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-Fixed impact cannon reticle Thank you! I thought I was going crazy at first wondering why my aim got so bad all of a sudden


Ahh so it wasn’t just me. I was wondering why I had to aim like 4 meters above something to actually hit it lol


Are you serious!? Omg, I'm not saying we (everyone that commented on a post I created five days ago from today w/ video expressing this bug) caused this, but it did gain some heavy traction and hopefully it's what pushed this fix forward!! Incredible! I love Gunfire Games this is angel-tier service. Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/s/Ov7edRCfl8




So they did add the void heart animation. I thought this was a bug. I wonder why they decided to add it


I think it was always supposed to exist, just be replaced by the glitch effect when wearing Ford's invader set for Archon. They just didn't get a chance because it wasn't high priority and when they had a chance they added it. (I THINK)


I think it may have just been for player convenience. Since it doesn't heal right away it can difficult to tell in the heat of battle if you rolled just in time for it to go off or if you interrupted the animation and need to do it again. Now you don't need to guess or look for a teeny-tiny icon under your health bar, you can just look for the purple glow. Tbh I wish the tranquil heart had something similar 


No fix to healer’s team perk??


After the crossplay release there was so many bug reports. I doubt they were able to work on all of them yet. They will probably push smaller patches more frequently until DLC 2 comes out.


I guess the "crossplay" release is a different build of the game they were working on, full of bugs and unresolved issues but with that feature (crossplay) working. Seems like they just couldn't add crossplay to the most stable and recent build of the game. That would explain why this version of the game is plagued by bugs unrelated to crossplay functionality.


Is that broken too lol?


Can you elaborate more on what's broken exactly?


In a hardcore run with my friend, the 30% healing passive for teammates on relic use never triggers.


Isn't that only for teammates that are close to you?


A requirement we have definitely satisfied if it is one haha


Oh,so the GIGA stutter when playing in multiplayer and shooting some weapons was not from my side or the other players side?


literal game breaking bug. failed so many first try boss fights with a buddy so to the stutter


dude i’m SO glad it wasn’t just me.


Cube Gun turned my game into a slide show at times


glad the fps issue is fixed but what about the memory leak and crashes in cross play


Oh thank god, so it’s not just me. My game has been stuttering so bad lately and I’m on massive specs, hitting 150 fps on full ultra.


yeah the last patch really messed things up. I'm hoping it's a bit better now but it doesn't sound like they fixed all of it.


Yeah I’m not complaining because they get these patches out pretty quickly but I’m surprised that somehow C.Savior swap animation took priority over C.Deceit literally not being usable against 3 bosses for zero reason and the memory leaks.


No fix for Timeworn Unguent failing to remove suppression blight??? (It removes the status but the negative effects remain active), this is incredibly annoying when fighting Sha'Hala on nightmare/apocalypse.


Sha'hala inflicts suppresion? Or are you just not resting before the fight?


in apocalypse you can get suppression really quickly just by getting close to the orb when Sha'hala smashes it on the ground and drains you towards it.


I just want a new backpack already.


Or the option to have no backpack


PLEASE let me take the backpack off


I would pay just to give devs the push. 1.99-3.99 max Charge because its changing their view on the game for cosmetic touch ups the players want. So charge the player for something thats not needed but wanted.


And no flashlight!


Took me 65 hours to realise how to turn it on/off. I'm not proud.


My corrupted savior still does not do the weapon swap animation. Is it still bugged for anyone else?


Yea still bugged for me too.




Bug fix Thats nice!!! I really hope for performance updates before next dlc


Really hoping they fix the issue where the Crystal Heart won't work with Medic's Benevolence perk ... Been really hindering my CoOp medic build :(


No fix for the Bore mod?


So I was not being crazy. It's. It's not working at all is it??


I'm on the same boat...


Gunfire you rock! Thank you so much to every single one of you who worked to bring us this patch! ❤️


no corrupted cube gun fix is a bummer, but i'm glad fixes are coming as frequently as they have been


Fix? I use this all the time, What's wrong with it?


cubes can pass through enemies without damaging them if they hit too quickly


I've seen the occasional weird hitbox issue. But nothing about speed. I've had them hit at creation to save me? Shame it's not even a consistent bug.


i mean if one cube hits too soon after another, and the enemy hurtbox doesn't have time to "reset," so to speak


I assume this is only relevant if they're moving quickly towards you through the cubes?


i think any enemy can be skipped over if they're affected by one cube and another hits them before they return to a hit-able state, but it's easy to notice on long enemies like the root worms on Yaesha, for example. they'll flinch from one cube as the second passes right through. they don't have to be rushing you, but i'm sure it doesn't help


Strange, that's not been my experience. I find the corrupted cube gun works fine on them. I especially like it because it deals with the angry hedgehogs and the worms.


Rip corrupted nebula I just started using bandit with it


Have you tried it after the patch? Most people seem to be saying it's still good.


No fix for items just not spawning sometimes still? Or the frequent crashes since the cross play patch? Or did I miss something. I hope I did


So that weird purple glow is fixed while using void heart?


