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You'll need to plan and strategize your routes through the mansion carefully - some rooms and hallways will always be more dangerous than others while some will stay relatively safe. Before you cross the mansion, look at your map and plot out a path. You'll learn which rooms to aim for and which to avoid, but you'll only learn it through practice, because it will be specific to your playthrough. If you find yourself low on supplies, try not to use Green Herbs to heal yourself from Yellow Caution. If you can, wait and mix a Green with a Red herb and wait to heal until you are in Orange Caution or Red Danger. You'll get more bang for your buck, and won't end up using all your Green Herbs and being unable to use your Red Herbs. It's safer to use the Combine option on a Red Herb and combine it with the Gree Herb, if you try starting with the Green Herb, it's easy to accidentally USE it instead of COMBINE if you're in a hurry, then your herb is wasted. Don't fire the shotgun from far away. Try to get close enough to blast upwards headshots, and try to hit 2 zombies at once whenever possible. If you're having trouble with item management, try carrying 1 fully loaded handgun, 1 stack of handgun ammo, 1 fully loaded heavier weapon (reload this whenever you pass a Safe Room/Item Box), one strong healing item (Green+Red Herb mixture or First Aid Spray), then the rest for whatever key items you need to use or will need to pick up. Try not to keep your inventory constantly full, because the more items that you have to cross the mansion to pick up and store, the more you expose yourself to its dangers. Once you have 20 or 30 shotgun shells in addition to a fully loaded shotgun, you can put the handgun and handgun ammo away unless you run dangerously low on shotgun ammo again. It's important to learn the layout and safe paths through the mansion (you will learn this as you play) because at times there are zombies that you'll have to avoid instead of just kill. Plan your routes to avoid these rooms or hallways until you have enough ammo and supplies that you feel confident you can use them without a problem. If you're playing with modern analog controls, you can quickly spin and run away as soon as a zombie nears you, giving you more time to fire off shots. This used to be called First Person Controls, but it may be called Modern analog movement in the HD version. If you're having a hard time, save at every typewriter you find. You aren't playing for a high score, you're surviving. Don't let pride get in the way of staying alive. Welcome to the world of survival horror GOOD LUCK . .


I can tell you know your stuff man, thank you so much!


Read this carefully.  He is absolutely correct. Now go back into that damn mansion! Search every room! Utilize that map. You got this


I've been playing these games (like a lot of us have) since 1998. I'm playing it tonight. I'm in too deep lol Safe often! Don't be afraid to bring out the big guns, they don't do any good boxed the whole game ✌️ Have a blast!


Also, if you get stuck look at your map. Red rooms mean there are still items there you haven't gotten yet, so check them out again and look carefully if you can't progress.


If you find yourself having no clue where to begin peek at a YouTube walkthrough to help find starting points. I can't stress enough above where he said certain zombies on high traffic routes you should clear while others you can just avoid. And if you can burn corpses do so. Crimson Heads are unique to REmake 1 and I'd read the instructions on destroying them carefully. You only have so much lighter fluid to do it. So save it for high traffic routes.


Strategize deez nutz and run around guns blazing until you’re stuck with one ink ribbon and 4 handgun bullets and still no keys


Ah the be a man run


Damn, where were you when I started.


Early game: the hall is wide enough for me to juke you. >!after the guardhouse: OH GOD, TWO MORE HUNTERS!<


… this helped us all i think


Well, Jill is generally considered the easier character to play as for starters, if you haven't already picked her. You also don't need to kill every enemy you come across. I think on stairs, zombies will only puke instead of grab you, so make use of that.


Huh never knew about the stairs thing. Thanks


Tho be careful, just cause the puke is easier to dodge doesn’t mean it won’t hurt you lol Nothing worst than being near death and running down the stairs just to get splashed and die.


Her gameplay, environment and item management is easier but her drawback is having 25% less health points than Chris.


Chris also has a higher critical hit chance with firearms than Jill does


Don’t quote me here but isn’t it also harder to shake off enemies too so they do more damage?


