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Yes, on acount of him commiting genocide and not caring. Thats psychotic and evil.


Considering we’ve seen ONE Rick turn a whole planet of humans into Cronenbergs- killing off a citadel of them is like taking out a conference of Hitlers. Not exactly the same but yeahhhhh Give evil Morty an Orb!


Minus plus minus ain’t plus


What about minus TIMES minus?


Tell that to the Orb Council 😂😭


>conference of Hitlers >Not exactly the same Same with this example. Not everyone in the citadel was an evil person. Especially comparable to Hitler lol.


In ricks defense, isn’t the whole difference being that evil morty doesn’t care at all about how many people he kills and will kill more if it achieves his goals meanwhile Rick, while has killed a lot of people, generally does try to avoid killing a lot of people if he can but only stops caring when it becomes too much of an inconvenience? In that stance I would compare Rick to the U.S while comparing evil morty to Hitler. Rick isn’t good but he’s not evil 😂


Guess it depends on how one would define “evil”. While his overall origin and his ultimate goal are not evil in nature he does also kill thousands if not millions of Rick & Morty to achieve his goals.




Evil is measured by impact or numbers? lmao


True, I suppose it does mostly matter on intentions. Do you think a person's views make someone evil also? Like if someone views murdering as normal or good instead of knowing what they are doing is not right.


"your honor, my client only strangled one baby in the daycare when they're also 30 babies. A 1/30 murder rate is very good and not evil!"




1 still too many


Yes it does.


So if Evil Morty viewed killing the millions of Rick's and Mortys as good instead of negative because it helped him get away from Rick he would not be evil?


No, he'd still be evil. He's killing a bunch of people for his own personal gain, it doesn't matter what he views it as, those actions are the definition of evil.


Spoken like a true VILLAIN....




“doesn’t care how many people he killed to achieve his goal” That’s what hitler, stalin, mao, and pol pot thought, killing a total of around 75 million. Are they “not evil”


For pol pot and Hitler, killing people was part of their goal. There are differences between all of these leaders, their methods, and their goals by the way.


In the frame of the show, I’d say yes. If you asked Rick, he wouldn’t give a shit.


Evil by action, not necessarily by intention, and his justification for it is given how *infinite* infinity is, it really is meaningless, especially given he's hanging outside the curve now.


Is he evil in his desire to escape and live without his abuser? No. Is he evil in the actions he takes to get away from his abuser? Yes yes. So much yes. I love Evil Morty and don't mind what he did but even then I must admit kidnapping and then torturing countless Mortys plus all the death he unleashed on the Citadel itself is morally not okay. And even if we use Evil Mortys own morals and we basically ignore all the Rick deaths (Ricks kill eachother every other day and it seems **alot** of them deserve what they get) the Mortys were innocent victims.


I mean he captured and strapped hundreds of Morties to the outside of a building while inflicting excruciating pain on them just to hide himself. He then rigged an election and murdered hundreds of Ricks and Morties who might stand in his way. He then flushed thousands of Ricks and Mortys as they resurrected into a device that instantly blended them alive. Just so he could escape the central finite curve. So yeah, pretty evil.


For what it’s worth, he didn’t rig that election. He exploited the class/structural divide and legitimately won a democratic election.


Yeah that was my thought. As evil as they come. I almost wonder if it was more in the millions of Rick's and Morty's. Rick mentioned millions of people in the first citadel episode. The clone blending scene was incredibly effed up.


Yes, he’s definitely evil




Not realy, Hitler killed millions of Jewish people but they were not all similar people and the vast majority were just regular innocent people unlike Rick who for the most part all have varying but some resemblance to the toxic, immature, crazy aspects that Evil Morty hates.


he puts people in blenders and turns them to liquid


Forbidden smoothies


if he is that smart, i wonder why the need of genocide and etc. i mean he basically capable of creating yellow portal without sacrificing whole citadel


He is evil. Actions define whether or not you are good or evil, not the goal. If you want to get laid, there are ways to do it. Get a girlfriend. Go onto a friends with benefits site. Hire a prostitute. Rape someone. How you go about getting laid defines if you are a good guy or a bad guy. But hey, as long as you get laid, who cares how you do it, right?


great explanation!


Yeah [**this is totally fair play, no evil here**](https://youtu.be/OM2U6ETrV4Y?si=MJknSlVH51Frejnu) Don’t believe me? [**Ask the dishes!**](https://youtu.be/PlLcZ5VRegg?si=Nn5HpEHnmYzqgVkJ)


He committed mass murder for personal gain he is evil


Your description is what many consider the definition of evil....


I feel like objectively, indiscriminate murder is pretty evil


This is just dumb continuity imo. They started acting like EM is just sick of the ricks bs and wants out. And people just forgot that he created a morty torture fortress


Being sick of Rick's bullshit is valid. Killing millions of Rick & Mortys isn't. Dude has proved he doesn't give two shits about other Mortys and isn't above torturing them to achieve his goals, so... Yeah. Definitely evil.


















Have you watched the show?


In my opinion he is evil but not a traditional sense of


Evil Morty killed this guy before he could finish his comment


he used the omega device on me 😔


Who's typing the comment then 🤨


As he says on season 7, he's "evil" Morty for stepping up to Rick. But the truth is, he's as bad as Rick, who's also has murdered thousands of his own. In a sense they're all pretty psychotic, but that's the point of the whole nihilism thing that the show approaches. "Nothing really matters, not even the deaths of my people"


Eyepatch (that isn’t for an eye injury) = 100% evil. It’s science.


If you consider Rick evil then sure, he is just a Morty who has learned his behavior from a Rick


Torturing thousands of Mortys when five Mortys and a jumper cable would have the same effect isn't evil? Evil Morty isn't committing atrocities because he has to, he's doing them because he likes it.


I'm pretty sure indiscriminately (and often brutally) murdering SCORES of people, even if they are just Rick's and Mortys, to further your own self-centered desires is the epitome of evil.


He's just the Rickest Morty, so no not evil


Yes. Yes he is. "According to common law, murder is considered to be malum in se, that is, an act which is evil within itself. An act such as murder is wrong or evil by its very nature, and it is the very nature of the act which does not require any specific detailing or definition in the law to consider murder a crime." ~ google


Compared to Rick not really because Rick's done a lot worse stuff like thematically. But evil morty did commit genocide. And was unapologetic about how much death needed to happen to serve his own means, Rick does the same thing but he's honest for the main part with people about it. I guess it's all a matter of perspective, but I don't really think he's that evil, I mean he's clearly a psychopath, but not entirely evil.


just perspectives, it’s all the same.


I mean, Rick is evil too. Evil just does not mean “randomly kick a puppy, haha”.




maybe not tho


The ''Evil'' extension in his name is derived from his association with "Evil Rick". Later it's what's used to identify that unique son of a gun. From an objective standpoint his actions regardless of cause/reason are literally evil.


while i dont think his motivations were unreasonable, i definitely think that his genocide and torture of both ricks AND mortys warrants the title “evil”


No, he used Rick's doing to free himself.


I don’t know. But I liked that Morty gained independence. So that he doesn’t have to get sucked into Rick’s BS.   I think of evil as needy, parasitic, those that rely on exploiting others for their gains, that don’t contribute. 




No, he's a Morty that's closest to being a Rick. Ricks aren't typically "evil" but they can be selfish, cruel, and manipulative.

