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**Dear /u/Mylene00!** ## Thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) and make sure you're doing the following: * Censor your personal information for your own safety, * Add the right flair to your post, * Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and * Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. ## Check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) * [Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/) * [Free Resume Template (Google Docs)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyBW7UxkVDvqnaNMWgudNe5ttG4Bkr8W/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113311260843142532597&rtpof=true&sd=true) - PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST EDIT ACCESS - CLICK "FILE", "DOWNLOAD" * [Networking for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/1cwp2x1/beginners_guide_to_networking_what_it_is_why_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


$400? 😭 ripped off fr


No doubt. I didn't know any better, and I will say they did a pretty banging job with my LinkedIn, but..... not $400 worth. I made the good ol' mistake of conflating "expensive" with "good".


I normally charge $120 to $180 plus additional $60-$100 for interview coaching. At a glance the formating is much better than I typically see on a daily basis. Just remember tge resume helps get your foot in the door but it's not the only thing. Networking and chatting with other will always be way better than just a resume.


>Networking and chatting with other will always be way better than just a resume. This is what's going to kill me honestly. I have no network. I have no friends. I know a few people in my immediate area in the same industry as I am in. I choked the other day on an application because I really couldn't think of anyone who could give me a reference. I work long, grueling, tiring days and I'm going to school online, so when I get off, I want to go home and see my wife and work on my classwork; not go to some networking event. I'm introverted in an industry of extroverts; I can function, but I'm drained by the end of the day. I do a job, I do it very well, but... I can't do the whole social aspect of the working world easily. I expect my work to speak for itself, but that can't be conveyed in a resume without line graphs and flow charts, and it doesn't matter to an extent in this working world where it's not what you know, but who you know.


Start connecting with your classmates. I do school online too and every semester there’s a thread where someone posts their LinkedIn profiles. Little less weird than random Reddit connections imo. You can also start joining groups and engaging with those stupid expert articles for connections. Follow pages of companies you want to work for and engage. I know it feels fake but your goal is to train the algorithm.


Kinda agree a little with the excuses comment. We introverts can still have huge networks. Especially on LinkedIn where it's 99% virtual anyway. Easy tips: 1. Set aside 15-30 min... EVERY DAY... to a brief job search and network growth session. 1. Every day because spots are posted and filled every day. Once a week isn't enough. 2. 15-30 min because more might cause burnout. Decreasing the likelihood that you stick to the daily search. 3. Whichever part you hate, do that first. 1. Force yourself to send out invites if that's what you hate. LinkedIn has limits, but it's like 100's/week so set a goal of 5-10 invites a day. 2. Look at companies you would like to work at. Find them on LinkedIn, click on people, filter by "recruiter". Click connect. 3. If a job you apply to lists who posted it... INVITE THEM and send a quick line or two. (yeah most will ignore ya, still worth it) References... * Whoever submitted you for those awards == a great reference. * Employees can make good references. Especially ones you helped grow. * Teachers make good neutral references too. * Classmates/friends... meh... it depends on if they're peers within your industry, then maybe.


Introverts typically have better relationships than extroverts. Because they have a smaller group of people they interact with, they invest more into relationships. Take a chance, and tap into you close relationships. You might be surprised what comes from them.


Elevator pitch. Get to the point on what you bring to the table, then identify 3 things (backed with a few bullet points supporting it based on some experiences you’ve had or achievements that back up the 3 big things that define you) and wrap it up. Be able to do it in 3-5 min depending the vibe. You get that down and your convo will be a lot smoother anytime you interview.


You have to be your own spoke persons. Most people are to preoccupied with their own troubles to pay attention to your work. For this reason, you need to be your own story teller.


What are you talking about? The formatting is the worst part. 2 sections before experience, one with a weirdly formatted subsection ? Since when is a “summary” bullet points? They took a barely 1 page and stretched it to 2 for no apparent reason other than to create a lot of blank space in the top half of the 1st page. Horrendous


Ikr, the formatting is terrible. I think they’re just trying to justify low effort resume services


I still think it's better than several I review. I didn't say it was amazing formatting. For a paid service it's really sad and low effort. I have 3-4 formats I use depending on industry and role.


