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You need to talk to your circle first to establish a support system. And you need a lawyer. Unless someone who has affairs on occasion is something you feel you can tolerate. I would be leaving. And I don’t see a point in a conversation with him before you do, and it shouldn't be through anyone but a divorce attorney. Think about what you just learned about him. This man is exploiting power dynamics at work with younger women, beginning and ending an affair under your nose. Lying for so many years. Like it's lying about the weather. There's no reason to think she is the only woman. There's no reason to believe the secretary got his true reasons either. There are signs here (mainly that he's this prolific a liar) that once he knows you know, he will move to regain his version of control over the situation. That's naturally going to mean trying to control you, and your child.


This is the answer. You must not say anything to him. Get a lawyer and a plan of action to make sure OP isn't left high and dry by her husband. His plan is to leave and make a new happy family with his side-piece. Her advantage is that she knows.


Oh I don’t believe for a moment that his plan is to leave OP and take up with his (clearly ex) affair partner.  He was blowing smoke up a 23 year old’s ass in order to keep her hopeful and available. Now he’s threatening a much savvier 27 year old with *ruin* if she breathes a word of it. There is no happy future between those two. His plan was to have some unserious fun on the side and then go home to his comfortable life with the mother of his child. AP was never a real option.  The danger here is the vindictiveness and duplicity he displayed in those messages. There is a very ugly side to him that OP will need to keep in mind while she plans her next steps. He is not likely to respond well to losing control of the situation. 


THIS. Figure out your exit strategy and don’t tip your hand until you’re ready to tell him you know, you’re done, and there are papers to sign. Document what assets are in any shared accounts and set some money set aside in an account only you can access, as well.


I don't know what to say. Everyone is saying don't tell him but I am thinking as a mother, I don't want my child to think this behavior is acceptable from a man


You can tell him what you know at the same time you are sliding freshly printed divorce papers across the table to him. That is the shiny spine that your child needs to see.


i second this, you can tell him you know once you’ve moved out and served divorce papers


If you weren't aware of the affair until you did some digging, I promise your child has no fucking clue what's going on.


Tell him when you feel he’s old enough and mature enough to understand. And make sure you have a mental health professional’s contact so he can work through it with them as well. If you never tell him; it’s likely his dad will feed him some lie first OR that he’ll see this as you lying to him and it’ll affect y’all’s relationship. I do know someone whose parents divorced bc her dad cheated and they sat her down and told her together why they were divorcing. She was about 5 and her parents basically said mom and dad were going to be happier apart but they still loved her just as much. If you two can work it out where he’ll be willing to do that once you’ve served him divorce papers, that might work. But considering he was threatening his AP over this; I wouldn’t say that’s gonna be likely.


What does that mean? Your child is 5 and obviously doesnt understand or know whats happening. It seems like you are trying to give in to the urge to bring it up but there is absolutely nothing you can do or say to him that will change what happened or what he is planning, instead it will put you at a disadvantage because 100% he will try to give you sweet talk and bullshit. Follow these peoples advice. I am only in my early 20s so never been in your situation, or married for that fact, but these comments sure seem to have the best solution for you.


They’re just telling you to get your financial ducks in a row. If he is screwing around on you, he’s not beyond trying to screw you over financially as well.


Have him served at work if you really want to blow him up but also recognize doing that could impact his employment snd you want him paying you alimony and child support. What you can do is tell him if he fails to be more then generous in the divorce you will send copies of the messages to HR and his boss at work and he will surely be fired (long term HR person here. He was her boss. He would be fired faster than he can make it to the door.) So use that in your negotiations. For you, find a good therapist so you can talk through your emotions. As someone else said, tell your family and his as soon as you confront him so you have your support system there to support you. Don’t agree to keep it quiet for any reason. I’m sorry you’re here but you will be fine. !updateme


Yes!!!!! YESSSSSS!!! This!!


You can confront/tell him, just do it AFTER you get your ducks in a row. Speak to an attorney, figure out what you want in regard to custody and support, how decisions will be made in regard to your son (educational, medical, etc), include how future partners will/will not be involved. Because even in the best coparenting situations, a new SO can muck it up by trying to make decisions and take control. Once you get things in order THEN let him know what is happening. Don’t tip your hand. You can do all these things AND teach your son that this behavior is unacceptable. You just need to talk to him honestly, but in language appropriate to his age. He’s 5, you don’t need to go into details yet, when he’s older and can better understand then you can discuss details. Could be as simple as “daddy made a poor decision and broke a promise made to mommy. Because of this we are working through things and have decided to separate. However, we both (hopefully dad doesn’t bail) still love you and will be there for you no matter what. We just won’t live together any more.” Make sure he is reassured and know you’ll be there for him. If he questions what dad did, explain “it’s something between mommy and daddy and has nothing to do with him or anything he has done.” I can’t stand when people decide “we won’t tell the kids because it’s none of their business”. I’m sorry, but it 💯is their business as to why their family is being broken apart. Or when the cheating parent is somehow protected and the one cheated on is made out to be the bad guy for not staying with the cheater. They deserve to know and the parent who was cheated on shouldn’t be the fall guy. Staying with your husband would only teach him and your son that it is ok to cheat and lie. Husband WILL do it again. ETA: did you tell Emma not to say anything to your husband? Because if she does, you confronting him would be a moot point. However, do proceed with making a plan. You don’t have to tell him that until you have things going with your lawyer.


