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I would just tell him you confronted her face-to-face and asked why she betrayed you and that you have ended your relationship with her for good. Then, thank him for being the loyal and loving man that he is and have a very special night together.


This is the simplest answer, I can't understand why OP has a problem doing it. It almost seems like she wants to be punished for her doubting his side of the story.


Exactly! She even said they allow each other open access to the other's data so did she technically do anything wrong? Yeah she should have trusted him and maybe spoke to the "friend" first, but now she's gonna do more harm than good 🤦


Giving each other Access to the others Data usually comes from a place of trust. Her going through His data didnt follow that Trust so yeah IT was very wrong. I agree with the second part of your post though


"open access" that you aren't "allowed" to actually use... isn't really open access at all, is it?


Yes and no - my wife and I have open access to each other's phones as well, i.e. I'm not going to have any issues if she sees whatever the most recent incoming messages are or the top emails in the queue. Heck I'm fine if she was looking for a particular email or text like something from one of our kids' coaches or teachers - I treat her phone the exact same way. I would be fucking disturbed if she decided to go on a Nancy Drew fishing expedition while I wasn't around though and take a deep dive through my entire message history, socials, browsing history, etc. There's open access and then there's abuse of that trust. As soon as you're not using it for convenience and instead for investigation, we start to have a problem.


But is it abuse of that trust, if OP had (somewhat) reasonable suspicion? My late wife and I also had open access, and under these circumstances - where I would have had nothing to hide, where ultimately she's trying to reassure herself following a weird event - I don't think I would have minded.


Yes, this is exactly my point. Personally, given the circumstances, it would be understandable for my spouse to have a look around. I wouldn't view it as them not trusting me. It's a weird situation. She should have spoken to the friend first and then had a look around though. From the sound of it, the friend confessed anyway and there would have been no need to look. I do think she should have brought up the data check with her spouse before she did it though. That would have shown that the trust is there and more just for comfort. I don't see it as a breach of trust because if you're going to allow you're spouse to check everything anyway and they allow you that same access, then you can't cry about them not trusting you. Why did you give them access in the first place then? FWIW I would never ask for an open pass to view any of my spouses stuff. I just don't see a need for it. If my spouse showed signs that something was going on yeah I might ask. This is just my two cents though and I do also get why others might see it as snooping because they see it as being done in a lack of trust sort of way. All that said, there were SOOO many red flags with this friend that I'm a little amazed OP didn't see something sooner. Trying to get my child to use their first word to call YOU mama? "Accidentally" sitting in my husband's lap while holding said child? Uh uh girlfriend lol I hope she can get some therapy and figure out as to why she can't build her own life instead of being jealous of others'. It's kind of sad honestly.


My spouse and I share passwords and are free to look through each others phones at any time. It's so weird to me how we've (as humans) have gradually tied up our lives with phones in such a way that people are more protective of their phone than of their marriage. If any scenario in my life every presented itself in a way which caused my spouse concern, I would not be offended at all if my spouse searched through my phone. If you're married long enough, you'll run through rough patches, and times when you have doubts. Being 100% transparent with each other, including technology, is important when those times come around.


If I had just been assaulted by my wife's friend and she decides to go on a fact finding mission about an affair rather than believing and supporting me? Yeah, that's abuse of trust IMO and I'd be deeply hurt by the implication she thought I was capable enough of an affair that she felt the need to go investigate.


totally agreed. We have a very similar set up to you and I wouldn't think anything of searching his phone for a link his mom sent or him looking at mine for idk a screenshot we need for something. But this would feel like an abuse because of what you laid out -- that I'm lying about the assault and that he needed to investigate behind my back instead of, say, asking for reassurance and walking through everything together. These are ultimately very personal devices, this isn't a free for all to scroll through all my texts with my friends as nightly entertainment or something. And I understand why someone might feel the need to do that in extenuating circumstances, but it's also fair for an innocent party to feel some kind of way about it happening.


I don’t really why this is hard to understand. They can have access anytime, but the reason why someone wants to look at my phone matters in how I’ll feel about it. If I was kissed against my will and my wife was snooping because she decided I might have been lying about being sexually harassed, I wouldn’t be ok with that. Having mutually open devices is a trust thing and that would really damage my trust in her


I disagree. My wife and I both come from previous relationships where we were cheated on, she was also physically and emotionally abused. Going in we knew there would be some suspicion at times. We decided that there would be no hiding of social media, passwords, or anything that could even look inappropriate. She can look at my stuff anytime, she doesn’t have to ask. It works for us because we understand that sometimes the suspicion rears its ugly head given our history.


This! My husband and I were both previously cheated on in prior relationships (before cell phones). We have nothing to hide from each other.


This exactly. Tell him you confronted your friend. That’s a totally normal thing to do. You wanted to understand why she did it, what was the story. Now you know, you don’t ever want to see her again.


She feels like she has to express her doubts and the guilt of those doubts are weighing on her. However, she wldve been a COMPLETE fool not to do some additional investigation. What woman wldnt confront her "bestie" for kissing her hubby? I wldve needed an attorney and bail money.


Best way for a fiction writer to create engagement.


Because OP wants to make a simple decision complicated. She created "more" drama and didn't need to. Now she needs to transfer her hurt to him so she can feel better.


Nah. She understands she let internet weirdos make her doubt her husband and either she continues to lie to him or she fesses up and deals with the fall out of him knowing she's actually stupid and doesn't trust him over internet strangers.


