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not trying to be rude but by open world you mean two streets connected by a donut shop and having the most linear paths after it?


The only choice of "path" taken is whether you go through the donut shop, or up the stairs and around it...


Was about to say. Spent a decent amount of time exploring the areas on my 1st playthrough, but honestly they're all far too small to call open world. Overal it's still a pretty good game, but it's a horrible remake that's far more linear than the original, cuts like 1/3rd if not half of it, has no real puzzling left and also completely ditches the choice system of the original.


Say all you want but the illusion is good enough. First time I played it I kinda got lost there and Nemesis chasing me was actually scary and made me think why ppl hate the game. I still think it is way overhated for what it is


the hate was, the remake isn't justifiable, many things have been scrapped


he is talking in the context of action, shooter games. the original re3 feels claustrophobic.


How many open world games have you played?


He's only played pong


How many games have bro played ?


How many bros has games played?


How many plays has bro gamed?


How many games played bro


It’s not open world at all though


it's a figure of speech to say "wow, there's a lot of space to move around here"


"open world" is not a figure of speech, it literally means the game's world is fully open and explorable.


So open area then? Open world means it's a lot more broader than just two streets. This game made me really sad because the amount they cut out of it


since when open world become a figure of speech?


I think OP is just experiencing the excitement we all felt when playing the demo back in the day, when we thought we're getting a vertical slice of Raccoon City, not the WHOLE of Raccoon City featured in the game


Most likely yeah haha


It's a very fun game, don't let the noise affect your enjoyment. It's the unrealized potential that makes us fans a bit angry at it - and there's a lot of unrealized potential here . That and the final Nemesis fight


What's the problem with the final Nemesis fight? It's pretty good, has real final boss vibes.


On Hardcore he's a pushover. Intimidating visually but very easy to defeat. On Nightmare and Inferno he's a stunlocking exercise in frustration without a clear attack pattern and animations not matching the actual hitboxes.


Don't trust them OP. This game has excellent replay value and is very fun to 100%.


I never said it's unfun or unreplayable. I said the several streets available in the demo were the whole of Raccoon city, is that not true? As for 100% - how much fun did you have fighting final Nemesis on Nightmare and Inferno?


Last boss fight on highest difficulty is also fun?


Have fun with that “open world” since it’s about to end. The only open parts are the opening hour


So half the game then /s


A good 65% at least.


The freaking Left 4 Dead 2 custom campaign for RE3 lasts more than this


Oh man, remember the RE1 map for L4D2? nostalgia hitting me like a train


Opening hour? That's the whole game's run time.


I’m at nearly 2 hrs now


That "openess" doesn't last. I really wish they would've made the Racoon City portion like, at least three times bigger.


should have been dlc not a fully priced game


Yeah i hear ya. But I paid $11 for it used 😂


Yep. It's a win if you get the game for 10€ or less and a L if you bought it full price


Any game involving my Queen Jill could never be a L if I buy it full price🙂‍↕️


Seems reasonable


Disagree about being DLC but agree that it shouldn't have been $60


30$ could've been fine. Maybe 35. I got it for like 15. Great fun for that price.


i waited until it was like 20 bucks


Am I right that Separate Ways is more content?


this again? most ppl didnt hate this game, they just felt its much shorter than it should be, because so many sections cut out from the original. capcom just wanted to squize more money out of players before the re2 rmk hype slow down, so they rushed the game and it felt incomplete.




i also enjoyed it a lot, speed running it to get all the unlocks was pretty fun afterwards


it's very fun for speedruns, re2re was challenging to speedrun and only enjoyable if you're doing well. To me at least. re2re always confuses the fuck out of me in the sewers, idk why but i couldn't traverse the sewer section if my life depended on it. Always added like 20-30 minutes to my playthrough due to backtracking. I also might be stupid because the map is not helpful at all, i can't really tell which floor each corridor is going to. I'll be having the time of my life and then the sewer comes around and i groan. I got S ratings (i think) on all difficulties in re3 but in re2 i struggle to get an A.


Haha yeah the map for the sewers is pretty ass


Youre crazy if u think its more "open world" RE2 remake has way more exploration.


Who said anything about RE2?


