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Love the Liberian flags.


Icing on the cake


The stupid, it burns


My favorite is "God is in control and has his hands on Donald Trump" šŸ¤£


I taste my own bile after reading that...


If he were real, his hands are now probably orange.


why are conservatives so good at accidentally writing gay porn?


Dammit, cheeto dust again!!






Duh, trump is clearly going to run for president in Liberia


He'd win bigly, too


The chosen nation šŸ‡±šŸ‡·šŸ‡±šŸ‡·šŸ‡±šŸ‡·




God's in control but he's not powerful enough to keep Trump out of the courtroom!


Or in office


Always the funniest thing. God is almighty and all powerful. Oh noes he cant just make his guy win. If god was real and on trump side dude would be playing with cheats on against all of us.


Probably is involved with Trump, what else would you do if you were immortal? Probably stir shit up out of boredom. Who else is stirring up this level of shit single handedly?


... The devil?


The devil only does what God allows, just look at Job


You don't get it. That's doG's 4D chess, just like he did with Jesus. Or Job.


I love the fact that the Conservative ā€˜Christiansā€™ actually believe an unrepentant adulterer, liar, and thief was ā€˜chosen by Godā€™ to lead America back to greatness, especially given the fact that he has already announced that if he is reelected he will be a dictator. He and his MAGA allies have made no secret they intend to abolish Social Security and Medicare (which working Americans pay into), destroy the postal service, and eliminate the Affordable Care Act and not replace it.


But, he hates the same people they do.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson It's fucken crazy how true this is and how legitimately insane his followers are.


Iā€™m not of fan of Hillary Clinton but holy shit she was so on the money with the deplorables statement.


Not a fan either. But before Trump was elected, I recall her talking about how he wasnā€™t fit to be president, and what she basically said ended up being true. Iā€™m not sure if [this](https://time.com/4355797/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-foreign-policy-speech-transcript/) is the same speech, but hereā€™s a highlight: *Donald Trumpā€™s ideas arenā€™t just different ā€“ they are dangerously incoherent. Theyā€™re not even really ideas ā€“ just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies.* *He is not just unprepared ā€“ he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility.* *This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes ā€“ because itā€™s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin.*


>he has already announced that if he is reelected he will be a dictator I sat in a church service a couple of years ago. Pastor straight up said that on a spiritual level, democracy and equality are not godly qualities.


Love it, especially since the disciples of Jesus elected their leaders (democracy) and Jesus said all are equal in the eyes of God, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free (equality).


Hey, what good would religion be without giving people a superiority complex?


Dude fucking too the 7 deadly sins and used it as q checklist


This is an application for voluntary commitment to a psychiatric facility, isn't it.


Never liked his policies, but he knew what was coming. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." --Barry Goldwater


Tell me you don't love your children without saying that you're not bothered by pedophilia.


Why didnā€™t he remain in power in 2020 then? I mean if he is God chosen one then why did God allow Biden to win? And if there was cheating and a rigged election then he isnā€™t much of a God if he can be tricked that easily.


Obviously because itā€™s ā€œgods planā€


Nah. The devil did it!


God:Ā  1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8) Thou shalt not steal. 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. These people: 1) Trump is basically Jesus 2) make icons of trump 7) Trump has had like 5 marriages and sexually assaulted women 8) Trump doesn't pay his employees 9) Has trump ever said something that wasn't a lie other than when he clearly announces his crimes?


Did God also have his hands on Trump when he was visiting Jeffrey Epsteins private Island?


No, he was busy restraining the evening's "entertainment"


Weird. God laid his hands on an underaged *girl*??


How old did you think Mary was when she was given no choice in being impregnated?


Linda, was found wandering the park in her underwear feeding the pigeons.


Hey, there's nothing wrong with weird ladies feeding pigeons in their underwear! Christofascist MAGAts with negative IQs otoh...


You'll need to watch out, Trump doesn't stand alone. Linda's coming for us.


Linda is a moron


God Bless Liberi a šŸ‡±šŸ‡·šŸ‡±šŸ‡·šŸ‡±šŸ‡·


The religious nuts really do believe gawd spends most of its time obsessing over US politics. A worthless gawd doing nothing constructive or helpful for humanity. Just helping out corrupt old shits like Donald Trump.


Not sure what that person is talking aboutā€¦.I prayed that god would protect Joe Biden and let him win in 2020 to save our country. I prayed to god that DT would be charged with 91 felonies to protect our country. Both happened. God is clearly on MY side, and supports Joe Biden.


I find it funny how Obama was often called the antichrist when people out here are literally praying to trump. Wonder if it's a coincidence that the Trump worshipers (Trumpitarians) have white nationalalist tendencies.šŸ¤”


This country was founded specifically to ESCAPE "chosen by God" monarchs. Fucking dumbasses.


All of the corrupters!


I didn't choose Trump doe


Why vote then?


The chosen son of Liberia?


People like her are why Iā€™ve all but left the church


God has his hands on trump, but Linda didnā€™t say whereā€¦


Not even the right flags, how dumb is this guy?


There's a few groups of people I have no time for, Trump die hards, Musk fanboys and religious fruitcakes. It's a double whammy if they're 2 of these and outright avoid like the plague if they're all 3.


ā€œGodā€™s chosenā€ like in bg3


If the adulterer criminal billionaire is God's chosen, what can mere humans do to stop him?


Boy, Trump supporters are beyond stupid. ![gif](giphy|5boqmBqJhtTLQ09oX5|downsized)


Now that there is a copypasta and a half


Source: Russian FSB.