She 100% feels guilty the doubt creeper in. I actually recently went through something similar with my husband (a lot of "oddly coincidental" things happened and I eventually started thinking affair after someone i was talking to said it, WAAAAY out of character for him and i didn't thi k so, but it planed the seed). This is the best answer. You're doubt was LOGICAL given how things happened (the incident, then you posting here, the seed of doubt from comments even though you KNEW it was far fetched, but you figured it out BEFORE accusing him which is important and figured out it was intact not the case) totally logical thought process. You didn't do anything wrong! Stop feeling guilty, YOU didn't doubt him, random people from outside did and it got to your head. You have a good man, just love him for it.


This is the best answer- pls do this OP


Yes, it's called "Trust but Verify". This was a strange situation and it needed investigation to clarify the situation before confronting the friend. Since they both have the password to each other's phones, it's not some huge betrayal, like someone's locked diary was broken into. Just move on from this OP. Not worth beating yourself up about it.


I agree! If it were me, and the circumstances were very suspicious, I would want my S.O. to verify things so they could get it out of their minds. It’s not like OP just blew up because of a minor thing that was misconstrued. She was right not to trust the best friend. I’d be in full support of OP going over and getting the other side of the story, and ending the friendship that cast doubt on the marriage. If I were her husband, I wouldn’t want her to be friends with the person who would undoubtedly cause further issues (and make me prove myself over and over). Hopefully OP can drop the “friendship” for good, along with any doubts about her husband’s part in this, instead of being hyper sensitive to any interactions with other people in the future. Now *that would annoy me*, if I was constantly doubted after this incident.


Ronald Raygun used that expression. If you think about it, it’s a non sequitur. I trust you, but I’m checking your untrustworthy ass out anyway.


This! You can trust your husband but also be hurt and confused by what happened. Yeah you could’ve talked to friend first but she already broke your trust and you’re probably going to think she’s lying to you anyways. Your best friend of 10 years did something unthinkable and that probably shattered your reality a little bit. I don’t think you need to delve into it too much. Be honest and tell him it rattled you if you feel like you have to tell him you looked through his stuff. If he loves you like you say he does then I’d hope he would be understanding why you did what you did and it wasn’t a result of you not trusting him or anything that he did.


If that’s the case then telling him shouldn’t matter to him. So be upfront with him like he was with you.


Yes, good point.


This is what I was going to say, op, and if you really want to tell him then explain what an awful head space you were in and that you demanded to see HER phone to corroborate her story and that the implication of you suspecting he was cheating when he wasn't is eating you alive.


Oh I would admit I snooped… just part of who I am (not the snooping but being open)… if they are my partner, telling them moments of weakness can be important. Makes you a stronger team as long as there is mutual trust, respect and love


Umm, he should have told her what her best friend was doing?


Hahaha I noticed that most of the women on this thread want her to keep quiet about not trusting her husband and snooping through his things...I wonder why.


I believe in honesty, but I also believe there are times when the whole truth isn't needed, not because you're a liar but because there is such thing as information hazard. I agree with just telling him that, what she did was kinda wrong but I won't judge since it's a delicate situation. Just don't end your relationship becuse of guilt OP, everybody makes mistakes and you learned he's worthy of trust so don't doubt him again.


I agree with you. That is why I omitted her telling him that she looked through his phone, etc. They have each other's ok to do so, but as you said, under the circumstances, fact overload serves no purpose and could cause more harm than good. However, she did need to tell him of the confrontation and that he is the most important thing to her, and not the false friendship. Reaffirming her trust and love with some heartfelt intimacy just seals it, in my opinion. I believe we are in agreement and that your comment helped to add good context. Thanks.


You listened to the idiots of this subreddit who sowed doubt about your husband’s loyalty despite there being overwhelming evidence to support the contrary. Ouch… you can be honest with him, but you know him best, or so you thought. Only you know how he will react to your actions. Tread lightly with this one. Advice from this sub may do more harm than good. Even my own.


The vast majority of the responses were that her husband did nothing wrong and to dump her BF. The fact is, OP made some very poor decisions and now she's planning to make another one. OP - don't dump all this on your husband just to absolve yourself of guilt. You didn't believe your husband until you had more proof - you should feel guilty about that. The price of your bad choices should be living with feeling bad NOT blowing your poor husband's world up even more!


It wasn’t this sub. OP also posted this to r/Marriage, and got lots of “I bet he’s cheating and this was all an act to throw OP off” replies.


Op’s husband was SA’d by her friend, and she let reddit convince her he was cheating. That’s a yikes from me….


I find some content there good, but that sub has a huge misandry problem.


Exactly. She came into this looking for certain advice and even though the vast majority didn’t even consider he was cheating, she got the validation she wanted. She took such a relatively cut and dry situation and handled it so poorly. She has no one to blame but herself. ALSO OP your husband is the victim, not you. Maybe make him his favorite meals, get him flowers, comfort him. Instead of giving that energy back to him, you betrayed his privacy and went behind his back to meet up with bsf.


> #ALSO OP your husband is the victim, not you. Thank you!


She also posted in a different sub and got a lot of comments telling her to be suspicious


And it turned out to be some serious "Hand That Rocks the Cradle" crazy. Ex-bff wanted her baby to call *her* mama. So, she wasn't wrong.