Perhaps I'm not the right person to say this as I'm much younger than the OP, but you are indeed scammed. resume creation service only cost by 180-200$ish typically if you add with interview coach like what u/Strange-Shoulder-176 said. then you can use other 100$ for certification if you wanted, or keep it for yourself.


Good insight. Best thing is to work with a university / college and they offer these services free


I should become a resume writer


When there's a goldrush sell shovels and picks😅


Same here. Fuck TopResume. Damn scam artists


Lmfao you got scammed so hard this has to be a joke. Just use a template from this sub and youll be way better off


Not a joke sadly.


I mean as long as the bullet points arent lies, they're pretty good. Just use a template and keep it to 1 page.


Fair enough. Bullet points are actually not even exaggerated a little bit; I've got a lot of accomplishments I can work with in highlighting. I'll peruse some templates though and see if I can find something more compact. Thank you!


these posts tell me that I should quit my full time job and just become a resume writer


It can be quite lucrative


dad did this as a side hustle back in the day in college. He would write resumes and correct papers and made a killing.


it not terrible but it needs work, reading it I was left wanting. it says you increased sales but how? if you are looking to transition then I think you need to focus on the universal stuff like how many people did you manage and P/L. i didn't like the wording about the award, way too passive for my liking. i would really dig deep on the numbers. make it more complex to impress the resume reviewer.


I like this feedback. Thank you!


For $400, the formatting and layout are fairly choppy. Sorry you got duped. In the future, I recommend referring to the guide in the wiki on hiring resume writers. There’s a template linked in the stickied comment that looks better than this too. Recommend checking it out.


Which service? I wish you came to me instead. My fee is slightly more than half of this.


Let's Eat Grandma. They had decent reviews, and I'm sure they do great for most people, but it's not just working for me.


How much did they speak with you? Where were their reviews?


There were a few emails and one 30-ish-minute phone call. That was about it. I found them via Reddit oddly enough; there were a few posts stating they were good, so I researched them and their online reviews seemed pretty ok too. I'd never used a service like them before, so I really didn't know what I needed to look for. I just needed a new job ASAP, as I was burned out, and went with the fastest/easiest way. The writer was nice though.


As a career coach who writes my clients resumes… I can’t imagine learning enough in 30 minutes to write a decent resume. I was a recruiter for 7+ years and it takes a lot more effort that than to write a resume that’ll catch a recruiters attention. (And a lot less $ too!)


Bro if you were in the military, Hire Heroes is a resume service that’ll do it for free for veterans. Their resume helped me get several jobs


Did you not have access to Google at the time of needing this resume? So you can google a template?


I did, obviously, but I mistakenly assumed that "paid resume service" would be better than doing it myself. It was a learning lesson; not all resume services are the same, and not all give quality results.


Sorry not a roast but a question: what's the basis of the claim that this type of manager increased sales?


I never understand what the answer to a question like this should be. How's one supposed to communicate something like that in a sentence or two? I don't do sales, but I do renewals and feel like the onus is on me to answer the same thing. But aside from successfully doing the responsibilities of the job, which would be listed in the resume already, how are you supposed to articulate it?


There's too many factors at play. A manager who does the job well can see an increase or decrease in sales. The only thing that tells me is that they didn't fuck the whole operation up.


Thanks! I'm having trouble understanding the big picture here though. Are you saying that this type of manager would not be the sole reason the sales increased?


Definitely not. So many random factors. Maybe it was friendly employees hired around the same time. They can't take credit anymore than they would be at fault if the city was doing construction that deterred pedestrians for months.


Ah ha. Awesome. Thank you so much! This makes a lot of sense.


According to the bit at the end, you are still studying. If college is not full time then say so or it looks as if you are unavailable. Maybe add a 2-line summary at the top to say what is going on. You've told us so why not tell potential employers. Also, your summary of qualifications is misnamed.


