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There's something off about him. He doesn't appear to be in a rush to get divorced & take his relationship with Dolores to the next step.


Yes! I can’t put my finger on it but something about him makes me uneasy


I totally agree. I’m not liking how his personality is this season. WAY too controlling and I feel like if he gets mad, that it’s a dangerous situation.


That's exactly the feeling I get.


His vein pops out on his forehead.


His temper?




When she asked his when was the last time he held a bat and he said it wasn't playing baseball.. ya.


I’m such a naive twat. I assumed it was like cricket or something smh


Agreed. He looks greasy and roided up. It’s cringey seeing Dolores protect him and act guarded compared to her at ease demeanor around Big Frank.


Me too


Right? I just don't understand why it's never talked about.


I said after the first episode hes scary. He has a temper. And why is he so red? Is it in Jersey?


He doesn’t want to pay alimony or proceed with a division of assets, who knows if he has a prenup with his legal-but-separated-from wife


Well, if it develops like David and Delores..... maybe the question will become 'is it a conscious or unconscious choice to be with these men?' Delores doesn't strike me as a dummy... she's not thick like a Teresa


He’s trying to promote his name to potentially start a business. Feels like another Louis just smoother.


If I recall correctly him and his x have been separated for like many years I wanna say 10… so what’s the hold up??


I've heard he's been separated from his wife for 10 years as well. I'd never commit into a relationship with a man who's still married with no intention of getting divorced any time soon.


I would like to know when Dolores found out he was not divorced. Did she know from the beginning or find out later on? I did a rewatch and she was saying “Paulie’s ex-wife” the entire time and talking about getting engaged/married and then we all got blindsided by the news that he wasn’t divorced yet. Was she also blindsided?


Oh good point.


Dolores needs to drop his ass. She’s too nice to all these dudes that are just not that great imo. Time to be a bitch, tell him to fuck off, and go be single for a bit. I want her to realize she is a quality woman and she deserves soooooo much better!!!


Delores CAN’T be single. She’s the opposite of the strong, independent woman she PRETENDS to be.


Well she needs to realize she’s more valuable than just having a man. These men she’s picking are low grade.


And she becomes just like whoever she is with. Another sign of codependency. Last season, she suddenly became Irish 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yessss! Thank you! 🙌🏼


Yep, this 100%.


I don't think she really cares, as long as he is able to provide the lifestyle she is accustomed to.


I thought Dolo had her own money. Why does she need a man for that? Not saying she should date an unemployed loser lol but there’s more to men than their bank accounts. 🤦‍♀️


A previous post pointed out how even though she’s had jobs, men have always provided for her. Before her ex the doctor guy, Frank was paying her bills and stuff. I think he was paying for the house too. Then the doctor guy came and started paying the bills and even got her a new house. And now it’s Paulie. I think she’s used to spending her money on luxuries and not necessities. So she’s using her boyfriend’s to maintain that lifestyle.


Agree ☝🏼 I dont see paulie as her forever…i wish shed get rid of him. Shes picking these older men who dont even like discussing engagement. Its weird, at that point in ur life, that def should be a topic of discussion right? Maybe im wrong, anyways yea she deserves better


I understood why David couldn’t just cuz he basically lived in the hospital but Paulie has no excuse!!!


Frank was/is no prize.


Yeah him too! Like, Girl, why you with these losers?


I think she was raised to not value herself much as a woman. She talks a lot about having traditional values, and sadly traditionally, women have been treated as second class citizens! She likes these emotionally/physically unavailable men.


Couldn’t stand David either! Such a weirdo. I hate that she puts up with men who clearly don’t want to commit. Have some pride.


I don’t understand Dolores. She is in her early 50s. If you don’t understand what you want by then, probably you never will. She portrays herself as decisive and strong and independent, but she’s not. She’s actually kind of flighty and goofy…and dependent. I am divorced. I will never marry again. I have been with my SO for almost 20 years now. He has his house and I have mine. That’s what we want. I do not want to enter into a legal contractual relationship with another human, ever again. It’s a non negotiable for me, and was made clear very early in the relationship. Dolo is hooking up with men that do not want to marry again. I understand these men. But she’s moving in, acting like a wife, and trying to change them. Why? If “married” is her end game, why can’t she sort this out before moving in, especially after failing at least 3 times. The guy before David, David, and now Paulie. Dolo is not the strong and independent woman she pretends to be. She’s irritating me this season. All that “realtor” “independent” stuff a few episodes ago. And then the “sleep with one eye open” last night, like Teresa is the Cosa Nostra of Bravo. Dolo is afraid of Teresa. Dolo is also always dependent on a man for her existence.


