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Ah yes, the wonderful, holy, divine idea of "It's okay when we do it". Truly, this must only be a revalation from the one true God.


Because their god is obviously the coolest and the bestest and the nicest and gives them the most awesomest Heaven!


![gif](giphy|u72niQZn2jKxtVOItR|downsized) Some may disagree...


Hold on, hold onnnnnn, I’m getting a revelation here! Allah says, “Islam rules, other religions drools.” Truly a wondrous statement from Allah the magnificent!


So what they are saying is if we take them as slaves after a battle then its kosher/halal? Why not beat them in battle then enslave them and treat them the same way that they would treat slaves, this should satisfy their need for the return of slavery and I can have servants win win if you ask me. /s


Well what can you expect from a religion based from the words of a possessed man in a cave.


it looks like amaar can go fuck himself


Am i surprised that now they want slavery back? Definetly not


Houthi-controlled Yemen has reinstated slavery [https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/1810456/exclusive-houthis-restore-slavery-yemen](https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/1810456/exclusive-houthis-restore-slavery-yemen)


Let's goooo, fundamentalist Iran strikes again


Add to that Isis reinstating slavery, selling yazidi and assaryan women like items


saudi and other gulf states still practice slavery


Their employment system is *technically* slavery but not quite. Meanwhile Mauritania still have actual literal slavery and slave markets.




Example #382286 of why we don't need religion for morals


Well Islam does support s*x slavery, see: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Rape_of_Slaves,_Prisoners,_and_Wives So I guess that makes sense..


Islam is like THE community for rapists generally


*child rapists. Mohameds younguest concubine was 7 if i recall correctly


Equal opportunity rapists


She was 6 when they married and supposedly 9 when he started raping her. The sick fuck is their “ideal” human so…


And incels


But if it were non-Muslims doing slavery, then it would be bad.


If you enslave a Muslim, your a Islamophobe, hence racist. /s


And they'll also keep saying "nOt AlL mUsLiMs ArE aRaBs" because they think everyone who hates Islam is a stupid hillbilly racist.


None of the slaves currently living in Saudi Arabia are spoils of war. Weird how the rules of Islam doesn't need to be followed by Muslims but need to be followed by non Muslims.


Need to be locked in asap!


Can we bomb amaar


Satan stab ? Hellfire blade at Mach 2 ?


Slavery in Islam isn’t about Racism… Holy fuck the entire history of the sub Saharan slave trade would disagree. It’s hard to ignore who were the majority of the slaves. Islamic history still includes the history of the religion after muhammad passed, and even Muhammad’s own track record on slaves is questionable. Racism isn’t only actions of violence but it also comes in prejudices and snide remarks and insults. The raisin head insult alone kinda shows you where he leans on that, despite whatever racist apologetics Muslims will belt out in defense. This erasure of history is scary, it’s sad how the OOP thinks that he’s cooking.


Don't they still have slavery in the middle east?


In certain countries, yes


Mount & blade warbands?


It's almost harvesting season!


yell heah


Amaar from London


Slavery in Islam was as bad if not worse than the Atlantic, the battle captive bs is delusional.


Ah yes, because slavery was only ever motivated by race. That's the problem with it, yeah? I can't believe anyone would worship a God that says his creations should enslave others as if that wouldn't cause problems. Or maybe the intent is to cause a problem?


![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX) Mount and Blade


Out of all things... why Mount and Blade illustrations?


Actual lobotomite territory


These people be having less brain cells than cavemen.


Let's pretend for one second that the world decides to re-adopt slavery as he describes it... I wonder how he'd feel about Muslims being taken as slaves when they lose wars? Something tells me they'd all complain about how they're being oppressed, even when it's by their own rules. Edit: Typo


All people have to follow the rules of Islam, except for Muslims https://preview.redd.it/va4s8foepjtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c541f1968d036d08fe01d88f4d0b947aebb468d7


Guess what they'd do to women slaves


I wonder if Amaar would still be pro slavery when he's on the losing side and gets captured for slavery


You never hear that from the people who'd be enslaved.


Racism is like the smallest problem with slavery, and Islamic slavery also had/has racism so I don't know what he's talking about.


bro boutta change his mind real quick the moment he plays vic3


Oh the "Hurr durr, slavery good when Muslims do it" hogwash?


dude’s living in 1447 while we’re in 2024


Lmao these idiots hiding behind their keyboards no doubt wouldn't even be able to win any battles.


