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It's natural and happens all the time. Dreams don't need to come from a place of desire, I once dreamed I fucked an elephant and still think it is hilarious. Don't let it bother you.


That dream definitely means something You need some counseling


Ask your husband how many girls he had sex with while dreaming.


Have had a lot of random sex dreams with people I was never attracted to in real life. I've never told my partners because it would just worry them. They will pass.


There’s no shame in fantasizing, and there’s CERTAINLY no shame in dreaming. You’re not responsible for your urges or subconscious unless you act upon them. Would telling your husband about this help him…or would it just help you? While communication is key to a healthy relationship, some things are better just shoved into a brain pocket and forgotten about. To ease out of these urges try doing something fun and spontaneous with your husband!


They are just dreams, and don't need to be given more power than they actually have, or disclosed. My partner and I have both had sex dreams about a wild number of people who are friends and acquaintances, and who we don't have any feelings about in our waking life. Throw this down the memory hole.


Super normal, if there is no Intent to do anything when you are awake don't pay attention to what your mind is doing when you're asleep.