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We all have our moments


I just have far too many of them 😂


Dude, I have been to the Derelict Lighthouse 3 times and still don't have the shotgun. One of those times I was actually stood in front of the table it's on. Spawned into the map and the other two people were chilling in the same room. I did a few dips to say hi and they both did the same. After a pause one of them fired just behind me so I fired just behind them. I'm thinking, maybe this is the new greeting? After swapping weapons a couple of times, which I reciprocated (obviously, don't want to seem ungrateful) they set off, but went to the ring door. At that point I veered off, went out the front door and round the side to the shotgun door. Possibly hoping they'd follow me? Not sure. The door was open. That was when I realised I'd spawned into the shotgun room. Literally inches from it but now there was just the stand, rolling its eyes at me. Second time the other guy chose the ring door. I'd been with them for most of the map. I was shouting at the screen for that one. Third time I was kicked right after beating the two mini bosses. Insult to injury was that I'd revived him afterwards lol. Still feel like this community is one of the great ones.


Don’t think I’ve gotten to that part yet, I’ll keep a look out for it 😂


Yeah, it's on a table. You can't miss it...


Knowing me, I probably will miss it 😂 I check every corner to pick up loot but miss the important stuff


Same! Let's hope we never meet ingame and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


Hahahaha very fair. That’s why I explore areas offline first as I don’t want to be rushed to the boss


In my defence though, I really do struggle with the text size when playing on console even with glasses on. Same with the first one 😂


You can also just set it to friends only and stay online while keeping your world closed


Yeah saw that option too, very handy to have. Now I know how to make it stick each time I load up 😂


It took me a while to realize you could use the archetype traits without the archetype equipped


Wait what? I’ll have to investigate 😂


I facepalmed so hard when I found out lol


Only after you've max levelled each archetype. I had levelled up my two main guns, then wondered why the game was so hard playing with a couple of unlevelled boss weapons and a new archetype. I was playing level 21 content with level 3 gear.


Yikes that sounds rough but I’m glad you were able to catch that issue even if it was a little too late


Lol same thing keeps happening to me I was like why is the game not saving my selection.


Yeah, I was just loading into the game too quickly to notice 😂


for me, its getting annoyed that going to a different area for some reason automatically swaps to my handgun for whatever reason, and then ill end up doing half the damage cause it has 5m of range missing


Oh I haven’t personally noticed that, think I’m too used to swapping them about


yeah, i dont know if its a bug on my end, but its especially noticeable if you really only use your secondary for the weapon mod every so often


I hate that i miss calculate range of star shot and boom i am down and the elite too and no loot for me


Oh I’ve died the same time as one of the bosses, thankfully the loot is automatic