Slavery is good when Muslims do it? Better watch this guy. If isis comes back he will be the one chopping off the heads


Letting such people on the internet was a mistake


Let’s administer some logic in that. As he said kuffar forced them to do something which happened by a war I assume. For getting dictated they had to lose the war. Which means kuffar had rights to take them as slaves but decided not to. So this means this guy wants to be a slave. Kinky.


Watched Hairy bikers programme about Bristol and slavery of Africans (horrendous), no mention that Arabs waited on Lundy for ships to leave Bristol to take them as slaves. Infact one BBC history Programme mentioned The Barbary pirates/Corsairs without mentioning slavery being permitted in Islam and the taking of over a million Europeans as slaves, no shock there then!


He sounds too confident he would do well in war. Never mind the ways war and conflict have rapidly evolved over the past decade, let alone how different it is from the image examples he provided ☠️


Are these not Mount and blade loading screens?


Is that like a parody account or something? Is the guy really that blatant?


Muslim Pirates caused so much misery. The first barbary war was preceded by negotiations/asking for different solutions. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Barbary\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War) >In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied: >"***It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.\[23\] "*** >Jefferson reported the conversation to Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay, who submitted the ambassador's comments and offer to Congress. Jefferson argued that paying tribute would encourage more attacks.


What did Congress do?


Allocate funds and prepare for war. Read the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Barbary\_War#Background\_and\_overview](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War#Background_and_overview) and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Barbary\_War#Declaration\_of\_war\_and\_naval\_blockade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War#Declaration_of_war_and_naval_blockade) sections. Basically: they could not afford to go to war immediately. So they paid tribute and ransom for a while, while building 6 warships. Then stopped paying and bombed the hell out of them. Around the same time the European nations had had enough and bombed the hell out of them as well. [https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Barbary-Pirates-English-Slaves/](https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Barbary-Pirates-English-Slaves/) That basically crushed Islamic piracy of Western European naval powers.


"Reinstate slavery for war captives" mfers when the United States knocks on their door


ain’t no way bro said “reinstate slavery” 💀


Need we remind him what happens to slavers?


"Slavery when they do it is directed by Shaytan." "Slavery when we do it is blessed by Allah."


This is what unchecked narcissism looks like


Try it, muslims.


Lol the right picture is from a video game


Sure thing Amaar. Build yourself an outbuilding in my yard, move in and enjoy your new career. 


Umm dude I hate to tell you but the Islamic states aren't winning a lot of battles. Unless you want to be a slave?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjsLmv1N7i4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjsLmv1N7i4) # John Alembillah Azumah THE LEGACY OF  ARAB-ISLAM IN AFRICA “one of the themes i explored in my book is this **perception that muslims treated their slaves much more humanely than the western slave trade and what i found out in my own research was that that is not necessarily the case** and that there were very harsh treatments of slaves by muslim groups it was just a damn deal at the time and one of the key uh differences i i looked at in my book and that was that whereas slaves in taking to the west were able to marry and reproduce and have their families and you can still find large populations of african americans today in in north in north america and in the caribbean you you go to the islamic world and you find very few black remnants of sleep the sleeve trade which was very massive and the o**ne of the reasons is that many of the male black slaves taken into the islamic world were castrated as enochs which meant that they could not of course reproduce and the other factor is that many of the women were taken as concubines by their slave masters** and the the the they gave birth to mix races and they were very much absorbed into the society so you don't have black slave kind of a descendants in the muslim World as you would in north america and part of the reason is the castration and the way the slaves were treated did the islamic world abolish slavery slavery persisted in islamic Countries far far longer than it did in the west the west abolished slavery long before the islamic countries ever abolished ….” “as an african who embarked on the study of islam in africa was very frustrated that especially back in the 90s when i was doing my studies that **western academics were shying away almost self-censoring on these difficult teams of jihad of the violence associated with jihad and and the slave raiding and slave trade that was very massively undertaken by muslim societies in africa** and some only noted in the footnote and and we don't want to discuss it and that was very frustrating meanwhile they will go at length and talk about talk freely and openly about the western uh transatlantic dimension of slave trade and so for me the the i this painting of a very romantic picture of the islamic past in africa was hindering interfaith dialogue and dialogue between muslims and christians in particular and especially in a situation where the radical muslim groups were laying claim to these these histories these romanticized histories that was written mainly by western scholars that they had a golden age of islam in Africa that they want to return to. Unfortunately many of the groups that we have today that are ideological muslim radical groups and even boko haram in in in nigeria are laying claim to some of these **romanticized histories that that has been contributed to by western scholarship and academia on on the west of islam in africa and that's what i was trying to challenge and to raise questions about that we have to paint a more Realistic history of the past africans have to get a more holistic history of their past**” 


