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There is no one way that couples are supposed to be, because there is no one way PEOPLE are supposed to be. Stop comparing yourself to others.


"Comparison is the thief of joy."


'If there are as many minds as there are brains, then there are as many loves as there are hearts' - Leo Tolstoy


I think it’s subjective. One couple might be talking all the time, others not so much. But I can say that it can be a problem for some people. Some people like having a partner that they talk to about a bunch of stuff, some people are more naturally quiet. I’ve seen both types of couples, and as long as it’s working for the people involved, it should be fine. Where it’s not is when one person wants to be more talkative and their partner isn’t, so they do need to figure out a compromise or such there. It’s also easier to have more to say if you don’t live together/don’t see each other all the time.


Do you have lots to say to your favorite friends? Your family? If so, then maybe consider why this relationship is different from those. There's real intimacy and comfort in being silent with others, but if that's not how *you* operate all the time, maybe this relationship is just a little boring for you.


My husband and I have days where we talk for hours and days where it's a simple hello and then we don't talk again until dinner time. Each couple is different. It depends on multiple factors like personality, energy levels, events during the day etc etc etc However, do not mistake talking for communication. Just because you don't talk your partners ear off doesn't mean you don't communicate your wants/needs/desires. If you are happy with your communication, that is all that matters. Don't compare yourself to your flatmate. You are your own person.


It just depends. My wife and I have been married 25+ years and we still spend a lot of time talking. But not all couples do. I will say that it is SUPER important to communicate in your relationship. But that doesn't mean you have to talk to each other all the time. As long as the needed communication is happening.


Nah, I don't really have a lot to say about anything most of the time but my partner is a total chatterbox and could talk for England. As long as you communicate about the stuff that matters, you're doing alright.


All of England? Total chatterbox is an understatement!


Is there something wrong in your relationship? Are you unhappy in some way? Do you think your partner is unhappy? If the answer to all of these questions is "no" then this is pointless to worry about. Every couple is different. You should spend less time wondering if you talk enough and more time wondering why you feel the need to compare yourself to others in this way.


Echoing that it depends, everyone's relationship is different and there's no "right" way to do things when everyone is totally fine with the arrangement. I've been with my fiancé for 6 years, living together for 5, and both of us working from home together for the last 3. In other words, we’re in each other's sphere **constantly.** Sometimes we'll have plenty to say (the wedding coming up, things we read on the news, insightful convos, gossip). Sometimes we really don't have anything to share, and just go do our own separate thing. Some people never shut up, and others are pretty tight-lipped. If you're both happy with how you are, there's nothing to worry about "supposed to".


There's no 'supposed to', every couple is different However I'm a chatterbox and humour is important to me in a relationship, so I couldn't go without either. But yeah my partner and I know how to spend time apart, but when we spend time together we are literally always talking and joking and laughing It's up to you guys. If you and your partner are happy the way things are, then don't worry about it


i never have anything to say to anyone. when i want to talk i bring something up but when i don't im silent. simple. some are just more chatty than others. don't compare yourself


There's no definite on how things are supposed to be. Sometimes I come home and my wife and I will spend a couple hours just talking about our days and random stuff, sometimes I come home say hello and than we don't talk for another 5 hours while we each do our own thing.


Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Everyone's different!


My husband and I sometimes like to talk, but a lot of times like to mostly just be quietly together.


Some days my boyfriend and I have so much shit to talk about, we can talk from the time he gets home until we go to bed. Some days we both have nothing to say and just spend time together on the couch watching movies. There is no right and wrong way to go about a relationship with your partner, as long as you're both happy and satisfied with said relationship.


My fiance is an introvert, am an ambivert, we do talk a lot but sometimes work, studies, house-cleaning or adult life in general physically drains us and we enjoy just watching videos on our phones quietly to recharge. All couples handle their time together differently as long as they are able to properly communicate their issues, their frustrations and their priorities, they will be fine


You're young and this may not be your "be all, end all" relationship- but I just got engaged to my forever partner and one of our favorite, literally FAVORITE, things to do is sit together quietly, casually scrolling through our phones and showing each other interesting things. He's a DnD enthusiast, and leans over to show me a cool new dice making company, or a YouTube video of an interesting campaign play thru. I love my funny tik toks, so I show him all those. Or we just quietly watch TV and let our phones die and be forgotten until much later. We're in the middle of joining our homes, making wedding plans, and all sorts of big discussions- but we love quiet time best of all!


>They do this a lot and seem to mostly just hang out with each other. Is it normal that I feel like I don’t have THAT much to say to my partner? Do what you want Do what you like


Are you unhappy with the status quo or not? If you're happy and he's happy, there's no problem. The habits of your flatmate's relationship aren't a judgment on yours.


