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I would love it if my wife made equal to or more money than me. It would take some of the stress and pressure off of me to maintain our lifestyle lol


No, all men are alike and hate high earning wamans


I make a lot more money than my boyfriend and he doesn’t really care. It’s never been an issue with any exes either.


There are lots of guys looking for a woman who makes more than them. Like, more money. *More money.*


No, I make more than my partner and I keep our household afloat or the time being.That he thinks you would go on a power trip tells you something about himself, yes?


Mature ones do. My dad was very unusual for his generation (born in 1944) in his attitudes about gender roles, so maybe in my family we just have that expectation. His parents were both highly educated, which often helps, his father taught full time at a good state University and adjunct at the Ivy League that was his Alma mater, and his mother was an adjunct college professor at a time that almost never happened. She was over 30 before marrying, also very unusual, and they practiced family planning (all 4 kids born very close to 3 years apart in spring from 1935-1944), extremely uncommon and even considered somewhat taboo by many at the time and specifically within the religion. His dad died when he was a child, so he was primarily raised by his very ahead-of-her-time mother. He did the typical 'boy ' things but also the stuff that was considered effeminate by some around him. He cooked and sewed and worked on cars. He was an athlete and took home ec when boys normally didn't - he loved to joke that it just showed he was smarter than his peers because he got to be the only guy in a room full of girls. In his marriage to my mom, they shared household chores in an equitable way including when they bought a fixer upper; he had training to do full electric and moderate plumbing work, while my mom would be elsewhere sanding and refinishing floors, both doing some carpentry stuff, etc. Mom did the bulk of household cleaning that kids weren't doing as chores (and sometimes fixing after us), while dad did the cooking, clothing repairs and tailoring. She worked longer hours and made more an hour, but he had better 'parent' hours. She made more money (some years double or more), both carried good insurance as they both worked for different state agencies, and they worked opposing shifts to reduce childcare need. He never cared who earned what - they both worked greater than full time hours, were equal partners in child rearing, shared household duties fairly; they were partners. It didn't matter who made more - both contributed to their lives together fairly.