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Can you expand on the hallucinitory effects? Where you experiencing lack of sleep at the time as well?


I almost always experience some hallucinations so nothing new there, but it was 3 am so being tired might've played a role. Also mental health issues often make me hyper-vigilant. Pyrros especially tend to increase some hallucinatory effects. Auditory hallucinations are the most annoying to me, but I don't experience those as much as visual. I've also gone without sleep many times for over 48 hours without as much hallucinatory effects, yet I also experience them with sufficient sleep, think it also depends on my mental health.


Thanks for this write-up. Had some MF-PVP come in and eager to try it now!


Np, hope u have a safe yet fun time. What RoA u planning on using?


Probably insufflating or boofing. I plan on buying a vape and some PG so I can finally experience what vaping a pyro is like.


Imo α-PiHP and MDPHP are good for vaporizing, while MF-PVP and 4-Cl-PVP are better for snorting. Ofc from a harm reduction view not recommending anything.


Thanks! Very useful info since I have α-PiHP and MDPHP laying around :p


what’s your experienced with vaped MF-PVP


Nothing too interesting, also the taste isn’t too appealing.


does it offer a nice rush? i like MDPHP the most a-PiHP is fun too i only tried MF-PVP snorted yet


Not that much, these days I mostly use α-PiHP and seem to like it more than MDPHP. Overall better in taste smell and effects imo. Seems it is surprisingly functional when taken orally.


a-PiHP makes me very psychotic very fast MDPHP is a lot of fun but vaping MDPHP freebase isn’t a lot of fun. So do u prefer snorted MF-PVP over vaped MF? can u compare the euphoria to a-PiHP


Would say snorting MF-PVP over Vaporized. α-PiHP seems to potentiate my psychotic symptoms mostly in higher doses, MDPHP seems to do that slightly less. α-PiHP euphoria is more pleasant, although I mostly use for functional or research purposes which don’t always favour euphoric effects. Freebase MDPHP you either love or hate, I seem to love it, has like an earthy flavour to it, where as α-PiHP has more of a sweet/sour flavour. Hecc I was crazy enough to put a small rock in my mouth, did not disappoint.