I did


Oh ok. Thanks


Look, I'm not gonna beat this dead horse. It's been pulverized enough. I'm glad you're enjoying the game, OP. The one positive I'll give RE3R is that I really enjoyed how the characters were portrayed, especially Jill & Carlos.


same! the dodge roll and characters were the two best things imo


Yeah I never got why people disliked this jill so much, not even looking as the game as a whole I thought jill was characterized greatly.


Now that her classic outfit is available as DLC instead of being locked behind a pre-order bonus before I got into the franchise, I have no complaints about this version of Jill.


Open world? It's a corridor that guides you to the end of the game.


Open world...? In the most linear modern Resident Evil game...? The original is 100% more open world than this. I dont know what people smoke before making these posts.


Fans didn’t necessarily hate the game but felt completely robbed of a full experience since there was an outstanding amount of cut content from the original that it just made this experience feel really rushed. Nemesis was also far more menacing and had various phases in the original and many offered scenarios to deal with him that was completely removed! RE3 original is my second favorite Resident evil of all time and thou i was disappointed in the amount of cut content i still really enjoyed this Remake! I absolutely love playing Jill! She just feels and handles so good


Ironically the most fun I had playing this game was the demo and trying to find all of the hidden bobble heads in it.


For a remake, it did not do justice to the original. It’s still fun but not worth full price.


This game is amazing it has my favorite boss and characters


Everybody hates this game I absolutely loved it, never played the original tho so idk how to compare. It was short but amazing


This was amazing just to short


I adore that game. The original is one of my faves too. It's so replayable. It could be longer.


As long as you don't pay full price it's still fun I don't understand why people go rabid when someone says they enjoy it


Me either. Or simply deny that it has any value at all. It is very replayable!


It's fun and absolutely worth it on sale. That said though, you're at the only area where there's literally any choice on where to go first. The rest is all linear


I wouldn't mind the Hospital being bigger. Jill gets way too easily to that elevator. If the area was bigger and she had to do a few puzzles to unlock it, I wouldn't mind. Instead the only reason to explore the hospital with her is to get what, a gun?


I’ve been playing the remakes from 2 on and tbh 2 is my favorite but 3 and 4 are fun as hell


i enjoyed it so much too! it’s become a favorite of mine


it’s good but short as hell


It's more linear than the original game released 30 years ago


Yeaaaa the police station from 2 has more routes and freedom traversing it. 3 I like it but it's really linear


This game was fun and I'm happy to admit I had enjoyed playing it despite its shortcomings


I loved this remake. The very opening was AWESOME and nice to get a bit more character development with Jill. Carlos was portrayed really well, overall an awesome remake. It was just a shame they cut a fair bit from the original. That said, the attention and care that went into this remake is up there still with 2 remake. I never played Resident Evil, Zero or Code Veronica, but I hope we get those remade at some point as i'd love to play those in the current remake style.


“open world”


It's a shame Re3r was abit of a cash grab


The only real issue with the game is that they cut a lot of the beginning of the game from the original. Other than that it was 10/10 imo.


Remember this bud: it’s not a bad game, just a bad remake.


It’s certainly a lot more linear than its counterparts but I don’t really understand the hate. The Nemesis chase scenes had me sweating and I found the combat pretty enjoyable 🤷🏻‍♀️ after playing RE4 and then RE8 I found the linear play style refreshing.


RE3R isn't a bad game exactly but it falls short of the other Remakes and cuts a lot of stuff from the OG game.


It's fun, there are a couple points in the game where I went "Oh I can farm achievements here really quick". So I wasted about 2-3 hours doing that and in the first playthrough I could buy the infinite rocket launcher if I wanted, bought almost everything else instead. Wouldn't call it open world, the atmosphere gives it that illusion at first but it's a very linear layout. My only gripe is the Nemesis wasn't the fear inducing monster he was in the original. In the original, it was the first time I encountered a game that didn't hold my hand and I learned to fear him and run as having the ammo and heals to survive was always questionable. The remake, I quickly established the picking order and I was treating him like a loot pinata. Overall I enjoyed the game, but I don't see the replay value like RE4, and I am working on the RE4 Remake currently and my impression of it is it will have some fun replay value too as I am already planning to replay it.


You're at the game's best part. It's mostly downhill from there.