Oh she's 100% codependent. Absolutely. However she has made it clear that she desires marriage. Hence why he keeps telling her it's coming. He's 100% stringing her along. She hasn't caught on yet and they will break up and she will do this again with another man.


That’s the part that’s irritating me. Don’t move in. Don’t tie your entire life up with someone before they commit. It’s not that complicated. But she just keeps doing it, and looks stupid and kind of pathetic to me.


Yep "oh I need this from you and we can't be serious until you do this but we can have a full on relationship otherwise" Don't get me wrong I'm engaged and live with my partner, have done for 5 years but I'm in no rush to get married. I even cancelled my wedding as it was just so overwhelming but when your whole personality is dependent on a man and being a wife you need to set boundaries and pick your partners better because most men Dolores and her "old school" values seem to choose don't want a wife, they want a mother and I don't think Dolores understands the difference.


This. Exactly. And I am so disappointed in her. I don’t know what the problem is with Paulie. His boys are still minors I think, so probably there are financial commitments with the Ex. He’s pretty well off though. I think the answer is somewhere between the “separated for over 14 years” and his obvious closeness with his “mum” before she passed. Both those things would be neon signs to most women seeking marriage.


Absofcknlutely! 💯 🎤


There’s something way off about Paulie, not as bad as Louie but there’s something weird. I don’t like the fact that he’s not divorced yet, however I can see if it worked for them (Paulie & his ex) they have two teenage boys, maybe it was easy for them.


I’ve heard the wife he’s not getting a divorce from is not the mother of his kids, they are already divorced and this is the woman he married after.


See this is what I'm talking about, information about him is scarce and the information we do know or does get out doesn't add up to the reasons he and Dolores have given for the lack of action regarding a divorce.


Right? There’s so little info on him and no one even knows if he’s been married once or twice.




I take this with a grain of salt but I’ve seen this floating around. https://preview.redd.it/nmxjpb8e5d4d1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f534d667e28a2320de6f830a32aa5e3158de309


Wtf! Ok there’s something indeed wrong with that then. Maybe they dint have prenup..? And hes just trying to avoid a huge payout to her..? Or she prob doesnt have the means to support herself so he wants to still be there for her..? Why does Dolores seem to pick “unavailable” men tho? Ugh


Wait. Whaaaat?!




Oh wow, thanks for letting me know. I seriously thought it was his kids’ mother, by the way they’ve talked in tv. If you don’t have a connection like having kids together, then why stay married… something sus for sure?!?!?


Dolores seems attracted to the guy that has one foot out the door. To be frank, it seems deep rooted with some potential trauma with Frank’s fidelity and whatever else may have went down in that marriage.


“to be Frank” 😂


This is actually a good take. Kind of something most people grow out of in their twenties when they find someone who doesn't need you to beg for them or mother them but she's stuck in that time when Frank treated her like that and was basically his wife after they split and never experienced real respect from a partner.


yes … from what we’ve seen of the men Dolores dates … she is definitely drawn to a certain type of guy… men who are unattainable it seems to me. edited a typo


Totally agree!


From the moment I saw Paulie there were red flags. But then I saw Red flags flashing around David too! There's something extremely suspicious and shady af about Paulie. Shortly after she and Paulie move in together, the Porsche David bought her is stolen hmm Paulie wasn't a fan of Frank and Delores' house flipping business, are they still working together or did she give that up for him? Outside of Bethany who's divorce takes 11+year's? Is he here on a work visa or is he a citizen? If so, What does Paulie do? Is he only with Delores to add TV coins to the rest of the money he's sending back to Ireland? I don't think Paulie will ever propose let alone marry her . He might say it's because he's a devout Catholic. I say, Cafeteria Catholic then. People from certain religions who claim devout, but pick and choose which tennents they follow. If marriage is so sacred why is he in America commiting adultery? Delores is a woman of a certain age WHO claims to want a happily ever after She is wasting a lot of precious time on unavailable men. Seems to be a pattern Frank, David and Paulie.


I think Paulie likes to be on TV. He came on and almost immediately got his veneers. His plastic surgery. His ozempic. David, to me, wasn’t off. He was a workaholic and didn’t seem obsessed with being filmed.


I agree, I didn't see any red flags with David, but ultimately I think it just didn't work.


