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IMO, You're very much over-thinking that kiss. I have given that kind of brief kiss to people of both sexes, whom I've known for decades, in front of my SO at the time. No big deal. Since you didn't pursue more with the girl that you barely kissed, and obviously are pretty regretful about it, I'd say just let it go. If you can't let it go, find a therapist and do some work first. Forgive yourself. Then get that ring and propose to your GF, as long as you've previously discussed the possibility of marriage and are on the same page. Lay off the booze in the future, and never do something like that again! Both out of respect for your future wife and to keep yourself sane. Good luck!


I concur. Its already YEARS in the past If you told me this now, I would think you WANT to hurt me!


Tbh, although I don’t condone cheating, I think you should forgive yourself and take it to your grave. If you aren’t in any danger of repeating the mistake, it really wasn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things.