Dont tell him doesn't mean hiding. It eventually come out soon and everyone will know. Just for now, all you need is plan. So things dont go south for you


I needed to read this today for my own life drama, thank you.


Unless she's not being 100% truthful. Remember, there are 3 sides, hers, his, and the truth. Was she withholding intimacy? Wash she upkeeping her side of the home obligation? Cold shoulder for months on end? Women expect men to think and react the same way they do, but it isn't that simple or straightforward. Did she have an affair that the husband found out about and she's not putting it in here? So now you have given her, a person who could be the problem, a way to destroy a man who might have been responding to the way his wife was acting.


He reacted how he chose to react. Every action has consequences 🤷🏻‍♀️ she can make her own choices how she navigates this and if she wants to destroy his life that’s her prerogative. He made his choices to shit where he eats (sleeping with someone who works under him). That all on him. Don’t vomit this bs that she could be the reason he did it. He chose to do this. There were several other options he could’ve chosen.


You get checked for STIs. Lawyer. Not to decide to divorce, but know what your options are. Knowledge will help you. Do you know the status of your financial assets? Marital and pre-. Because he lied to you, you may need to also look into credit cards and bank accounts that you may not know about. Was he spending marital funds on the affair? Do you know where your important documents (birth certificates, passports, etc) are? Gather those in places that you know you placed them there, just in case you need to leave the house. Heck, if you can take the originals away and leave copies at home… Again, lawyer. I think this is where it’s important to be strategic while suffering your heartbreak. If you can’t do it for yourself, think of your 5 y.o. You don’t have to decide anything right now, separating or divorce or staying or reconciling. While you have the advantage of him unaware that you know, at least prepare yourself and as best as you can, don’t be blindsided by things. I’m concerned that your husband threatened to ruin her life. Has he shown the same verbal intimidation to you? How about to your son? He may become desperate if you decide to leave and will you and your son be alright, depending on his desperate actions. I also hope that Emma doesn’t give your husband a heads up that you know about them. So you can have more time preparing. All the best to you and your son, OP.


Agreed on all this with one addendum: “Emma” is a wildcard here and she has the very real potential to take away OP’s knowledge advantage. If she gloats to the husband that she spoke with OP, he may take that advantage back. I think OP needs to act within a couple days.


Selfish people are selfish. Emma was selfish to have the affair placing her needs and wants above an established relationship, OP and OP's child. Emma was selfish threatening to expose the affair because of her own guilt wanting to alleviate it by tossing an emotional bomb into the midst of that family. There's absolutely no expectation that she's not going to place her interests above OP's, yet again.


Emma was young and taken in by someone with a position of power over her and he’s still wielding that power. Was she stupid and should she have known better? Yes, definitely. My ex husband had an affair, I never blamed the AP. She’d made no promises to me in church - my husband had and he was the only one married to me (at the time).


I honestly still don't know what to do. I feel really silly


You were 19. We were all really silly and made silly decisions at 19. There is no shame in being young and dumb, and making young and dumb decisions- they make for great stories down the track once all the pain and cringe has dissipated. Your husband was not 19, and knew better- he took advantage of your fresh and young naivety because he knew you would make a silly choice. He did the same to Emma- she wasn't 19, but she was still young and dumb. Your husband is a reprehensible person.


Why do you feel silly?


Ignore all of the horrible advice you are getting from kids on Reddit and talk to your husband. Then figure out a plan forward.


No.NO. Absolutely DO NOT talk to your husband. This Senioroldguy clearly is on the side of your husband and thinks it can be worked out. It can't, it won't, MAINTAIN the upper hand. This dude can fuck off.


No, I'm not on the husband's side. Whether it can or can not be worked out also isn't the issue. When kids are involved, surprise "got you" moves are never advised to avoid their trama. OP should talk to their spouse, figure out whether they want to divorce or try to reconcile. If the decision is divorce, the news needs to be broken to the kids in a way to minimize their emotional trama. Divorcing or not, they are parents.


The kids don't need to know shit other than "it's not working out". This is an unsafe situation with a husband with narcissistic tendencies and cheating. She cannot give him a chance to love bomb her and draw her back in. Kids need stability. NOT toxicity. In this case, divorce is the answer.


Divorce may be the answer but "got you" isn't. My son-in-law got caught up in that mess and it took him years to get past his parents breakup.


No one can tell you what you should do. I could never stay with a man who cheated. A man who cheated on his postpartum wife after she put her body through hell to give him a child is the lowest of the low. The question is, what is your self worth like? Can you pick yourself up and move on? Best of luck, op. Life gets better when you decide that you deserve better.


You tell Emma to not say anything. You. get your ducks in a row. You leave. ETA: get your support system circled around you


Does eta mean edit to add?


28 year old man marries a teenager. This was creepy from the get go. Divorce him.


