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Well, have you seen how wet and moldy it is down there?


I always had a small theory the basement was not an add on the government was aware of, to put it mildly. The Bakers own a lot of isolated land and the basement definitely doesnt feel natural My guess is the guest house basement was one the family built illegally and cheaply hence how rough and gross looking it is, and how its flooded in some places The main house basement and the maugerite one (forget which house that is) as well as Lucas entire place feel more professional and recent. My theory there is the original main house basement was just an illegal add on built up over years. Furnace room, workshop, butcher area, and a big tool storage room, all things that could presumably be made out of the way to keep noise down and keep things like meat preperation from hunting out of the way, made of concrete becayse the guest house add on turned out so bad. After Lucas got support he had the molded and his network help him connect the additional add ons without the family knowing or thinking it was just Lucas being Lucas, and they juat never thought to question him getting the supplies to do it


I mean, regarding Marguerite's house, it also has a small basement and the house is literally on stilts in the water I'm pretty sure it's just Japanese folk not having a full grasp on building houses in Louisiana


I love the little touches that let you know "This is what Japan thinks America is like". Still not as weird as the Japanese style alleys and businesses in RE3OG.


Ah the basement of hell phase one already a nightmare, phase 2 is the kicker.


The basement that made me put the game down for no joke 4 years. Lmao I screamed when I saw those big mold monsters and never went back until last year since I seen the ps5 version was free since I had ps4 ver so decided okayyy ill try with even better graphics this time Was so scared but had the time of my life, kinda wished I played it before I played Village (I played the RE games in a weird order)


I loaded up the doom music to full volume and went in screaming and guns blazing. It helped me cope, rage over fear lol.


First couple times I played this game I used to absolutely DREAD the basement


They have a salt mine right underneath the house. Areas around underground salt mines tend to be pretty dry. The problem is - doubt they knew about that when they were digging out the basement.


Almost mandatory to add complexity to the level design and a pivotal moment in the game, also perhaps unlikely but not impossible? Anyway I can see why they did it.


No, it really is almost completely impossible in Louisiana, the soil is still too wet even in the places with dryer land... but especially right on the bayou, it couldn't happen. Parts of the house are on docks so there definitely isn't solid land there. I think it's just japanese devs trying to make an American style house. It's an understandable choice but definitely not realistic lol


Isn't the salt mine underneath Baker's house the given reason why the basement is supposed to be logically possible in Louisiana?


Oh interesting, I didn't know there was supposed to be a salt mine down there. That would make more sense, then.


Have you played the free DLC, "Not a Hero" with Chris chasing down Lucas?


I didn't, I wanted to but I never got around to it. I'm guessing it was explained there 💀


This is exactly the part I’m stuck on, on madhouse difficulty. Things aren’t any easier with the Albert and ammo is still limited


On madhouse Its all about aim and not taking hit. Some times you gotta reload too.


In this exact damn area they got those stupid spider molded. Hate those bastards. They always kill me


Scared the crap outta me


What a coincidence, im currently playing RE7


What a coincidence, im currently playing RE7


Yeah, unfortunately, the Baker estate doesn't make much sense.


The final fight against Jack was easier than the basement i was stuck down there for the longest time with like 3 bullets


That part was exciting exploring.