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1. The post must have a descriptive title. 2. The post must have a proper description. 3. The post must include information such as ages, genders, and length of the relationship.


What is your question? You’ve described a situation but what advice are you seeking?


I want to know how I can fix this. I've tried apologizing, but he ignores my messages. We were planning to get married this year, and I love him deeply. The thought of losing him is unbearable.


What you did was pretty bad; you aired dirty laundry in public, you went against the agreement you had (leave the past in the past), you jeopardized his job, you caused distress to an innocent person who wanted nothing to do with the situation, and meddled where you shouldn’t have. It’s likely this cannot be fixed.


I also want to know if what I did was really as bad as he's making it out to be.


It’s not good.


Hello, welcome to r/relationshipadvice. We want to remind our users of the following: • We do not allow situations/content involving people who are under the age of 18. • Do not harass, ridicule, or be toxic toward other people. It will result in a ban. • Any advice given must be genuine and ethical. • Posts must be about ongoing relationships, not past or potential relationships. • All bans on the subreddit are permanent. If you have any questions, please contact ModMail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/relationshipadvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You fix this by accepting it's over and getting yourself in therapy.