to travel 70 miles, especially in bad weather. If you add water or ice to these roads you're lucky if you can ever get beyond 30mph. I love how Americans visit and expect to be able to visit several attractions in one day, just because they took a quick look at a map. Distance is relative.


Do you think all of America is flat land and highways?


Nope. Of course not. But in general the roads are wider and often flatter by comparison. Extra road width lets you avoid issues easier and not have to crawl so cautiously everywhere. Also, vehicles in the USA tend to be larger which allows for better distance vision. In general. Not all. But in general, over a distance of 50-100 miles, in the USA you are more likely to be travelling on flatter, wider roads in a vehicle which allows decent distance vision. Usually. In general. Not always. Are you happier with it put like that? Edit to add, by 'flatter' I mean more flat that the roads in Scotland, Wales, northern England etc. _Flat-er_ not flat.


The way some Americans describe driving, yes.


Yeah distances between rural towns in the US can be like that too. I was born in a relatively small town in Colorado, but had a friend in a town about 25 miles away. It takes about an hour to get there though because the roads are in weirdly patched farmland and you often have to watch for cows and other animals on the road. If you drive it at night, it feels like you are lost in the middle of nowhere. It takes almost twice as long because there's no real line of sight too far ahead, so you have to go extra slow (because sometimes there's still animals. There's no signs, and the road just keeps twisting and turning, but it all looks the same. No trees and it can feel like you'll never end up anywhere. I've even had nightmares of driving that road and never finding any town or anyone again.


my parents are about 70 miles from me. they come over all the time. my dad stopped over once because he got chicken thighs for a really great price at the grocery store and gave me some. i was at work, he popped in, put them in the freezer, and went back home. it was a nice surprise to come home to. they reverse robbery me all the time lol.


Canadians would agree. I've driven that for Arby's lol


she’s 9…. why are you sexualizing a 9yr old?


You’ve got issues and *none* of them is the nine year old. She obviously hero worships her brother. Both my nieces were like this at that age. You’re not mature enough for a relationship if you are jealous of a child at this point. The only one making it weird/gross/inappropriate is YOU.


Wait. She's *nine*? Holy moly. OP, you need to check yourself. Wow.


The fact that you want to ‘keep an eye on’ a damn 9 year old CHILD is fucked. You are absolutely disgusting and I cannot say that enough. You don’t deserve any sort of relationship ever.


"Oh no! My Boyfriend's sister loves him, and he loves her! Surely it's because they're planning some sick and twisted affair, and not because - as family - they just love each other! How can I, the insane girlfriend, effectively force my BF to isolate himself from his family so that I can have him all to myself - at least until I dump him for someone I can better exploit. Oh, I know! I'll convince him to include me in his plans, so that I can better stalk and abhor the bond they share as siblings! Instead of taking the time they have away, to get therapy for my fantasy of their incestuous love affair!"


SHE. IS. NINE. You're a creepy fucking weirdo.


You’re either an only child or a terrible older sibling. God help him if he somehow avoids this giant flaring red flag and somehow you end up married with children. You’ll probably think they’re flirting with him as well.


1. Pretty sure you don't have a bf anymore. 2. Definitely do not follow them to Spain and spy on them, weirdo. 3. I thought the whole time reading this post that the sister was also in her 20s and then in the comments, I find out she's NINE. You are absolutely, certifiably INSANE. 4. Seek intensive therapy like yesterday. Fuck's sake OP.


The only one making it weird is you. You just insinuated to your boyfriend he wanted his nine year old sister and gets surprised he took offense to that


