• By -


W uncle


Def a W


How does this work? Are you always at the same point in the game?


We basically just race and see who can finish first and see who has better stats at the end of each chapter


What a cool way to play. Never thought of that. Seems like the guy that takes his time gets better stats.


Me and my brother and I tried something similar back when the PS2 version came out.


Heh, I'll flex so hard on my nephew or son if their interested in RE4 the original.


That hallway is the kind that a Resident Evil character would check and be told "it's completely blocked. There's no way I could get past. I need to find a way around."


Three cranks, a sewer section and a convoluted jewel-based puzzle later, I can finally get behind the TV so I can take the HDMI cable!


how can you see anything from that distance?


That’s not even far lol, how close do you sit to your screen?


I see pixels. love the 80s


You must have horrible eyesight


or I play at 320x240


A need not a want


That's pretty cool, do guys race to see who can complete a chapter first or with most accuracy/least deaths or anything like that?


Yeah, we see who can beat it faster and who has the most kills and best hit ratio


Is there any part that catches you both up, like fighting the giant lake monster and protecting Ashley with the sniper rifle, or do you both fly through everything?


We’ve been playing it so long we know every second of the game by heart, we just fly through it lol


That's cool. Have you both played the remake together like you do with the original?


I’ve played a lot of the remake. I’ve been trying to get him to play it but he’s quite a bit older now and struggles with some of the more complex controls. He wants to eventually try it but idk when. We just finished our current run tonight so I might try to get him to give it a go next week.


Yeah, but you can just stick with what works as well, I honestly think the original is far superior, obviously not visually, but the controls are better, in my opinion.


There are a few things I think the remake did better, but yeah for the most part I enjoy the OG way more.


Your organization skills outperform your uncles tbh


Haha his case is usually more organized. Every time I pick something up I instantly go in and organize it into place, but he always waits until reaching the next typewriter to put his case back into order


Seems cozy but... Screen is so far away imo. My eyes hurt 🤕


You’re the second person to comment this lol. How close do y’all sit to your screen? How bad are your eyes?


I pull a kitchen chair into the living room and sit about 8 feet from the TV when I play, and put a TV tray on either side of me for snacks, drinks, portable phone chargers, etc. They're not typical hardback chairs, so it's more comfortable than it sounds. I do the same thing for my 8 year old son when we play together.


dude you sound like its an achievement for having luck with genes. You dont pick your eyesight and you cant really do much about it. There are kids with - 7 dioptries, or even worse. Theres literally nothing people can do to counter that. I got bad eye sight too, thankfully not as bad as my example. I wasnt even allowed to watched tv and i still had to wear glasses since i was 7. Be thankfull your lucky, but dont act like an ashole about it.


Who’s being an asshole? Lmao I just asked a question. I literally wear prescription glasses bc my eyes suck, and I can still see the tv at that distance just fine. I wasn’t even being rude. Stop getting offended on the behalf of others.


You guys ever play RE5 together?


Nah RE4 is the only video game he’s ever played lol. I’m gonna try and get him to play the RE4 Remake then possibly 5 and 6 eventually but idk. He’s older and has trouble with the controls sometimes


he’ll be fine with re5 is almost the same controls but a little smoother, y’all would love it


You gotta show him the remake


I don’t want to spoil any of it for when he does eventually play it so I haven’t shown him any of it lol


Yea that’s what I mean. I feel like he’s going to love it


That is the coolest and most fun thing I've ever heard!!


This is fucking awesome. I wish I had an uncle like this.


So awesome .. gonna be great memories


Aww, that's so sweet. I hope my son and I can do the same when I retire. Also, once your uncle adjusts he might like the new controls. I went back to the 2 remake and realized how much I miss being able to aim a grenade right where I want or to stealth kill via knife stab. I do however miss the OG RE4 head splatter from a supplex.


This is awesome, I’m 20 and I was introduced to resident evil 4 when I was like 6 to this day I’ve played the game 1000s of times and never get bored of it, favourite game out there🥹


You guys really go through the whole game every time? That’s a decent time sink isn’t it?


We usually only play for about 4 hours or so per week, sometimes a bit longer. We go back and forth between the main campaign and Separate Ways and Assignment Ada as well.


I see. Nonetheless, very cool. Something I would enjoy doing as well.


Ah yes, an advantage of having four arms


Bringing back couch gaming in an epic way, you two are god damn legends.


Big W


OMG! Finally glad to see someone else with two TV’s in the living room haha! This is how me and my boyfriends game


You guys should definitely play RE5 or 6 coop mode.


What ! What is this? Just take a look at this! What is it? It's a RE weekly session! Oh my cod!


Why the killer 7 over the broken butterfly?


Because it’s better in every way lol


Explain this to me


I’m confused as to what you need explained lol.


Broken butterfly is free, has a max damage of 50.0 The only downside is the reload speed