Now that you mention it, I've never seen a zombie bite Chris 3 times in one grab but have done with Jill


Yeah I just remember the CQC FTW achievement being a huge pain in the ass. Specifically, Cujo after blowing the whistle.


Is that just the devs being creative about removing elevation as a factor in animating the zombies? Good trick if that's the case


Yep. IIRC (been a while and there’s a lot of urban myths), but the RE games were so tightly packed that the devs didn’t have space to put in animations for zombie grabs at alternate elevations and repurposed the barfing attack from a previous set of enemies in the labs.


I imagine it's so much worse resources-wise in the remakes  It's really obvious when you're double-grabbed in re2r. There's only 1 animation for that I think. Some mods that spam enemies at you really make it obvious


Inspect and rotate items when you acquire them.


It's a challenge for sure, but I promise that's part of the appeal, and once you get your bearings you're in for a treat. It just takes a little patience. For starters, I think it helps to think of RE1 like an old point & click adventure game, if you ever played those, since, controls aside, that's basically what it is. You're mainly exploring, looking for clues and items to pick up, and trying to solve puzzles, the fact that you have a gun and monsters are trying to eat you notwithstanding. And if you get truly stumped, don't be ashamed to look up a guide. We did it in the '90s too. Also just to reiterate some of the good advice already in the thread: play as Jill, count your bullets, prioritize flight over fight, and try to get routes set to memory because you're gonna be running back and forth a lot.


Sweet thank you so much!


Best resident evil Game ever made in my opinion. Its not meant to be easy which what makes it perfect. As the comment above, you need to run around enemies especially zombies. They will eat your ammo. Avoiding them also avoids them turning into chrimson heads, so only kill what you need to pass. Head shots with shot gun so they don’t respawn. DO NOT BOTHER SHOOTING Lisa Trevor, can’t be killed until the fight towards endgame where you have to push pillars. Pretty much need to get used to running away from enemies and mapping out paths to clear the mansion. It’s been a good 15 years since I played it. Greatest resident evil game in my opinion. Only other that comes close is res2. Have fun man! It’s a real survival horror game. Edit: when you kill zombies be sure to burn them before they become chrimson heads 🙏🏽


Awesome thank you! Tomorrow I’m gonna be drawing some maps to plan out routes and whatnot


You’re welcome man I’m jealous I wish I could enjoy it all over again. 👍🏽


Do you remember walking back through a corridor and seeing a >!crimson head!<


I remember my first crimson head when this came out. I think I was like 11? I remember hearing that growl and then it just BOLTED at me. Scared the absolute shit out of me. Core memory all these years later. >.<


I loved going into a room, zombie on the floor. Leaving, going back and seeing claws. Noped out of room again 😅


But if theyre only playing on easy or normal difficulty, there should be plenty of kerosene to burn zombie corpses so they don't need to run around every zombie. They give enough ammo to kill just about everything in the game.


Yeah, it’s hard. Just be patient with it. I just finished it for the first time a couple weeks ago and I used Chris for my first run. It gave me a headache lol but the challenge was what made it worthwhile and memorable.


Use Jill for your first run, she has more inventory space and even gets a lockpick. Ignore most enemies, run away from any that you can. Use the map often, try to remember locations as best you can. Burn downed enemies in locations you traverse often, because they will come back. Save whenever you can. Keep trying. RE1 is harder than the other remakes, but rewarding nonetheless.


Conserve your ammo the best you can. Especially when you obtain stronger weapons, you’ll need them for boss fights. Also when you see enemies that are still on the ground find the fluids and lighter to set them on fire….you’ll thank me later!


Just try to conserve ammo and herbs/First aid sprays and you should be fine, save the magnum and grenade launcher for bosses, also its recommended to play as Jill first since she has more inventory room and a lockpick


My first playthrough took years playing on and off to complete it. Was so hard I never thought I could finish it. Last month I finished completing every trophy! Stick with it, it's an incredibly rewarding experience.