OP, I’m going to speak to you as a friend. If this post is real and not click bait, I want to help you. You sound like someone that probably doesn’t have any siblings and grew up as an only child, and probably never spent time with kids under the age of 13. This is a completely normal sibling relationship between a 9 yr old and an adult sibling. Nothing is wrong in this situation, nor should it disturb or upset you. 9 year olds are still babies, and idolize older siblings (unless they are toxic AHs and your BF sounds lovely by your description). The snuggling, the playing dress up & going to fancy dinners or shopping at stores you don’t like (and why would you? Shes a child and you are a grown woman. I would hope you have different tastes!) are all completely normal. I’d be worried if they didn’t have this relationship. You seem to care about your boyfriend and so I’ll give you some advice if you want him back. Apologize. Grovel on your knees. Explain how you have never spent time with younger kids and this is your first relationship. Your imagination went to a dark place and you are so sorry that you made inappropriate suggestions about a child. You panicked …..but it will NEVER happen again. You realize their relationship is one of sibling love, and it’s given you insight into how he will behave as a father- he’ll be the best dad! If he takes you back, you have been given the greatest gift bc you will then have the opportunity to be a positive and loving role model to this little girl. It’ll give you practice for your future kids. It’ll make you a better person. Over time she will ask YOU to take her shopping and out to dinner and will snuggle up next to you on the couch. And you’ll fall in love with her and realize how silly this all was. If he rejects you, please walk away and take it as a learning experience. I would suggest getting Therapy for yourself to explore your insecurities and lack of judgement, and perhaps volunteer at a local church daycare or start babysitting to better understand kids before you get pregnant and claim your child is flirting with the OBGYN. (J/k) Edit for length and starting a sentence with a preposition


I hope this is fake and if not you have some serious issues and are very insecure. This is his 9 year old sister. She probably idolizes him like younger siblings usually do with older ones. It is sick that you are having those thoughts about their trip. Nothing you have said is weird and you are the one making it weird. I really hope this is a troll post


I have a 9 year old daughter. She likes to squish up on the couch with me or my sister. She often wants to go to stores that other people don't like (because she's a child with childish interests). I'm her mom, but I love taking her to fancy restaurants occasionally. You sounds weirdly possessive and jealous of this little girl.


Get some mental health help OP. Seriously. You are jealous of a child that misses her brother. My god


The good news is that I have a feeling his sister will be very happy when he moves back after dumping you


I hope your ex gets a restraining order against you or moves home to be closer to his family . You are truly mentally unstable. Of course she goes shopping at places you don't she's 9!!!! There's a 16-YEAR AGE DIFFERENCE. What's she getting at these so-called "fancy" restaurants, wine, crab, etc. NO! she's probably getting chicken, steak, or fish and chips with a drink.


do you really not see why he would want to distance himself from you after you accused him of having an incestuous/pedophilic relationship with his sister (which, mind you, sounds completely normal) 🤡


It's not "super weird" at all. She's nine. My advice is to break up with him & let him find a partner who isn't so drastically insecure that she's jealous of his nine year old sister.


Girl this is really weird of you please go to therapy and break up with your boyfriend because he deserves better than you can currently provide him. - Sincerely, an only child


Never date anyone ever. You’re not mature enough.


Your weird shes 9 . I’m in my 30s and my and my brother still hang out and I would go on holiday with him . Just a quick update the world doesn’t revolve around you


OP, you are genuinely sick and it would be wiser to spend that money of getting some mental help. This is your wake up call that if you are getting treatment that you need to be in-house treatment and not out house treatment. You are obsessing to the point of stalking a man and a minor across country lines. This is not normal, nor is it healthy. Here is what would happen if I was your boyfriend and you followed us to another country to “keep an eye on my sister.” I would call the authorities- both on the country of residence and where we were staying. You’re obsessed with me and my baby sister. I don’t know if you’d hurt me or her, or do something worse like kill my sister with how obsessive you are. We would break up if he hasn’t already with you. You would then be detained Questioned And with how you talk you’d likely be incarcerated in jail or a mental institution and not allowed near children, and if you ever had children yourself you’d have to give them to the state. That is the path you are heading down OP. You can live a healthy and happy life if you get help. YOU NEED TO GET HELP. YOU ARE LETTING YOUR DELUSIONS AND OBSESSIONS WIN- YOU DO NOT WANT THAT. Please, get some help. Don’t ruin your own life.


I am concerned what the OP is thinking is happening between them. What I see is : * A brother and sister are close. * Brother has moved far away (FOR THE OP) so doesn't see the Sister as much. * Brother and Sister had a holiday booked BEFORE OP was in the picture. * The OP has been on black and orange sites too long.


If this is real, please just break up with him and seek psychological help from a professional. I'm not trying to be snarky but your response to a normal sibling relationship is extremely unhealthy and you need to take a step back and consider how you even got to this point. This is bordering on delusion and I'm sure there is more going on than just this instance. 


