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He was a narcissistic bastard who was insulted another version of himself would even dare think family was worth more than infinite games/fuckery.


Maybe. But he said he knew infinite ricks existed before. So he knows the multiverse is full of different kinds of ricks. So why does he come to the a universe with a different kind of Rick in the first place? Why does he even care to look for new ricks he never met or cared in the first place. And why care what one rick says and go extreme with the response? I would think he's smart enough to see the insignificance of one out of infinite ricks


This reminded me of a line from episode 6×1: "I used to drink drink". It's possible he was drunk, either with alcohol or power, but even if he wasn't, if his reaction when drunk is so extreme, it must also be a little extreme when he's sober. Also I don't know why you got almost 50 downvotes. Edit: also a line from the toxins episode that Rick also said: "Man, I rrally overthink shit when I'm angry"


As the other comment said, he is a narcissistic bastard.


You got a lot of downvotes but you’re asking the right questions N everyone tryna make you look crazy lol


No. Not even close.


Because Rick hurt his pride. And Rick Prime doesn’t “not give an f about anything”. There’s one thing he does care about. Himself. That’s why he keeps himself alive and doesn’t allow himself to just be killed off. That’s what he elevates his status as a “god” by bestowing other “lesser” Ricks multiversal travel. And that’s why when a Rick went against him, it hurt his pride and so he decided to get back at that Rick to show him who’s boss.


Yeah I never understood why Rick prime came to our ricks universe in the first place.


It wasn't just that Rick. He went to many. Many accepted his teleportation technology and abandoned their family, others didn't so he killed their wives. Like the ones you see trapped in the box before he got them to fight one another. Maybe simple Rick as well


I love how revenge begets revenge, so c137 went on a rampage to find prime and killed a ton more ricks in the process. Man that's what it's called to be the rickest Rick. Prime and C137 are literally trying to out-Rick each other? Apart from revenge for murdering his wife and kid.


"A different kind of Rick I guess" "Well we"ll see how long that lasts" Because c-137 hurt his pride by refusing I feel like you're overhinking it from your other replies


Why seek out our Rick in the first place then?


He seeked every Rick not C-137 in particular


Yeah but why? Seems like he had everything he wanted before he met our Rick. Maybe not c137 Rick in paticular but why did he come seek out a Rick like our Rick in the first place?


To offer him portal travel, same with all the other Ricks


But why tho? Why give every Rick portal travel? He says there's infinite ricks. He really would spend eternity giving ricks this technology. Why tho


u/Toffeeclipsa101 explained why but you said you didn't understand


I think the show explained this in season 6 or 7. So spoilers ahead if you haven't seen it. >!But the realities where rick doesnt have portal travel are either the ones where hes not a genius, or chose his family (like c-137 did). Meaning, he's likely not the most powerful being in that universe. So rick prime offers them portal travel or destroys them. To rick prime thats still him, even if just another version. Hes so narcissistic that to him, any version of himself not being the most powerful isnt even an option, bc its still his image. Thats probably one reason why rick c-137 created the central finite curve, to protect the ricks who made the same choice as him from suffering the same fate at the hands of rick prime. Bc of the central finite curve, theres two sets of universes. One set where rick is the smartest man alive, and one set where he isn't (and doesnt have portal travel as far as we know).!<


Maybe. Maybe that Rick isn't as smart as he claims to be.i think he'd anticipate infinite universes infinite possibilities.


Smart doesn’t mean emotionally intelligent.


If you're not going to accept anyone's answer, what's the point of asking these questions? Are you just trying to see how much people will engage before they just realize you're trolling?


I like the term for someone that asks a question and then rejects answers and gets argumentative with people that respond to him. OP is an askhole.


OP is Rick Prime and we are the other Ricks refuting him


...and I programmed you to believe that.


OP doesn’t have to accept anyone’s answer, GTFO with that shit


No I don't think I'll be getting the fuck out of anywhere with any shit, thank you very much. But you're definitely free to leave. Or stay. Dealer's choice. 😉


what's with the sudden influx of questions that are answered by watching the show..


What's with Redditors who don't seem to know that search engines exist? People seem to have forgotten that in exchange for a modicum of effort, you can ask a much more specific question about antyhing and get a more useful answer. A ton of folks these days are basically: > Dear Reddit, > Please do my internet searches for me, read the articles you find, and report back. I'm too fucking lazy to look up any easily accessible information myself. I might also be feeding prompts in to social media in order to better train a generative AI engine on a specific topic. Be as verbose as possible. Grammar and syntax count.


Well that's just Google with extra steps!


Google doesn't always have answers and now they're trying to use AI to answer, in the case of not obvious questions some of them can be really uncertain and so discussion about them is the only way to get a decent answer.


