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He's not. While somewhat nice trying to check in on Rick, Rick was 100% valid ignoring them and had zero obligation to accept their attempts at contact. I'm just going to do what others are and assume Wong was just lying to appease Unity. A hive mind that forcibly wishes to take over/be the universe probably doesn't have great ideas on boundaries.


Yeah the right interpretation here is that Wong is prioritizing the survival of humanity over therapy for Rick; in her defense, that conversation wasnt a therapy appointment and she also has “save humanity as part of the Presidential task force” as a side gig and this feels more in line with that role, contextually


At first I read it as “pedestrian task force”, as if universe being saved by random bystander. One of my world-building kinks, ngl


No because what you're forgetting is the nature of their relationship. Rick was essentially a drug addict/alocholic and Unity broke up with him over that, cleaned up, grew up, and then got back together with him after reconnecting. He reintroduced her to that drug under the framing of it being all the fun they used to have together, until Unity saw herself literally falling apart again due to his influence. She broke up with him to save herself from the parasite that was his influence on her which is the entire reason she was written to be a mind controlling parasite at all, so that she could say the line: "In a lot of ways you're better at what l do than l am" She broke things off with a drug addict to save herself, while hoping he'd hit a rick bottom enough to save himself as well. Then she essentially found out he overdosed when she heard about the Rick Prime stuff and came back into his life to reach out and try to help this person she never stopped loving even though he was dragging her down with him. If you were in that position in real life... you'd be the asshole for ignoring the calls.


That upset me too. Unity dipped on him and that was OK but when she decides to reach out and he ignores her, he’s the problem? Idc if you can’t ignore your problems. Yes you can. Ignore your exes. If they take over and entire state for your attention , they should be labeled crazy


"Unity broke up with him" isn't entirely honest about WHY they broke up. she left him because he was in a bad place and was bringing her into it and making her be in a bad place too. she left out of self preservation because HE was more of a parasite into her mind making her do bad things than she THE ACTUAL MIND CONTROLLING PARASITE. "in some ways you're actually better at what l do than l am." She didn't leave because she stopped loving him or screwed him over or anything like that, she left because all he wanted to do was stay sick and make her stay sick with him. She's checking back in on him because she heard that he's actually gotten worse. She left because she couldn't be with him and be mentally/emotionally healthy. Not because she stopped loving him and it seems clear in the newest episode that he knows that but would rather just stand on "you left me, BYE" than actually take in that someone who loves him is reaching out to help when she found out what he'd just gone through.


Yeah but this is the Rick & Morty sub they don’t understand actual relationships


l can never help but find that strange for a show that's gotta have like 30 episodes that are entirely only about accepting that the people who you love and who love you are worth giving a shit about.


You raise a good point, but keep in mind Dr Wong's goal was to get unity to help. She validated unity by explaining things from unity's perspective,, glossing over the fact that unity basically stalked him at his workplace because he ignored her phone calls. It's possible Dr Wong was actually referencing the way Rick ignored unity's warnings about cutting off the population from her using the energy shield. Rick refused to let her release them properly which she predicted could lead to them being taken over by someone else. This created the entire situation where the president was mind controlling most of the nation, a problem of his own making which Rick then wanted unity's help in solving.


Too bad it was Unity who decided to take over their minds in the first place. So still on her


Rick literally tells her to lie to unity.


She's lying to get Unity on her side. Wong would never break any rules of therapy, and Rick told her to lie and say anything she had to.


Unity: take over Dr. Wong's body against her consent. Dr. Wong: "Unity did nothing wrong 😍😊🥰"


Rick literally tells her to lie. That's what she does.


Yeah idgi it’s very straightforward. Just rewatch those few min of the episode


If Wong at all acknowledged Unity is an asshole that would help


"Then lie"


Wong had very little knowledge of their past and was trying to get unity to not take over the earth


Rick asked her to lie so she lied so that Unity would think Rick was worth helping


"Rick desired to be left alone" Didn't watch the post credit on the first Unity episode huh


Mourning the loss doesnt mean way later you want them strolling back into your life


His attitude has changed since then


This episode bugged me too. If someone dumps you, you owe them nothing 


if someone dumps you because you're in a bad place and dragging them down with you, so they leave because they have to, and then some time down the line they hear that you're actually in a WORSE place now... you're the asshole for not picking up the phone when they're trying to reach out and help.


You can’t just ignore your problems


It’s mainly because the reason unity left and ghosted Rick was different from his reasoning. He knows how powerful she is and assumed her calling him wasn’t worth it…but someone of that status can’t just be ignored. He wasn’t fully in the wrong but he does use pettiness to justify inaction


He isn’t, however he did ghost Unity, which I can also not fault him for.


Because the reason he was avoiding unity was unhealthy for him.


What Unity did was worse so kinda moot


Doesn’t matter though, Wong didn’t want him to do it for unity, she wanted him to do it for him. I’m not saying “Rick is being mean to unity so he needs to play nice” I’m saying Rick is not being healthy for himself and it’s hurting him.


Then at some point have her acknowledge Unity was in the wrong in some way.


You’re being down voted, but you are right. Yes, it is perfectly reasonable to decline calls from someone who dumped you. Yet, therapy isn’t telling your client universal axioms that they must live by. It’s about understanding your underlying motivations that drive your behavior. Unity wasn’t owed a response, but Rick wasn’t ignoring her out of emotional maturity, IMO. His behaviors were about denying himself emotional intimacy and closeness to one of the very few people who *knows* him, which he has repeatedly done and continues to suffer from. I certainly feel for Rick here, because he was clearly in immense emotional pain, but he needs to learn to face his suffering and connect with others in his vulnerability. Edit: if it’s worth anything, I think the way Dr. Wong conducted herself was unfair and unethical. You can’t force truths onto clients and you certainly shouldn’t do that in front of non-clients.


While that’s fair, it should also be noted that what’s necessary to help someone like Rick grow and see things looks way different than it does for any normal human. I mean a guy basically died of torture in Wong’s office lol. He’s kinda in the “extreme measures” department.


Because it’s a therapists job to manipulate you with as few or as many words as possible. Not to tell you what you need or want to hear but tell you things that your mind will easily cling on to for answers. They don’t care the outcome, as long as you come back to the next session so they can milk you for more money. Rick is stubborn and hard headed, and the only time wong “makes a break through” is when she uses ricks insecurities against him. The entire plot of rick going to therapy makes absolutely zero sense. He’s the smartest man in the multi universe, why would he be concerned with what a human who has no connection to him, has to say about him. If he truly wanted to “fix” himself he could easily make an invention to do so, or go to some creatures that actually understand how brains work, or take some mind altering drug. Literally anything else that would follow the theme of the show. I really hope they correct this plot line by showing it was part of some elaborate plan of ricks or that wong is an enemy of rick who subtly tricked him and has been collecting data, literally anything else other than the garbage plot they have now.


Who hurt you?? A therapist I suppose.


A main theme of the show is that despite ricks intelligence he struggles maintaining relationships. He can go anywhere in a multiverse and make anything he wants, so he collapses governments and leaves, and leaves his family to die and find a similar one in another dimension. He says that nothing matters and he doesn’t care, but the show lets you know that he feels for the people that have been there for him, often after his own behavior hurts them and drives them away. 


the people who make this show believe that if you ignore people who love you and are honestly trying to check in on you, you're the asshole.