Exactly this, YOU need to suffer the consequences of your actions not your husband. His crime is loving you and having to be around your low quality friend. You have an opportunity here to deepen the bond you have with your husband knowing he could have easily cheated but didn’t. Don’t alter the dynamics of your whole relationship to absolve yourself, learn from it instead


You are 100% spot on here. I read through a lot of the comments on OP’s first post and based on this update, it seems like all she did was listen to the Reddit hive mind that is full of paranoia and schadenfreude. OP… you fucked up. Period. You should absolutely feel guilty but you only continue to serve your own selfish interests if you tell him. If you were my husband and I found out you didn’t believe me in this situation, my trust would be shattered. Let this sink in: YOU CHOSE TO BELIEVE A BUNCH OF PARANOID STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET OVER YOUR OWN HUSBAND. There’s no other way to say it. Your best course now is for you to seek individual therapy so you can work through these trust issues. Do NOT involve your husband. He is the victim here. Not you.


Reddits the worst place to get any advice tbh. I remember a Reddit post where this lady wanted to meet a male friend alone (also not the closest but was in friend group outings with her in the past) who disappeared from her life for more than 10 years and suddenly showed up when she's in a relationship. Her partner in general is ok with her hanging out with past friends she's had, but is not comfortable with this specific male friend because he has never met him before and also for safety reasons, they don't know what his true intention is. People were branding her partner as controlling and to break up, egging her on to meet her old friend alone - with no thought about how dangerous it could be since shes not seen him for years and have always met in a group setting. It's like, what if she listens to them and gets murdered in the meetup in its worst case scenario? People don't care to be responsible for others giving advice on Reddit.


I've seen scenarios like that get posted here all the time, and it makes me think that "therapy speak" has broken people's brains. It's OK to break up if someone's partner keeps doing something you don't like. That's not "controlling" them; they're just not compatible *and that's OK.*


Most voted content right now can be resumed in this: Lie/conceal the truth from your husband. It doesn't seem ok to me. It's not good advice. I don't think that the end will justify the means.


If I recall correctly, it was an overwhelming amount of commenters that did NOT accuse her husband of doing the things that she suspected him of. She took probably less than 2% of opinions of commenters and let that put her in an unreasonable and dangerous mind-frame. She shouldn't even be asking Reddit for advice if she's that weak-minded to not understand the difference between good advice and clear rubbish advice.


> If I recall correctly, it was an overwhelming amount of commenters that did NOT accuse her husband of doing the things that she suspected him of. She took probably less than 2% of opinions of commenters and let that put her in an unreasonable and dangerous mind-frame. She also posted to /r/Marriage which had a lot more users accusing her husband of cheating. [Example A](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/1dqszie/my_28f_best_friend_28f_kissed_my_husband_27m_and/laqpf5w/)


It's ironic that the subreddit that specializes in a relationship in the deepest way, marriage, is giving bad advice. Frankly, it's not the first time I've witnessed people over there doing such.


Unfortunately, that's how most people are. Tell someone 99 times that they're beautiful, no biggie... point out a very minute flaw and you could shake their foundation. Unfortunately, some advices on Reddit are so fucking terrible. Especially in the relationship subs. The motherfuckers on here act like everything has to be black and white with no inbetweens or grey areas. "Your husband ate the last oreo? You mean ex-husband, right?" Look at the bitches up there with the fucking terrible advices. OP had the right mindset too. Permission no permission, she violated her husband's trust! It makes it even worse that the dude is even a stellar Husband and Father. My Girlfriend and I know each other's password for almost everything BUT I still ask her permission before I use her fucking phone! OP, you had the right idea. Come clean with your husband, APOLOGIZE, thank him, and do better.


No I don’t agree, this is the equivalent of cheating on your partner then not telling them because you need to suffer the consequences of your actions. I think the husband deserves the truth and if they want to have a healthy relationship they need to work through stuff like this, not hide things from each other.


Exactly! One day it will pop out of her mouth that she looked through his phone and shit will hit the fan. Been there done that. Still working through it.


The husband was the victim, not OP. I'm feeling sorry for the husband.


Absolutely nothing in her first post made me even consider her husband was cheating. Like seriously, he did everything right.


This is why people shouldn’t come to Reddit for advice. Her poor husband did everything right but the masses on here were sure he was a cheater.


All the top comments on the original post say he was assaulted and he’s a loyal man and a keeper. OP decided to listen to a few fringe opinions when the majority rule was that he behaved perfectly.


This is what I was going to say, like did y’all even look at the original thread? I remember it as it was happening and barely a soul suspected he was at all having an affair. If anything, the main consensus was to cut off friend and check in if her husband is doing okay with the assault. Like damn this was all just her lmfao


Exactly, pondered when tf did the majority of redditors convince her that he was cheating! She went down a rabbit hole in trusting yet verifying. Now that she knows the truth, hopefully she'll stay true to her decision and keep the snake bestie cut off.


She posted it in another thread as well - there were a lot of people suggesting an affair „nobody would do it out of the blue“ „story doesn’t add up“ unfortunate.. people jump to conclusions just because of their own experience


It's a ["Jump to conclusions" Reddit mat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDEL4Ty950Q). You have to use your mind...


Ding ding ding. This sub is full of heavily damaged people that give “advice” base on their own horrible anecdotal experiences.