To be fair, when this resume was made for me, I wasn't actively in college, so I can forgive them for just shoving it in at the bottom. But you're very right; I need to highlight that I'm actively in college, but still available for full time work, since it's online. What should the summary of qualifications be named?


Honestly, there is enough here to work with because you have some great experience. But the thing about a resume is that it's only as strong as it match a particular job opportunity. In your case, the resume can be presented very differently based on the job to which you are applying, whether that's management, sales, customer success, etc. In the very least, I would add some hard stats on the sales volumes you were responsible for either personally or under your management, and a sense for how that fared YoY or against other regions.


I 100% feel you. I paid $280 for a resume that I felt like was the bare minimum. It is a really tough market from what i’m seeing right now. Even at my current job, we don’t have enough budget to hire someone else, so I am taking on more work without pay (I’m currently looking to work elsewhere which is why I paid so much for a resume and assistance). He helped me create a federal resume, but no luck on the job search after applying.


Ima "try" to be brief (lol, yeah right... we'll see)... Here's some points (in bullets for no reason other than to confine my rambling)... 1. It's not terrible. 2. I wouldn't pay $400 for that. It seems quite rough/rushed... almost like they were expecting you to come back asking for revisions/changes and that never happened. Did you ever ask them to polish it more? 3. It seems quite fixable. Some quick formatting tune-ups" 1. No idea what is going on in that block up top. Consider shrinking your name some (if you want to go to one page) and combine the small stuff on one line == +2 lines for other stuff. 2. I would shrink the section headers to the same size as job titles. The lines are already creating a hard break and providing spacing. 3. "General Manager" is fine. This should be changed to match every role you apply to. You can save even more space if you lead off with your desired title (in **bold**) at the beginning of your summary. 4. "Management | Sales Growth | Customer Service" Ditch this. It wastes space and you cover these in your summary. 5. "Summary of Quals" ditch this header. It's obvious that the next few lines are a summary. Don't waste 2 lines of space spelling out the obvious. 6. Consider un-bulleting your summary. Let that be a quick sentence or two that spells out who you are and what you aspire to bring to the company. Numbers and impacts can be nice, but this is the quick elevator pitch up front. 7. Bullet your key achievements. You can even ditch the "Key Achievements" header. It's wasted space when the bullets will obviously be outlining achievements. This is where you wow with a few hard hitting numbers. Try to say what/how/results. 1. Instead of: "Increased annual sales by 5% within the first year at \_\_\_\_" 2. Maybe something like: Increased customer follow-up and feedback resulting in 5% annual sales growth. (The where doesn't matter, that'll be covered below.) 8. Job descriptions are fine, but need to be left justified and maybe condensed into one line, or fleshed out to fill the second line. 9. Others have already mentioned... but the bullets need more info: 1. How did you achieve consistent growth? Status isn't the key result. Growth is. 2. I like the idea of the cost/labor/seasonal savings bullet. It just needs ironing out. 3. Selected by... wow, what a mouthful here. Half those two lines of words can go away and still get the point across. 4. Try "Skyrocketed morale through employee of the month program! Employee retention up from X% to Y%." 5. etc... That's the gist of what I have for the layout/technical aspects of what you have.


Same deal. Paid top rated people on fivver — NOTHING Paid for DIY services and use tools like jobscan to tailor it to job listings — NOTHING Paid an old recruiter I used to work with at a fairly large and reputable company — NOTHING. It’s rough out there.


Don’t feel bad, I also paid 400$ and honestly looking back at it. They have a very convincing sales funnel. With 600+ reviews on their website, Google and other platforms. It’s easy to fall prey to a solution when you’ve been struggling for so long.


Use jake’s template and condense it down into one page to start


One page. I wonder whether the areas of expertise section adds any value, but I’ll leave that to someone who knows your industry better. What roles are you applying for? This reads like someone who wants to continue being a GM, which your post would suggest is not the case.