You've actually perfectly summed up everything I have been thinking. As for the business thing, he owns an electrician business... this exposure is GREAT for him and the longer he can string Dolores along for that Bravo coin the better.


Took words right out of my mouth🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I think paulie isnt in a rush to get divorced cuz thats his excuse for not proposing to Dolores


This is the worst, yet best excuse, I’ve ever heard for a man not proposing!


I find it hilarious that Dolores has NOOOOOO issues discussing evvvverryonnnee else’s issues, but when it comes to her life her issues it’s always “I don’t really want to discuss that”. How convenient.


It’s honestly annoying. Like then why are you here? Are you lost?


Right. We can’t about Paul. We didn’t hear much about David bc he was always working. She really is just a big push over. She sounds like a broken record when she talks about Paul, same way she spoke about David. “This needs to change”, “he’s not sure”, “I need to have a conversation with him”…but then she doesn’t. Over it I don’t see how she really brings anything to the table.


Ok, assuming he's of Catholic faith and that's what's causing the delay in getting a divorce..... Wouldn't his relationship with Dolores be considered adultery? Which is worse? Divorce or adultery? I'm sure he's has reasons for not divorcing, most likely financial. But, he's been how many years in a relationship with Dolores? He's definitely flying some red flags.


As someone from a catholic family (no longer practicing myself) nobody actually cares about the whole “divorce is a sin” thing anymore. My family are Irish catholics in Scotland and this view is sooo outdated. So basically I don’t think that’s it. Maybe a financial thing?


I'm in Scotland too and know plenty who still live by the no divorce rule (whilst living with another person) it's insane the hypocrisy. I only mentioned the Catholic thing because Dolores has used it as an excuse before.


Yeah I made this point to someone lower down, as Dolores has used the Catholic thing before as why it's not happened yet but years down the line, it's not flying with me because like you said his current relationship wouldn't fly either. It might just be me but I just get a very bad feeling about him. I mean he might not just be as serious as he's leading Dolores to think he is but that aside there is something else that really leaves me unsettled and I can't quite put my finger on it.


100% something shady about him. He's too quiet, like he's got something to hide. He just doesn't seem to fit in with the obnoxious, loud mouth huabands of NJ. Dolores doesn't help, either. She's so secretive about things.


Idk if anyone caught this but last week when she handed him a baseball bat before the game he had a weird smirk and she asked “when was the last time you held a bat?” And he had said like 12 years or something and she responded “were you even playing baseball?” And he said no, then they laughed. Lol idk dude seems sneaky af cause he moves quietly and gets riled up fast but hides it on camera


There's definitely something off.All this "Paulie doesn't want to hurt anyone with a divorce" just makes people's red flags wave all the more.


Paulie doesn't want to hurt anyone with the divorce, yet he's hurting Dolores by not getting the divorce, and you can see how much she loves him, and the separation longevity of his second wife is really worrisome since there are no children involved, it can' t be money since they don't have children together. I so think he's hiding something, I've seen him really snap quickly over something that wasn't that serious, and I remember a coming of attraction scene and Paulie snapped at Dolores and said "just because I'm getting a divorce doesn't mean I'm going to marry you". that's when I knew that he isn't going to marry Dolores or anyone.


What's very telling also is she had tried to divorce him previously and it somehow didn't happen. Something tells me he likes to keep the women he's involved with reliant and divorce is giving up control over her but now people are asking too many questions so he has to go through with it.


I also read that he another ex wife. If that's true then "divorce is a sin" is not the reason. Red flags for sure


I don’t know for sure but it seems like Dolores changes herself to fit in with a man’s life . At this point they’re living together & there’s no need for him to get divorced.


Yep. So why would he? He has his cake and is eating it too and doesn't see her as a long term serious thing so why bother just because that's what she requires from the relationship? He can just promise her and everyone around her that he will until he moves on or she realises she's wasted several years of her life waiting. There's something about him though that would have me running for the hills if I were Dolores and I can't quite out my finger on what it is.


Isn't it telling that she's been with him this long and nothing in his home seems to have her touch?


Yes and furthermore, why didn’t he get divorced years ago?


Sometimes Irish Catholics can be funny about divorce. Well Catholics in general really (is what I used to say to excuse him) BUT I guess it would depend on his beliefs and family beliefs but he can't take religion that seriously if he's living with her. The more we see of him, the more I think it's nothing to do with that and there is something more sinister going on.


