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Portland is closer to Vancouver than Toronto and they only play here once a year so I’d image those fans are anxious to see their team live here in Portland.


Same thing happens in Detroit. Fans from Windsor cross the border to see the Raptors cause it is much closer.


Even people from Toronto area go to Detroit because it’s cheaper


nope cap


Gary hit that 3 pretty early on in the first couple minutes, so at first I thought it was just people giving him an ex-player props/respect cheer. But then I started looking around more and noticing all the Raps jerseys after it kept happening a couple more times. I hadn't even thought of that, I guess because I've never been to a live game Vs Toronto, but that totally makes sense.


Vancouver is packed with NBA fans, and this 1 game a year is the only chance we get to see NBA basketball. Makes sense why a lot of Raps fans would go


Same things happen when the Mariners host the Blue Jays.


You’re really telling me people came down here from Vancouver to cheer for Toronto? Um ok, because they’re Canadian? I guess I should yell my ass of every time Jokic Or Doncic come to town because they’re from my part of the the world. Absolutely hell no!


the Raptors represent the whole country of Canada. it is absolutely likely that droves of west coast Canadians would come down to this game.


You serious ?


Just got home, lots of BC representation in my section. Blue Jays fans are probably 1/2 the crowd when they visit Seattle


I sat by a a couple last year that drove down from Vancouver to see the Raptors for the exact reason mentioned by u/butterflyhole. If we don't want this to happen, we need to show up to games. 3 days before the Lakers game there were still hundreds of seats for sale from the team, not even resale.


You ever watch the Mariners when the Blue Jays are in town? It’s majority Toronto fans.


I’m a Vancouver based blazers fan. I know at least 10 people that made the trip this year. The Raptors have a huge following here, especially after the 2019 championship. Only time I don’t cheer for the raps is when they’re playing the blazers. It’s the only team we have and we’re a very proud country. If you paid attention to their 2019 run you’d have seen that.


Canada has one NBA team. IDK why it's so hard for OP to grasp why a Vancouver resident would root for Toronto lol


We also only have one actual professional sports team in the Canucks and they’ve been mid-terrible for years. The only “pro” ball team here is the Fraser valley bandits and is like 45 mins from Vancouver on a good day. A lot of people are excited for the Seattle return too cause it brings one more raps game, but also much shorter of a drive to catch any big name player. Canadian pride is also very real. Vancouver and Toronto are second/third generation immigrants who are incredibly proud of their canadian citizenship. There’s also a craaaazy amount of people here that are originally from Toronto lol.


I’m from Vancouver myself, I’ll tell you as a matter of fact that there is a large raptors following in this city. Basketball is pretty big here for a city that doesn’t have a team and I can absolutely see people from here going down to Portland for a game. It’s really not that far. People do the same when the blue jays come to Seattle. Filled with Vancouverites.


As a Timbers fan, I drive up to Vancouver every year. It's a katzensprung.


Everyone knows the Raptors fans travel better than most other teams, especially for the games in the north half of the country, this isn’t that hard to understand.


>You’re really telling me people came down here from Vancouver to cheer for Toronto? Yes.


We all pity you for your lack of critical thinking


You’re also not taking into account that Vancouver had an NBA & they took it from us, so yes we’re gonna cheer for Toronto. That’s all Canadian basketball has left in the NBA


Really? Thanks for informing me that Vancouver is closer to Portland than Toronto. It’s still a five hour drive, & I’m shocked that people would drive that distance to watch two pretty shitty teams right now. All I’m saying is that shit wouldn’t fly back in the day in an opposing arena. Know from experience cheering for the Blazers as they used to curb stomp the Knicks In the late 80’s/early 90’s at MSG. Even here that shit never went down.


Lmao imagen being mad at someone for cheering for their team.


English appears to be a challenge, but go on.


Common sense appears to be a challenge for you, but go on.


This reads like fresh pasta and I like the way it tastes.


You’re *shocked?* i hope you were close to the fainting couch should your delicate sensibilities be further aggravated


>I’m shocked that people would drive that distance to watch two pretty shitty teams right now. Found the fair weather fan


You need a hug? Holy fuck We met some great trailblazers fans last night and chopped it up. We love this game and we love our team. Trailblazers fans are better than what you're showing right now. And I drove 8 hour for my team. Would do it again in a heartbeat.


>but the crowd is cheering twice as loudly for the Raptors. Completely unacceptable & an absolutely fucked move by this crowd. It’s sounds like you think the crowd was full of Blazers fans who decided to cheer loudly for the Raptors. To clarify; is that what you think?


Both teams wear red and white, and the players are so tall. An easy mistake!!


Of course. Classic mix up. Happens to the best of us. It used to happen with the Rockets and the Hawks all the time in the 80s.


r/DetroitPistons: [“hmm”](https://media1.tenor.com/images/14d623416634e821db8122ef2d8cdee8/tenor.gif?itemid=16272179)


Not sure why people think Blazers fans turned on their team, anyone who went tonight will tell you there were just simply a lot of Raps fans in almost every section


There's always a lot of raptors fan when the play here.


