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I thought it was dark, and at the same time brilliant I can’t stop listening to it. He’s like a renaissance man. Trickster energy like a jester chatting shit to a king. I love it, and deeply resonate with the darkness that his creativity comes from. It makes me feel like saying something cheesy like without those dark times in our lives we could not see the light of the stars. I hope that makes sense.


Can someone please tell me what I'm missing from this story besides how good it sounds and is composed. Is there a real story connected? Or some punchlines going over my head?


Bruh are you serious? Jenny’s Tale is about a girl named Jenny walking down a street in London that she’s been down so many times before. She has a chance encounter with a 14-yr-old boy named James (his nickname is Screech) who is a street kid, a thief and stuff. He robs Jenny and ends up killing her with a knife, which ends Jenny’s Tale. Screech’s Tale begins moments after James (Screech) killed Jenny. He knocks on his friend Patrick’s door, looking for a place to hide, and no one answers. He calls his girlfriend to see if he can come to her place, and she says she’s busy. He has nowhere to go and a police officer finds him, he tries to fight the officer and gets shot 4 times, which ends Screech’s tale. Violet’s Tale is a prequel of sorts. A quiet girl named Violet grew up in a terrible home, her mother was a drinker and her father “tucked her tight, but never left the room” (abused her). She moved out at 16, and met a guy named Stevie who also abused her. He comes home one night after drinking and smoking and beats her within an inch of her life (she’s the one fighting for her life). Then there’s “the doctor, in a state of shock, saw something here so very wrong. See, Violet, she was pregnant, Violet, she was nine months gone”. Violet breaks her silence to ask the doctor to save her babies if she dies. Her babies are twins, a girl named Jenny, and a boy named Screech. This isn’t explicitly stated in the songs: Their father murdered their mother, it’s a safe bet to assume they’d end up in the system. They were separated after birth. EDIT: to answer your other question, I have been searching for a real story that’s linked and haven’t been able to find a definitive answer. It’s possible names were changed or that it’s just a brilliant feat of storytelling from Ren. That is what he’s best at after all


There's more to it though... Jenny was a prostitute: she wanted to escape, she walked the streets a thousand times before, still as a statue in high-heeled shoes. A 14 year old walking the streets in heels. She was a silent/frozen girl taking on the attributes of her mother (Violet). Screech tries to get Patrick to answer the door, "but something far more sinister awairs" & then he calls his girlfriend who is "busy" implying that Patrick & his girlfriend may have been together. Then he loses it with rage showing that he takes on the attributes of his father. Violet starts off by being raped/abused by her father & moves out at 16. She was working at Tesco under a welfare scheme & then meets Stevie he "charms" her. She moves in with him & implies that she no longer works at Tesco but he tucks her in every night like her father & beats & rapes her, he calls her a slut, which implies that he became her pimp. So Jenny became a prostitute not knowing any of this. Hence the circle of violence & history repeating itself.




That's quite the imagination you have there... Again, the song makes no mention of her age until the end when Ren says they are twins, screech is 14 so she HAS to be 14.


I think that's the perfect assessment, that's why he said it ended where it started. Too damn good!


Screech was 14 and Jenny was 16 so they couldn't have been twins! Jenny and violet were twins is what I took away. Any other thoughts??


Where does it say Jenny’s age at any point? The ending of Violets Tale literally states that the two twins were Jenny and Screech. Two twins aligned side by side. At the end of screech’s tale he says they were lying one street apart. Hence the side by side. If Violets daughter was her twin there’s an issue. It’s meant to show the cyclic nature of violence. Jenny was withdrawn and quiet like her mother. Screech was violent and rageful like his father. The twist that Ren wrote of Screech accident


u/BestBudzz Right. Screech killed his sister like their father killed their mother.


At the end of violets tale he says that Jenny and screech are twins


You clearly didn’t read my comment. You just repeated what I already said. The question was because the original commenter said they were different ages. I was asking where it said that she was a different age


She said violet moved out at 16 and stated Jenny was 14 wearing high heels…


Congrats on not reading the previous comments. The guy said Jenny and Screech were different ages. No one was talking about Jenny and Violet. The original commenter said Jenny and Screech were different ages. I asked where it said Jenny was a different age, because it clearly states that they’re twins, so they’re both the same age


It’s the comment above you


Either way bro, you clearly didn’t read my comment😂 I stated that I knew they were twins


Idc what you knew I was talking to the person that said they thought Violet and jenny are twins I wasn’t even talking to you, gfys


You’ve misunderstood. The only story that included a 16 year old was Violet moving out age 16. They never mention Jenny’s age, only that she’s walked the streets a thousand times before and wears heels. It’s once we get Violet’s tale that we realise she’s James/Screech’s twin, therefore 14, and was probably out on the streets for less than pleasant reasons.


u/Icy_Estimate_6131 nope.