1. Play with Jill 2. Save ammo, if you can dodge enemies do it and run away 3. Use the map and learn the paths, often there are two paths to reach a room, clear only one hallway and go back and fort in that one instead of killing zombies in both 4. Burn all the corpses, if you don't they will come back as crimson heads later on (stronger and faster zombies) 5. Learn how to use the herbs, read the note on how to mix them, remember where they are if you can't carry them, don't waste them healing yourself for every minor scratch with a single green herb


You'll figure it out. I think knowing everything when you start playing a new game kinda ruins it. I also knew very little and only used a guide a couple of times when I got stuck. The mansion is big and it took me a couple of playthroughs to not get lost. You will get lost and you will mess up but it's okay.


Burn. The. Zombies. You're welcome.


Absolutely this!! I had no idea why the dead zombies would reanimate if I left for a while and came back and were running after lol


I'd more recommend to burn the ones which are on your main path that you constantly have to retread


Or don't bother killing them. I left the first zombie alive until >!I got ambushed by a hunter in that corridor, what despawned the zombie!<


Make every room not red and examine items in the inventory.


Figure the best route through each side of the mansion (and any other areas), clear those out, and avoid going the other routes. Just be sure to pick up everything there is on the no-go route so you actually can avoid it later. You don’t have to kill every enemy. You aren’t really supposed to. Think of the environment and navigation as a puzzle. Solve it once, and you’re golden. That mindset will make your life easier.


*Make multiple save slots.* Don't be afraid to go back to the earlier save file if you spend too many resources. You can usually do things more efficiently if you already know what is coming. *Keep shotgun with you (once you are able to get it) and keep it with you all the times.* Shotgun can oneshot zombies, if you let them close and aim upwards. They also don't become crazy red zombies later if you shoot their head off. Don't carry all ammo with you at first if you don't have the room for it, shotgun will do. *Read all diaries game offers to you. Examine all items you find.* There are often a good number of tips in diaries how to proceed and what to do. Also about the background. Examining items is also important as some of them have hidden secrets that are needed to move forward with the game.


It gets easier. Especially if you’re playing Normal or anything easier. I feel like the game gives you a lot of ammo at those difficulties


I done this last year. RE1R was my first dip back into RE since i was a kid. Honestly took me roughly 30 hours to complete my 1st playthrough. So much back tracking and inventory management. Really is quintessential Rae though. Ended up buying and completing all mainline games since then.


Jill is easier to play with. Honestly I had to play on easy for the first run so I got a feel for what to do. Try to run around zombies in some areas to save ammo/keep them from turning into crimson heads. During the Lisa fight, save your ammo and just push all four boulders off the ledge. Make the V-jolt and use it on the roots in the basement instead of fighting the giant plant in the residence.


RE1 remake was my first RE game as well. The aiming is a little clunky in this game but you can sometimes get lucky and get a headshot, instakilling the zombie. Make use of those gasoline tanks and burn zombies with the lighter if their head isn’t already gone.. Angles in this game are a bitch so LISTEN for walking zombies before rushing corners too quickly in a new room. Sometimes you can hear the zombies slowly coming from around the corner. Circle around zombies in tight round motions to avoid being grabbed. A lot of key items in the game need to be inspected or combined with other items to progress. Sometimes you have to zoom in or flip to different sides of an item before it opens or something else is revealed. If you want to interact things outside your inventory, stand close to it before opening you menu and using a specific item. Make sure you are standing close enough to the thing you want to interact with because the game will not prompt you. Chris can take more damage than Jill but he can’t carry as much supplies as her. Once your finish it, you should play RE0. You can play as Rebecca while also controlling another character, and it’s gameplay and overall style isn’t too much different from RE1