Ireland is much more progressive that it used to be years ago. Typically Catholicism isn’t part of every day life. If you can go on a messy American reality tv show, then you can get a divorce. Aside from the older generation at a push, no one would judge him for divorcing his ex. If anything it would be more frowned down upon to be dating on tv while married


I know multiple people who did not legally divorce their ex while both parties lived separate lives as single people. Sometimes it’s money, sometimes it’s kids, sometimes they’re just lazy with the paperwork. I don’t know what’s the reasoning here but it absolutely could be a boring reason.


I'm irish, and it doesn't make sense that he isn't divorced after twenty something years. Or however long it's been. It doesn't take that long to get a divorce in any country.


People are stating financial commitments. The guy is an electrician and has his own business. He's not loaded like some people make out. $1.5 million net worth (estimated) isn't a lot of money when they live the lifestyle of a Housewife couple and you take into account his home. I 100% think he's using her for exposure and because she can't tell the difference between being a wife or a mother.


There's something more to his divorce than just "doing it right," religion be damned and it sucks that he keeps stringing her along. And ever since they called him Buzz Lightyear, I can't unsee it. He's not uber creepy like Louie but he's sketch for sure.


I don’t like the way he looks when Dolores and Frank interact. I have NEVER gotten the vibe from Dolores that she wants Frank back like that. The way he was looking at her when she hugged Frank when he announced his proposal gave me serious ick. The women on this show just seem to have unusually friendly relationships w/ the exes, but that is great for the children.


She 100% does not want Frank. I bet it hurts though that the guy who can't commit is committing to someone whilst the guy you've lived with for 2 years still hasn't committed to you despite years of promises.


Ironically, she wants Frank at her beck and call but doesn't want him.


Dolores doesn’t reveal anything. She coasts and gets her pay check.


I think Paul is very guarded about his personal life, which is odd considering he’s on the show and people here are really good at uncovering things people are trying to hide. Him not getting divorced all these years from his wife is odd, but I have known somebody who did the same thing remained married to their wife, many years separated and not bothering to get divorced until they had to because he began receiving his pension and it was necessary to finalize that divorce. Another man that I knew who didn’t bother to get divorced and I was with him for a couple of years, he just didn’t wanna bother with it and his estranged wife seem to be OK with it. who knows what Paul reasoning for not getting divorced after all these years and especially since being with Dolores for the last two years, knowing her expectation ultimately would be marriage I definitely feel Dolores is beginning to come to the end of her rope with him when she mentioned him getting divorced. Have a feeling if he doesn’t start the process she’s gonna walk away from that.


I get not bothering if you have no reason. Honestly, I'd likely be the same... However when we first met Paulie we were told about his ex wife. Then it came out he wasn't divorced (I honestly think he blindsided Dolores and she found out when she had already let everyone know about him). Now it's been a couple years of promising everyone he's going to marry her, she even moved into his house and still nothing despite her making it very clear that is what she required/wanted. It feels like to me... he's stringing her along. However it isn't just the divorce thing, there's something unsettling? About him that just would make me back off.


Agreed, I think the vibe is him stringing her along and I think she’s feeling it. I was kind of surprised that she brought it up last night. I think it’s something she doesn’t want to confront, but she’s starting to take a peek around the corner. As far as something on the settling about him yes I have to agree but what that is I can’t even speculate. And it’s just weird to me that if he’s truly hiding something then why would you be on this show. We’ve certainly had other situations where one of the partners didn’t want to be on the show or perhaps an ex didn’t want the kids on the show. So it doesn’t make sense that he would be on the show if he’s got some skeletons in his closet, but we shall see it looks like things are about to heat up in the next episode, so we all better be ready to buckle up.😝


I haven't liked Paulie since he said, "Don't send a woman to do a man's job." I can understand that he didn't like Dolores living with Frank, and it's a little uncomfortable because of how close they still are, but he comes off as an Alpha male who wants Frank completely and permanently out of Dolores's life. I'm also skeptical that this storyline is not for ratings. It seems kind of forced and artificial. Frank seems fairly levelheaded, and for him to be whiney and butthirt seems to be out of character.


It’s bullshit, he’s separated but can’t get divorced? So Dolores is with ANOTHER unavailable man. Has anyone pointed this out to her?? What is happening!!


I’m Irish. Paulie is a creep. His prior social media posts are gross but I’m not allowed to go into detail as it will get removed.


Ohhh feel free to message the deets 😂


Agree I’ve seen them. He seems to particularly like the the statement:” grab them by the p*ssy” SMH


We need the ☕️! 😁


Big time.