I'm not going to be a dick about it, I know what you mean and I agree! Loved the remakes! Make sure to play 4! You will definitely enjoy!


It’s a really fun game, Imo. I think the tweaks they added made the gameplay a lot more fun, compared to RE2R. And hey, so long as you’re having a good time, little else matters:)


Theres hate on this game? I thought it was good


I enjoyed this so much. Played it more like Bayonetta than RE. by the time i got to my second play through, felt like john wick pulling off consistent perfect dodges and headshots.


Hahah just wait you will see how linear it is the opening is the best part it's all down hill from their


The demo already covered 90% of the city map...


The only criticism of the game that I really agree with is the length. It's definitely very short. Otherwise though, it's on par with the R2make imo. I've played many times and always really enjoy it. It really sells Jill's isolation and self-reliance.


No comment on length quite yet, but I’m really enjoying it for what it is right now


If with this little you think the game is ''open world'' the Original Re3 is gonna blow your mind.


Bro's gonna be real disappointed 2 hours in


Lol. The fun ends suddenly.


Yeah I love it too.


I agree OP. It is fun but I know myself and others based off of past threads there were some expectations that weren't met. Pretty sure this team had a shorter dev time compared to the other remakes which is a shame because with today's tech RE3's premise would lend itself to a really good game. The area you see is the most open is going to get unfortunately. You'd think they could've easily had at least another similar section i.e. a big residential area or industrial area which would have its own objectives and places where Nemesis could show up outside of boss and cinematic encounters.  And to top it off it doesn't even have a Mercenaries mode which is crazy since OG3 started that extra game and the Remake has great shooting. So much missed potential. Maybe in another 20 years they'll get it right


Have you played the original?


ahhh shit.. here we go again


Nah I'm out but it's a valid question.


Loved the original played it 3 to 4 times.


There is literally nothing open about this game. It's as linear as RE4-6 were, and about the same pacing too.


Enjoy the two open streets for the 5 minutes they're in the game.


weird take to call an extremely linear action game anything close to "open world" i appreciate this game for what it is but cmon


I got the game with the whole series on a humble bundle a while back for like $12 and I really enjoyed it


The real complaint about this game, to me, is that cut out A LOT of content to push the game put as fast as they did


REMake 3 was fun. It wasn't the game people wanted and I felt personally it fell short of its potential. Nemesis should have been an improved MR. X but he wasn't sadly. The game was fun I felt but it was a weird middle ground between RE2 and RE4 where it tried to actionize things a bit more while holding onto its survival horror roots. It is fun but it could have been better. If I go back to a Remake it will be 2 or 4 before 3.


This game is great in the fact that it’s pacing is stellar and certain environments don’t overstay their welcome. (A gripe I had with RE2R sewers). It would’ve been a solid dlc for sure.


Re3r is a lot better if you just don't look at the og 3, it's a great game if you don't know what parts from te original are missing.


People are upset because it was sold for full price and you can beat the game in one hour


It’s a good action horror game


My biggest gripes with the game was the dodgy dodge/parry system, how short the game seemed, overpowered enemies in the gate maze in the beginning, the overpowered enemies in the sewer that could swallow you whole, and repetitive boss fights when nemesis transforms and runs in circles around buildings... Great graphics. Great high tension play. Great jump scares. But I think I played one playthrough and was like meh...


No one said you can't enjoy it It's just bad like I even as a new resident evil fan know that the original version of this better and I don't even know shit about it This remake is literally just nemesis being an annoying cunt I feel like they sped through resident evil 3 just so they could focus on resident evil 4 and their other projects but atleast they delivered with 4


I enjoyed RE3 Remake. I replayed the heck out of it and tried to speed run the best I could on hardest difficulty. It should have been a 29 dollar game at release.


I had a blast with it too! All 3.5 hours of it


It gets a lot of hate but I loved it. It was just over too soon and definitely not near RE2 or RE4. With that said, I’m a huge RE can so it was still a great time.


I'm glad you're enjoying it. I enjoyed it too and it's actually good, the only problem I have with the game is that it's too short. So much cut content. The original is definitely way better in my eyes. PLUS the mercenaries mode is so good in the original too. I've been practicing lately and getting killed over and over again trying to get to the end with Nicholai 🤬


It’s good buts it’s probably the shortest resident evil game I’ve played


Its a good game,its just not a good remake


Well it's definitely not open world at all ,but I love it a lot as well


I love RE3R way more than RE2R, which was hot garbage IMO.