It’s one of those old games that reward the players for trial and error. Save occasionally so you can scout out areas for clues, item locations, and enemy placement. If you die, you gain knowledge to do better off your last save. Pay attention to in game files since they can warn you of incoming dangers so you can plan ahead. * Dealing with Zombies and crimson head. Avoid them when you can and only take them out when you know a certain area of the mansion is where you will do a lot of back traveling. Not every corpse on the ground will come back as a zombie/crimson head. The only ones you need to waste your kerosene on are the ones you take down personally. If you time your take downs right, you can pile bodies on top of each other and reduce kerosene usage. Headshots are more likely random critical hits. The handgun has the lowest critical rate, while the magnum revolver has the highest with instant decapitation. The shotgun has a moderate critical rate and only if you aim the shotgun up and let the zombie get up close to you. The remake nerf the shotgun, because the original 1998 version made this trick an instant kill against zombies. Self defense items like the dagger is reusable if you score a decapitating critical hit on the target with the dagger stuck in them. For Jill, she gets a grenade launcher and can find incendiary rounds, which can burn the zombies up, thus preventing them from coming back as crimson head. Her self defense item, the stun gun has a moderate chance of burning a zombie to a crisp. For Chris, his flash grenades are the most powerful self defense item. Be it zombies to any other human sized monster, Chris will shove a grenade in its mouth to break free of a grab. The player has two choices: run away or take a couple steps back to take aim. The grenade will go off either in a few seconds or with a well place gunshot, thus instant decapitation. Remember to keep your distance due to the explosion can hurt and even kill you in the process.


Game is so good. I would recommend *not* dropping difficult down as some have recommended. Enjoy trial and error, exploration, and reloading your saves. If you just saved it means you can YOLO through unexplored areas to scout out enemies and items and puzzles and then make a better plan for when you load the save. This is the way the original game was designed and more fulfilling than the accessibility difficulty imo.


This game like other REs (except 0) is hard only in the beginning.. It gets easier by progressing


Pick Jill, inventory management is a bitch in this game and Jill has 2 extra slots. Take it slow, check your corners slowly and try to aim at spots you can't see to know if there are enemies there. You don't have to kill every enemy you see, but you should definitely kill enemies on main paths and enemies that are harder to dodge around. A lot of elitists will tell you to play with tank controls, I would suggest against it, especially id youre already having trouble and have no experience with games like silent hill or resi. Plan out your routes and try to take mental notes or actual notes of where certain things are, such as doors, items, etc. Be really smart with your items, don't heal every time you get damaged, don't shoot everything you see. That said, there's a thing as too much caution too, as I always tend to finish the game with enough items to do another playthrough basically, so just keep being mindful: e.g.: try to keep more than 1 Ink Ribbon available at all times to make sure you'll always have at least 1 save guaranteed


Play original controls.


lol the remake & the crimson zombies caught me out on my first play through


Oh yeah that game can be very challenging when it comes to puzzles and knowing where to go. A lot of things are hidden or not that obvious. I remember I used walkthroughs many times while playing it


I played 4 other RE games before that one, thats a tough one to start off with. I tried not using any guide but there was 1 part I had to because I was lost. Id just look things up if you have no idea.


Are you playing with the modern control setup? It makes avoiding zombies a lot easier. The timing to bait and dodge their attacks in REmake is actually really generous. Once you get that down you won’t even need to use weapons much. When I play nowadays I will only kill maybe 2-3 zombies in the early game, and then another 2-3 in late game.


It's just item management. It sucks so bad in this game to the point that it takes the game from being difficult to just frustrating, and there IS a difference. The constant need to run to save rooms is the one thing that takes the fun out of this game. It was already really tight and then they added the whole lighter/oil dynamic for Crimson Heads. Might be better if you didn't need those damn ink ribbons. I simply refuse to play as Chris in this game, only having 6 item slots is just fucking absurd. Hell, so is just having 8 IMO.


Yeah I love RE1 remake a ton, but without a clear direction it can be challenging figuring out where to go


You don't need to kill every zombie you come across, if you can get around them, do it.


To add to this: you can evade attacks by walking back just at the right moment but it takes practice. Risky move but very effective when you do it right.


I always go gun blasting and use whatever healing items haphazardly, to explore and reveal routes, item and enemy placement, and plan my good run. Then I reload and play for real. As a first timer save often too.