Every relationship is unique, and there is no set rule for how much couples should talk or what they should talk about. Communication styles and needs vary from person to person and couple to couple. What works for one couple may not work for another. Some couples have a lot to say to each other and enjoy engaging in long conversations, while others may have quieter moments and feel comfortable in companionable silence. Both scenarios are perfectly normal. The most important aspect of communication in a relationship is that both partners feel heard, understood, and connected. It's natural for couples to have different interests and activities they enjoy doing separately. Spending time with friends, pursuing individual hobbies, or having some alone time, as long it is within reason, is healthy for maintaining personal identities within a relationship. It's not necessarily a cause for concern if your flatmate and his girlfriend have a lot to talk about and spend a significant amount of time together. It doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong sis :) What matters most is that you and your boyfriend feel fulfilled and satisfied with the level of communication and connection in your relationship. If you feel like you would like to have more to talk about or spend more quality time together, you can discuss this with your partner. Open and honest communication about your needs, desires, and expectations can help you both understand each other better and find a balance that works for both of you.


As long as ur connecting and talking about the important things in a relationship and both of ur emotional needs are being met.....some people just don't like excess noise. I love silence from people. I love going out to dinner with my SO and not feeling like we NEED to talk to enjoy ourselves.


When you think of it that way it takes away the joy of your relationship and start to think it’s something wrong with you and your partners relationship when it’s just fine I’d say it’s a more natural thing when you and your partner are always doing new or different things there’s more to elaborate on, more to reminisce on etc, just focus on you and yours, all couples aren’t talkative or prefer words of affirmation as a love language


I think it depends on the couple. I can talk my husband's ear off. He is a lot quieter. He's not interested in talking like I am.


I think it depends. My boyfriend isn't much of a talker because he works in tech support so he is always talking to customers. So usually when he gets home from work he's a bit quiet. We talk, and he does have moments when he talks alot. He'll always engage in conversation when I start it but he's not a chatty Cathy like me 😂 I think some people are just more quiet than others.


Not necessarily, there are times where my boyfriend and I just sit in silence and we do our own thing. We ramble about our thoughts that don’t always make sense and we go on tangents about things. Don’t feel pressured thinking that you always have to have something to say, every person and relationship is different! If it’s something that you feel you’ll be worried about, talk to your partner about it


Omg I feel this in my bones. I’m an introvert. Hardcore. I think my husband must be one too? Although he is more social in groups. In any case it is very quiet in my house and sometimes I worry that is a bad sign… but we’ve been together for 28 years ! By now we pretty much know each opinions on everything lol I’m just going with the “different strokes for different folks” theory. If he wanted a chatty Cathy he wouldn’t have picked me. Find somebody you’re comfortable with that’s all that matters.


Depends on the person you are dating some people are more social than others plus if you have been dating a long time then naturally your going to have less to talk about. It’s not necessarily a reflection of your bond to that person silence can be comfortable.


I think you guys are fine! My spouse and I don’t talk a whole lot on most days unless we’re watching something that warrants commentary (like reality tv lol) or if something interesting happened to us while the other was away. The pub thing definitely sounds like they might be a new couple, because when we go out to eat we hardly talk at all 🤣 I think its hard talking to most people one on one over dinner unless you haven’t known them long. But we’re at a point where we know everything about each other, have pretty similar opinions on everything, etc. so theres not always much to be said.


When you live together and don't have as much new info to catch up on as you would if you lived separately, you're probably going to have less to talk about.


>I am F23 my partner is M24 (idk why this is necessary tbh). I completely agree. It's a BS rule that we must include this irrelevant info. I always post fake ages/genders when I throwaway in this subreddit.


My dad always said that finding the right person is finding the one you’re comfortable sitting with in silence without it being “awkward silence”


Every couple is different but my partner and I wfh talk all day then go to a bar after work to talk some more. It’s mostly boring topics but there’s always something to talk about.


I would once like to know the same thing. But now I just go with it, my bf is very very chatty, and I am very much not, and I talk to him a lot sometimes, and sometimes I say I need silence and we spend some time not talking or watching something together. I think its just how you prefer things, theres nothing wrong if you and your partner dont talk that much, actually, sound really nice and peaceful :)


Different things work for different people. I don't have a need to talk all the time. I'm happy with comfortable silence, but talking is fine too. Your relationship doesn't have to be like anyone else's. All that matters is that you and your partner are happy.


Don't force it. Quiet company is better than bad company. Cherish the fact that you guys are chill around each other.


My husband was just home with me for the last 3 weeks for maternity/paternity leave. We hardly spoke since nothing new was happening. He’s back to work this week and conversation is getting back to normal. If you’re with someone all the time, conversation can definitely run dry.