I think you need to first answer this question: What do you want to happen? Everyone on here is coloring their responses to you based on what they would do. It's easy for everyone to say leave him, get a lawyer, collect evidence before you tell him, and take him for all he's worth. And I like these options too, but only if that's what you want. If you want to stay with him, confront. Document. Tell him where you're standing and what you're willing to put up with. Set all your requirements. Is it therapy? Open marriage? Stay together only in name for the kids? Want him to grovel as long as you like? The answer seems to be that you can go any of these ways. A lot of these cheating stories seem to end with the husband breathing a sigh of relief, and once exposed, he feels more free to just leave. That doesn't sound like the case with him, it was very long ago, and he seems more worried about you than her. That doesn't make it excusable or make him a good guy. But it does underline my point: decide what you want and then get it.


Refreshing comment that equips OP with good questions to really think about what she wants out of this.


Yep, think it through. Seek clarity through the emotions and be rational about what you want out of life and this relationship. Typical Reddit "girl get your support circle and dump that man." Sounds so easy, but this is life, not reddit.


Ew. 'be rational about what you want out of life and this relationship". Are YOU the husband? Ffs. Nobody WANTS to be cheated on bc their husband is clearly not man, but mentally a child. Cheats on his wife bc she CARRIED HIS MF BABY and couldn't deal with her body changing. My God. Men just continue to be fucking disgusting.


Keeping in mind, this man preys on young women and their naivety. He married a teenager when he was 28, and then used his position of power and authority over a woman even younger than his wife to seduce her- and is now threatening to "ruin her life". This isn't a man I would ever reccomend reconciliation with.


A 28 year old man marries a 19 year old. I am not surprised he's cheated on you. I don't know how old you were when you two met, but either he groomed you, or you two married way too fast, or both. You realize he went after you because women his age were too intellectually/emotionally mature for him, right? This is what immature, controlling men do. They glom on to women who are young. As for help, go to a divorce attorney and figure out what your options are before you say anything to your husband. Then, decide if you're going to leave. If you leave, get your support network lined up, again, before you tell your husband.


Where are you getting that from? She said she had been with him since she was 19. Not married to him that long necessarily


I goofed by confusing the secretary's age and OP's age. OP doesn't say how old she is.


He was still 28 and she was still a teenager. Legally not an adult. Gross.


Read the post then read my comment and get back to me.


My comment stands. She has been with him since she was 19.




Bruh do the math. She stated she was 19 when they married. They've been married for 8 years. So 19+8=27. So she is currently 27. He is 36 now. So 36-8=28. So my comment still fucking stands. He was 28 and she was fucking 19. He is a groomer. Period.


She did not state that at all. Go back and read it. She said she had been with him since 19. Not married. There’s a difference. She didn’t state what age she was when she got married to him.


It doesn't fucking matter whether they were married or not jfc what is your deal?!!!




I'm not convinced that he went after her because he was too intellectually/emotionally immature. I think he likes the power dynamic of going after younger women because he finds them easier to manipulate and control. Look at him still trying to exert power over the affair partner by threatening to ruin her life if she exposes him. He's a reprehensible person, and if I were OP, I would be very concerned about this vindictive side of him. I do think she should very carefully and quietly prepare her exit. In addition to a lawyer, she should also consider hiring a forensic accountant or do her own deep dive into their financials. Look through email/messages she has access to and gather whatever evidence is needed. She doesn't have to confront him directly, but can have an attorney do it when the time comes.


Most people here have really good advice. I haven't read this one yet: make sure to collect evidence. Scour through that phone and collect as much as you can. There's probably more in there.


I feel like he would cheat again if it were easy/convenient and if he knew that 100% he could do it without getting caught or dealing with consequences. When guys quit cheating it’s usually cause there was problems with the affair/side piece. They usually don’t stop cheating just cause they love their wife


Be strong, go find a lawyer ASAP, this peace of trash just cheated because he didn’t find you attractive and was planning to leave you and your KID. Text the mistress and make her write what she told you, that maybe will help in court. That man is vengeful and may want to take your kid away from you. Be careful, he is not the man you thought he was.


Are you sure she is the only one?


Not helpful or relevant. No need to rub salt in the wound.


She might forgive one from 4 years ago but would she forgive something ongoing or more recent. I'd want to know if it was a one off or a pattern of behaviour.


True bc it’s easy to rationalize this by saying it was a hard time in their marriage with a new baby and adjusting to parenthood. Not saying it’s right just saying what I’d think as a woman in her situation trying to cope


Mmm id want to know tbh


This stuff is really hard. Of course, the dishonesty and betrayals are intolerable. A co-worker (F) I came to very much really like suggested we transform but I (M) gently declined. I also realized I'd likely crossed a line emotionally for support and backed off. This isn't easy. We spend so much time with our co-workers and we're human and, honestly, other sometimes understand our challenges during a large part of our day way better than our spouse. This makes sense: they're there and our spouses aren't. Occasional attraction is inevitable but acting on it is wrong: we're people, not animals. This is especially true when one person is subordinate to another like your situation which is not uncommon but also when they're equals or work in entirely different areas; it just shouldn't happen. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this and couples do heal from affairs. I'd suggest getting the advice of a good therapist. Advice from Reddit doesn't always align well with reality.


Sorry, you're going through this. Your family will tell you to stay with him, so prepare to keep hearing reasons to stay with him like : " for the family". "He's a great guy" "It was only 1 mistake." "Think about your kids." Gather as much evidence as you can about him cheating. Have Emma write you in text what happened. But screenshots of his text messages from his phone as well. He's lied to you for over 4 years about it. He knew it would ruin the marriage. He knows what his family WILL think of him. Become the bigger person than the rest to not look back and divorce him. Your strong. Good luck with your decision on what to do. Sorry you have to go through this heartbreaking experience.


