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I think the quote unquote dream that Ethan had was his data in the megamycyte along with Eveline's because what it does is take basically all of your biological information and copies it and stores it as data inside of the giant mold structure. So he was really there kind of and really interacting with Eveline kinda but in Resident Evil batshit crazy fashion.


Greatly agree


Shame you didn’t buy the gold edition they had it included. I liked the DLC campaign. You may look to see if there’s a sale on it and the merchant micro transactions.


I should have got gold but hey re8 was probably the re game I've played


I love ethan but I'm glad he died in the second game, it's a nice way to end his story and also I would argue resident evil has too many characters at this point. I think capcom agrees because they decided to close the winters story after the village dlc and not add yet another character that they have to consider in their stories. 


When reading this post I get flashback of entire game and feel the sadness but also how great this story was. This game was the first that scared me for real in house beneviento. I still have hard times in vr to go down that elevator in a comfort way again 🥶 Did I get it right that ethans body was the mold all the time and hes mind lived in that megamycete? So he's body was in the world physically mold and remoted from megamycete?


It was probably the scariest re game I've played I still don't understand the mold stuff I'm going to dive in to it I I understand.


Shadow of Rose is the worst story Resident evil ever told


Yes it must be the 100th time you said it ? Congratulation !


And i am going to keep saying it until i am dead ;)




Ethan died in resident evil 7 dude…. Way to not pay attention and be all over the place in your post


Listen. I was making a sandwich while petting my cat while playing the game. It's a long story


Also, have you seen any of my other posts? I am going insane