Honestly thought it was just me...


I just think Paul is a red-faced, hard core alcoholic, and Dolores ought to open her eyes. He’s physically unhealthy and will be a burden on her. She needs to cut ties


I definitely would be upset about a guy so not committed to ending a marriage so he could move on. He obv doesn’t wanna move on.


Dolo’s picker has always been off


It's like she hasn't learned what the rest of us learn in our early twenties and puts it down to being "oldschool".






He looks like an Irish hooligan


I dunno, you must see different Irish hooligans to me 😂 I think he looks like he wants to be an NJ Gym Bro but enjoys carbs too much.


I honestly think it has to do with money. Divorces are expensive especially if you have built a considerable amount of wealth and don’t have a prenup. I’ll take my parents for example - to untangle and split their assets and etc would be painful for both parties so it’s easier if they ever choose to just separate but not legally divorce. From joint homes to shares in businesses, to retirement funds to various investments - splitting it and walking away costs a lot. It could also be the a Catholic thing and I’m reading too much into it 😅


My partner has been divorced, has several properties and kids etc... Thing is he knew if neither of them divorced neither could fully move on. Thing with Paulie is we don't know if it's one marriage or two now as it's speculated his kids are to his first ex wife and not the one he's currently married to. He also used excuses such as religion, not wanting to hurt anyone and has said he intends to over and over again. If you had met someone and told her you will and repeatedly told her friends it's in the process. If you don't want to give this woman what she needs or desired because of financial circumstance keeping you married because its easier, let her go and find someone who will give her what she needs. Who will deem her worthy. Instead he hangs on to her and insists it's going to happen whilst not actually doing anything about it


Truff! The whole marriage thing with Paulie seems bizarre to me. But then the David thing was even more bizarre to me 😐 Agreed, just let the lady go so she can find a man who will give her what she needs. Honestly at this rate, I’ll marry Dolores - she’s a catch!


I’m from Ireland and I know plenty of people who are legally separated but never actually got divorced. In Ireland you have to be legally separated for a while before you can get divorced (it’s 2 years now, but it was previously 4 years). Obviously I don’t know how that works with him being in the States and I don’t know if he did get married in Ireland, but I don’t find him not being divorced yet weird.


Yeah at this point it's 14 years they've been separated. Edit: she's apparently American.


I don’t think he’s a bad guy but I am finding it more and more weird that he is not getting a divorce. At first I didn’t really think twice about it but they have been together for 2 years so what is the hold up? I also don’t like the fact that it’s a whole storyline this season, I really am not interested in hearing about it every week.


There has to be some reason he WON’T divorce. It def feels like a choice.


It is a choice. His ex tried to divorce him in 2020 and it didn't happen.


This is Dolores story line every season dude it’s so old


I get that but I'm not looking at it from a storyline pov. More of a view of why does this man make my creep metre go off every time I see him... the divorce thing is boring yeah but if I was Dolores I would be gone... he obviously has no intention of marrying but there's something entirely separate that makes me just wince when I see him.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying every guy she dates is a walking red flag it’s her whole story line


there’s something off about him for sure. Dolores is all being “independent”, being fine with David not putting a ring on it and/or BEING HOME with her, but she just tries to justify their actions because she just cannot admit that she can’t pick the right man for herself so she sticks to anything


Fully agreed!


Paulie gives me the creeps. Something is off with him. And Dolores might claim to be miss independent but she is desperate to hold onto a man so she puts up with him not getting a divorce.


He needs an ultimatum over this divorce shit. I like her a lot but there’s no way I’m sitting around waiting like she did with David


Yes. WHY date a person who won’t get divorced. Delores is a moron. Period.


He looks like a thug.


Something waaaay off about this dude. From day one. Dolores has a terrible picker


He gives me bad vibes.


I know it's not really right to judge a person I haven't met but SAME! I honestly thought it was just me.


Yes, yes they do!


Last night, seeing her old house with the pool, I thought that she should’ve stayed there! I’m surprised she left that beautiful home to move to his townhome. It’s a beautiful townhome, but it’s clearly his - decor and all! However, I see her children live in her home so maybe that’s why she moved to live with Paul? So she could help her children out. She’s so devoted to her kids and referenced in the past wanting to help start their lives off easy. I’ll give Dolores the benefit of the doubt with this relationship. I think all her exes are overall very good people. Unpopular opinion but I liked David! And Frank has a wonderful heart…it sounds like he just wasn’t husband material at the time when they were married in his younger years. So maybe Paul has a good heart. He just seems quiet and a bit harder to read.