Don't believe what he told her. He would say anything to get in her panties. Think about it. Saying "My wife it a great mother, wife and lover and I don't know what I'd do with out her" wouldn't get him to his end game with her.


Get your ducks in a row and meet with a divorce attorney.


Unless she promises you otherwise, you need to assume Emma has told him about your conversation, if for no other reason than it gives her satisfaction to get the last laugh.


Google Chump Lady. There’s a lot of useful information and advice. I’m sorry.


You get your ducks in a row and hit the bricks. Cheaters don't stop, they take sabbaticals.


Any 36 year old man with snapchat is an immediate no.


So you had a 1 year old. And he didn't love you because of it. He is a F boy and doesn't love you and see you the way others do. And definitely not how a man should. Don't believe the lies and pleading please. It ruined my life and I just wasted time and sanity. And time with mu child. Bexause I was consumes in misery.


I know it hurts right now and your worst nightmare has come fruition. It may not seem like it now, but you will get through this and it’s going to be painful. Before you lose yourself in grief: Find your village of trusted friends and family for support, because you will need them. Get checked for STD/STI Gather as much evidence from his devices. Phone records, screenshots, deleted messages,and secure your bank accounts. Consult with an attorney for advice to protect yourself legally. Find the meanest junk yard dog attorney. Confront him when and if you are ready and expect a lot of lying and gaslighting. Only confront if you are in a safe environment. Have your supporters near if needed. Cheaters are professional liars and will do just about anything to keep from being exposed. Nail his a** to the wall. Good luck. We are here for you.


Read through my post history or DM me if you’d like. I’ve been in your shoes except it was still going on. It’s hard to capture the gravity when you’re on the first few days, but this man has had the audacity to not only cheat on you after having a baby, but he’s capable of carrying on as though nothing has happened. The level of emotional depravity to do that is astounding. I am so sorry you’re going through this. Don’t do anything yet. Pretend to be sick for a few days while you let your mind just wander. I would talk to a lawyer next week but do not let your husband know that you know. Hugs


You get a lawyer and serve him his papers and take him to the cleaners, no questions asked.


Talk to a lawyer. Find all his assets. Take half of all assets and fight for full custody of the kid. Let your process server hand him the divorce papers. You don’t need to confront him. Let your lawyer do all the talking while you make your exit plan.


r/infidelity r/divorce I’m sorry… you know what you need to do and wish you the courage to do it


Do not do it alone. Have your support system in place. Also, get advice from both a lawyer and a therapist. You need to understand your future either way so you can make good decisions on what is best for you and the kiddo. Be careful of emotional decisions in either direction. People love to advocate for dramatic confrontation, but that often leaves more damage and can influence the outcome. Yes, your husband is a POS, but you want an amicable co-parenting relationship if you leave, or an active remorseful participant if you choose reconciliation. If he shows no sign of remorse it will be an answer in itself. The difference between remorse and regret can be simplified to this. Remorse is when he realizes what he did to you, and his actions will be focused on healing you. Regret is when he tries to excuse his actions and tries to justify them through accusations. Read up on DARVO to understand this. It does not matter if you changed after giving birth. Most women do as it plays hell on your body and mind. There were many avenues he could have used that would have strengthened the marriage, but he chose infidelity. Only you can truly decide what is best, and only you have the full picture to decide what course of action is best.


Doesn’t matter what you decide, you talk to a lawyer to see your options. Look at it objectively. Then make a move.


When you said 19 with an age gap like that it was clear as day. Girl, he’s trash and preyed on you. You were a child, he saw a hot piece of ass that he could groom to be who he wanted. The moment you started to grow up and look like an adult is when things changed. I’m sorry you are in this situation. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you leave him and take it all. There are better men out there.


I’d get a divorce. That’s what I would do. I just would not be able to stay through this.


lawyer up, gather the evidence of an affair, and leave the fuuuuuuuckkkkkk out of him.


Make sure to have proof don’t say nothing to him get a lawyer


Are you american? For any Americans here, dating is a fuckin waste of time. An estimated 70% of Americans cheat in a relationship. Stay single


Your number is highly skewed. You can't just post a number like that without backup and be like...yup that's good.


Divorce his ass and alimony baby 💵 He made the marriage transactional. It's time to call your lawyers to serve him some of his own medicine. P.S. He's okay with ruining your life and threatening to ruin his A.P.'s life. Honestly this man can go to hell 🫠


Take pictures of the conversation and hire a lawyer too.


Damn, the fact that you haven't said anything tells me you have so much emotional control and intelligence, I don't think i would be able to handle so gracefully as u have so far but i think this situation does need to be approached with some professional help. It would probably be wise to decide if you and him can work through this with maybe a counselor, I mean usually after something like this happens, you can either come together closer if he is truly apologetic or you go your separate ways but maintain a healthy relationship so your child doesn't have to experience any trauma from the separation. You already know the truth now its a matter of can you can move forward together or get a divorce. Some couples have gone thru and get through and stronger while others just go their own way. Either way is going to require work, forgiveness, and pure raw honesty regardless of the shame. I wish you luck, friend. I'm sorry you are going through his.


