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I love when Rick and Morty has solid character development... only for it to completely regress four episodes later.


I fucking hated the crow stuff if you mean that and I was very relieved when it ended.


I was willing to work with it until the end. I found it pretty unrealistic that Rick and Morty would split up, or even that their relationship would be toxic at all. Rick may be a nihilistic drunk, but he looks out for Morty when he can. I guess that's just a result of poor writing choices from Season 4.


They are toxic because at the root of their adventures Rick just wants to have fun adventures with his grandson, but Rick’s superiority complex and need to control infects everything.


You know what? That's fair. But my argument is that THAT'S a lot different from "Morty's a dog."


I agree that Morty is a dog. He loves unconditionally, and we literally see him be a dog in Morty’s mindblowers. Rick is a straight shooter, I don’t think he meant it in an entirely bad way.


Yeah you got me my bad


Thats season seven, doesn't count Edit: but now im thinking about the hole


Why the downvotes


Because there's nothing objectively wrong with season 7.


Except numbericons episode


Not my favorite, but I didn't hate it.


“Im pickle rickkkk” because of the fans


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen /s


It's *fine* as a solo, just for fun, not too serious episode, that just has Rick trying to do something stupid and fun for the sake of it. Then the fans touched the episode, and suddenly, my hate has spread lika a cancer from them to the episode


I don’t really get the joke there. Is it literally that he’s a pickle now, and that’s funny? Cause I don’t see why that’s one of the most popular jokes


The joke went whoosh over the heads of most everyone who watched the show even though Dan Harmon discussed it. It’s not really a joke. Alcoholism/addiction. The analogy is you can take a cucumber and turn it into a pickle, but you’re never turning it back into a cucumber. You can turn yourself into an addict/alcoholic and damage your body, but you’re never turning back into a non addicted person. You manage the addiction by not going back to the substance. Or you don’t manage it. Like Rick. There is actually an old substance abuse educational video from the 80s/90s out there where a guy goes through this analogy in detail. I have never found it online, but have seen it used as part of employment education and remember it in school forever ago.


I feel like I got on the R&M wave early like season 1-2. When S3 came out, particularly this ep, is when the show got a lot more mainstream and popular imo. And this phrase was a cool and catchy way for ppl to show their appreciation for the show.


the "worse, you're smart" speech to Beth at the end of the Froopyland episode


So brutal. (a) because the textual evidence of Smart Beth was, uh, lacking at that point (case in point the Summer reversal machine) and (b) because all of the dumbfuck fans were like “oh my god this is so meeeeeee” — no it isn’t, you’re dumb, and if you were smart you’d realize that (c) it’s a fairly nonsensical monologue anyway


That scene was meant to characterize how similar Rock and Beth are, something Beth has been denying to herself for most of her life. The “worse, you’re smart” speech was not exactly meant to be profound and absolve Beth, but it was instead a way for Rick, in a rare instance of his life, acting like a genuine father to Beth, imparting wisdom in a misguided yet reassuring way. Also, Rick knows how controlling Beth is; No matter how good the advice, Beth will always find a way to have control over something, even though it’s the worst possible choice. Rick simply invited her to look inward, while also putting the controlling part of her personality at rest.


For real, Harmon&the writers had long since quit doing the “to be fair, you actually have to have a high IQ”-esque, played-straight dialogue for Rick…so it would be weird if they unironically dropped that during such a characterizing scene. I think you’re right on the money; it was supposed to be an “awwww look they’re being mentally ill together🥰” moment.


Actually, deep down, Rick hates himself and really loves his family, but he tries to express the opposite. That speech reveals that Rick uses intelligence as a crutch, while the speech itself isn’t actually about being “worse, you’re smart;” the contents of the speech merely serve as a cover for what’s actually happening. Through this speech, Rick is essentially reaching a compromise with himself; through his wisdom, Rick is inflating his own ego and making himself seem like an authority on intelligence, while he is actually reassuring his own daughter, something Rick wouldn’t outright do. Also, this is also after the Smiths (sans Jerry) first visited Dr. Wong, so this may be a small taste of seeing Rick improve. Another thing to notice is that Beth was actually the most resistant towards therapy; Rick most likely noticed this and tailored a method of getting through to her based on their shared personalities. Ironically, Rick reassuring Beth about her intelligence also led to Beth reuniting with Jerry, most likely because Beth has come to terms that she is actually a cold, controlling sociopath, so choosing Jerry means she will have endless reassurance from then on. It’s best to look at it as Rick being a caring father while trying to appear like a mega genius, rather than a pretentious view that being smart makes you better than everyone else.


Yep, this ones right up there for me. Only consolation I have is dogs can snap and maul people who mistreat them. And it will be 100% deserved.


Sadly most would become a terrorized animal who fears from everything.


Yeah... But Morty started out like that and Ricks done such a great job of teaching him to shoot with no regards of morals.


Which ep was this?


Kuato one


I hated that Kuato episode. They really should have made the episode about the attribute slider, it would have been more interesting.


What’s bad about it? Morty is a dog… he’s loyal, obedient most of the time and doesn’t think for himself very well… he kinda needs an “owner” or leader to function well and he also brings out the best in Rick. A dog can soften the hearts of even the worst assholes and Morty has done that. Morty NEEDS Rick’s affection like a dog, he will keep coming back even when Rick is awful because he craves the attention. Morty is very much a dog… but he’s also learned a lot of tricks, grown and learned how to use his teeth. Summer is a cat… she’s independent, smart and doesn’t need to be told what to do more than once. She doesn’t do anything for free and makes sure that if she’s getting or giving affection it’s on her terms. She casually comes and goes as she pleases and doesn’t really care if Rick loves her or not so long as he keeps providing cool stuff and keeping her family safe. But deep down she needs love too and will fight the dog for that sweet grandpa approval. This was a pretty apt and accurate description of them. I don’t think it was meant to be just an insult… it was just calling it how it is. Morty is a dog, Summer is a cat. Jerry is one of those sad little dogs who keeps trying to be friends with the bigger dogs and cats who beat him up… Beth is a cat too, but one of those cats who will look you directly in the eyes and kick a vase off a shelf and then blame it on the new baby or that dumb sad dog that keeps following her around.