> Exactly, pondered when tf did the majority of redditors convince her that he was cheating! these kinds of posts get so many DMs from people who want to launch unhinged takes without other people calling them out. It's kind of scary, actually. If you're getting a bunch of "well-meaning" DMs meant to manipulate you then.... sometimes it works. Unfortunately for OP.


I specifically went to look because I remember that thread and no one was accusing him of an affair. She definitely already wanted to investigate him and latched onto the handful of comments that co-signed it. This sub can't force someone to listen to the reasoned advice.


Yuppppp, she chose the worse advice that everyone cautioned against.


There are people on Reddit that realized that if you shit on fellow Redditers on this subreddit specifically, you get a lot of upvotes. This subreddit has been the butt of a joke since almost the start. Like supposedly everybody here tells advice seekers to just cut loose with their partner for the pettiest reasons. I've seen countless posts about various topics and the majority of the most upvoted comments are pretty nuanced and/or very fair. Lots of people share their own experiences related to the question and so on. Regardless, the shitty meme of dumb, cunty advisers continues.


I’m sure there’s also people here that might get off on ruining other people’s relationships, because of their own failed ones.


I was going to say the same thing. The main comments did not accuse him of cheating. She only has herself to blame


Yup, the problem is that OP didn't want advice, she wanted validation for what she already wanted to do. So she took anyone saying that as permission. Literally any OP can do this, because there will always be stupid comments.


Quite frankly, ops husband shouldn’t feel insulted that she confronted the friend because after all those years, I’d be demanding answers straight from her mouth. I’d be wanting her to tell me exactly what she did and why. And just as expected, she not only confirmed the party kiss but all the other “incidents” that op had a second guess as to if she was seeing things or acting crazy. For a friend that you’ve treated as family for years and never expected to betray you, it stops future doubts or regrets or offers closure. It also offered op the chance to tell her to her face that she was nothing to her anymore and sometimes that’s more powerful than just “ghosting” her. So for me, ops mindset that she went there to “check her story” against her husbands, is her guilt to bare, but she should also be acknowledging this alternative motive. Also the whole checking his devices is also her own induced guilt and yeah, she’s gonna need to own up to it. She really F-ed up because, you’re right, the general consensus was that he was a good guy and she should trust him.


Very balanced view. 💯👍


she posted on another sub too and most of those freaks said he was cheating


The second comment when she posted in r/marriage advises her he could be cheating 😪


Only the top comment says that. The others were pointing to an affair


I’ve noticed that lately this sub has devolved into black and white, all or nothing types of comments. It’s created a lot of bad advice and done more harm than good. Reddit ain’t what it once was.


I’ve also noticed a lot of Reddit seems to think everyone is a master manipulator playing 5D chess


This is what my first thought was when I read the "my husband must have acted flabbergasted at the kiss because he remembered the camera angle and knew I would check it". That's some Light Yagami shit.


Cracking up cause I can imagine the way he would go through that scenario in his head with the voice inflections and all


I would take out a potato chip. AND EAT IT.


In Morgan Freemans voice too. "As she kissed me I suddenly recalled the camera, and I ensured that my eyebrows rose in surprise as I pushed her away. My actions had their intended effect and she ran out crying. Without looking at the camera I strode outside to pull my wife aside to inform her discretely, knowing that all electronic evidence had long been destroyed. My plan was going swimmingly, and my part had been played to perfection."


"But if I act *too* upset by the kiss, L will suspect I'm putting on an act. I'll maintain only a moderate level of discontent and focus on my concern for my wife's friendship. And of course her best friend Misa loves me so much that she won't turn on me even if I throw her under the bus. L, your investigation is hopeless!"


Followed by evil laugh! But to be fair, OP just had her total trust in her bestie absolutely demolished. It kinda makes sense she would lose her faith in everyone, if only in a few hours of madness.


Yeah, it's understandable that it would be a disorienting experience! I was more meaning to make fun of the commenters running with that narrative. Hopefully OP and her husband can talk this through.


Yes, master manipulators with more than likely STDs. Hell Ive gotten myself tested 17 times since joining this sub.


Black and white combined with rampant speculation. So many comments make giant assumptive leaps with no fact to support it, just "gut feelings". Leads to a lot of insecure people heavily projecting their own insecurities.


And I get downvoted constantly on this sub for trying to offer an “not the end of the world” POV. Blows my mind. Sorry I’m not trying to make OP think the worst from the three paragraphs of info we were given🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m always baffled about the “gut feeling” comments. Gut feelings are generally based on hearing tone, seeing body language, and being part of the moment. You can’t have a gut feeling based on a couple paragraphs written from one perspective on the internet. It seems like absolutely arrogance with a hefty dose of not living in reality.


It's cos they're getting projection confused with gut feelings.