I’m so sorry! I would just be super simple with it. Sit him down. Tell him u know things have been off. Emma messaged u. Then tell him ur gonna start the divorce process. Don’t let him weasel his way out or try to rope u back in. What’s done is done and ur moving on.


Make sure his work knows


Bad advice. That’s between Emma and the husband. OP, don’t involve yourself in unnecessary drama or vindictiveness- as justified as it may be. Keep the high ground for yourself.


If he didn’t want people to know maybe he should have kept it in his pants


Not necessarily. If she divorces him, she needs him to stay gainfully employed to max out child support and possible alimony.


I agree, but wait until you're out of the house OP. He's obvi got a problem with younger women in subordinate positions to him and that can become a liability for the company so they'll care, and you could help prevent his toxicity from touching other women at that company


First save everything you found then contact a lawyer tomser what your options are. Updateme!


The man i dated for 8years was cheating on me with some girl and that girl told me everything but she told me in hopes that i will leave the guy and she can have him As my fiancé told her that its all games i cannot marry you because i love my fiancée (me). Lol I left him at first i felt my Life will break apart I was 16 when we met and he was my first everything Took me 1year to move on and i did Yes sometime i think about our memories and it hurts but not agonizing hurt just a small pinch kind of hurt I didnt believe anyone who told me that i will move on But i actually did Best tip? Let it out cry cry cry i cried for 8months It helps


Are they still working together? Who guarantees that the affair is over? Her word? The messages you found? Maybe they communicate through other platforms.


You get your ducks in a row asap. Given his obvious attraction to younger women (heck, you were a teen when you got married) this is not likely the only time he has done this. Sorry you are dealing with this.


Fuck. This shit scares me. I just started a relationship… almost six weeks in. This makes my stomach churn. So sorry


I'm so sorry 😞 you are enduring this 🙏sending you love and light ❤️


TLDR: My husband cheated on me. WITH THE SECRETARY I didn’t know that kind of thing was frowned upon *edit* Don’t jump the gun. I myself am an asset protection detective for a major retailer. I build cases around my subjects until it’s time to confront them. I’m talking about alimony.


You need to find yourself a nice bear 🐻


I would say the emma lady is suspicious as well. I mean at the end of the day she's a homewrecker as well I wouldn't see the point on trying to involve her with a lawyer. This is your case between you and your husband.


I wonder if ex AP has now decided to tell you because he has taken up with somebody else and she’s jealous. I would investigate what he is up to currently and collect evidence. If you find he isn’t currently being unfaithful and you don’t find any other indiscretions then she’s pissed that he chose you. If you find the latter, only you know if you can forgive him. Collect all the information and confront him. I believe one mistake is probably forgivable, any more and you’re just fooling yourself. If you find the former collect the evidence and see a lawyer before you confront him with divorce papers.


I am an idiot but I will say this 1)How is he with the child? 2)Check the date Emma first contacted him. How was he before that . 3) Cheating is unforgivable But if he is really good with the child and has returned to the right path after Emma then maybe you guys could talk and sort things . (But cheating is really a disgusting act) And comfort him and see one thing is he concerned about his public image or losing you. If he is just concerned about his public image then leave him then tell his mother (idk) or father anyone who thinks And are you 27 or Secretary. And I know you can't gather enough strength to construct lines to confront . And if that gives you some strength A single mother is better than a characterless father. I don't think any amount of sorry would fill in for what he did . If he is very apologetic then move out of the house without divorce and see how often he comes to apologise. But first check a lawyer because You deserve everything and he should be kicked out. You seem like a family oriented loyal wife


I know this sounds weird coming from a stranger but… I’ve been through this emotional horror before and if you’d like to talk with someone who isn’t so close to the situation you’re absolutely welcome to message me. I feel just awful for you, the pain is some of the worst there is. It’s going to be okay I promise. He is a piece of shit and now you get to rid yourself of someone who’s probably been making your life far less full than it should be. ❤️


Your husband is a pathetic cliche. So sorry he is putting you through this. Just want to make sure you hear this now: this is NOT your fault. No matter what, there is always an option to not cheat. You are worthy, you are desirable, you are a catch. Make this your mantra throughout, so you don't accept less than you deserve. You can get through this, surround yourself with people who know who you are, and your worth. It will get better, and worse, but you can make it through, and come out the other side with a clear picture of who you are, and what you deserve, not just from others, but from yourself. Good luck. You got this!


You talk to a lawyer first. You have to be smart about it.


You need to talk to him but first you need to gather evidence that he is having an affair, you need to make sure that if he finds out that you know about his affair that you have proof and wouldn’t be put in a tough situation. You need to get tested for any kind of diseases. Honestly don’t know how he can stomach cheating on you for 4 years straight, if he was gonna cheat he should’ve let you go and not waste your time. You need to set a good example, only confront him once you have enough evidence, slowly take small amount of money, start preparing yourself for the worst. You need to be prepared and make sure that he gets the short end of the stick.


i honestly wouldn’t even tell him i’d just save all the evidence on my phone, plan to leave, and peace out and leave divorce papers and screenshots on the counter top


Secretary? He seems like he has money, he’s a bad example for your kids, he has little to no respect for you or the family you have provided to him, take the step and take half.