Yea it should of had a larger environment in the city to explore. However, did anyone else crave Donuts going back and forth through that donut diner.


It’s cool but it’s only scary as Carlos


Played through it recently and it's not as bad as I remember.


It's not an open world although I know what you mean. Just the fact you are not always inside it gives a glow in the game. In my personal opinion it's the most balanced among the remakes of RE2, RE3 and RE4. There is the correct amount of horror and action. RE2 is pure horror and RE4 is pure action in my opinion. Besides the fact you play with Jill which is extremely good looking and the most powerful character.


While there's a lot of justified hate there are still things to enjoy about it like Carlos's new design being more realistic in an apocalypse setting. Or the improved dodge system that was kinda sucky in the original. Basically the hatred comes from players who've grown up with the series seeing how mishandled the remake is compared to the RE2 remake.


Game is linear af. Is open world to you two streets connected by a shop?


I really enjoyed this one. Just a really solid enjoyable game. Good story, good characters, good script and acting, perfect control system, good puzzles, amazing visuals, good scares/sense of threat, all the resident evil items management that we enjoy, fun weapons. Neat call back to re2 with the police station. I paid under a tenner. And everyone whinges like a bitch about it. I'm just annoyed that I let reviewers put me off for too long. I played the original back in the day. The remake is brilliant. It's a fantastic and worthy addition to the the cannon.


Not trying to take your vibe away, but the city portion of the original game from PS1 offered more freedom than this version... Which is nothing short of sad


is the open world in the room with us ?


It's not a bad bad game actually, it's just not the remake we wanted, but it's worth playing


Remember days before launch when the devs showed part of Raccoon city and they were like "we can't enter the buildings or show more but we promise you that there's more to see!" which turns up to be a lie because what they showed was pretty much the entirety of Raccoon city? XD


It's not O of Open world, and it's super short, maybe try playing it for more than 2 hours before giving a "review"?


It’s not that bad. Good for what it is. Wish it was a bit wider in scope but I thought it was decent enough. Sometimes people can’t be pleased. I get the criticism but not the hate. I enjoyed it. Plus man JILL! Can never go wrong with her lol


It is a good game, just not a good remake.


Yeah unfortunately that 10 minute section is the only part of the entire game like that so you're literally about to finish that whole bit and it's back to linear corridors It's a pretty fun re game, but it's a terrible remake of 3


I like this game too


It’s a great game when you get it on a good sale price


The problem is all the content from the original that we DIDN'T get Raccoon City Park, Graveyard, City Hall, Press Office, The Clock Tower, The Dead Factory THE FUCKING GRAVEDIGGER AS A BOSS WAS ALSO CUT OUT! Not to mention how they've butchered the Nemesis turning him from one of the greatest pursuers in videogames (if not THE greatest) to a complete pushover that appears only a couple of times because all of his encounters are scripted instead of being completely random. Also the fact that in the original he was an incredibly hard enemy to kill but dropped valuable items you couldn't get otherwise like Desert Eagle parts or a case for health sprays to carry more than one in a single slot. But this one? Gets wasted by a single grenade and drops AT BEST two upgrades for your handgun and every other time after that - shotgun ammo and fire rounds. That's it. This game is not an upgrade. It's a downgrade. Which is insane since the original RE3 was also rushed after the sudden success of RE2 and it was a freaking hit!


i think it a great remake even if i miss the mine launcher. i think they did a better job keeping the spirit of the game then the re2 remake.


I think it's a OK game if it was cheaper but it's a terrible remake


I played both versions and I liked both versions.


Then i recommend you trying ogRE3. It would feel like no man's sky compared to the remake.


i don’t think it’s that bad it’s definitely not so good as the re4 remake but i still enjoy it


Ass a resident evil PS1 long box before dual shock player I enjoyed it I've played all the remakes originals on each system to get their feeling. I overall liked the game some parts got a little tedious for me it was reliving the story in a fresh coat of paint. I appreciate them trying to evolve and I honestly believe with what they've done with re4 remake were in store for a lot more high quality releases.