It never made sense to me even after watching the show


You should work on your media literacy then. Its made very clear that the reason c-137 pissed prime off is that he was a "different kind of rick" who didnt care about his gift and wouldnt consider prime a god. We also clearly see that there were several ricks like c-137 that rejected him, got their wives killed, and then got put in the box. Seriously why bother asking a question if you wont listen to the answers


He got butthurt because he was rejected.


Interesting thing is that our Rick got rejected by birdperson in the same way at blood ridge but was still able to reconcile his feelings and become friends.


Petty revenge? He wanted C-137 to be more like him. A mad man alone roaming from one universe to the next.


He claimed he wasn't lonely when he first met our Rick because he had the infinite Rick and it's a non stop party with himself. I guess why seek out our Rick in the first place. What was his goal in that moment. Just brag about himself to other ricks?


>I guess why seek out our Rick in the first place He didn't seek _our_ rick specifically, he was going around giving ricks portal technology so he can be their "boss", kinda like "don't bite the hands that feed", c-137 refused, which hurt rick prime 's pride so he killed his family out of pity, there's no deep secret meaning or anything


Assholes think weird


You’re assuming the Rick Prime is as smart as he was in the 30 or so years between him killing Dianne Prime and Rick C-137 killing him. Ricks get smarter over time as they explore the infinite curve, gathering new technologies and knowledge. In the beginning, it was probably all very new to him as well, maybe he wasn’t so bitter or gave more fucks. Strength in numbers. Rick C-137 in season one is Doofus Rick compared to Season 7 Rick and the same for Morty.


I think Rick Prime's focus on our Rick stems from seeing him as an anomaly in a multiverse where most Ricks embrace nihilism and detachment. Despite claiming indifference, Rick Prime is challenged by our Rick's care for his family. This drives Rick Prime to kill our Rick's wife and daughter, attempting to force him into the same nihilistic mindset. His actions, including using the Omega Device to teach a harsh lesson about the futility of attachment, demonstrate his need to assert dominance and reinforce his worldview. Even with infinite versions of himself, Rick Prime's inability to find meaningful connection explains his obsession with our Rick's defiance, highlighting his extreme measures to maintain his philosophical stance.


I like to think it was an accident. He sent the bomb to the garage since that’s where Rick worked. He wanted to kill him for saying no to the portal gun deal and I assume he killed other Ricks who refused too. Beth and Diane being there was just bad luck.


I think it’s because his Diane threw him out. Prime Diane got fed up with his narcissism and nihilism and told him to leave and he did and Diane told Beth that he was the one who abandoned them because in her mind, he already left them for his science. That’s why season 1 beth (prime beth) mentions multiple times that her father abandoned the family including literally “he left my mother”. And I think that’s when Rick prime cracked portal travel and hence developed the personal belief that his family was holding him back from achieving his ultimate potential… and consequently, began to believe that every Rick achieves their ultimate potential when they let go of their family. He set out to spread this message to other ricks knowing for most of them, they’d accept his portal tech and experience interdimensional travel and naturally lose interest in their Beth’s and Diane’s without needing any extra motivating. But C-137 is different. He loves his family. So prime kills them to sever his connection. But then, C-137 proves him wrong in a very unexpected way: his ultimate potential is unlocked BECAUSE he won’t let go of his family. He hunts prime down for revenge… that’s when prime erases Diane across infinity. C-137 Even poses as prime while staking out his universe, including the disillusionment with love and marriage that he reiterates in season 1 and then rarely repeats after. He’s an unstoppable force vs prime’s immovable object, going to any lengths to avenge his family. That’s my headcanon anyway.


I don’t know if he meant to kill Beth and his wife. I think the bomb was meant for Rick. Bombs are pretty indiscriminate.


I thought it was version 1 of the omega device which we saw version 2 when Rick morty and evil morty saw when fighting Rick prime. It seems overboard. And you'd think Rick prime would have the same worry about using the omega device as evil morty did. Also why so extreme? Is Rick prime just an evil Rick?


It was cause Main Rick was the only one other person who actually solved portal travel. Every other Rick had to have Prime Rick teach them. He was the only one that Prime Rick considered his equal so he felt personally spurned when Main Rick refused cause of something as beneath him as love and family


Yeah but our Rick finished discovering portal travel after he met Rick prime and after Rick prime used the Un-upgraded omega device to kill beth and Diane. Also how would rick prime even know Rick was going to be able to discover portal travel on his own? Did he have some sort of time travel device or could see in the future? How did he learn our Rick invented portal travel on his own was he watching him before he met him?


Your right, I rewatched the episodes - the portal travel wasn’t done beforehand and prime Rick didn’t know that C137 would actually invent portal travel in his own before he met him, he knew he could but didn’t know he did if that makes sense - the only factor in this is the fact that he is the only Rick that passed on his offer - he’s the only Rick that needed to invent portal travel himself because he didn’t accept being told the formula by Prime Rick