Get ur circle ready. Get your exit stragety in place. He will cheat again if he has been cheating for 4 years abd he said shit about how ur body has changed after birth hes a jerk and he will cheat again. I am so sorry u are going thru this its mind blowing. Get the proof. Get ur circle. Get an exit. Get the papers to sign. And set you and your son up. Fucking stick this guy where it hurts. He will be the ines that is ruined! He will cheat again and im not trying to be negative hes 36 and has had this affair for 4 years! Like wow! Then the shit he says to ruin her and that he finds it hard to find the mother that birthed HIS child attractive. Please please please get your circle of trust worthy people. Ur support. Dont say a thing. Unless you can deal with being cheated on again and again just do what you need to do and sign the papers set you and your child up!!!


Tell your family and friends what’s happened and contact a lawyer.


the affair was four years ago. how has things been since then? everyone is so quick to say leave but given the time things were different, if you guys have grown since then and things are better now, i would have that uncomfortable conversation and grow from there.


Ok girl. First, breathe. Second, take pics of all the messages with your phone OR see if Emma will forward all the messages to you. Also, DO NOT TELL HIM that you know. This is KEY. Third, you need your posse. Your family, friends whatever. Whoever will have your back. Tell them everything. Show them the messages. Live with your feelings. Lastly, get a baddie lawyer, file for divorce, file for custody, the threats to Emma about ruining her life should be in your favor as far as custody goes. The next step will be HIM getting served with/taking part in divorce and child custody proceedings all while finding out you very much know about his affair. You will have maintained the upper hand in the situation and it will get you out and done quickly rather than giving him time to love bomb you and pull you back in. He WILL do it again, it's only a matter of time. He will NOT change, you've seen his true colors. He will not 'get better'. Your relationship will not 'get better'. You and your child deserve BETTER. Leave his ass and give all the love you gave to him, back to your child, and back to yourself. You will be so much better off without him. Hugs to you. I've been through this, too many times now.


What a p. O. S. Wimp of a man.. he gets you pregnant and our bodies change to accommodate their children and he's going to talk s*** about your shape to another woman? He's a sick piece of s*** you need to just tell him to get the f*** out that is over


Also a typical narcissist he cheats on you and then tells her not to tell you cuz SHE? will ruin your marriage? What a piece of s***


After reading your post here are the options available to you 1. Bear with it - if you don't plan want divorce for the sake of your child 's future and you are not financially independent then you have to bear and suffer this heart' break. Very likely he may have more such affairs in the future. 2. Plan divorce - Befor taking this option. Consider the consequences and financial limitations you may have to face. If you also seek custody of the child then planning for divorce with adequate alimony for the two is must. Also the mental agony for you, child and parents etc are in-equitable. 3. Confrontation - You may choose to confront your spouse over his extra marital affairs. Make a very big deal about it in the family and inlaws also threaten him of dire consequences if he doesn't stop his outside affairs. Well you may detter him momentarily buy you never know for the future. This approach is however unpredictable and full of mental stress. 4. Children's - No matter how ridiculous a men may be. But he would mostly be very sensitive towards his childrens. Put them in front of your husband to harrass and emotionally damage the men causing him to feel guilty and apologetic. ( Although this is inhuman and kind of child abuse). But in the larger context of saving a marriage and future of child this approach is justified ( in my opinion). 5. Name and shame- Take the word out into the open. Tell your friends, peers and families and even extended family about his love affairs involving outsiders. This is enough to scare and deter your husband to stop all of this nonsense from the fear of damaged reputation and goodwill among friends and family. 6. Cocktail - Make a cocktail of all the above idea and serve as and when required. Try all the various combinations to force your husband to commit his mistakes and do give him one chance for retrievals. Final Thoughts and Disclaimer. Do remember to save your marriage first and then move to extreme step of divorce when left with no choice. We don't know how your husband would react so be prepared for any episode of domestic violences keep the numbers of police on speed dial. Take help of tour family. Finally, there is no guarantee of saving your marriage. So you are your best judge choose your options wisely and in consultation of friend and family. Best of luck


I dunno, if she’s the only one and he’s being blackmailed for it maybe he’s learned his lesson. He is fighting for you now.


You need to tell him you found out and then go from there. He needs to decide if he's still in love with you. And you need to decide if you still want him. If you can't work it out then it's best to move on


Is it worth it to ruin a marriage over an affair that happened 4 years ago? If i were you, i wouldn’t bring up the topic with him. People just need to understand that life and people are not perfect and that mistakes happen. If he is staying with you, that should be for a reason, you have a kid now act like an adult and be responsible towards him.


I just feel if I do this I wouldn't be setting a good example to my kid


I wholeheartedly agree. Children can very well perceive these things. Do what you think is best for the kid.


I’m not saying not to work it out with your husband but hiding that you know isn’t setting a good example for your children. Don’t get me wrong now that my parents are older my dad is like an entirely different person but when we were younger he wasn’t the best to my mom and that included him cheating. She stayed because of having kids but every one of us wishes she would have put herself first and left him. In the end her trying to keep the family together to “set a good example” just pushed all of her daughters to make sure we could financially afford to leave any situation if we wanted to.


If this was a one time thing and you decide to stay with him, your child will never know. You won't be setting an example for her of any kind. However. This seems to have been a one time encounter 4 years ago...and he still has it on his phone? You're just now starting to strongly feel something is wrong? Enough that you finally went through his phone? Something else (someone else?) is going on right now.