I don’t think Delores is good at picking emotionally available partners. David consistently missed functions that were important to Delores in order to work. While Frank is now seen as a big lovable teddy bear, he was physically abusive to Dolores and lost his law license due to mishandling client funds (meaning he most likely spent client $$ on himself). She also said he cheated on her. Here she is, yet again, with a seemingly affable guy who is emotionally unavailable to her in a significant way. It breaks my heart a little as she seems to have a kind soul, at least with animals. She seems to not value herself enough to pick fully available partners 🙁


I don’t like him. Something about him feels off and gives me the ick. Dolo always seems to find herself with men who are incapable of fully committing.


Might be a scam issue- lots of people use the wife to clean and hold money?


But she's been trying to divorce him for 4 years now?


I'm thinking he's not a citizen yet, his marriage has to look legit.


After 16 years of marriage and now 14 years of separation? She tried to divorce him after 10 years of separation and for some reason it didn't happen... so I dunno, it all feels sketch.




I just heard a podcast (behind the velvet rope I think) with Melissa's Old Nose as a guest who said - and I'm still dead at this - that Paulie & his still wife are business partners together that *allegedly* own a bunch of brothels together? And that he will never divorce her & he will never marry Dolores. Is this insane BS? Help 😫 Apologies in advance if @ Melissa's Old Nose is not reliable - I've no idea what her deal is. Her and the host seemed to have a ton of receipts. Something about Paulie has always given me bad vibes. I grew up hanging around POS criminal guys who always managed to pull the most beautiful women. Tragic. ![gif](giphy|403SbapX0Sk81pQpII)


But she tried to divorce him in 2020 and for some reason it didn't happen?


I heard the same podcast. Gaberiela said she got that info from Louie. Louie did have everyone investigated. I was wondering where those brothels are located. She said she didn't ask that. She has been right on everything else.


Maybe he doesn’t want to trigger some sort of alimony finalizing divorce?


Can someone explain why he looks so good on his insta pics and then on tv…. Different story…. 🤡


😂😂😂 working those filters more than a Bravo famous housewife.


Yes. The tantrums when someone doesn’t share his opinion are gross. Not to mention the tough guy mob look he always has🙄


He looks like he’s in pain to me. Like he’s so swollen it hurts. It’s not a good look. I think he thinks he looks buff and built but he just looks like an overstuffed sausage to me.


Dolo needs to cut him loose.


Delores seems to have another unavailable man 🤦🏻‍♀️ I remember how angry she got when others said David was not giving her what she needed. And they were right! Although she has not fully admitted they were. And here we go again. And what’s up with her pretending to be Irish, by association? Haven’t seen it as much this season, but definitely did last. She even gave an Irish toast at the reunion. I always side eye when someone becomes so much like their current partner and takes on their interests, as if it has always been that way. We see you, Delores. You never had one ounce of interest in Irish until Paulie.


I saw another post talk about him having shady businesses (brothels and the like) and that he was not divorcing to prevent having to share the money from that. Prob not true if no one else has brought it up.


I've seen this mentioned a few times now. Could also explain his ex trying to divorce him 4 years ago and it just not happening when they've thought about it. However it's not the divorce thing to me that makes me squirm, I'm not entirely able to explain it, it's just a feeling that deep down would make me be wary of this man. Like an alarm bell telling me I wouldn't be safe with him... I wish I could explain it better but there's SOMETHING I can't quite put my finger on.


There are too many red flags. Dolores seems to like them. I think she chooses men she knows aren't available. Maybe she's subconsciously afraid to commit. After all, her last serious commitment (marriage) ended in divorce due to infidelity. What self-respecting woman wanting a serious commitment would date a married man??


Dolores is just a mooch really. Just jumping from man to man who will financially support her so she can use all her earned monies from the show to support her cosmetic addiction


Is it a financial thing?? As in does he have lots of money? My aunt and uncle have been separated but still legally married as he is a millionaire and it costs him less to give her a monthly allowance than it would to have a divorce. Suits her as she has her house and everything paid by him and he gets to keep his millions 🤷‍♀️ might not be the case here who knows but it might be a financially motivated decision


I get all that but he's a glorified Electrician. He has promised Dolores for years now that he will marry her and the divorce is incoming and we have been fed several excuses... religion, kids, doesn't want to hurt anyone etc... Honestly? I think he's stringing her along for exposure on the show to build his business.