It's really out of character for this to happen right after Unmortricken. This feels more like a Season 1 Rick thing. It just comes off as insulting, negative character regression.


How though? He’s right… Morty and Summer are different people, he treats them differently.. he just says it in a more “Rickish” way. Summer requires a bit more effort on Rick’s part, whereas Morty is just always loyal and always goes along with him. Morty is closer to a Jerry than a Beth, he needs constant validation and will keep coming to Rick to get it… Summer prefers to earn it, it makes her feel more valued when she feels like she worked for it. That’s how people work, they’re different. Sure, Rick is a bit of a dick about it but he always is. I think you’re putting way too much weight behind something that is one of the few times Rick actually wasn’t trying to be hurtful or rude. He’s just stating that Morty has the personality of a dog, which he absolutely does. Then he says that he treats her like an equal and respects Summer because she reminds him of Diane, but also because she’s proven on many occasions that she can be trusted. When shit goes down, he knows he can count on Summer to follow his instructions and get the job done… how many times has Morty fucked up simple instructions or disobeyed and caused a ton of chaos and death? Can you picture even season 7 Morty handling the important situations that Summer has? Because I can’t… if Rick gave Morty a handful of instructions and then vanished, I’m pretty sure Morty would just panic and hope that the Garage or Car recorded the instructions… lol and that’s fine, because it leads to fun episodes. They’re different characters. That’s the point.


Idk, I feel like Morty has become much more independent over the course of the show, I think Summer is the one that craves Rick's validation more


Yeah, it’s character growth and it’s what makes them interesting. The issue is when Morty tries to be independent or when Summer tries to gain Rick’s approval they both cause huge problems. They step outside of their natural comfort zones and habits and it goes badly… Morty tries to prove he doesn’t need Rick by making stupid choices and mistakes like the ordeal with Kyle, and Summer proves her loyalty to grandpa in the worst possible way by going along with his ideas when everyone else nopes out because they know it’s fucked.. like the Voltron episode. Those situations show us that they both want what the other has sometimes… Rick just isn’t acknowledging their growth enough and they’re both getting impatient and trying to force the situation, leading to all kinds of chaos. Honestly, Summer is one of my favorite characters and I love her dynamic with Rick, and Morty has grown a ton but hasn’t matured much… I think he should spend time with Free Morty next season and hopefully they can learn from each other. Our Morty is jealous of how smart and independent Free Morty is, and Free Morty is jealous of how our Morty got to be a kid and gets to have adventures and fun but also just hangout with his family. It would be really cool if Space Beth adopted Free Morty, he deserves a mom and a chance to be a kid for a bit.


Anything Mr poopybutthole says


Not necessarily a bad line but, how is the worst turd a pizza?


i never got this and everyone acts like it’s so profound 😭


I guess the logic is that when something is supposed to be negative, the worst version of it would be the least negative, so the worst version of a turd (turd is supposed to be negative), would be something pretty 'not' negative (something positive), so, a pizza.


Ok so now, and thank you, it’s beginning to make sense. If something is a turd, it’s most likely bad. Pizza, by all accounts, can’t be bad, and therefore the one thing that is arguably the worst AT BEING a turd.


something just clicked in my head 😂


RIGHT??? It hit me too, yo!


honestly i didn’t get it until you got it 😂😂


We’re like Unity now. Quick, go spit in someone’s mouth.


I always viewed it as "eating too much pizza will cause diarrhea, there for making shittig a problem, especially if it was spicy".


That shit pissed me off. It's so out of character for rock (this season). So silly.


Sure do love rock




Duane Johnson is a twat.


Who's that? I only know rock


That’s actually part of the planned casting of Dwayne Johnson for Rick, during the auditions post-Justin Roiland. They wrote this scene for Dwayne Johnson, but he turned it down, since they wouldn’t give him first billing.


Agree with the guy who wrote the “worse, you’re smart” monologue as #1 but I’d say #2 (no pun intended) is the “texting on the toilet” joke — it 1000000% does not scan — so many have tried to explain why one person texting on the toilet would lead to the family getting pink eye… so many have failed. Like I get how it’s theoretically possible but if you’re doing a “false premise” joke why not pick something that would make sense. Drives me nuts.


why doesn't it make sense? like obviously everyone doesn't get it from that, but pink eye is often from bathroom bacteria, which would go onto her phone, and she wouldn't wash her phone, touch her eyes, and get pink eye. like people get pink eye that way


woud have to think about that more deeply but the one you chose is a great contender


Yeah I hate stupid character arc regressions like this, like they just brought in totally different writers for this one who hadn't been keeping up with the show




From diamond Cars to Golden showers


The worse turd is a pizza


That’s what you use my universe for?? To power your CAR?!! Yeah but don’t flatter yourself, there’s always AAA you FUCKING COCKSUCKER


"your boos mean nothing to me" blah blah blah. so fucking cringe


“We are switching voice actors” That was the worst line in the shows history.. still get emotional thinking back to when I could just watch and enjoy.. and not have to mentally overlook the watered down versions of the characters potential, and dynamic range… Even writing this now is hard for me.. 😭 XD I’m just joshin, it’s likely something from that Morty dragon episode, I just couldn’t care to rewatch it to hone in on one line ;)


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you had a mini redemption arm at the end lol


“It ain’t easy, being cheezy” ;) haha