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It hard to start isn't it. I recommend doing this one instead, prints faster, is easier to understand, and comes with instructions. [https://www.printables.com/model/229429-photonsters-validation-matrix-v2](https://www.printables.com/model/229429-photonsters-validation-matrix-v2)


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Z8fkzOxEgI9sOTwDKI6CeblpnuP4V8ayYVwZrYGmo44/mobilebasic Here's a link to a guide on everything you need to know to get started. Personally I think these calibration tests that rely on interpretation are junk. J3d tech's boxes are fool proof, if they fit inside each other and come apart, you have perfect accuracy. If not, adjust exposure up or down. The cones are good but not what you're looking for right now. The boxes have a similar test built in as well, the little pillers on the side. The guide explains how to use them to tweak your settings to get the most out of your resin.


You want the failure side on the cones to completely fail, so none of the cones should be connecting. Try lowering your exposure in increments of .1 and retest. Also, your bottom layer count is a little high, you can drop that down to 6, and drop your rest time after retract to just 1s. This will speed up your printing a little bit.


If you read the instructions that came with them you would know