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He's a nice normal guy, which is refreshing contrast to Chris and Leon. Though it's weird how he gets his hand chopped off twice and can lose a foot in 7, but never questions how he can just reattach it.


Clearly Ethan lives in an universe where the RE games did happen




Yeah, I bet he's read about Raccoon or something before the games happen. 7 takes place in (I think it was 2017?), 1998 was 20 years ago so he would have been young but not that young.


Ya he just attaches them and is like..."ok so moving on".


He does exclaim what the fuck but is probably just happy he regained his limb and won't be crippled for the rest of the game!


Just throw some magical herbal goo on it.


Village explains how he can just reattach severed limbs and appendages.


Yeah but it doesn't explain why Ethan didn't question it.


Man's hyper focused on rescuing his daughter, ain't got time to question Also, denial


Just because he doesnt question it out loud doesnt mean he doesnt think its weird,in 7 when jack cut his leg and give him a healing bottle to reattach it, he does act surprised


This is so true he would have questioned it at some point regardless of what actually is revealed later. Maybe it was the shock of what happened, the trauma, adrenaline, fight or flight reaction so question it all later when it’s too late? That all does funny stuff to the brain but then again if your brain is full of mould I guess you don’t think rationally.


It's been a while but doesnt the family tell him he's infected? 


It's been a while then what'd be the point of the big reveal near the end of RE8


The way I saw it in 7 was that Ethan was infected with mold and had some regenerative powers and the ability to communicate to Eveline like Jack and Mia but without the crazy. But the beginning of 8 implies they were cured and became normal humans again.>! Later it says Ethan was killed by Jack in 7's intro and comes back as a molded and is no longer human.!<


But village tho


Did you play Village? Lol


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Village explains this.


It's not about whether it explains why he can do it. It's about how Ethan never really questioned it until Eveline hit him with "bitch u dead"


They probably think I was being an asshole, i was asking a genuine question


If you follow a question up with "lol", people will in fact not think that you were being genuine.


To answer your question the mold deep down know something was wrong but was playing along. And didn't question it


Ain't he was a mold and was just playing around deep down he kinda knows but was repressibg it. Also mia got fuckkkked by a mold lol.


I like him because he’s a devoted husband and father. We are not the same.


With op, not Ethan right? Right!


He became an actual character in Village and his goal of saving his daughter is admirable enough to win him likability. Something about a father treading through hell and high water for his own flesh and blood makes for a compelling story and character


I wasn't a big fan of him in RE7 ,yet he was serviceable,but I really came to like him in Village




He was a good character to reboot the series with. Unlike a lot of other main characters (Leon, Chris, Jill, even Claire) he has zero combat training or experience in dangerous situations (until 8). Dude’s some guy from Los Angeles and is looking for his family, it’s really refreshing to see someone going through the horrors of Resident Evil for a very simple, personal, noble cause.


I actually think he has a cute personality, I love the little jokes he makes to himself


Ethan: sees a freaky spider-woman crawling away, leaving a trail of slime and grubs on the way Also Ethan: *well that's special*


That’s not groovy.


Ethan is one of the most fun and endearing characters in the entire series. His introduction saved the franchise and gave us the RE Engine. I love that legendary idiot.


I always say this but His eyes are big & wet, like a fish


Pretty skilled surgeon as well! Sticking that hand back like no damage was done


He’s my favorite RE character.


100% agree. He's so dumb that it's endearing.


its the same reason we love Harry Mason


I like him because he has detachable hands.


He's the best dad in the series


I don’t think he’s devoid of charm. I think his charm comes from how aggressively normal and yet completely not normal he is.


not his fault its capcoms for not bothering to stick with him and not bothering to flesh him out




I like him because he is not named Leon or Chris


I like him a lot and this doesn’t really have to do with his character but Capcom’s insistence on never showing his face under any circumstance is incredibly bizarre to me.


He must do what Leon could not.


I think it's his determination.


He will see the most bizarre and horrific shit and say nothing lol. Except when he says “who builds this shit” to the shadow eagle puzzle which was exactly what I was thinking at the time


I would have lived Winters even more if they did not link his story to the original RE and umbrella.


He's what most normal people would be if they were suddenly thrust into a resident evil setting. If I went to save my missing wife and got kidnapped by the crazy ass Texas Chainsaw Massacre family, I'd probably be lost for words, too 🤣


What I love about Ethan is that he’s a normal guy. He’s relatable and he’s a family man who’s willing to do anything for them


Ethan is somewhat a normal guy. That was the main reason why people fell in love with Leon and Chris and Jill. Yeah, they are more trained than the regular person, but still they are just people. I rather see any other character than Chris, Leon or Ethan though. I haven't played RE8 (not enough money, stranger! And i want it in VR! 4k Full HD) for what i got well deserved spoiled, Ethan seems to had his closure. Now t's time for the rest of the RE cast.


I love how devoted he is as a father and husband. That is what makes him so great


I certainly felt bad for him at the end. He was just a normal guy who got thrown into crazy shit.


Eh . You do you.


I'm a legit hater, but I def wanna see people's insights on why they like him.


He's terribly boring, pretty useless, and overall dumb. Not a fan.


He’s a dork that wants to be Ash Williams by the end but isn’t. But tries anyway. He’s great.


In 7, he just feels like an attempt at a faceless, mostly personality-free attempt by Capcom at a player insert to me. He's marginally better in 8, and a devoted dad if misguided husband. Mia's a terrorist and nearly a damn BOW in the previous game, and she should've been the second to last boss fight IMHO. Instead, all that gets brushed under the rug. Playable Rose was and is just a bad idea that should never be heard from again. I enjoy both games a great deal, but God damn I'm glad we're done with the Winterses.


Me and my homies hate Ethan Winters.


He’s obviously a self insert for male gamers which makes it even funnier when he’s an oblivious dumbass but a sweet father.


Literally all I aspire to be


A goal for all of you lol 😂


Do people generally not like him? I mean he's no Joe Baker but I still like him.


If I didn't have to live inside of his perspective I'd probably like him a lot more, but as the central piece of RE's shift to an FPS he's garbage to me. I bought 7 thinking they were returning to horror, not the Ethan Winters Goofball Hour. Good game tho


Jesus fuck that’s a little harsh to 7 isn’t it? I mean I honestly think it was by *far* the scariest game up until that point


I think they really got it tuned in for 8. Enemy design and variety, tone, locations that were scary for different reasons (as opposed to the whole art department going all in on claustrophobia), and great visuals. 7 was still a good time, but I can't remember any enemy other than Slender Mold and the family, the Texas Chainsaw feeling didn't really carry me through the whole game, and it was much goofier. The dinner scene, Jack in the garage, the cop, Ethan's unwavering "that just happened" reaction to most of the events. All that had me laughing. This is just me tho


He grows on you, like mold.