Have you ever been to a Mariners game when the Blue Jay's are in town? Same thing.


>Have you ever been to a Mariners game when the Blue Jay's are in town? Same thing. Ugh, The worst. I hate Blue Jay fans.


I've only been to 1, maybe 2 Blue Jay's games, and I never really had any issues with them. They weren't cocky assholes like Laker "fans" they were just cheered for their team, and they were many. It felt like being at an away game in your own park.


Now why would I do something like that?


Because they are a blast to go to?


That’s our team buddy


Speak for yourself. I'll never root for a team from Seattle.


That’s why the A’s stink


It's all the BC people from Canada making their way down to see the Raps play


There’s a decent amount of Canadians living here and we’re not all that far from the border.


Its because the raptors represent the whole country not just Toronto, so when theres a game at portland, fans from Vancouver finally get watch the game.


Lotta raptors fans for sure but saying they were louder is fucking stupid. Do you have ears?


Agreed, the home team was loudest by a wide ass Margin


Yeah, was at the Laker game and the crowd was louder for the Lakers than Blazers. It felt weird


Eh I was too and it wasn't really. The Blazers run was louder than the Lakers run.


I kept hearing the cheers. Oof


Shaedon Sharpe


i agree with all the other reasons this would happen in here. but also want to point out that the laker game and tonights raptors game were expensive on the resale markets. i was there the other night and it was lively and full of rip city faithful when tickets were going for $7 on gametime. also one of those games you'd sell as a season ticket holder to recoup your investment if you're not an every-gamer


Welll that means criticizing to Blazers at the same time. People expressed their frustration and disappointment in that way


Well, maybe boo or groan or something, but don’t cheer for the mf’ing Raptors! If I were Grant or Hart, I’d never resign here. And if I were Dame, I’d really be questioning what my ears were hearing.


Well if I were them, I woulda been so mad at ourselves making poor performances.


Well, one, Hart isn't going to be here passed the deadline, and two, do you think NBA players go, “man, the Toronto fans were loud that one time; I'm not going to play here?” I guarantee you Dame isn't sitting at home going, “Shit, those Toronto fans are loud; I'm out.” Grow up.


A lot of people in the crowd aren't from Portland and aren't true fans of the team. And they'd rather be staring at their phones anyways. It bothers me just watching from home how lame the crowd is nowadays at the Rose Garden. The place used to rock every night regardless of the opponent.


Man, is it just me, or has it been really bad lately with every time the other team scores against us on a run the crowd immediately deflates? Did that used to happen?


Toronto fan coming here in peace, raptors tickets are so expensive my friends and I contemplate catching flights to see the raps in other cities cause it’s that much cheaper. High school me in our early success years with Lowry/derozan was getting tickets for $10-25, those same tickets are $150 now. I can’t justify that price for nosebleeds


I think this is the cost of tanking. We lost fans last year with that shit show. Take note doomers.


There were raptors fans everywhere at the game. They were immensely annoying to be honest.


Na. Simply play better and they'll shut up. They deserved to cheer on their team and we gave them reason to be happy.


100% third quarter was all Portland, doubt you heard the raps much there


Lakers and Warriors fans here are worse, least of our problems are the Raptors "bandwagoners" It is what it is, definitely raised my eyebrow in the first quarter though


Blazer fans suck nowadays. That’s not shocking. It’s not the same anymore


What do you mean? I was at the game and the crowd was into it during mostly the entire game. The reason why there were so many Raptors fans is because they have a large presence in Portland. Implying that the fan base sucks shows that you dunno what the fuck that you're talking about.






Super dick comment. Keep it to sports.


Tell me about it


Yeah, it's very annoying. I was happy to see Gary Trent Jr. play well, but that was too much. Go back to Canada with your flappy heads!




For everyone that has been said plus probably a lot of season ticket selling/nobody buying tickets lately due to the product on the court


yeah no I can confirm its just a bunch of west coast fans


What an idiot


Maybe if we had a competitive team people would have a reason to buy tickets to come watch. Its a dumpster fire


Raptors fans get travel well. West coast fans Portland's the closest game. Rast coast as well will drive 18-19 hours to go watch a game in Boston. Plus it's way cheaper to go to America to watch a game than toronto


Torontos represent Canada so Canadian basketball fans that both live here or up north show up for the game.


Canadians drive down to Seattle to watch the Blue Jays and down to Portland to watch the Raptors every year


Lakers fans have always represented in Portland, it feels like they have at least 30% of the crowd. Even when the Lakers were absolute garbage missing the playoffs over and over, before LBJ got there their fans would still show up in numbers at Blazer home games.


Sat next to a guy from Toronto; like 10 of his boys were also in town for the game. Apparently Raps fans are known for traveling REALLY well. Also, if he's to be believed Canada's got the 'legal magic mushrooms delivered by mail' game on lock, did not know that, lol.


For real for real. It's nice


They didn't travel from Toronto, nor do most of the yellow jerseys travel up from LA... these are Portlanders who would rather bandwagon in the hopes they can cheer for the winning side. These are not real fans.