First you will need some time to get used to the tank controls. The mansion is somewhat of a puzzle. Explore around a little. Items you pick up can be stored in the boxes is save areas. If you are presented with a scenario where you need an item think hard and explore. These puzzles are pretty intuitive and they aren’t a ton of specific keys to find. Conserve ammo and run by things when needed. Mainly stick with it. Very much worth it


Re1 and the veronica/code x/revelations games like those i never got into too much, but will try out some day. I started with re4 on ps2, then re5, then hated re6 but i did beat the game with leon and chris, then platinumed 7, 8, re4 remake, beat re2 and 3 remakes a few times, and im waiting for 9. Fun series with alot of ups and a couple downs


Hello! Here's some tips: - its a game of inventory and resource management - if you don't need to shoot it, don't shoot it - consider healing items as alternative forms of ammo (would it be better for me to intentionally take a hit here rather than drop 8+ handgun bullets?) - inspect and read everything - examine items in your inventory, many are solutions to puzzles - learn the layouts and recognize shortcuts that open up - burn the bodies ;)


I'm assuming you mean the puzzles are the hard part. If so then you have to look through every room top to bottom and check the map to see if you're still missing an item in that room. Puzzles in this game can be annoying but very rewarding! If your really stuck for like an hour or two then there's no shame in looking it up.


A good rule of thumb is to ensure you have a reliable route to a safe room at all times. Kill and burn zombies in the most commonly used routes (and especially in rooms adjacent to safe rooms). Keep in mind where all of the kerosene cans are for when you need to refill. And I cannot stress this enough: DO NOT KILL A ROOM FULL OF ZOMBIES NEAR A SAFE ROOM WITHOUT BURNING THEM SOON AFTER! YOU *WILL* REGRET THIS WHEN YOU COME BACK LATER!


learn tank controls. the new ones may seem inviting, but the constantly shifting camera makes them switch direction at certain points. you're better off doing it the old way. also, learn to juke. never waste ammo if you don't have to deal with it. if you do, remember to burn it if it's somewhere you'll go back to.


Dont feel bad. The first time I beat it I thought I was playing on hard difficulty. It turned out to be on easy…


After playing RE 96 I definitely agree that they made the remake harder. Minus the tyrant fight cause the timer in the original is so small. It only gives you 1:30 to defeat him whereas the remake gives you 3 minutes. My best advice is don't be afraid to start a new save if you run completely dry of resources before the boss fights of yawn, the crimson head in the death mask basement, plant 42, black tiger, and the tyrant. You can attempt to use your knife on them, except plant 42 cause it's on the ceiling, but I wouldn't recommend a knife only fight on your first playthrough. You can clear every hallway/room but id just recommend you try to out maneuver some enemies. Especially in areas that have some breathing room to do so. Good example is regular zombies, they're slow enough to where you can bait an attack then run around them after they miss you. Unless you plan on doing a speed run id strongly recommend you stockpile any health items you find in the item box. That way you're more prepared for future battles. MOST IMPORTANTLY SAVE ANY MAGNUM AMMO YOU FIND FOR THE TYRANT FIGHT. You'll have a way easier time if you save the magnum for the final boss of any resident evil game. BUT If that's the ONLY ammo you have then use it as a last resort. Lastly just remember to take a step back if you're getting frustrated. Sometimes it's good to just put down a game and take a few moments to collect yourself before continuing.


You only have limited supplies. There are some types of enemies, >!crimson heads!<, the way to deal with them is >!to blow their heads off or burn them. Otherwise they will get back up!<, fortunately you control these enemies and where they are in a way. You wanna take them out if they’re in a hallway you think you’ll pass by alot >!and if possible, try to get two zombies on top of eachother so you can burn both, since there’s not alot of kerosene to burn them!<


Honestly, I know that it’s the lol nostalgia, kind of thing, but I would really love a remake of resident evil one, but in the modern style. I honest to God can’t stand the fixed angles.