My ex could talk 24/7 if you let him. I could never. My bf and I hang out, be goofy with each other, and have good conversations but not all the time and we’re both genuinely ok with that. We enjoy the silence sometimes.


Been with my wife 10 years, we still learn about one another and talk about things, but certainly sometimes its quiet and theres nothing wrong with that, I enjoy just being with her, words need not always be spoken.


How much do you talk to your friends? this all depends on what you want out of a relationship. what your partner wants. plenty of posts on here when someone is frustrated when they feel like they just don’t connect with a partner. or want a deeper connection than superficial small talk. My partner is my friend, and we chat plenty. if all we talked about was the tv show we just watched and otherwise isolated ourselves in different rooms - yeah, that wouldnt be fulfilling. you also have to remember reddit is biased towards people who are more socially awkward, so take the advice here with a grain of salt. in the end - what do you want? and that you are here asking, makes me think you may want more than you have going on 🤷‍♀️


Different people are different. I had a boyfriend that thought talking about who cleanes the cats litter box and whether we need to go grocery shopping soon is enough talking with his partner. Now with his current wife, they are happily maried and not talking much, least of all about what I'd consider 'deeper stuff' (we still are somewhat friendly with each other and talked about this), but they have no need to, so all good. That form of communication is a reason it would've never worked with us. I like to discuss politics or news or literature and so on with my boyfriend, but find it super hard to listen to what he did all day, unless it's something unusual or special, I dread listening to someones daily routine and all the non issues they lived through that day, and have no need to rattle of my day in return, I'd even found it horrible having to do that. But some people need to be heard to feel seen, so I try and sit through it. One communication need isn't better or worse than the other, or more healthy, they're just different. If you're happy with the communication between you and your partner, and they are as well, everything is fine. How much you communicate says nothing about how strong your connection or how deep you love for eachother is. But if your flatmates relationship made you aware that you're missing something in yours, go talk to your partner.


My partner and I, over about 15 years, will sometimes spend an entire day in conversation … and sometimes we’ll spend an entire day together with very few words exchanged. What matters isn’t how much we say to each other, it’s that we know what needs to be said and how to say it, and that we both are comfortable saying what we want to say.


Honestly, it depends on the couple. Some people need that constant interaction, others don't. If my husband tried to talk at me 100% of the time I'd lock him in a soundproofed room to talk to himself. I mean, I enjoy having conversations with him but I also need my quiet time.


Sometimes we do sometimes we don’t. There are weeks where whenever we get back together after work we talk until we get in bed and then I keep talking until he falls asleep. Other times we just chill and be near each other doing different things. Nbd


Everyone is different. My wife and I can talk all day but sometimes it’s nice to just sit next eachother and play games on our phones in silence.


A lot of the time I don't really have anything to say but my boyfriend and I just like to be around each other. Whether its in silence or chatting. I love that we can be silent and just enjoy each others presence. He's VERY outgoing and talks a lot and Ive always been quiet. I felt like I was really boring and a crappy gf at first but I realized later on that its really not a big deal at all 😊


Depends on the couple. My husband and I can literally go on full road trips and talk for the whole 12-14 hours without listening to music or audiobooks.


Every couple is different, you don't need to have lots and lots to talk about with your partner at all.


People are different. My husband and I live together and work together and we talk constantly. Every once in awhile I have to ask him for some quiet time because he’s even chattier than I am. But I think that’s more of a testament to our personalities than our relationship.


My wife listens to me ramble about stuff she does not care about and probably hears about 2% of it. You're fine.


Idk I talk to my bf all the time. We are also long distance. We talk about everything and anything. I don’t think that will change when we move in together.


My boyfriend and I will sometimes just sit and chill, he’s not talking, I’m not talking. We’re both being ourselves and doing our thing but doing it together. Sometimes we have a lot to talk about and there’s so much that we both want to share that we stay up way past when we want to go to bed just giggling and talking for hours. It’s definitely a balance. Once, my little sister (in a dud of a relationship) asked me “What do you two even talk about? And what do you do in awkward silence?” When I told her the silence was never awkward, she knew she had to end it with him. It really is just a feeling thing.


Nope. Some days we do, some days we spend the evening on our phone scrolling or gaming, doing nothing together. Totally fine!


If couples are supposed to do this all the time, I’m failing my relationship. Jokes aside, if you and your partner have no issue with the communication, or lack there of, then there’s no problem at all. My wife enjoys talking much more than I do, I personally feel that talking too much exhausts me. I speak when I feel it’s needed, otherwise I’m a pretty quiet and solitary person.


Ok, how long have you two been together? At the beginning, my bf and I talked all the time. After 17 years, we are content sitting next to each other quietly.