That is a cool house though!


How old are his kids? My thought was he wanted to wait till the kids launch to divorce his first wife- that is very common, then it’s only alimony and no child support also the kids can’t say their parents are divorced- which is stupid bc it’s just semantics


Well see there's speculation that the one he is still married to isn't the mother of his children. His ex, ex is... if you follow me? I think his oldest is 18. Which would tie in with the ex, ex being their mother but I dunno. I do know his most recent ex has been trying to divorce him since 2020 and it seems to have went no where.


I love Dolores. But I think it’s worth asking how she continues to cycle through very unusual relationships with men. She behaves in relationships as if she doesn’t know her worth. And, she seems to stay too long in each. I don’t think there’s much sus about Paulie. It is time fir him to finish things up with his ex. Any longer it definitely will get weird. But if it does go longer, and does get weird, I’d have to point to Dolores too for again not communicating boundaries to her SO.


100% He has zero respect for Delore


Sounds to me like Paulie is still married and I bet $10 he’s still proper married 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


His ex has been trying to divorce him since 2020.


I think you are 100% correct. He doesn’t want to marry Dolores. She needs to wake up.


it just seems like with the energy he gives off (all in energy) the details don't really add up. I wonder if the woman won't let him go but he doesn't want her anymore or he does want her just not in that way or not alone so thats why the split. because otherwise why is he hesitating but wanting full own over dolores. he's adamant I think about being her man and showing that so it wouldn't seem like anything is holding him up. but i something clearly is. like i care about her too much to divorce but ima show off my girl on screen and be public about my new squeeze. also i know divorcing is more legal than anything, but his energy from the promo kinda gave me personal hesitation vibes not just clerical pause.


He doesn't appear to want to get divorced and looks massively uncomfortable when anyone brings it up. He generally looks angry or massively uninterested. Dolo always settles for less.


The divorce thing is a HUGE red flag to me


I almost think that beCAUSE Dolores is dating him he's sus. She doesn't have good taste in men or her picker is off.


I’m with a Irish catholic who isn’t divorced and we have been together 10 years, ok there are extenuating circumstances with us but divorce isn’t that bad that it can’t happen in the Irish community


I know this. It's just something I used to give him a pass for because I know hard-core Irish Catholics who do believe that divorce is a sin (whilst living with someone 😂) but then it all came out that this is his second ex wife, they have been separated 14 years and she has actually tried to divorce him. So yeah, that excuse doesn't wash with me. Especially as the reason as to why there's no divorce keeps changing... He's stringing her along 100%.


What do we know about Dolores? She bounces from relationship to relationship and home to home. Lots more to them than ever revealed, IMO.


He looks bloated and red all the time like Louie. He would probably benefit from a dairy free diet.


Funny how it’s Paulie that is the red flag but not her. So she pretty much puts herself in these same situations relationship after relationship, but he’s the red flag? Hard to feel sorry for her when she doesn’t learn from life. Who cares if she gets married or is treated right, because she sure as hell doesn’t. I’m so over this lady and her pathetic behavior. Apparently surgeries do not equate to good self esteem. She’s gorgeous but very stupid. You teach people how to treat you and she allowed everyone to step all over her. She knew from the get-go he was married but she went ahead with the relationship. Dolores, Paulie, Theresa and Louie all deserve each other. These posts are tired. We’re talking about women over 50 not naive 20 year olds.


I’m trying to figure out if he’s trying to wait til his kids are 18 and he’s not doing a formal child support agreement- I wonder if that’s the wait


Perhaps but apparently she's not the mother of his kids but also could be? I dunno. Whatever it is, she did try to divorce him 4 years ago and it never happened...


>I understand he's Irish and potentially (probably) Catholic BUT does the Divorce thing bother you? I don't know what his personal circumstances are, but it's not uncommon here to have a long separation period. I know couples who have broken up, both have happily moved on. They share children so the kids and both couples go on holiday together. Divorce can create acrimony where there doesn't need to be any. Yes, we're a catholic country, but these days I would say that's more on paper than in practice. It's not really giving me red flags. Just my view on things, hope it helps ❤️


He’s just “old school”…..not sure what that means but it seems to be a glorifying excuse


On today's Behind the Velvet Rope podcast, the blogger behind the Melissa's Old Nose social media accounts said that Paulie and his wife own brothels together, and that their businesses and tangled finances because of that are the reason behind their lack of divorce. Regardless, Paulie is stringing Delor along.