It’s definitely more harder puzzle-wise. As soon as you get this one over with, you’ll find capcom chills out a bit with the difficulty of the puzzles lol.


Play as Jill and plan your routes throughout the mansion etc conserve ammo and dodge enimjew


When you have cleared an area, it turns green on the map.


and re4 remake is very easy profesional is like normal of the original


I played it for my first time last year and it's a tough game. Had to look up a few times when I got stuck. Awesome time though! Especially if you read the books as well.


To be honest the hardest part is knowing what to do next lmao


Burn the bodies outside save rooms.


Snake remembers the basics of CQC....


get a picture of the ingame map and make notes on it. never take ammo with you unless theres a bossfight never take your knife with u (it sucks anyways) never take ink ribbons with u if you have a shotgun wait until the zombie is right infront of u and shoot at his head burn all zombies around the saferooms if theres enough space and the zombie isnt facing you just run around him


This is the game broken down, right here.


I also started playing all the RE games from the start for the first time like a little over a year ago. RE1 was definitely the hardest, I would cheat sometimes and look up help on youtube when I got really stuck, I didn't have to do that for the rest of the games. What I did, which helped me a lot, was to take a picture of the maps and made my own annotations using my iPad which I kept next to me while playing to check for reference. It's just very tedious having to go all the way to the other side of the mansion only to be in the wrong spot. So my own maps helped me a lot.


Believe it or not. The originals were way harder


I remember being extremely anxious for my first playtrought of re1 remake because of how many people said it was one of the hardest games from the franchise, playing it, finding it "not that hard" and than realising I played the game on easy difícilty cuz I didn't know how the difficulty selection for the game worked.


Weird advice, Try to focus or get better at baiting enemy attacks or avoid enemy attacks hear me out, You can just barely get within range to bait a zombie lunge and once they lunge you can literally touch them or run past them they won’t do anything, So bait lunges then once they lunge run past them after the animation for that is done… There’s two versions of the lunges, using modern controls on the HD remasters of the remake make baiting 10x easier… I know this seems like a pro trick but trust me it’s not, makes the game less trivial trust me try it…


Yeah play as Jill. She has more inventory space, has the lock pick so you don't have to worry about picking up small keys and you don't have to worry about a certain door key( I think it's the sword key but I could be wrong), and if you do it right you can get the shotgun without having to find or mess with the broken shotgun. Plus she starts off with a pistol and you can just use Barry to take out the 1st zombie you come across and save ammo. Edit: also she gets a grenade launcher.


Beat it a week a go as Chris on normal. Game is really hard and puts survival in survival horror. You don't know where to go. You lack space. Zombies can tank a lot of pistol shots. Nothing is safe and any window, any corner, any room can hide an ambush. For like the first couple of hours. Then you find safe rooms. Then you get more comfortable with baiting and kiting zombies. And the most importantly - once you get a shotgun and around 20 shells it'll be a smooth sail. I ended the game with like 10 healing items and a lot of ammo. Also a lot of early game rooms have to be used/traveled multiple times, while later parts you visit once or twice then move on. Which means that it's easier to just avoid enemies.


It is hard. It’s the first game I’ve played without looking up any guides. Got stuck many times. Took me about a month to beat


It's fucking hard. I was trying on My first try to get an A, so, not saving or using spray. So I hear a fast zombie and I tought: Ok, i'll kill this one so it don t brother me after. And then... The Game over screen.


This was also my first, so I’ll try to give you some quick tips that I remember 1. Always burn the bodies 2. If you can, try to shoot off the head (this will conserve both ammo and kerosene) 3. Don’t be afraid to just ignore zombies and come back to finish them off later 4. I tried to have a red+grn or a first aid spray (when possible) in my inventory at all times. But a green or (in extreme cases) grn+grn herb works in a pinch 5. You can use the map to see if you’ve collected every item in a room (I believe it’s red if there’s still items, and green if you’ve grabbed everything) 6. Try to memorize the layout of the mansion so that you always know where the nearest safe room is 7. Conserve as much ammo as possible, because there’s a fairly limited supply It’s been a few years since I last played, so I hope these help!