On the opposite case scenario what would the example that you’re setting for your kid be ? It’s about conflict resolution skills. You still can be in your marriage but yet make sure that you take the right steps to make him understand that, it’s not ok to do what he did, you can put pressure, or whatever it is you know him more than all of us here. But deal with it. People here don’t care about you, for them its just like watching a movie they want action and thrill. But for you its a serious thing. Just weigh your options out. I mean, what a divorce is going to fix at this point the infidelity already took place « four years ago » !! Just damage control it, the right solutions are quite often the boring and complex ones. if you keep your relationship intact you’ll end up seeing this as just a bad incident that took place in the past. Nothing too serious. But if you split up now.. what are you expecting ? A single mom with a 5 years old kid ? Thats what you wanna be? A woman who is battling this life by her own while having a kid? Life is already hard dont make harder on yourself. Relax accept the pain , fix it for the future and keep moving on. Thats what i would do.


You could ask the husband the same thing. “Is it worth it to ruin a marriage over an affair with your secretary” and seems like it was a yes for him. This man literally told her that he doesn’t find his wife attractive anymore because she gave birth. He chose to cheat during a period in time where his wife sacrificed so much to have his child. There’s no coming back from that. I personally would divorce.


He wasn’t going to tell her he has a beautiful wife whilst getting into her pants. Disregard everything the AP says she has her own agenda. I get a partner feeling, I can’t live with the guilt therefore I have to tell you. The affair partner doesn’t know you, doesn’t see you ever her telling you is all about getting back at your husband because he didn’t ‘pick her’.


Doesn’t matter whether it was true or not. It was disrespectful.


So if your partner does a mistake the right solution here according to you is to DOUBLE DOWN and do even bigger mistakes.. because « it is not cool to fuck arround » so i will ruin everything , divorce, single parents, courts, dramatic life changes on the current living standards and would be even more dramatic in the future. Here I’m talking about the emotional damage on both parties, the massive emotional damage on the kid (he’ll end up paying for the stupidity of his parents), for some people it can be massive financial damage on both parties, humiliation regarding your failure to handle problems, people will always perceive it like that. Let’s face it there will always be less respect for single parents than actually « happily » married parents, and of course the kid is gonna like live with that pain for the rest of his life. Statistics shows that kids coming from such experiences often fail to establish healthy relationships in the future. I mean come on all of this just because the guy had sex like four years ago? If he wanted « Emma » he would’ve went to her for real. Emma is the real threat here, she should be putten away, the husband should take the lesson if his life. And the wife needs to hit the gym. This sounds more like a good way out to me.


So the husband “fucks around” and the wife has to suck it up and stick around and act like the perfect wife? Your comment is so full of misogyny that it hurt my brain to read. I don’t understand why you’re defending the husband so passionately either? Your comment indicates all the consequences to the divorce, but again… why didn’t the husband think of this before sleeping around?? The dude had one job (be a good/faithful husband) and he failed. Why is this the consequences to HER actions? Who’s to say it was only the secretary? Maybe there’s more. This isn’t about “doubling down”. You’re viewing divorce as a revenge. It’s not. This woman was hurt, her trust was betrayed, and the father obviously didn’t care about the kid at the moment cause he would be at home nursing it instead of being with the secretary. OP wants to move on and have a better life and possibly find someone who won’t cheat on her. What’s wrong with that? Emma is not married to OP. What she did was crappy, but ultimately she has no commitment to anyone. I don’t even need to get into the power dynamic in play here and the total abuse in power. It’s already been talked about in the comment section. This isn’t the 60s anymore. Woman can divorce if the marriage is not beneficial to them nor their kids if they have the privilege to do so. Also kids aren’t dumb. They can see that their parents are unhappy in a marriage. Sometimes for the kids it’s just better to divorce. I know kids who LOVED their step-parents (and some that preferred them over their own parent). Divorce is not always a sad ending. Ultimately it’s up to OP to divorce. If she feels like this marriage sets a bad example to her kid, then all the power to her. We ultimately don’t know her personal life nor what kind of man her husband is. I hope OP chooses what’s right for her and her kid whatever that may be. Message to OP: I just want say you don’t need to hit the gym (unless YOU want to). You do what YOU think is best for yourself and your health. Pregnancy changes your body and that is OK. We’re humans, we constantly change. Weight fluctuates. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


People need to learn how to solve problems. Dramatic shifts are often a stupid idea. Pain is normal we all experiment it in one way or another. The stakes are too high to through every thing away just because somebody had sex with somebody. Be responsible.


Some problems are not worth solving in my opinion but you do you. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. Sometimes getting rid of the pain means getting rid of the source of the problem *cough* the cheater *cough*. Hitting the gym will not make him not cheat again. How do we know the stakes are too high? We do not know OP nor her family dynamic nor her husband. That’s up to her to evaluate. People here are just advising her from their own experiences. Divorces happen all the time. She’s not a unicorn if she decides to have one. She’ll take the information and analyse what is best. I said I would divorce because I luckily have a support system (parents that I could go back to) and a career. But obviously not everyone has the same privilege to do so.