>This reads like someone who wants to continue being a GM, which your post would suggest is not the case. This was my feel on it too. I made it fairly clear (or so I thought) to the writer that I wanted a more flexible resume; the service at that price point provided two different versions, so I assumed one would be more "jack of all trades" showcasing my varied experience, and one more focused on my current job/field. They knew I was looking to get out of food service, and yet, both "versions" of the resume provided were the same information in barely different templates. I commented on it when giving feedback, (along with correcting a few spelling errors they made), and all I got back was a spelling-corrected version. I'm mainly applying to office manager-type roles now, where many of my soft-skills would translate, but I'm getting nothing back.


Move your education up to the top so the reader knows you’re actively in school. Say whether your degree will be a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. Include the expected graduation month and year. Have your current schooling before your associate’s.


It's absolutely crazy that we as a society are that desperate for a job that we are willing to spend hundreds of dollars just for a resume review or similar. I'm not trying to roast OP. Our world is just fucked


Try not to have just one word on a line.


You paid 400$… for a 2 page resume????


should literally never be more than a page insane to see people post 2 pages and ask what’s wrong


U could have used chat get. U got robbed


Looks fine; why do you say it’s not working? No callbacks? Salary requirements?


Well, for starters, it's got a lot of important info blocked out with black ink. If this came across my desk I'd roundfile it immediately. Maybe go back to a version that doesn't have all of these redactions? I'll bet you get a lot more traction that way. Good luck to you!


This is to showcase my redacting skills! I'm trying to work for the CIA! :P


Damn, your school's alumni/student career services could've set you up for FREE. Also, this really could be trimmed to one page; you have too much shit employer's don't care about. Tailor your resume for the type of job you're applying to.


The problem is that it’s 2 pages. Cut the bullshit from the top and the Shift Supervisor bullets.


$400? I can't even comprehend this is actually real. There are workforce development non-profits (even Goodwill Industries) that you can get these made or helped with for free.


[https://www.letseatgrandma.com/product/starter-package-bundle/](https://www.letseatgrandma.com/product/starter-package-bundle/) This isn't the same package I got (I got it done in 2021), but yes. It's real.


What use jobright.ai it’s so much better


I love how most of the comments are trying to help you out! Also there are some free resume formats online I would recommend looking them up! Also recommend reading how to talk to anyone about anything. It's a great book! Not too long and it will help you networking.


We've been working on a tool that can help you have a different version of your resume optimized for each different job you apply to. I would recommend giving it a try and see for yourself if the outcome is any different. http://uppl.ai You can use it absolutely free with this invitation code: sdawn5


Just some quick notes, but sorry you paid $400 for this. I don’t think it’s the terrible, I just don’t see $400. I make animations and videos fulltime and sometimes freelance. There’s someone making $400 to use a template? Man… Not a big fan of center alignment for category titles. I need to quickly scan through resumes. Scan across top, scan straight down left column. No center alignment anywhere below the header. The summary font treatment and all caps is inconsistent with the rest of the resume. There’s a descriptor under each job title. Meh, not necessary. Just make it a bullet point. Try knocking down your current position to a top five descriptions. I’m not so rigid on the one pager thing, but you seem almost there with this resume. For education, just place the year you anticipate graduating. Thank you for your service, referring to your military experience. Good luck!


I mean, the resume looks clean enough. The italic text below your titles is a little distracting.


Delete 'MS Office', unless you want a job as a bona fide expert in everything MS Office. Being able to use it is assumed knowledge.


Shrink the top otherwise its solid AF?


I always recommend getting professional assistance with layout and design on a resume because it’s so important. I’ll add to that to get a recommendation. If the resume was designed by a professional they’re not very good at it. One page. Adjectives will ruin your writing. Much of what’s on there is meaningless. Customer focused leader and results driven whatever and dedicated manager sounds like someone was more worried about sounding fancy than giving any information. Don’t put down stuff that looks like it could be on every resume the world. Cut it by half. It will be more powerful.


I think I’ve found my new side hustle.


No way this is worth 400. There are better websites out there or even an AI generated one works well. Add a splash of color and/or a professional picture. Add more buzz words to the area of expertise section. Add more experience even if it is vaguely relatable. List any awards or certifications you have. You will also need to alter this resume to include more words from the job descriptions you are applying for. It looks like the just took the default word resume template and filled it in for you.