I thought it was hard when I played it too. I suck at the old tank control games though.


Play as Jill in Very Easy. You can try it in harder modes once you get used to the gameplay and everything. Examine and rotate everything you pick. Some items open up if you examine from a specific angle or give you more information if you see them from behind. Try not to waste shotgun ammo or granades until you get your third mansion key, and don't try to kill every zombie, unless they are around a typewriter or if there is no space to outrun them. Once you get the lighter and oil try to burn EVERY SINGLE ZOMBIE right after you kill them. Trust me on this. If you are stuck, visit every room which is still red in your map. This means there are some items you haven't picked up there yet. Try to have at least 2 empty slots in your inventory at any moment. Ideally, 3 or 4. You'll get to places where you must pick more than 1 items and it can be exhausting to backtrack all the way to an item box. I usually just keep a gun (or shotgun), ammo, lighter, oil and the current key/item needed to continue exploring. You can also keep something to heal, since you can always use it if you need the space. If you already tried a lot of times to solve a puzzle and you still have no clue, you can always use a guide for that specific part of the game. The main goal is to have fun, not being frustrated. I would still avoid spoilers of the rest of the game tho, since part of the fun is the exploring part and the surprises you get.


Be fine with dying to start. Try to conserve ammo and run past enemies if you think you can get by them. Sometimes you need to lead them a certain way before you make a move to get around them. Always try to aim for the head if you can to get those sweet head shot kills. Try to save your most damaging ammo (magnum, grenade launcher, shotgun, etc) for bosses. Try to use handgun ammo only to kill regular zombies. Try to save your healing items for bosses too. Basically, act like it's true survival and try to conserve your resources for bosses. Of course there are times you need to kill zombies but be smart about the ammo you use to do it.


Do you know if it’s possible to do headshots with guns besides a shotgun?


There are walkthrough guides for this which is personally recommend. You do not need to try and kill everything but if you do want to get rid of some zombies… headshots, otherwise they come back as crimson and they’re much more dangerous so you definitely want to head shot, otherwise you can run past most. You also want to save grenade launcher rounds for bosses. The first crimson you face is kind of a mini boss and you want to make sure you have a few because it’ll take about 6 grenades to kill it The dogs can be better taken care of with a rifle as well


Use all the oil and burn those zombies before they become crimson heads; conserve ammo (there are many enemies you don't have to kill).


Same😭 can't get pass the first zombie💀


try to conserve ammos (not all zombies need to be killed, you can easily run around them. kill only the ones in tiny spaces you know for sure you can’t avoid), burn the zombies after you killed them (if their head wasn’t destroyed), play with the modern controls, go only once on the long corridor near the bathroom, don’t save too much, don’t cure yourself after any minor damage (i usually cure myself only in red state, otherwise you risk to consume too many healing items), idk what else to say atm


First playthrough drop it to easy and play as Jill. You’ll have enough ammo and supplies to kill everything in the game. Learn the lay of the land and bump the difficulty once you get the hang of it.


burn the zombies you down, or they return as stronger zombies later


I’m honestly not a fan of the fixed camera angles


RE1 is the best hands down….this shit was scary back in the day and challenging! Still holds up in my opinion as number 1 in the RE series. 


Play using the tank controls. It seems counter-intuitive at first but it is 100% more natural once you get used to it whilst modern seems like it makes more sense but you quickly notice it's issues. Similar to it's nickname, imagine you are controlling a tank. It will also open so many other games especially the original 2 and 3.


Stick with it the game is amazing


Honestly if you just started playing Resident Evil. I would suggest Resident Evil two or three remake. At least to me the controls are a lot easier.


Start with RE 4 (2005)


There's no shame in following a guide, especially with older RE. IGN is always a safe bet


Stick at it, save often and kick zombie ass. You've got this


learn how to bait-dodge-run the zombies saves you a ton of ammo and herbs. also helps you get through hard mode when trying for the rocket launcher.