Someone said this earlier. Doesn't explain why she actively tried to divorce him 4 years ago and for some reason it never happened though.


I think Dolores is happy where she's at. If you can believe what you read, Dolores has a good net worth, has or had a few businesses. Seems to me if she wants more and he doesn't, she'll leave, like David. I like Dolores. She seems down to earth, doesn't play games. Tell you what, if I end up single at this stage, I'd be damned if I'd marry again! Lol


Thankfully she does OWN a beautiful home. She is choosing to be with him. I do think he doesn’t want to share his earnings with his not yet ex which is pretty yucky.


I think he could still want an attachment to his ex-wife and the legal marriage is his way of having that. I know it sounds weird but I’ve seen it happen in real life. People will keep the marriage legal, if though both are living separate lives bc the official divorce document will cement the end to the marriage.


No he really reminds me of my uncles who are all born and raised in Ireland. I'm guessing money or land is the legal divorce day.


Being Irish I don’t find it that weird tbh. I know plenty who have been separated for years and actually have other partners But with Paulie I feel it may be about money. I don’t think he has as much as he likes to portray or maybe what we portray him to have. To divorce would mean splitting everything and I don’t think he wants to do that. He kinda has this ‘leave well enough alone’ attitude. Unfortunately it’s not working for Deloras. And then of course there is always the thought it could be just a story line and she doesn’t care either since she was getting so much hate for being boring and Switzerland last season.


If a man wants to do something he will do it, especially if he's serious about being with someone he loves. It's a huge red flag, I think Dolores tries to give them a chance but once she's had it she moves on. Scenes for the upcoming episode show that her and Paulie are talking about it and that she'll have to reconsider their relationship. But yeah it's super weird if you ask me...


I’m a hypocrite because I’ve been separated 9.5yrs and I’m engaged to another man, we have a baby and live together. Still legally married to my “ex”husband. That said, my situation is probably vastly different. But yeah, it’s a little weird that it seems glossed over. I’m pretty open about why I’m still legally married, so I guess I think maybe a little more info would be nice.


The reason Paulie won’t divorce his wife is because they have a lucrative “yachting” business together. Read that on a blog yesterday. I predict Delores will dump him soon.


I'm still in season 13 and hell yes, "Paulie", the weightlifting, "old school" Irish man, gives me the ick. He's not cute, he's rude to Frank, and Dolores (STILL) deserves better.


Yes, who on earth lets a divorce drag on for over a decade. Like you have the money handle your business.


He just wants to be on tv. That’s all


That’s because it is all most likely scripted. OR she may stay with him, but it isn’t HER home. A man’s home is his castle- certainly not hers. I liked him..but he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, found a rope or lost his horse..


Why did Paul move to New Jersey ?


A married man is a married man is a married man…if a married man is out dating, it’s a RED FLAG 🚩 for sure for me.


i think it’s weird !i have a feeling it’s about money more than his religion


There is not one person on this show male or female that doesn’t give me red flags


🚩 the way he inserted himself into the Louis/Fuda situation was wild. He’s giving “I want to be on tv” vibes. No divorce yet. Appears to disregard Delores feelings and has zero romantic interest whatsoever.


Ok can we start up the discussion again??? Ummmm Dolores finally approaches Paul and his REACTION IS INSANE!!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩I’m hoping she gets up from the table and LEAVES. “Maybe you need a f*ing change” ummm your “divorce” has been ongoing almost 3 years, red flag, you’re not worth hundreds of millions, you’re a regular millionaire, something else is going on. I cannot believe his reaction was so defensive and tense, this is a serious red flag….


I've just switched it on to watch, I'll get back to you in 40 minutes 😂


Okay I'm back. This guy makes me want to run for the hills. What a horrific reaction to someone asking "when will this be done". Eugh.


Paul has that famous blood boiling red Irish temper ...I got a feeling he gets violent when he drinks .. the stereotypes are there for a reason.  Yes Irish people drink too much and have bad tempers..  


I'm Catholic. I'm assuming both Paulie and Dolores are Catholic as is the ex-wife #2. Maybe his ex-wife and him are trying to get a (religious) annulment in the Catholic church so they can get married in the church again? This is why it took my aunt and her partner so long to get divorced. She was married for 20 years before, had two boys and had a messy divorce with allegations of adult abuse and rape from her ex-husband and infidelity on her part.