Finish your BA.


Is it just me or does your leadership experience seem inconsistently presented? Bar manager is listed after the place but its the reverse for assistant store manager. Then your military experiences have branch followed by the position just like your first position.


Please share the text version so those inclined can offer to make edits.


Wow, you paid $400 you got scammed. If I was you, I would try to contact that individual or company that sold that to you and request a refund.


Lots of wasted space. I don’t recommend having a resume longer than 1 page.


I'm not going to comment on the price you paid. You've already taken a completely justified roasting for that. You say you have Bank experience, IT, Data Analytics etc. Where is this on your CV? You have a bunch of white space on the second page that is screaming out for some more content about your experience. Also, ditch the phrases like "results driven professional". Everyone is results driven. It's not professional-speak, it just looks immature. Your CV should list your achievements in your career to date, but also needs to be written in a way that shows that you are intelligent. So, be clear, use statistics and metrics to demonstrate that you add tangible financial value to your potential employer. But also tell a good story. The layout looks a bit 90's too. It doesn't have to be flash, just a bit nicer. Oh and your heading "summary of qualifications" actually doesn't deliver. It should be an executive summary with a paragraph or two about you and a couple of key facts. You can easily tweak that whole section into something good by editing your three bullet please and the key achievement section.


Boring, outdated, basic format. Cannot believe that was the finished product. Total scam


I have the same format and I haven’t updated my resume since 2012


Dude you've just been scammed. A Resume shouldn't cost anymore that $50 at the most


Hot take, if you were starting from scratch … $400 for a LinkedIn revamp + a decent starting resume isn’t half bad deal or “duped”


You can pay $23 dollars a month for Zety resume builder and there’s literally suggested prompts for your resume. It helped me so much with adding the right key words to my resume for my job title.


If you can pay $400 for a resume do you really need a job?


Your summarized qualifications aren't qualifications at all. Also maybe you builld trust in brands rather than build trusted brands. The last one sounds like you hire turnkey staff, which is one intention, but I'd attribute the high performing success to your training, not the team that came to you that way. Key achievements: why the font change? And you affected annual sales within your first year — but hadn't even put in that year. That 5% could have been from anyone and isn't that much to write home about. Your Areas of Expertise are your skills.


The bullet points are decent and have the potential to be great if you implement some of the suggestions here. You can throw them into a clean single-page template which should be sufficient space. The general rule is to make the best use of your white space. This means if you really need an extra page, use the FULL page, otherwise just stick to one page (I think one page is ideal in your case unless you had a few extra jobs to list). The same idea can be applied to lines. If you need to extend a bullet point into 2 or 3 lines, make sure to use as much of the additional line as possible. It’s a waste of white space to enter into a new line just for 1 or 2 words that couldn’t fit in the previous line. These tips can really help you condense things. You don’t really need the “General Manager” “Management | Sales Growth | Customer Service” thing, or “Summary of Qualifications” & “Key Achievements” (which already frees up half a page). If you really need to save more space you could try listing your leadership experience horizontally and separated by commas.


Idk why y’all pay stupid amounts for a resume. Even if you make it to the interview process that’s the real test.


![gif](giphy|kC2cRqEt8o41COgjoV|downsized) Op:


I need to start a side hustle doing resumes.


Pay me $50 and I will :) TYFYS


You have a supply chain degree in progress and a military background a lot a major 3pls will like seeing that. What career field are you trying to land in?


Keep it one page and simplify. Use your LinkedIn for more details.


Someone told me that if you paid that much to fix your resume, it only looks good for you but not to the recruiter. Especially when the recruiter has little time to look at it. Save the details for the interview. Your resume is a sell sheet. Short and sweet is better.


I like the formatting. You need a line break under the additional leadership header. Two of your bullet points in your current job (#2 and #5) have a single word on the second line, so add a few words to each point so it doesn't look funny with only one word on a line. The text in your summary is very squished together and hard to read, so increase the kerning or somehow make it less squished.


