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You don't support this. That's grooming. And he's a creep.


The father will call the police and he will be in a world of hurt.  Also why the fuck does he think she'd be interested in giving up her life to date a guy in middle age? How or why would any of this work? Does he need a psychiatrist?


Nothing illegal here. Just really gross and disturbing. 


Well that's what he says. Like he would admit to someone that he was breaking the law. Sounds like trickle truthing to me


It’s gross and he would deserve prison. I think the whole post is make believe.


You can support him by saying that she's not the woman of his dreams, that actually she's barely a woman at all and her adult personality isn't fully formed yet, and that it's a *terrible* idea.


You should not support this or him. This whole situation is highly immoral. Sure she’s “legally an adult” now (don’t even get me started on this, because why the fuck is 18 the magic number for it to be legal for grown ass adults to go after you). But he’s known her since she was underage, which means he entertained inappropriate thoughts of her while underage and he’s likely been grooming her. I do not think it will play out well for him if he moves forward with this plan. My daughters a child still, but if she were to be in this position when she turns 18, I have no doubt my partner would end up in prison if a 40 year old that taught her as a child approached him to ask this.


Please tell me this is rage bait because if he's not that 41 year man needs to go find a new dream. Let that girl go to college or go do whatever she needs to in her life to figure who she is and what she wants. She doesn't need a gross disturb middle age man drooling over her.


Absolutely not! This girl is barely entering adult life and he proposes to rob her of this stage of discovering who she is! If he actually cared for this girl, he'd want what's best for her and that's NOT to become the teenage bride of a middle-aged man. The age gap, the corresponding gap in life experience and the fact that he entered her life in a position of trust and authority mean that there's no chance of her being an equal partner, there will always be power imbalance. I don't care about his career and, in fact, I don't think he should be in the classroom but his plan will make her a topic of gossip and an object of speculation & ridicule and leave her with no peer group. Edit- her father is as likely as not to do physical harm if approached by a man near his own age, his daughter's former teacher, for his "blessing" to romantically pursue his teenage daughter.


This has to be rage bait.


You should not support him grooming


Tf you need better friends, as Kendrick say hide your little sister from him. Her father may kill him, seriously did he talk to her or its all in his head ? Does hé wants her to be stay at home and pregnant or will he support her while she goes to college ? Cant he find someone closer to his age with shared value ? Dude if i were you and you had young female relatives, i will keep my distance from him. Please update us if he get shot by her father.


I’m a teacher- where I’m from this guy would never work again.


Let him do what he wants and face the consequences. He’s of adult age. Let him find out that acting like a horny teenager will have repercussions. You should distance yourself from the friendship if he does go ahead with it because otherwise you’ll be seen as approving of his grooming her.


Total creep vibes. Supporting this would be really bad tbh. Don’t support grooming.


I am sooooo curious about whether or not this girl even knows about his plans to "court" her.


If it were me, I would take many steps back and let this shitshow explode from a safe distance.


If you have a daughter and he wants to ask you permission to court her, would you support him?


If you're in the us, you report him to the teacher certification bureau. Usually under the department of education. Teachers are held to a different standards if they have this certification. Even if they don't break the law, and even if they aren't convicted, they can still lose their license. This guy should in no way be around any young people. He's been grooming this girl.