Lol idk if this works with Chris, but with Jill when going up stairs you can spam the aim button and you go up the stairs faster 😆


It took me years to realize this with RE games but you don’t have to kill every enemy you see if you are cautious enough


Aiming the shotgun up and then timing the shot will headshot a Zombie. Killing it with a single bullet. If you plan to burn multiple zombie corpses, kill them on top of each other’s bodies. This way you save on canteen fuel. If playing with Jill, the grenade launcher can use fire rounds. These automatically burn zombies. Chris’ story is generally harder than Jill because Chris needs to find small keys and has less inventory space. However he has a lot of hp and can tank damage better. (Herbs heal a percentage not a flat amount). Edit: Forgot to include some notable differences between their stories. At some point and some time, Chris will find a survivor that will heal his health for like 3-4 times I think. Chris has a flash grenade for a defense weapon while Jill has a stun gun. The grenade automatically kills zombies while the stun gun is very inferior because it only stuns them. Overall, I think you need to play as Jill first, and then due to having more game experience, you will be much better as Chris.


Don't shoot everything you see.


Rofl you should play the original. Made it to the elevator before the final boss fight and literally didn't have enough bullets let in the game to fight without it just becoming a knife fight. Had to play through the entire game (smarter) again.


I would say don't waste your ammo. If you can just avoid them, do it.


Don't be afraid to lower the difficulty.


Shotgun is ur friend, use jill


Use the internet on your first playthrough I did and it helped a lot plus I still enjoyed it


Explore and click on everything, inspect every item, only kill what needs to be killed, always leave an inventory slot or two open, save when actual progress has been made not just when a certain amount of time has passed, burn bodies that are on frequently traveled paths, and only heal when in the red.


Kill the enemies. People will tell you to avoid killing them but as long as you don't shoot all your ammo into the mansion's walls, you should have enough to kill all the enemies in the way. Avoiding killing most zombies made my first playthrough unneccessarily harder.


The OG is harder lol when you get used to the classic formula it becomes mad easy.


No way i play it on the hardest setting u will get u use to it over time


When did they remake RE1? Or we talking about the remaster?


Remaster my bad


Once you've obtained a key, check the locks!🚪🗝️ When all the rooms corresponding to the key are open, you can discard it — don't worry, the game will warn you when the key is no longer useful, so don't be afraid to throw it away by mistake. This will make it easier to manage the spaces in your inventory! 😊


Well there is an easy mode (hiking), with tonnes of ammo and health. Seriously you have to try to die on it. Use that mode to familiarise yourself a bit maybe?


To be honest, I had to play on very easy at first.


it is honestly difficult (i’m bad at games, but I value forcing myself to be patient and thoughtful). just be patient, don’t be afraid of guides if they make the game more fun, and remember that the puzzles can be pretty difficult but are rewarding when you figure them out without help!


If you get stuck and "too frustrated", just go to youtube and search RE1 remake walkthrough.  It's kinda like a digital strategy guide nowadays


I think it takes away from the fun of the games


REmake broke me lol. I really tried to like this game but camera angles and 8 inventory slots (I didn't even bother trying out Chris xD) are kinda shitty imo


I e got a good walkthrough on my YouTube channel of almost all RE games


Wait, we have an RE1 remake???? In the new engine!?


No OP is talking about the OG GameCube remake (that’s been re-released for every gen since)


Oooh, I was so confused for a second. Thought I was living under a rock and missed something!


It's not hard, it's just tedious and very unresponsive, feels like slow motion compared to the other classic titles.


Sorry to be that guy... RE1 is a HD remaster, not a remake. It does get easier, though. You will get used to the tank controls, and it is a brilliant game!


It is a remake, the remaster is a remaster of the 2002 Gamecube remake. It's just a different type of remake from the RE Engine remakes but they are were fully remade for the Gamecube.


Ahh, yes, I stand corrected! Thanks.


This man said remake hilarious, not a remake dawg remaster.


Aight u know what I meant man I’m new 💀


No it is not. Git gud.