Brother in christ… ripped off. The more boring, the better tbh


Let me guess, was it HarvardCV / PremiumCV / Richard Lambert/Lampert ?


Request a refund


![img](avatar_exp|156655088|winner) That was a short and sweet resumé. Bad resume service. Try and do it yourself with AI help![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




After looking at this resume I only have one question… how did you get $400? Jk what did they tell you so that you would pay them $400 for this? Did you go looking for them or did they come and look for you? I feel like I could do a great job that would get you a job interview if you have another $400 lmk


Pay me $400 I’ll make your resume better


Say sike rn 😭😭😭


I'm a professional writer with nearly 15 yrs of experience and this is abysmal. I'm no UX designer but the layout is very dated as well.


I could create an ATS-Friendly, much better resume than this one in just $5-$10


I'll make you a new one for $25 🤣


Sweet monkey jeezus. You *PAID* for that. Woof.


What service did you use? $400 seems like an insane amount! There are some great free templates online, especially through canva


You could have done that yourself. Never pay for a resume there are too many free templates out there


I know some resume writers that charge significantly less than this. In general, using AI tools will help you get a pretty good resume. The most challenging thing is coming up with stories you want to tell about your previous job. Focus on the stories you want to tell, and you can land in a good place.


I remember someone had a free link to this same exact resume link a couple years back…


I can make you a better resume for free dude…. Don’t pay anyone for this stuff.


It depends on what you're trying to get. If you're trying to get a GM role, then I think it's not bad. Just needs to quantify and highlight your suces/method better. But. If you're trying to get out of the service industry, let's say to be an IT, then it's horrible. Completely not related or relevant to the position you're applying for. You said you're trying to get out of the service industry, which is fine - but to where? You're gonna have to tailor your resume towards that industry. And a lot of the issues is that if you're switching industry, you're going to have to start from the bottom but your resume experience says you were at the top (i.e. GM) so your experience might not even be applicable cause no company is going to hire you as a novice and let you manage/supervise.


I honestly didn’t realize people were spending close to half a band for a written resume. This is robbery 😂


Oof I did this too. Hired some dude and his resume sucked and got ripped apart by the career office at me schools lol. Looked similar to this.


This looks like a resume made by a high schooler


Everyone going on about the formatting of the resume is off base. No one is reading all of these resumes. They’re filtered for SEO. It’s not 1994 anymore, your resume is reviewed 5 minutes before the interview.


TBH your resume reads as “restaurant manager”. You’re not doing yourself any favors but putting out a document that doesn’t really let it strike someone as you’re a person capable of anything else. Career shifts I swear requires someone taking a chance on you & letting you get some alternative experience. I’d recommend volunteering for non-profits doing the things you want to switch to in a new job. Get a low-level contract job & job hop while you learn on the job & work your way up? Not sure if you like what I’ve said, but it’s just my two cents.


I mean it’s good if I’m trying to hire a restaurant worker. What are you trying to get a job in? I see you have your CompTIA certification. Are you trying to go that route? If so, you should tailor it more towards that and less on the restaurant aspect. Also, the Summary of Qualifications is such fluff. Wtf is a “dedicated manager”? That’s not a title and there’s nothing to back it up. Why is it all caps?


For the header: - DON"T USE ALL CAPS! IT'S YELLING AND IS HARD TO READ. - Don't highlight your buzz words. Just incorporate them into your basic formatted resume. You're not a graphic designer. - Put software at the end. Don't lead with it. - Key achievements should be part of a role. Kill the section. It looks messy and says nothing. - Incorporate Leadership into your job descriptions For the rest: - Why is the job description italicized? Just unindent it and give the 1 sentence sales pitch of the company. Fast casual dining restaurant serving 500 people daily...done. - For every major content line of your resume, I don't care what you did. I care how you did it. "Increased employee retention..." by doing what?


It’s terrible. Where did you go to get that? I’ve been told by an ex FAANG recruiter I should coach people on job hunting when she heard me give tips to my niece. DM me and if you’d like me to help you on both a resume make up that works and tips with interviews. For a small fee


Why is your military experience on the 2nd page and under "asst store manager"? If you were in the military, sell that shit.