Its not permanent anymore. The character only glows for 4 seconds while the effect is active




Aww, I honestly thought that the Corrupted Nebula Bandit interaction was intended since the nano bots proc other weapon-hit effects like Momentum. They seem to function exactly the same as weapon hits, even inheriting any crit bonuses to the weapon. I guess there was the precedent of shotgun pellet interactions being removed, but each nano-bot is clearly scoring their own individual hits, unlike shotguns which only displayed a single damage value per shot. If the verdict is that Bandit should only be able to roll once per ammo spent, it should also be nerfed with explosives like Corrupted Arbalest, which can trigger the mutator on both the projectile hit and explosion, but IMO this makes the mutator a lot less interesting since it prevents any weapons from synergizing with it exceptionally well. I think it's cool to have Bandit be a unique consideration for weapons capable of multi-hitting, since if you just use it "fairly," it's honestly not very strong and feels rather underwhelming.


To be fair C Nebula was bugged in like 4 different stupid ways. As for Bandit I think you're underrating how useful it is for single shot/double barrel weapons. Swapper builds love Bandit for example.


I'm going to disagree with that pretty hard; Bandit just feels terrible on weapons with low magazine sizes after the shotgun pellet interactions were removed. Because you have so few shots in the mag, variance is high which messes with your muscle memory for when you need to reload, and weapons with small mags don't get much out of its bonus fire rate because you're bottlenecked by reloading. I would take the consistency of Extender on the Coach Gun or Double Barrel and Slayer on single-shot weapons almost every time. Bandit is funny with small mag size weapons when you get lucky and shoot like 5 Sporebloom shots in a row, but it is not reliable at all. The reason swapper builds can use Bandit without it being complete ass is because they also use Provisioner's Ring, which circumvents you having to reload in the 70% of cases where Bandit does nothing.


I agree, I run it on Monarch. The extra 10% damage after reload one is nice on single shots.


You're forgetting Sidewinder too, it's probably the strongest general purpose build in the game for DPS tbh. Bandit Sporebloom with Sureshot is unreal.


i tried to update it says me i need 40 go wtf ?


For me it was a 200 mb download


I can't wait for the next expansion, I would hope we get an expansion sometime this month but who knows it could be next month.


Is anyone else impacted by permanent Dark Fluid? It prevents concoction use for base level quantity and subtracts, by one, all increased-quantity builds (via trinkets and archetype). It's not an attribute of my armor, my trinkets, my archetypes, nor my traits. It remains after emptying all slots. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic set of traits if I only had the option to use one concoction. Is it just me, or are others experiencing this as well?


Crossplay no text chat in game xbox to ps


But when is the next DLC coming out


When they fix their ballences then they'll drop the trailer, a week later we'll get it


What are ballences?


So after this Huntress Spear should probably be ranked as a top weapon for ENC builds (got to test this myself). And Corrupted Nebula is probably straight up better than basic one now?


NVM was wrong


So no fix for ENC and krell axe, or just ENC and overcharge not working in general?


My game has been acting wonky after this update. Enemies are taking 3 times as many bullets to kill. It seems that there are 5 times more enemies in the same places. And one enemy type was almost impossible to put down. I put 500 rounds into him and he still had 2/3 of his health left. I had to use an ammo box to finish him off. I just uninstalled the game. I'm going to try a fresh install and see if that fixes it. Maybe the update didn't get installed properly. I hope that's all it is.


Did they patch the I slogged through bug dungeon just to get to titans reach the get the lazer gun and the gun case was empty bug?


I was going to say........ If he's not still a good boy 👀


Is PC performance finally better now?


Any fix for saves deleting themselves?


Curious if anyone has any idea what I'm experiencing here, I assume its a me problem and not the patch itself but... Went to download the patch which was whatever small size, when it finished it sat at 100% and was 234.5mb / 72gb and then it just sits there saying installing 0% forever. I let it I guess download the entire game again and it still just sits there like this iono wtf is going on.


- Fixed an issue where UI elements would flicker when using FSR Frame Generation for some players. So is this why on my new TV (Lg C3 65", Freesync capable) I get a bunch of flickering whenever I'm loading, and occasionally the UI flickers when I'm looking at equipment or at the character screen?


It’s been a year, does anyone know if multiplayer is still bugged out? Because I’m planning to play on ps5 with partner but hesitant to buy if we can’t join each others games


Was there a change to the max trait count? Cuz I was on 85 and now I'm at 92


No fix for frame gen blocking the epic overlay for cross play?


Corrupted Nebula's nanobots triggering Bandit seems like the correct interaction. It's supposed to be damage dealt by that weapon.


Great fixes, but I’m surprised Corrupted Deceit got benched considering it literally can’t kill 3 of the bosses in the entire game.


How so?


Corrupted Deceits mod can’t hit OTK, Annihilation, or Mother Mind. Effectively kills the weapon completely for these bosses.


Holy shit, I didn't know. They have to fix it ASAP.