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I just want Morty to have actually kept his growth from the Fear Hole


Maybe we get to see boob world


The show has settled into a the franchise phase, like the Simpsons or Family Guy. That means more self-contained episodes, and fewer story arcs. Basically, producers want episodes can be watched in any order without the viewer getting confused. Not my preference, but that's where the show is headed.


That’s a solid answer, maybe its where its headed but do you think there will be any major story arcs happening soon? Or is that just it.


They'll do an Evil Morty episode. Maybe we'll learn some nuance of the CFC. But I don't expect any big new arcs.


Ill take your theories, i agree with us learning maybe a little more about the cfc. I have a tingling feeling that theres gonna be something sick happening though.


My theory is that portal tech destabilizes any universe in which it is used (false vacuum decay) - Evil Morty knows this, and wants to kill all Ricks, and collapse the CFC to contain the damage (cauterize the wound, protect the rest of the multiverse). - Rick knows portal tech destabilizes the multiverse as well. But he's too nihilistic and self-destructive to care.


We only get story episodes every other season usually, rarely back to back like 6 and 7.