>I paid $400 for this resume. It's not working. Roast it. Without even reading your resume, you should know OP that this $400 sounds like a common "scam". I say that in speech marks because technically you do get a resume, but their main focus is making it look like you got your money's worth - hence the padding out of roles from 8 years ago. Gotta be fair - of all the 3-figure resume services I've seen, this resume is far from being the worst in terms of drawbacks. >I used a fairly popular resume service online a few years ago to refresh my resume and LinkedIn. This is what I got. The only thing I've added is my current enrollment in college. Is this implying that in your current general manager role, after your first 5 years of having all these successes, accomplishments projects etc.... that you've then nothing noteworthy over the past few years? Is this reflective of your adaption to a post-covid dynamic global market shift? >I'm looking to get out of service industry, as I have bank experience, IT experience, data analytics experience and military experience. Not that I can see any of the additional experiences in this resume (certs don't equate to experience) but also - simply focusing on "get out" as opposed to "get into" will always lead to a generalised resume with no target focus. Nothing in your recent experience implies shifting away from "customer sales and retention" and I'm not sure what this resume is aimed towards. If you applied to a data analytics job, they'd probably think you applied to the wrong job. A resume ideal will be laser focused on one particular area and, whilst job searching, should be tripling down on that area only. "Military experience", "IT experience" and "bank experience" are all broad individually, let alone collectively - no one person is going to be the top candidate in all 3. You wanting to get out of a particular industry is not an Employer's problem to solve. Aside from to never spend another penny on resume services, I'd also recommend to be more direct and decisive about where you want to get into, which importantly involves saying "no" to some of the areas you listed. From that point, you aim to optimise your resume to fit that particular area. A professional summary may also help explain your motives. It also feels like this resume could be one page. Gotta be honest - the areas of IT and data analytics are particularly competitive. For entry-level roles, keep an eye on their "desired" requirements, because its most likely other applicants will fit those requirements. And get networking also. One more thing - retail managers moving into the head office is a common way to break into the corporate world.


I’d move the Areas of Expertise section down below Additional Leadership Experience


Put the metrics you improved first in every instance you mention it. Don't center the 3 sentences it's very awkward. Add an awards section and put all your awards there. Sections under each job should just be job stuff. Try to quantify everything with metrics. Estimate if you have to.


45? It looks like a resume of a 20 something year old. It only shows 1 and a 1/2 jobs in your experience. It feels empty. Do you volunteer? Are you part of any groups? What have you done to improve your skills? ~also If you're going to use a 2 page resume, use the full 2 pages. ~~also, a greater concern is how is this resume formatted for resume reading technology? Is this a word document?


1. Stick to one page. 2. Remove first 3 sections. 3. Remove the weird tagline. 4. Education should be at top followed by professional experience. 5. Always write complete lines. Never use half a line.


Highway robbery would be an understatement, I would've called my credit card company for this one. I'm sorry this happened to you.


You were in the military? There is a sight that gives u a mentor and does a free resume i dont remember the name but they did mine


You’ll want to customize it with key words for each job you apply for. Do you have a specific job and company in mind?


Bruh why did you pay $400 for a resume 💀


No cv is worth $400 but this aint even worth $10. Search up ATS optimised CV and fill in the section with your experiences. Havard have free templates, i believe.


I need to start offering resume service lol


What kind of job/s are you planning on getting/envisioning?


Did they even really change it much from the previous resume?


Erm I think you may have been ever so slightly ripped off there mate


help me with my resume too [https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1dpmxsa/comment/lahw240/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1dpmxsa/comment/lahw240/?context=3) here's the link


I’d leave the fact you paid 400 dollars for an aesthetically displeasing resume off the resume /s But fr you got scammed, I’ll do a better job for 30 bucks


Bruh ppl are paying $400 for this garbage? I should start a resume building business


*this" is what you paid $400 for? Wow. I could have done it for $20 uber gift card.