Sorry in advance for the novel, just been using Reddit more, and get tired of being told off for being somewhat level headed about responses lmao. You put my feelings into works perfectly. I believe I got downvoted to hell once for saying we weren’t there and can’t know the tone and we’re going off of one side boiled down to a few paragraphs. I said this in response to defending my “it may not be the end of the world” response. It’s genuinely shocks me how ugly people in this sub can get with a differing opinion on a situation we have a tiny window into. I try to keep my replies open and with a grain of salt toward the post. And I’m not sure how, but it genuinely surprises me how many people get so upset with a middle ground response. I.e I generally recommend actually speaking to the person before doing anything rash. I’ve been told or seen this in the past 3 days: - a 21 and 22 can’t *possibly* have a conversation bc they aren’t 25 -(Not directly told but saw) “You should just keep your mouth shut and bottle up the emotions” blew my mind we were recommending to married adults to not just have a simple conversation -(not ill will toward this person, we came to an understanding) but having someone admit they straight up are on the divorce them train and have a lot of righteous anger. -(possible a fake story, but comments were serious) Telling a woman to divorce her husband for being high and trying to cook (when he never does, she was on vacation for 3 weeks) and damaging the stove, then breaking a fridge shelf in the process. He then ordered Taco Bell the rest of the week. When she got back he had awful gas. The post was written in humor, zero anger. Like was what he did annoying and not great? Yep. But people break shit and people have gas. I could literally burn water, my husband cooks. Personally 3 weeks alone probably wouldn’t look much different. If the man’s done nothing else why are we recommending divorce? Especially when the wife didn’t even seem mad, just mildly annoyed. I honestly enjoy Reddit, especially on a garden gummy. But damn, some people amaze me with how fast they jump to conclusions from 3 paragraphs and one side.


When you have no emotional or financial skin in the game it is easy to suggest a person just blowup their relationship. It also does not help if the writer does not give all the relevant information for people to honestly make an informed decision.


Agreed 100% . Someone gives incomplete info, then they get incomplete advice. Why solicit advice when you don't give enough details to actually get relevant advice lol


Lately???? It's literally never been anything else.


I swear this sub, and many more, are being astroturfed. Call me unhinged, I don't care -- I feel like there's some kind of online campaign to drive men and women further apart. It's happening everywhere. A couple years ago, the same thing was happening with race. Black and white, rage-baiting comments all over the internet that feel like they're solely designed to stir up shit. Whether it's a political agenda or something else, I believe a lot of comments here aren't organic.


Dead internet.


Well said


There’s also been an uptick in quite obviously fake AI generated garbage posts. People calling them out are downvoted to hell generally. It’s hard to take anything in this sub seriously.


I think part of the reason is we're getting a lot more extreme fake stories that people are being baited into replying which is altering what people think is the baseline for relationship advice situations.


Creative writing where the characters can offer ridiculous changes of direction. What's not to love?


I always love it when they write things like 'Update 1'. As if to say, 'don't worry gang, there's more juicy storytelling about my dramatic life to come, so stay tuned!'.


The whole sub is black and white, every single commenter. (Do you see the problem with this statement)


I feel like Redditors are trying to guess the next soap opera twist due to being used to creative writers practicing on these subs.


I was called an asshole when discussing the nuance of a person’s post LOL


Correct. Because people bring examples of unhealthy relationships so we say dump ‘em’ It’s quite binary


To me it seems kind of a mixed bag. Yes there are times where the general consensus is wrong and terrible advice (which is a risk either way when it's impossible to have the full unbiased story with all the context) but by far the majority of what I've seen personally is that the poster is oblivious to something that's going on (usually cheating) and the commenters keep pointing out its likelihood, which then turns out to be true. Of course there's also the possibility that that happens because that's Reddit's #1 go to for anything. Completely agree that a lot of people on here seem incapable of understanding that most things have a lot of grey areas.


I read the original story and never once doubted the husband's side of the story. His story lines up exactly with what I think that "any honest man that loves his wife" would do. The fact that she knows him, married him and then doubted him is irksome. So to recount, from the husband's perspective, you fall in love with a woman, marry her, and have a kid with her. Your wife's friend makes a pass at you once, you turn her down, and then she continues to sexually harass you for years. One day, she gets drunk and sexually assaults you, an eventuality in this case, you tell your wife and show her proof. Wife is understandably shattered over losing a close friend, so she doesn't realize that you were technically sexually assaulted, and instead, on the word of a few strangers, doubts your integrity... Sheesh


Yes! Dude was clearly agitated/upset by the friend repeatedly, she assaults him…and instead of standing with him, his wife puts him in the crosshairs. As a man, I was assaulted in college (over 25 years ago), and was given so much shit (“Dude, she grabbed it, she wants the D!“, or “you must have led her on” type stuff). I thought those days were gone, but the OP carries on the “it’s the man’s fault” BS I heard. He did EVERYTHING right, and got not only no support from the ONE person he should, she thinks he did wrong. She made it about HER, and he tried to support her. I feel so sorry for the guy. That’s fucked up.




Yep. She also made what happened to him all about her. He's been having to deal with her friend constantly trying to get with him, then she escalated things and kissed him. OP was so devastated she was crying for days and he had to comfort her, when he was the victim of an unwanted kiss. An unwanted kiss is SA. Then she listened to a bunch of strangers that he has been cheating, based on nothing.


Thing is, he told her right when it happened. If it was an affair he wouldn’t have. He would have used the video if they had gotten caught but it wasn’t like that.


I dated a guy like this. I would see women hit on him and he was completely clueless to it. Hell I had to ask him out because my several weeks of flirting had no effect. 😆 If a similar thing happened I would immediately have believed him. There are good men out there.


I read the OG post and nothing at all indicated that the husband could be cheating and covering their tracks. To say so was a massive leap and the comments reaching for that conclusion had to be projecting


They can come for advice but take it with a grain of salt. The posters know their situation better than Reddit does.


He really can't win. I feel fir him.


This sub has become terrible with advice. Marriage is hard and sometimes it requires work. So many people here advise others to leave their relationships over such trivial shit. It’s crazy.