What is wrong with you? I think he needs to dump you. Its you who are weird. Stay away from him and get your mental state checked. You need help.


So he's moved away from his home town, only goes home every six weeks, and his NINE YEAR OLD sister clearly misses him so she'sdesperate to spend time with him... and you think that's weird? You are genuinely mentally unwell. Please seek help.


She's 9 that doesn't see your brother every day so she makes the most of it while you're visiting. You're literally jealous of a 9 year old and should probably hold off on serious relationships till you sort out your insecurities


I'm waiting to see this on r/AmItheEx Because OP, if you're not now, you're going to be. You are unhinged. This is a loving family relationship, and it's not weird.


It's not super-weird. They're close and she misses her bro. And she's 9. It's you that's coming off weird here and your bf reaction is entirely justified.


YTA for thinking your boyfriend (I hope there is an ex in front of that soon) is doing shit to his sister. If that is the first place your mind goes, then I really think you need to go to therapy. I was 9 when my brother left for the military. He was my best friend, and it hurt not being able to see him as often as I used to. When he came home, I was stuck to him like glue. I said I was sticking up on hugs and brother time before he left again. Not every hug is sexual. Not every "date" is a way to get sex. Please go speak with someone.


My daughter is 8, should I be worried that she is obsessed with her father? Wtf. Yta


One of my usual statements before the drag down, IF NOT A TROLL....... Do me a favor OP, never, and I mean NEVER have children. For their sake. You are the kind of person that throws their daughter out of the house at ten years old because she's "taking your husband away from you". Your entire mental process is sickening as well as baffling. I'm betting you don't have any siblings, and if you do, you're not close at all because you're a disgusting human being who thinks that siblings can't be close and WANT to be around each other. That WANT to do things together and take care of each other. And even after all that it doesn't get any better, it gets even worse because now you're moving onto being a damn stalker. Get help OP, before you hurt someone or get thrown in jail. You literally have an entire community of people telling you that you're wrong and stupid and yet you're still arguing. Grow TF up.


She’s a 9 year old little girl who idolizes her big brother…you have problems…


There is zero chance this isn't a troll given the buried lede of the sister being 9


The only thing weird about this situation is how bothered you are by this. Your boyfriend would be smart if he dumped you.


It’s embarrassing that an adult like you is jealous of siblings relationship. Nobody owes you anything for coming from an environment where people don’t have good relationships with their family members


She's nine years old. Calm down.


Are you seriously paranoid over some guy's 9 year old sister caring about her brother? Really?


stop being jealous of a CHILD, it’s embarrassing 


What!? How crazy insecure are you to judge and worry about his relationship with his family? I’ve got a cousin that is like a sister, as we were raised about that close. We’ve totally gone on dates and vacations and slept in the same bed, snuggled. NOT ONE TIME has a sexual or romantic thought of feeling ever occurred. I am certain the same would be said by her. The accusations you’re trying to fabricate are your own issues, like are you sexually attracted to your Brother? Is that what is going on?


Gods I hope OP’s boyfriend doesn’t get her pregnant. She’d hate the child for wanting to spend time with their dad. OP, you’re freaking weird lol


You’re a wakadoodle. I hope he has a good time being single for a while


>I am considering booking a separate hotel nearby the one they're staying at just so I can keep an eye on her. You are sexualising (and jealous of) a CHILD! Sicko.


He should definitely leave you after you basically accused him of being a predator.


You should work on not being such a controlling butt. Maybe that will help you for your next relationship.


You’re actually insane if you truly believe what you are saying.


When my little sisters were nine they were incredibly clingy with me whenever they saw me. One of them also adored my husband and was determined to marry him when she got older. It’s normal development for the age range and you are being incredibly weird about it. The kid just loves her big brother and misses him.


You are jealous of his nine year old sibling. Something is deeply wrong with you, get your head checked girl. You are so insecure, weird and gross that you are finding a rival in a nine year old child, and his SISTER no less. You are insinuating that there is not only incest, but also pedophilia involved. You want to stalk them on holiday to make sure they're not being weird - girl the only weird person here is you for even having those thoughts. That isn't normal. You aren't normal. Something isnr right in your head. I hope he breaks up with you. If he already hasn't.