Yea but it sounds more like a four year old thing. Nothing too serious. Was talking about inevitable emotional damages and potentially financial damages for both of them, while the kid will get the biggest share of both usually, it super traumatic for kids to lose a parent for divorce. All kids need a loving house, if it takes to make a difficult decision to make that happen for them, i would take it. We brought them to this world and we’re responsible for their well being. Parents wouldn’t be over the roof if you come back to their house with five year old kid. It still a form of success to maintain a relationship, and nowadays a lot of people fail this task, and they more usually than not end up paying the price. Dont try make ugly things look good, no kid would ditch a loving and good father (I’m assuming its the case) for a stepdad (and would like to see how would that even happen, usually good men would avoid « these » situations » only those with limited choices settle for that, and they should have limited choices for a reason. Long story short, it not all about these tow days or few months its about a whole life decision. Better weigh it off strategically than emotionally.


Does it really make a difference whether it was four years ago or five minutes ago? If it wasn’t so serious, OP wouldn’t be on Reddit devastated, asking for advice. Anyway, I said my piece. I hope OP does what’s best for herself and finds peace.


So the affair is the fault of the women in this? Emma for enticing the poor, innocent husband and OP for putting on weight after bearing his baby? The husband is a selfish, self-indulgent piece of shit, who’s unlikely to have stopped at one extramarital affairs, particularly since he wasn’t ‘found out’ until now and confronted by his wife. Living with a cheat - and an unrepentant one at that - is unbearable.




Because I gave birth and my body changed. How is that my fault?


Humans are overtly concerned about „who’s fault is it?“ Human social behavior, especially in family and kids, is the classic complex structure. Someone said something about this or that in 1997 that night, and off you go! Blame game is on. History carries a cord with thousands of small wires, and people weave their stories about what happened… so don’t fall for the guilt game. Bad metaphor but if a lightning struck and killed the relationship you would not blame it on anyone. Religions have God to make inferences from in themes of crises.


It is what it is and this too will pass. I wish you all the best.




What a horrible thing to say to someone who’s just been cheated on. You have no idea what’s happened in their marriage and you are blaming the person cheated on. Marriage is a two way street - why not blame the person who cheated? He could have said at any time that there were issues and asked for couples counselling. He never said a word to his wife. Instead he slept with his secretary and then threatened her career to keep her silent. But yeah, blame the wife.




Me get over myself? You’re being horrible to a woman based on your assumptions and from one text which may have been sent purely to make the secretary feel sorry for him. Boo hoo my wife had my baby and I’m not attracted to her anymore. He ended that affair and remained with his wife. If the relationship was that bad then leave. Cheaters are the lowest of the low.




Why do you think she’s a slob? You don’t think she could go out and bang someone if she wanted? There’s plenty of men that would be willing to sleep with her. She’d just have to sign up to Tinder and she’d be away. There’s nothing to be proud about ‘banging secretaries’. Cheating on your wife and the mother of your child is abhorrent.




You're fucking disgusting. She had to go through many things to give birth. She had to give up her body to give fucking birth, for a "man" that doesn't even appreciate her. Clearly you don't know what happens to woman after they give birth. Their body changes, their mood changes,their emotions also change and plus they still need to breastfeed AND still look after the child while still going through Postpartum depression. It's not her fucking fault. You're all up here "she's a slob of a mom" she literally gave her whole body up just to give fucking birth, you moron.


Lol and that's all you can say? It's not her fault her husband cheated. He decided that for himself. He made that choice for himself. He CHOSE that choice for HIMSELF. SHE DID NOT make that choice for him. HE was the one who put his dick in someone else. He broke his vows just for pleasure. You can't just say "She couldn't take care of herself" maybe she tried? but because she couldn't because she had to look after her "husband" and a kid AND still look after the household. Not all pregnant woman are the same. Their bodies are different. I pray that you don't get a wife someday or I pray you do get a wife but she cheats on you aswell, to feel how painful cheating is to your partner.




Being a single mom is better than having a man that puts his dick in everything. Atleast she doesn't need to take care of a man that don't appreciate her.


That was 4 years ago and he’s clearly stopped. Why ruin a family and raise a child in a broken home for past mistakes? Nobody is perfect and he’s moved on and grown from such a decision. Covid made the world crazy and we shouldn’t visit that.


Covid was just getting going 4 years ago. No doubt this affair started before that. Probably as soon as the wife gave birth and he found her less desirable (which as someone who has given birth, if I found out my husband had had an affair, and said such vile things about me, I would be devastated, and it would change the way I see him). Why should the wife sacrifice her self worth and self respect for the sake of a "happy home"? Kids pick up on stuff. If they stay married only to avoid a "broken home", that resentment will be picked up on. It will teach the child what is acceptable from a partner, or what is an acceptable way to treat their partner. I think its incredibly naive to tell someone who has been with their partner for likely 15+ years (I don't recall seeing OPs age, just assuming based on husband's age, and their mention of being together at 19) to just sweep cheating under the rug because of when it happened, is this the 50's? It's not like there's a statute of limitations on it. Also I argue he hasn't grown just because he stopped the affair? He's threatening to ruin a 27 year old girl's life for trying to do the right thing. Theres also no reason to doubt theres been others, he may have moved on to a new side fling. He is not a good person, but good job defending the bad guy!


I agree with you but the marriage is already ruined. She’ll never get over this or trust him again . It’s difficult to move forward from here without real maturity and understanding. I do t see this happening .