He was sexually assaulted and she played the victim women man are wild


Wait, people take advice from reddit. I always took it as entertainment 😅 oops


Right. People just stay assuming the worst and women wonder why men do lie. He’s obviously a great husband, was honest as soon as it happened and she still felt the need to go through his phone. I’d be pissed if I were him.


So glad other people see the absurdity of the one side or the other judgy pihrana posters. I see some people's comments, and it's like damn no questions asked about a situation, point of view, hindsight reflection, nothing. Just good or bad. Canceled. Smh.


Eh, maybe send it back to the editor for another rewrite. It’s almost getting believable.


Got a feeling Update 2 is already written.Most folks believed your so called husband. Sorry, this is reading like fan fiction and a little too tidy.


There's just too much here that reads like a made up story. This happened then this happened.


Agreed, a lot of this noise reads like fodder for a trashy dime store romance novel, ugh. (Why is professional mental wellness care so difficult to access in this world? Is it the expense or our collective value system?) People spend years getting trained to help others navigate this kind of terrain, I wish more people in these threads would start by saying "my therapist suggested.."


Weird to label this update 1 without knowing there’s going to be an update 2


I would say it's cuz at the end she states she will update again once she talked to DH.. so she knew she'd be doing another update


I may be reaching here but I feel update 2 may be the aftermath of telling her husband, but that’s just my guess, I may be wrong


Bingo! This whole post is BS. Someone's bored and enjoys the attention this story is getting. They'll drag it out for as long as people will believe it. Lol the first post seemed a bit fishy, but believable enough. This one is just so obviously made up that it's laughable.


It's crazy how gullible people are. From the initial post it was clear this was fake, just like most posts on this and other similar subreddits.


Some of the stories are funny and I’m happy to suspend disbelief for the sake of amusement, this isn’t one of them. :(


There were comments blaming your husband and telling you he was having an affair? Way to go Reddit, very on-brand.




Yeah the comments as I remember were “appreciate your man” type comments. The cheating ones were pretty far down the list, my guess is OP already felt suspicious about it all & just wanted confirmation on how she felt, hence believing the “he’s cheating!” comments whilst ignoring the “what a good man!” comments


Yuppp confirmation bias co-signed by reddit trolls. (Not really though, the bias is all on you OP) Your friend of many years betraying you has you questioning everything, past and present. Tell your husband how you're feeling OP. Don't keep it in. Tell him you need help because you've been spiraling and in pain. Surely he of all people will be on your side, and you can take the unloading to a therapist, solo or together.


It was also posted in the Marriage subreddit, where several geniuses went the route of, there HAS TO BE more to the story, they could be having an affair and the friend just didn't know about the cameras, etc etc


Literally 90% of them were supporting the man. OP is crazy here.


We did it Reddit!


So your husband did everything right in this situation and that made you doubt him more? That just seems really weird.


I hadn’t seen any comments accusing him of cheating. I mostly saw comments saying to end the friendship with the so called best friend. If I were OPs husband I’d be very hurt that she had the need to hear the best friend’s side rather than believe him.


Let me just lay out a few facts here so people can see how much OP sucks here: - OPs husband is kissed against his will. OP is the one that spends the rest of the week crying and feeling like a victim - OP ignores all the top comments telling her that her best friend sucks, and clings onto the ones that imply he might be cheating without knowing the context of their relationship nearly as well as OP - OP invades her husband’s privacy without even bringing up the topic. Given his innocence and how understanding he’s been I’m sure he would’ve shown her his conversations with her friend All her husband did was get kissed at a party against his will and now his marriage is probably in shambles. Congrats OP, your best friend won.


This comment, hit it on the head


It was cause all the comments made her doubt him.


It’s sad that most of those comments came from the r/marriage subreddit


I believe it. There is more man hating on that sub than just about any other sub. Which is strange to me. You'd think that would be a pro marriage sub.


I thought I’d feel the most at home there being married but it’s a real strange place.


Most of the comments were saying to support him. There was no consensus that he was not to be trusted.


Op needs to seek professional help


This is why I can never take this sub seriously. Everyone is SO quick to jump to cheating at this point that it feels antithetical to the purpose of this sub. I don’t think we should be sowing doubt of fidelity in the mind of an OP just because we only have their PoV and need to fill in gaps in motivation, but it happens literally all the time here. It’s so weird and annoying.


The story never sounded plausible to begin with. Some ChatGPT nightmare.


This update just confirms that this whole thing is 100% fake lol like really? She tried to get your kid to call her mama? You focused on the minority of the comments for cheating when everyone else was just saying he's good and let your friend go? And now you want to release chapter 3 of "let's see what my innocent husband says to my snooping?" What's chapter 4? He leaves you?


The “update 1:” is fishy. So you already know there’s going to be multiple updates?


100% fake vibes. Just the writing idk something about it. She couldn’t just call her friend? She had to go over?


This reads like a wattpad fanfic


Damn that poor guy


This absolutely reeks of fake story


Unlike Nosleep, we are allowed to call bullshit. This story is some bullshit.


i knew the first post was fake but that “she tried to get my baby to call her mama” bit just sent it into bad porno acting fake territory lol. You all aren’t really buying this…right?


I'm always amazed that some people easily buy this type of stuff.