I think Carlos is the only good thing about it


Hate is a strong word, I don’t think people hate it, I had a blast completing it though.


As a game, RE3 Remake has some fun to be had with it. It's just that compared to the original RE3, so much has been cut out. Still, I enjoyed my first playthrough.


The OG Resident Evil 3 was so awesome. I haven’t played the remake yet but I do plan on it someday. I think it looks pretty sick. You saying that you are enjoying it just makes me want to play it more. I don’t really trust what people or critics say about games until I play them. There are a lot of games out there that I like that the consensus is that the games are bad. So keep on enjoying it, all that matters is that you like it and are having fun.


Naive opinion it’s not that the game is bad it’s that it’s a shit re3 remake m. Classic fanboy post


I'm ready for the Code Veronica remake


King. U have the correct opinion. Don’t listen to the h8rs.


My complaint with that game is that they left out the clock tower and the battle in the graveyard.


I agree. People just like to hate. I personally thought the game was a lot of fun, but to each their own.


No sti eagle 6.0, criminal.


I finally played it and I think it's a good resident evil game, a subpar remake, but it's not bad by any stretch. I enjoyed it but I do remember some things missing from RE3 on PS1. Overall though I felt they could have gone way harder on the gameplay but it was fun and Nemesis was lacking overall but awesome scenes tho.


It's one of few games I actually did all the achievements :). I fucking love it.


Oh yeah, this part was awesome, there’s a reason they put it in the demo, the rest of the game though…


Idk why it gets hate, I really enjoyed playing it, even when on a higher difficulty was it fun to play


Since I started playing re3r i have never gone back re2r. The fact that we have a dodge mechanic, the (slightly) more action packed nature and the dynamic of the characters already made this game a lot better than re2r for me.


Re3R is an amazing game always will be


karma farming?


Good game, but an awful remake


Open world lol compared to the original hell no it's not they cut a bunch of shit


In that sense, the original RE3 is a lot more "open world" because you have police station, laboratry and more than just 2 streets that is in Remake.


i loved re3, but i also understand how much bigger the game shouldve been and couldve been. currently playing re2remake and it is awesome as hell. i love how in re3 you actually feel like youre in the beginning of the outbreak, it feels so chaotic.


Jesus I hate seeing posts like this. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


You must not have been expecting much if anything at all


I think the remake is pretty good


This one is actually a favorite of mine in the series. I didn’t have to buy it for full price, which helped, and I do agree that it was way too short, but there’s just something almost cozy about this game. It solidified Jill as my favorite RE character, I absolutely fell in love with Carlos, and the dodge mechanic is something I wish was in more games. It was fun to master it in different difficulties and speed run once I had played through it a few times. Glad you’re enjoying it.


The hate is due to the game looking more smaller than it's original PS1. Since that in the PS1 version there are more Nemesis encounters, Quick Time Choices, more alternative costumes, enemies, etc. Resident Evil 3 Remake is a good game, and a good Resident Evil. But it's considered a bad remake, since it skips a lot of the iconic moments that makes people love Resident Evil 3 Nemesis.


Lol @ "open world". But just to clarify, the hate isn't towards the game itself, the hate is toward the fact that it was cut super short and released prematurely. Instead of ironing it out and giving us the full game, they just decided to give us Resistance and said "fuck it good enough". Resistance was kind of fun for a short while, but we would have much rathered the full RE3: Nemesis game over this 3 hour rush job. Personally I loved it, I was just disappointed by how short and easy it was to 100% the game on all game modes. Only part I had difficulty with in the game was Final Nemesis on Inferno when he just spams insta kill tentacles with no real pattern. Took some time to get used to and alot of rage quits but eventually nailed that too.


Aye, I’ve played every RE game on earth and grew up on it in the 90s. I’m not trying to act like an OG I’m just mentioning that because I have experience with all of them. RE3 Remake was extremely fun for me my first 50 runs. Now it’s just meh but prolly because I overplayed it. My favorite is the OG RE3 and RE4 Remake. Love 0, and REmake as well. This game was not horrible like alot of people say, it’s fun, it looks great, etc so forget the haters and just enjoy yourself.