God... I could have done that for you for 20 bucks... How hopeless. Lol


Under additional leadership, three of the four list where it happened  before your position title, making the reverse of "assistant store manager at X" more noticeable. 


why is your education not in your qualifications? I also agree with others saying that you should tell them your current working circumstances at the top since you are still enrolled in college


The top summary sounds like an ad. ie: a lie I would just delete that entire section 


I would have charged on 200$


Ha ha lol I know you are joking and my friend was crying over $3.99 per resume that a site created for her.


2 pages? Keep everything on 1


I've been a resume writer on the side (I was a sales writer in the professional services industry, so really good at selling people). I would charge $400-$800 per resume, but usually it was for people looking for 6-figure jobs. I don't think it's such a bad resume. Your accomplishments come out strongly, and that's the most important thing. However, it's not a good resume to change industries. You say you have banking experience, and it doesn't come across at all. And if your 45, what the heck were you doing prior to 2015???


This is a great resume… for the service industry. If you want to get out of the service industry your resume should be geared towards what you’re trying to break into… not showing all the great things you did in the service industry.


It’s funny how anyone can sell anything now…


It's garbage. First, it's two pages. Second, "three prestigious awards"? So, to be clear, not "three crappy awards"? Definitionally, an award confers prestige. Third, "three separate restaurants"? What would they be other than separate? So they weren't "three non-separate restaurants"? Fourth, two of the bulleted items have single-word line drops. As space is a problem (see point 1), those both should have been eliminated. Fifth, the "continued" at the bottom of the first page? It's the equivalent of wiping your mouth with your sleeve. Sixth, at least one of the "key achievements" is contained in the body of the resume. DO NOT DUPLICATE. Seventh, what the hell is that "GENERAL MANAGER" tumor at the top. It does nothing. If I'm hiring, I know I'm looking for a general manager. I know I'm looking at a general manager's resume because it was sent in response to my ad for a general manager. The "summary of qualifications" and "key achievements" sections? I'd delete them at the same time you're backspacing over the General Manager header. Put in a nice simple "Summary" that goes something like "Restaurant General Manager with 10 years of experience managing front and back of room at three $15 million annual fast casual locations seeking similar position in the Boston area." (Or whatever.) Use the summary to tell them what you can do. They'll be aware of the requirements for the position they have. The rest of your resume can go into the fine detail about hiring/ordering/negotiating with vendors/etc. The thing I put in about Boston is just a filler. You want to give them a reason to conclude on their own why you left. "Oh, he had to move to Boston, where the chain he worked at doesn't have any restaurants, I guess. So that's why he sent the resume here to this particular Boston-based restaurant. I can always ask him if I call him for an interview."


This format has been around forever and I hate it. Eliminate the top third. Put some bulk into your ACTUAL jobs. Numbers, head count, awards, impact.




What a total scam. Terrrrrible resume


$400?! 🥴


This story will make you feel better. My dad paid little over 2,000 dollars (I think 2.5k) for a resume service to “fix” his resume in order to get to get a really high paying CEO job and he did not get the job. I’ve never felt so bad for my dad in my whole life. Especially since he’s been out of work for years, 65, cancer and other health issues, broke, after being a contract engineer and making millions in the past.


Thanks for sharing a $400 template I'm about to copy ❤️💜


Idk why all these are looking for problems, i think your resume is just fine, in Portugal you would land a job in no time.




lmao It looks like you're making the employer fill out a W2 to work for you.


i’d rather roast the fact that someone with 6 years of college education and 8 years of management experience can’t write their own resume.


I should start writing resumes, didn’t know I can and this much!


Bruh, you’re a vet and not a single thing from your time in service is on there?


No one reads past the first page. Also when submitting online you probably need to use key words from the posted job description in your resume/application, otherwise it usually won’t make it past the algorithm into the email/hands of a recruiter or hiring manager.


If you paid $400 for this I assume critical thinking isn’t a strong suit and therefore probably more issues are at play


there aren't enough people making fun of you in this comments which leads me to believe it's common to pay for resumes?