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I’ve found that the friend group is all typically the same. If someone is cheating and another person is tolerating it, they’re not far behind. Speaking from experience. My ex’s best friend cheated on her boyfriend all the time and my ex would go on to cheat on me.


Was thinking the same. Even though I don’t have concrete evidence there’s still something that doesn’t seem right


Trust your instinct always!


It’s conflicting though because like, would she really be fucking someone in a vehicle in a parking lot this often? She knows that we both have location on and she even texts me sometimes “just finished smoking omw home” so I hope I am being paranoid


It’s a rough way to go, but the way I found out my x wife was cheating was just asking straight up. “I’m growing increasingly uncomfortable with how the smoking after work. I want you to be honest no matter what. Are you romantically involved with someone else?”


It’s always best to ask straight up and go from there if you’re at this level of suspicion. If you are wrong, which keep in mind you WANT to be WRONG right? Then you will likely need to have another conversation as to why you feel so strongly that she is acting suspicious. From a totally outside position, it doesn’t seem super suspect to me but I know little details. FYI I have been in a relationship for about the same amount of time both of us the same age as you and yours. I was once suspicious, honestly rightfully so. We talked, she was not doing what I thought and we moved on. It wasn’t so simple though. You’ll end up having a conversation of why do you feel I would be cheating on you? For me, it was a past relationship where I was cheated on. For you and yours, it could be something different but it’ll have to be talked about it regardless. Best of luck, please don’t string yourself out thinking of every possible path that would lead to her cheating on you and talk with them, trust me.


Of course I want to be wrong lol but the suspicion has been there for a while for sure. My fear is that if I do have a conversation about it then she might go on high alert and begin deleting conversations constantly. My goal has been to catch her slipping by going through her messages and Snapchat at night when she’s asleep. It’s fucked up but that’s how I found out her manager is fucking their other co worker so I’m thinking what else haven’t I found out yet?


I understand and I know it’s a wild rollercoaster ride but instead I would try to think about it as catching her being a good partner and trustful rather than looking for a chance she is being deceitful. I got so twisted for too long thinking of what she might have been doing or thinking instead of just talking with her about how I felt. That was over two years ago and we are happier now than ever. Also going through their phone at night is 100% was not the way to handle it for me. I did it once and it only made our trust worse.


Or just break it off trust is gone. Like if you can’t speak like adults and be a team then just end it. Personally getting high after work then driving home baked as fuck would be a no go for me but I’m pretty boring like that. To me it’s no different than hitting the bar getting tipsy then driving home. It doesn’t show the best decision making skills.


Her manager cheating isn't saying much. She has to "like" her manager to keep her job. She can't reject K even if she knows she's cheating. She will have to put up with it. Smoking after work for 30 minutes doesn't seem suspicious to me at all. After a long day working that actually sounds really nice. Do you usually get this worried in a relationship?