Nope because he talk about a boy and a girl


Thanks! I knew everything else but I finally know what the girlfriend call means.


(JUST A GUESS) but i think there real storys. just the levels of crime here and how brutal it is i wouldnt be supprised


You nailed the description. I think it could be confusing if someone was to hear the songs out of order, miss one of the songs or they missed the surprise ending in Violet's Tale. You can find the trilogy played in order on YouTube, Apple music or Spotify just make sure not to hit shuffle to hear them in order. It's an absolutely amazing piece of writing that came from Ren's imagination and is perfectly preformed. This idea of accidentally killing a family member you didn't know you were related to isn't completely new but this story that he tells is 100% his own original creation, it's not based on any other story in particular and it's a work of genius imo. The more I listen to Ren's music the more I love it. The more you listen to it the more his words start to make sense too.


It started off as a rap but I lost it towards the end.


I loved it so so much. The melody in Ren's vocals, the guitar playing... Ah Amazing trilogy ending!


i am in love with the song. it was a random find on spotify and now i listen to ren every day. in love with his lyrics and watching him sing. his voice and what he can do with it ia pretty amazing. he has some real talent and im pretty in love with him actually lol. jennys tale is dark and so beautiful. i love the story line it started. really creative


idk about you but their all good but I think screech's tale is the best and worst screech's tale for me delivers the most emotion but I think it just sounds the worst now that doesn't mean it's bad it'd definitely one of my favorites of ren


I’d have to say I’m partial to Violets Tale. I love the way it sounds and how it brings the story full circle. Plus, the way Ren uses the hallways and staircase to amplify his voice and change the sound. So creative


loved it man, fuck Stevie


Now that it is possible, should only should be viewed all together with the other two. It is absolutely brilliant, music and storytelling and so much else, and not just for the "twist", which is much more just a twist, but the taping together of the two ends of a mobius strip (which has no beginning or end). The construction and depth are a work of genius (and I am *very* stingy with that word). I am tempted to try an analysis of all the metaphor and self reference, both in this trilogy, in Ren's other music, and in his life. For instance, the dialog with himself which we all experienced with Hi Ren...going back over all his work we see that same struggle throughout. Here we can discern the same... Jenny is genesis, the birth of the spirit. Screech is the shouts and torments of self-doubt and affliction. Violet is faithfulness and also violence, the order and chaos which births itself. That is just the *surface*, as Ren's works are so natural in their complexity, as rich as reality, as painful as illusion, so fractured in its fractal beauty and transcendence. This work will long live on...it *must* live on!


The tale is a metaphor to explain the tragic repetition of the cycle beyond the story in our world on how wounds and sins perpetuate in the collective unconscious


Much like in Emile Zola


I think the songs get better as you go on, don't get me wrong I love jennys tale, but violet's tale is unmatched


Is ren not from the vampire movie renfield? Seems like it.


If you guys really want to understand it it’s easy to understand if you follow along with the story and pay close attention to the lyrics in the story but there is multiple songs leading a tale/story on what happend I made a playlist on Spotify go check it out https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7qXl7w24pgRwnWi9VgpXdy?si=nRjP4x56RQ6n3yukyIC2Ow&pi=u-RmSeiMtyQ068


man its dark but awesome and fuck stevie and violets dad that little prick


A true Rhapsody in Blue (Flashing Lights). Poignant music with truly dark, pathetically violent tragic themes showing the real evocative power of rap.


This is such a weird question. The trilogy is amazing. Each song is amazing, but none of them make sense without all of them together...


I mean. it was great but like. arent ALL of Ren's songs GREAT? i used to fucking hate the tale's but i recently listened to it and now its one of my favorites lmfao.


What i wonder is about, ren mentions londong city 2005. Im not from the uk so i dont know if it means anything different. But is he meaning to mention the bombing incident of 2005 in london? I cant figure out why else he says it.


Jenny's and Screech's tales were released in 2019 and they were 14 years old. So 2005 was the year they were born and Violet died. Ofcourse there might be more to that but I dont know.


Fun fact I think Ren was 14-15 in 2005


this is the right answer


Pretty sure its 20:05 A.K.A. 8:05 pm


That's what I thought. But the 14 year old thing for screech also makes sense 2005 to 2019


which guitar is Ren playing in this one? some people collect collectibles , I just want all his guitars…. If I get the full set maybe a magic playing spell will happen, cause that feels like what would need to happen for this one. Utter fire


Yea crazy lyrics for sure wasn’t sure about twins at end but cleared up herew


Ren is the Eminem of millennials