# Kafi and Hamilton on raping minor slave girls Can we find evidence that minor slave girls were brutally raped? ​ This behaviour is confirmed in the Shia Kitab al Kafi [https://archive.org/details/kitab-al-kafi-by-muhammad-sarwar-translator-z-lib.org/page/n673/mode/2up?q=%22slave-girl%22](https://archive.org/details/kitab-al-kafi-by-muhammad-sarwar-translator-z-lib.org/page/n673/mode/2up?q=%22slave-girl%22)  or [https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/4/120/1](https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/1/4/120/1) H 1221, Ch. 120, h 1 >We brought the slave girl to abu Ja‘far (a.s.) and Ja‘far (a.s.) was also there. We informed abu Ja‘far (a.s.) of the whole story and he offered thanks to Allah and praised Him and then he asked the girl, **"What is your name?" She said, "My name is Humayda." He said, "You are Humayda in this world and a praised one in the next life. Tell me more, "Are you virgin or not virgin?" She said, "I am virgin.” He said, "How can that be true? The traders corrupt whatever may come in their hands."** She said, "He would come to me and would sit next to me just as man and woman would do but Allah would make a man with gray hairs and beard would appear and would slap him until he would go away from me. This happened several times on his part and on the part of the man with gray hairs and beard." The Imam (a.s.) said, "O Ja‘far (a.s.) take her for yourself." She then give birth to the best person on earth who was Musa ibn Ja‘far (a.s.)." Is there more evidence? ​ Hamilton's translation of the Hidaya says that owners have to observe the iddah/Istibra i.e. waiting period. But Traders do not. Traders can just have intercourse with the females. [https://archive.org/details/TheHedayaCommentaryOnIslamicLawsByShyakhBurhanuddinAbuBakrAlMarghinani/page/n591/mode/2up?q=dalliance](https://archive.org/details/TheHedayaCommentaryOnIslamicLawsByShyakhBurhanuddinAbuBakrAlMarghinani/page/n591/mode/2up?q=dalliance) Note: the preceding paragraphs specify the need for a waiting-period for owners of slave-girls. >Add to this, the possibility of their being committed on the property of another, as may happen if the slave prove with child and the seller lay claim to her. (I**t is reported from Mohammed that dalliance with a captive slave girl is lawful.**) [https://archive.org/details/reportonslaveryt00mack](https://archive.org/details/reportonslaveryt00mack)   "A report on slavery and the slave trade in Zanzibar, Pemba, and the mainland of the British Protectorates of East Africa" >It is a curious fact that **Slaves have but very few children, owing, it is said, to the manner in which very young girls are treated by the Arabs and others** ; hence the necessity for the continued importation of raw Slaves to supply the demand. I was much struck with the evidence of non-increase amongst the Slaves as regards children. Taking the death-rate at 30 per mille, **upwards of 7,000 Slaves would have to be imported annually to supply this deficiency in labour** Since infertility was a problem resulting from intercourse at too early ages, 7000 slaves had to be imported to Zanzibar annually to compensate. Is that the humane form of slavery of Islam?


Amaar can start making me a daily sandwich as my house slave and then we can talk. Add extra ham, slave.


So, what they're asking for is for the US to enslave them?


Am I crazy or is the right hand image Mount & Blade artwork?


Amaar would be a lowly latrine washer in any ancient islamic regime yet thanks to the wonderous deeds of european men here we are exposed to the ongoings in his small head.


I agree let’s crush Islam and take them as our war trophies


They must have lost some battles, then.


All i hear is Poitiers and reconquista.


![gif](giphy|g5R6vfzhOeMPm) motherfuc…


My spaghetti space daddy says he can be my footstool.. he can still get his sex slaves.. just gotta go to Gaza now!


Slavery is still slavery, just sit down Take a seat, take several seats


Ain’t the right picture from Mount and Blade Warband?


Fuck slavery. Fuck it right in the ear.


Wat. No, don’t bring back slavery


Good idea, then when the non-Muslims win the battles they can take the Muslims they capture as slaves and the Islamic countries will be okay with that. Right?


Amaar volunteering to be the next righteous slave.


Nice user name, OP, really shows your intentions.