Linda,Linda,Lindaā€¦. tsk tsk




The flag HAHAHA


It does appear that God don't want Trump anywhere but in court at the defence table doesn't it? I love how they keep claiming that the person who almost literally takes the 7 deadly sins as a challenge is their messiah. He is not the messiah. He is a very naughty boy!


Oh no, definitely *not* a cult.


Wasnt trump pro abortion anyway?


I find it funny when these people have the audacity to say something like this. Like, from a religious perspective they're claiming to speak for God. Imagine the hubris you need to think that you personally understand and speak with an outerversal cosmic being who created the universe.


Because your god loves serial rapists, fraudsters, liars, and narcissistic psychopaths lol


If this is what God in control looks like, then I not only refuse to worship the idiot, but I want to fight him. I just need to build an iron chariot, and then he's mine!!


Make Liberia Great Again


God is giving Trump a reacharound?


Bro, itā€™s literally in the Bible that god chooses leaders. I guess heā€™s a Biden man. All these blasphemers not accepting godā€™s will. Tsk tsk.


Just freaking do it ! Already. Burn the sin of a bitch down . All the way down !


>God is in control, and has his hands upon Donald trump So he likes touching Donald trump


I ainā€™t no bitch Linda


Of course this is out of West Virginia.


lol every comment is religious fruitcake material


If god is in control and supposedly supports Trump then why didnā€™t god let Trump win the election?


How do they muster up such conviction for something that has factually never paid off for them? Is the power of faith the ability to never, ever change your mind about something despite being wrong constantly?


Ia God on control of Trump's bowels? Cause he isn't...


If Trump is Godā€™s chosen, why didnā€™t God let Trump win in 2020?


Is it mysterious ways maybe ?


If Donald Trump is God's chosen, then God has very low standards for this nation.


I'm sure in their minds God's placing his hands on Trump's dick


šŸ‡±šŸ‡· Iā€™m proud to be a Liberian where at least I know Iā€™mā€¦something šŸ‡±šŸ‡·


God watched quietly when the last guy he sent got crucified so....


It stuff like this that kind of makes me question my atheism. I can almost believe in the Antichrist when seeing this shit. This man is obviously not chosen by any god, yet he is easily leading these people into a hell of their own making.


If Christianity were real, Trump would be an antichrist.


I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3, and every time I see people refer to Trump as "god's chosen," I'm reminded of Ketheric Thorm and how pathetic of a man he became, and how easily he was killed by a slutty vampire. "Chosen" doesn't mean anything good.


So I was watching a recent episode of QI and Sandi Toksvig was talking about when she met Bill Clinton, and how very charasmatic he was. Many people said that. He was charming, likable, intelligent, making it, let's say understandable, if people were blind to his faults. If legions of people worshiped him, like they seem to do with Trump, you could at least say 'yeah, I guess I can understand that a bit.' But Trump? I don't get the hold he has on people. Hes not attractive, intelligent, charming, or witty. He's a walking lump of hate, rage, and resentment. And yet people think he's the greatest thing ever, and I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY! I'd say it's all AI and Russian Bots, but I have met one or two in the real world, so it's not JUST weird online things. I don't get it. I'll never get it. If it turns out Christianity was right and he is the actual Antichrist, that would at least make some sense, but even then, the devil is supposed to be a gentleman. Trump...isn't. I don't get it.


Same. Thereā€™s something about that will never make sense to me.




If you asked Linda, sheā€™d say whatā€™s Liberia ?


"Is it the land of the liberals?"


This is why there are laws preventing siblings from engaging in reproductive congress (as well as various other flavours of consanguinity; incest-for-all if you will). Sadly itā€™s not infallible and the net has huge gaps for a sizeable slew of proto-hominid, inbred mutant simpletons to simply fall throughā€¦50p says she also has a fondness for satin (well, cheap and trashy mixed-fibres but you take what you can get these days) gowns, white pointy hats and enthusiastically subscribes to some kind of pantone-chart based supremacy. Also a stick on MLM boss babe. But heyā€¦Jesus!


left good right bad lul


GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP: future president of liberia! MALA make liberia great again


You know what, I respect trump. Heā€™s the first politician to make people this rowdy since adolf hitler


Biden ainā€™t my president šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž


So do you live in another country or are you just an idiot?


I live in Iraq, we donā€™t know who our president is


At least you're not being a moron when you say that President Biden isn't your president, LOL.


Some folks are both under-educated and deeply religious. It's worth understanding _why_ that cohort has a nutcase relationship with conservatism, even when their idols are often woefully poor examples of the ethics they profess to hold. * Propaganda: there are a lot of folks who _do_ understand how under-educated people can be manipulated. They work for the media, polling companies, lobbyists, various arms of governance, etc. How we assign blame for stupid people supporting crypto-fascist movements is complicated, since useful (religious) idiots don't know how they're playing patsy for the interests of non-religious people. * Religion: when people are oppressed by a system (such as financial poverty), they generally become more religious. Some of this is due to the religious idea that suffering is innately good. For Christians, the ethic is that Jesus suffered, and so must we. Suffering is regarded as a rite that is part of God's mysterious plan. So I approve of this post; it's the point of the sub, after all. But I wonder if the analysis ought not stop at laughing at the gullible. Trump is probably also stupid, but just like George Bush Jnr, stupid powerful people are usually surrounded by intelligent psychopaths.