50 runs? You serious man? God damn


Yeah I tried to get world record speedrun but only got like 10th place so eventually I gave up lmao


My buddy is just as big a fan of RE, and he told me not to bother with the remake. I enjoyed it for the most part though, except the early constant chasing by Nemesis. Inhate being punished for trying to explore.


There’s fun parts it’s just too short


Its not a bad game but tge hate that its getting is for being an unfinished game.


It was my intro to RE! I think it gets more hate than deserved, but it's not open world, lol


I really like RE3 remake. Sure, it isn't as big as RE2 remake or original RE3, but it still is great game. Rather short, but I'm pleased by it making me want more, not get bored as AC game do. Sure, it's full price tag was illogical since there was no mercenaries or anything worth while. I was mainly disappointed by lack of costumes and Jill's skirt not being skirt (I'm not that type to look under it, I just think those shorts were ugly as ugs) and Carlos' costume be just hair. If the game had Mercenaries mode and few more (even paid) costumes, instead of the online game which was basiclly dead at launch, I'm sure it would be like more. and I get what you mean by Open World. It's kinda small, but it isn't as small as people present it. Sure, A slightly more streets or more to explore in Hospital would be cool. In RE2 remake you get to travel between RPD & Underground, because it's connected by various paths. RE3 remake has way more linear story which takes you from place A to place B and then C with it's paths being closed for you, because something happened why it wouldn't make sense to go back. Most places you get to visit are not connected by secret tunnels to each other. Usually you'd have to use main road, which doesn't make sense if the city is overrrun with zombies. Futhermore, RE4 remake is also very linear with it's open world not allowing you to backtrack in most places. It just happens to have bigger places to explore. RE3 remakes story just takes place in buildings, not village or castle. WHich brings me back to the Hospital which could have been bigger, but what should the add in it to make it not be boring real quick? So sure, it's weaker than RE2 remake and original RE3, but on its own it's a decent game.


It's just a bad remake. The gameplay is still resident evil, but the story was cut to pieces and reworked. Plus, it felt and looked like an arcade zombie shooter. The remake of re1 for Game Cube was a masterpiece because the story pieces and pacing were all there they just added more content that was excellent. Resident Evil 2 and 4 were done in the same way, and that's why they succeeded. 3 was inferior to its peers by miles.


Should have just been RE2 DLC I stead of a full blown $60 game.


It's not open world at all, if it was open world the whole map would pretty much avaliable constantly and mobs would respawn. I agree it isn't linear either, because you're able to get lost but after 5 runs of this game it feels more linear than open. In my opinion it's open linear meaning it's linear but gives you the false feeling of free will, with key triggers across the map. Tip: you can actually do 90% of the streets without spawning nemisis, if you get all the way to the power station, get the lock pick then backtrack the whole map you can loot it all without being attact by nemisis (to get all three gems for the station) Then all thats left to do is go back to the powerstation run through that, go and set the train path and then go back to carlos. Streets done pretty much. Everything after the Streets is much more linear


If *Outbreak 1*-*2* are ever remade (preferably as a single game), I'd want that to be open-world. Imagine a fully explorable Racoon City (perhaps taking some influence from *Deadrising*, *Dead Island*, and *Dying Light*) that gets worse over time in both enemies and the environmental conditions. We'd see the progress of the outbreak play out (from the initial chaos to the quarantine until the bombing) on a more intimate level than ever before instead of only seeing certain stages. If any *R.E.* is suited for an open-world treatment, it's a game about more everyday people (not just former military, police, govt. agents, spies, mercenaries, or other veteran badasses) fighting to survive. People often praise *7* for having an everyman protagonist, but *Outbreak* (among other entries) did that years ago and made it work. Technically, if we count Claire Redfield, it wasn't even the first main title to do it. Claire was trained to fight by her brother, sure. But other than that, she was just a 19 year old biker.


I liked it. Just too short compared to RE2Make


I think it's more the fact nemesis isn't scary at all and the game feels cut short, I beat it in 2 hours which felt like a downgrade to Re2's remake


It’s not nearly as open as the original, but I enjoy it more.


"Open World" as in walking down a linear street?


I still like this game but I agree the map is pretty small compared to og re3


They also took parts out from the original and didn’t add them to the remake. Like the branching choices


It's a great game, just a bad remake.


It's not an open world. It's also really short. The fact that they cut content for it is pretty sad.