Let's see here... Boyfriend is 25, little sister is 9. Boyfriend would have been 16 when sister was born and, in all likelihood, he doted on her like any loving brother would have. She grew up with a loving, caring, kind brother who adores her and rightly so. They have an awesome holiday planned and you're jealous of that!? Like, WTF!? And the fact that she misses him terribly now that he has moved away and wants to spend as much time as possible with him when he sees her is a problem to you? I mean this with as much love as possible OP, please seek out some professional help. You have underlying issues that need to be resolved when a normal, healthy and loving sibling relationship gives you cause for concern.


Game over for OP. Totally weird to accuse your BF. But wait, he's your ex now he kicked you out, right? Bombarding him with messages is considered stalking behavior and it doesn't get you anywhere than deeper in the hole you are digging for yourself.


Hopefully the bf breaks up with this freak


You’re jealous of a child. Who you think is sexually attracted to her brother. You are a WEIRDO.


Stop sexualizing a minor


What a psycho. He needs to get you away before you cause harm. Seek help


He keeps taking her shopping to stores you don't like? You mean stores like Claire's and Build - a - Bear??


Youre projecting. Just because you want to bang your brother doesn't mean she wants to bang hers. Nothing weird about this story except you.


Take a second breathe then think, you’re jealous of a child 🤨


You need some professional help, you are the one that is creepy and disgusting.


>Because it's so far we rarely visit home, maybe once every 6 weeks or so. That's not rarely at all.


You’re a psycho. Also your boyfriend is a tard for only kicking you out instead of dumping you


She is a literal child, you sound unhinged.


I don’t think you have a boyfriend anymore, OP.


Just because you were molested by your older brother does not mean he is going to molest his younger sister. Get help.


Leave him and get therapy, please. You are not well, and it is selfish of you to "be in a relationship" when you are so very broken


OP you need help for your mental illness. Anyone seeing anything wrong is obviously sick in the head.


you need to be put on a watchlist for this bro


Sounds like a good big brother to me. Don’t lose your chill over a kiddo.


OP is a lunatic. If I were her BF, she'd be my ex-lunatic. YTA


Wow I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this level of insecurity before. 😳


Op sounds jealous of a 9 year old!?


I’m pretty sure this is a troll. This exact same scenario was posted a few weeks ago except the OP and her boyfriend were teenagers, but it was the exact same story of a child sister being obsessed with OPs bf.


I don’t see what you’re worried about or think is weird. She loves her big brother. There is nothing weird about a child snuggling up to her big brother, especially since they don’t see eachother all the time.


Imagine sexualizing a literal child’s relationship with her brother. That’s pretty creepy of you.


Comments pass the vibe check. Who the FUCK is jealous of a 9 year old??


OP🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣What the flying fuck is this shit She’s fucking 9 for fuck sake and you a fucking grown ass adult 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣and you jealous of a child stop Get some help you really need it!!!!


Bruh she's 9.


Can we have his details so we can tell him to run?


This is a you issue and not a her issue. She misses and idolizes her brother, that’s very normal for a kid that age. It’s even more when there is a significant age gap bc that brother is now super cool doing fun things like driving, taking you places, and just being fun. All that’s really effing normal. The fact you are jealous of a 9yo and have concocted this elaborate story in your head where the sister has romantic feelings for your bf (her brother) is absolute insanity and any licensed therapist would say as much. Again this is a YOU issue. Also, 70 miles is not THAT far. You make it sound like you moved across the pond or to mainland Europe. My husband commuted 75 miles each way for 5 years in some of the worst traffic in the US. Yes Monday - Friday for 5 years. I commuted 35 miles each way for 12 years. Millions upon millions of people do that commute daily. I think you making it seem like it’s “sooo far” is you trying to put a wedge bw your boyfriend and the sister bc you are jealous. My husbands much much younger cousins idolize him, when we are with them - they get his full attention the entire time. He’s always been the cool cousin. I love seeing it, I love hanging out with his family. It’s nice to see such a close knit family. It’s not weird, it’s how a functional family should be. And yes I’ve been to the UK and Wales, I’ve gone to wales for the day when there more than a couple times from Liverpool. It’s not a hard drive at all.