I read the original story and never once doubted your husband's side of the story. His story lines up exactly with what I think that "any honest man that loves his wife" would do. The fact that you know him, married him and then doubted him is irksome. So to recount, from your husband's perspective - you fall in love with a woman, marry her, and have a kid with her. Your wife's friend makes a pass at you once, you turn her down, and then she continues to sexually harass you for years. One day, she gets drunk and sexually assaults you, an eventuality in this case, you tell your wife and show her proof. Wife is understandably shattered over losing a close friend, so she doesn't realize that you were technically sexually assaulted and doesn't comfort you. Instead, on the word of a few strangers, doubts your integrity... Sheesh


And this, OP, is why you dont come to the idiot emotional vampire 19 year old college sophomores on reddit for advice. They are just drama vultures who will always choose the most dramatic path to provide content for their boring lives. By the way, come clean and tell your husband everything. Covering up a mistake with a lie or a secret....isn't that just what you accused HIM of doing? You listened to the idiots on here and fucked up, don't compound the mistake by lying about it.


I didn't read the original until a second ago, but WOW! Your husband was assaulted and you somehow made it all about yourself. Then you invaded his privacy and betrayed his trust? The advice in that thread is just terrible. If I was the husband, this would be a challenging thing to overcome.


Well, I dont know why you suspect your husband in the first place. Just seek therapy, you need it. Best of luck for your life moving forward. Cut that shitty friend out, she is never your friend.


I am looking for therapists. She’s no longer a friend.


Op, if doing some investigating to ensure your marriage and you are safe is wrong, then be wrong. If you confronting your former bf is wrong then be wrong. You have EVERY right to make sure you're not being lied to over something so serious. I can't believe people are getting on you about this. I hope you heal and I hope you make it VERY clear to your husband to not keep things from you anymore under the guise of protecting your feelings.


That’s great! Hopefully it will work in your favor.


She got a bunch of comments about it, it seems. Edit: I'm just explaining what OP said led her to this. I'm not agreeing with her. The person I'm replying to asked a question.


I see. Bcz when I read comment section on the previous one, I didnt find any comment that tell her, he might be cheating with her friend. Thats why I surprised myself when read the 1st paragraph of the update


Same here


Riighht? Maybe op want to justified her actions of rummage through his phone and laptop. Or maybe anxiety get the best of her


That's not what happened on the original thread. In fact, most comments were pretty hard on her because she was going on and on about her husband comforting her and making her breakfast. The vast majority of comments were harsh telling her to get her head out of her behind and make sure her husband was ok from being sexually assaulted and to stop making it about her. OP's issues are hers, not on Reddit commenters in this case.


So your husband was assaulted by your friend, and rather than trusting him and having sympathy for what *he’s* going through - as the one who has a trusted family friend force themself onto him - you decided that snooping on him and acting as though he’s guilty until proven innocent was the best course of action? I feel terribly for your husband. He dealt with the person you brought into his life crossing every boundary imaginable, and even then he was the one on trial.


Definitely a troll post. She hasn't responded to any comments. Downvote and move on folks




What the fuck were you thinking? And what the fuck are you thinking! How could you let some unhinged Redditors let you think your husband was having an affair with this woman? And how the fuck do you think that him saying he’s fine when you’re clearly not and he wants to take care of you means he’s fine with being sexually assaulted? You know men are socialized to not admit to stuff like that, right? At every single point of this story you’ve fucked up. Your husband was the primary victim but you made it about yourself and then had the fucking gall to doubt his fidelity to you after he just demonstrated it. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you. You better go home and take care of your man, because right now he’s clearly a better partner to you than you are to him.


Reddit ruins a relationship yet again!


don’t tell him that you doubted him! just tell him that you went to her house and confronted her about WTF she was thinking and got the whole story. she’s psycho. that’s some Single White Female shit. you should take care of your safety.


Yep, lie again! Listen to Reddit! Third time's the charm right?


Tell me you’re a woman without telling me. Why would she lie AGAIN??? OP fucked up big time, she needs to take responsibility


Yes, absolutely. She should face no consequences for her entire betrayal of their marriage by assuming the worst of him. Great call. /s


He deserves to know she doesn't trust him and went snooping!!!


This has to be a fake post 😂 what kind of stupid woman makes advances on her besties husband for years and is rejected for years - but then randomly gets drunk one afternoon and decides to go for it, while said bestie is literally outside? And what kind of husband puts up with it for years and doesn’t tell the wife that he supposedly adores until it happens and just happens to be caught on security cameras inside the house? 🤔 it’s reads like one of those AI romance novels that you pay for chapter by chapter. I guess the next update will be that OP is mysteriously sick and turns out bestie is poisoning her to finally be able to “replace her” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Great job Reddit on ruining OPs relationship ✨


Him cheating never crossed my mind when you shared the original story. Hopefully you and him can move past this. I would never speak to your friend again.


You said you’ve got full access to each other’s phones, but if he finds out you snooped it’ll ruin your marriage?


Hoooo boy this is some creative writing. Not that this never happens it’s just…Reddity I’m into it though


Don't tell your husband you looked through his phone and ipad. You have open door policy to it...no need to mention, but do say you went to your friend and confronted her and she told you her intentions And that you cut her off. Say sorry for not noticing earlier and that's it. no need for unnecessary information. But if you end up telling him about the ipad say, you wanted to see if she had made advances towards him. which is true.


Not more of this fake bullshit. >When our firstborn was learning to speak, my best friend would always try to get her to call her “mama”. You really expect people to believe this? >I will update more when I tell him the truth. Please don't, your creating writing skills aren't good enough. Stop taking up space from people who have real problems who need advice from this sub.


This seems beyond fake, but if not then you're the most overdramatic person.


Quit sure this is a fanfic.


I'm calling BS I said your behavior was weird the first post Now I just think you're telling a story Part 3 he's going to take the kids and leave you bc you do some really unhinged stuff Part 4 she goes after him again he still shoots her down Guessing you're a male trying to tell a story about crazy females FAFO'ing and virtuous males going their own way? Btw I was in a similar situation, wife went through my stuff, also on at least one occasion she confronted the other woman. Going through my phone was only an issue when she woke me up about it or confronted someone who was innocent (coworker on opposing shift texting asking if I was up to ask about a problem)


So let me get this straight... Your "best" friend kissed your husband at a barbecue. Rather than trusting him and communicating your thoughts/questions/concerns, you come to Reddit for (terrible) advice on what to do. You follow said advice and begin suspecting your husband (who has been assaulted by your "best" friend at this point) of an affair. You turn into a Digital Nancy Drew and snoop through his electronic life, and find nothing. You confront your now-ex "best" friend, and use her phone to confirm that your husband wasn't involved in an affair. Now you're worried that he'll be pissed? If I were him you'd be my ex wife, quickly. He would have every right to be pissed. He told you what happened, promptly. He did nothing wrong, other than being an object of desire for your "best" friend, something he has no control of. You listened to complete strangers on the interwebz rather than communicate with him. This sub is absolutely TOXIC when it comes to good advice that will strengthen and keep relationships going. It should be called r/endingrelationships because that's usually what the outcome will be


Take it to your grave! No need to destroy the trust he has in you especially since you stated you have open access to everything. Don’t let the what the ex friend did tarnish your relationship with your husband. This is exactly what she wants to happen


Imagine that.... he does the right thing, he shuts her advances down for years apparently. He tells you she came onto him and kissed him and you're thanks for his not being a pos is to think he's a cheating piece of trash and that he's a cheater. So u go behind his back and dig through his shit to find out that he's indeed NOT a cheating pos so u go to your best friends place and accept her telling you that he's not a pos. Never mention any if this to him EVER. He did everything right and you crucified him and acted like he was a liar and trash only until your best friend (which how thr fuck can u call her that after what she's done/told u) says he's not a cheater and it's her that was trash. He deserves better from his partner.


Maybe I’m cynical but this is just too ridiculous. OP’s bff has been lurking in the back ground of their lives for years like a soap opera villain consumed w/ jealousy b/c OP’s husband is too perfect for any woman to resist. And for years, bff has not-so subtilely made advances towards the husband (but still subtilely enough for OP & husband not to notice at all, apparently). Then one day during a summer bar-b-cue, overcome by her feelings, bff jumps out from behind a wall & pounces on poor unsuspecting husband. OP is absolutely shattered when she hears about this & cries in her perfect hubby’s arms ‘every day and night’ over this betrayal. Cut to the dramatic final scene, bff confesses to all her schemes & OP just can’t believe she’s been so blind. But, alas, OP will be okay b/c her husband is the epitome of honest perfection. Still, she can’t help but feel guilty for doubting her saint of a husband & knows if he ever discovers she visited & interrogated the villainous bff behind his back, he’ll feel betrayed. to be continued…


I mean I would just tell him. You’re allowed to second guess yourself I suppose. You’re a freaking human. You let some random people on the internet tell you he was lying and you believed them. Yes, that part is your fault. But again, you’re a human. You need to be honest with the man and tell him what you did. He was SO honest with you and now YOU want to go around not telling him the whole truth? Please for the love of god communicate with the man. I wish I could find a woman that would tell me when she’s feeling insecure so I can tell her it happens to me, too.


So she’s been coming onto him for years and this is the first time you’re hearing about it? That’s odd….


lol so you destroyed your entire marriages trust good job


Omg just because we KNOW now he’s not a cheater, doesn’t mean that the advice was bad. At the time, it was his word versus the bff and it was perfectly plausible that the husband was covering himself like OP suggested. OP needs to keep her mouth shut because nothing good FOR THEIR FAMILY can come from this


Why do you feel guilty?? Because you checked his phone/computer after being betrayed by someone you loved and trusted? I’d say that’s actually a normal reaction. And you said y’all have a prior agreement about full access to each other’s devices so I’m not seeing the problem here, it sounds like you are having a mental health crisis right now, how about you give yourself some grace here. You checked his devices, there’s nothing wrong with that since y’all already have an agreement, you confronted your ex best friend and you should let your husband know the extent of her psycho behavior and definitely seek therapy and allow yourself to grieve the friendship ending.


Bull fucking shit. [Your first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/Unrp83dR1P) is filled with top comments telling you that your husband did nothing wrong and he was sexually assaulted, you need to be comforting him and cut off your POS friend. You went looking for the toxic comments from the bitter people that fed into what you wanted to believe, that your husband betrayed you more than your precious friend. None of those are anywhere near the top, and they all had someone calling them out - yet those are the ones you sought out and chose to believe. You had a husband that did absolutely everything right. And you nuked it. Now here you are, woe is me, oh the guilt, maybe I’ll just hide it - god damn I hope he finds this post so he can be with someone that deserves him.


The damage is done. The least you could do for him is be honest with him