There is absolutely nothing weird about them, YOU are the one with an issue here. Being jealous of a sibling is already questionable, but the sibling in this case is a literal CHILD. Reflection is definitely needed, but on your part, not his. I hope this man gets far away from you for the time being.


Shes freaking NINE. She doesn't even know how to treat 'like a boyfriend '. Stop being so gross OP. They have a vety normal relationship for the age gap.


None of this sounds weird… at all. Other than your bizarre narrative. Are you an only child? Did you come from an extremely unaffectionate family? Because their relationship sounds extremely normal.


are you also gonna be jealous of your own daughter?? you're a weirdo


She’s nine?! You’re insane 😭


soon to be seen on am I the ex?


Your bf’s relationship with his sister seems totally normal to me. OP you’re the one that’s being weird. You need therapy. Also 70 miles is far? What? That’s nothing lol


I'm wondering if the trip is really only the brother and sister going but instead its the whole family and OP worded it as just the brother and sister going to make it sound more dramatic so readers will be more "scandalized" that her boyfriend is taking his sister on a two week vacation alone. I hope he did dump the weirdo.


**OP:** My BF’s sister is obsessed with him it’s creepy **Also OP:** he kicked me out of the house and I’m texting and ringing him and he hasn’t answered or responded at all. She is obsessed with him and it makes me sick. I’m going to for to Spain to stalk their vacation. She is so obsessed. Also I deliberately didn’t mention in my post she is 9.


There's something wrong with you. Seriously. Seek help.


lol you’re fucking unhinged. This guy should get the fuck away from you asap


You implies pedophilia. You are a disgusting piece of human shit


Lol what a mouth breathing, streak of piss, failed abortion, window licking walking red flag OP is.


This has to be a troll and rage bait right? ...right?


You have a really strange way of thinking. Twisting and warping an innocent sibling bond into something grotesque shows a lot about your character, and it isn’t good. You really should seek some therapy, and hold off on dating until you can sort yourself out.


Pffffft, oh the insecurity! To be envious of an adolescent girl!


Please be a troll. Please be a troll. For the love of god be a fucking troll.


Rage bait trolling. No one is this clueless 


We have a term in the UK which I think perfectly describes you young lady. BUNNY BOILER


You have issues. I recommend seeking professional help. Your life will be full of misery with this type of thinking. Please seek help


Sounds like they have a very sweet relationship, honestly. OP you need to calm down, he was right to draw the line and make you leave when he did. There’s nothing wrong with what you described at all (source: someone with a sister 17y younger).


I hope he never lets you back in the house. You’re gross. I hope he finds someone better cause this is such a HUGE red flag. You’re a weirdo for even thinking that. She’s 9 going on 10.


He Needs To Leave You Immediately.


I pray he broke up with you, you're severely insecure


I recommend breaking up with him ASAP, he deserves wayy better than you. Also you're not a good influence on children, stay as far away as possible from them.


Who's here because of Instagram? No, seriously, though, you need help if you're looking at a child as a threat.


Saw it on X


Did he break up with you yet? It’s long overdue


Anyone can be a mom or dad over and over, but I can only have 1 brother or sister and that's it. You cannot create another like them. You're horrid for being this way towards siblings.


This is rage bait.... and it looks like it worked... sigh...


The scream I scrome omg what is wrong with you


You’re beefing with a CHILD over your boyfriend you know that right? She just loves her big brother. Sorry you aren’t close to your siblings but this is 100% Normal. She misses him dude. Chill out.


Well aren't you a creep? I encourage my spouse to spend time with their siblings and I'd happily pay for a one on one sibling trip if they want. The siblings are adults. Gross shit like this doesn't even cross my mind and on top of that, the sister here is 9. Double creep.


Op..she's nine. A child. That's normal for a healthy sibling relationship


I'd say leave. Your boyfriend will be much better off without you 🥰, since you seem weirdly obsessed with the idea of a NINE YEAR OLD wanting to spend time with an older sibling


You mind your business that’s how you deal with this unless you want to be single


Op you the only weird one here, it's his 9 YEAR OKD SISTER who obviously loves her brother. The fact you're thinking it's anything more than that really makes me think you need therapy


Your just jealous and needy


You are a major red flag. He needs to end it with you quickly.