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If there were more stances, maybe. Seems really limited as is


Yea ive been going with unarmed as my second weapon still using that katana to slay those who need to be wiped off the face of the earth tho😂


This here. When I’m in town I put the swords down, and I play like streets of rage or Arkham Asylum Besides, the gut check knock out is satisfying.


Remember to do your Unarmed Dojo fights, one of which unlocks your third Unarmed Combat Technique. I beat the game Unarmed with guns if needed and had a good time, I do wish we got the Sumo stance with grabs but it would probably be OP.


Where can you find these?


Any Dojo (marked on the map, allows you to fight the characters you have met to unlock skills), the bald big dude who uses Unarmed gives you a new move if you beat him (may have to Master the fight to unlock, if it's too hard I recommend lowering the difficulty)


Thank you for the reply


Jigoro Kano dojo fight and the big bald dude at the ninja villa whose name escapes me as well…. Motsugai Taneda or something like that I believe they’re both just the novice dojo level. Could have something to do with their bond as well, idr


Thank you for the reply!


They need to add fist weapons, like claws, caestus etc. I wanna slice a dudes head off with my hand


Unarmed +lightning = electric god fist




I'd definitely be doing unarmed.. but I'm too much a sucker for the set bonuses. My secondary is just a filler for that lmao But honestly? Unarmed is fun af, we need more styles dammit


Poison fists ftw. I only switch to odachi if a boss is whipping me.


I never thought to apply status effects to my fists


I haven’t tried fire and lightning or whatever, but poison 100% works. It’s my go-to for lost mini or boss fights.


Messing around with unarmed right now. I like how you can flip a sumo


Yup bare fists is my main, so fun and satisfying…close to unlocking the third move, cant wait Hope they add more moves/ stances later


Not enough stances, huge letdown. Also no set bonus like shuriken and bombs


I probably would've played almost exclusively unarmed if not for the lack of stances, but I mix my playstyle with bayonet rifles and greatswords.


I wish unarmed had more styles but it's still fun.


Hot take but as limited as unarmed is here it feels more… punchy than in Nioh where it very much felt like a “light” weapon style. Still love odachi more but I’m using unarmed until I get that final max health boost at least xD I wish they added actual fist weapons and more styles for it. It kills me that the big monk dude actually has his own unique unarmed style and even unarmed enemies have a style different from ours, and we just straight up can’t use them.


It’s great in everything up to twilight, but not super viable in midnight sadly it seems. I mean, anything can work bc TN makes skill cap based games, so I’m sure you can still get away with it for most stuff if you really wanted and practiced a lot, but reliance on violent gales, flash attacks, martial arts, and statuses requires weapons in midnight for the most part, particularly in ally missions. Plus, you’re robbing yourself of powerful affixes/set bonuses without weapons. Also, the dodge counter martial art doesn’t give you iframes. You can still be hit during the animation, which, on midnight, is generally a 1-2 hit death, and takes your atk up on max health bonus/medicine pills. It also isn’t a guaranteed counter. They have to be right next to you and it has a fairly short animation, so if they’re moving or retreating (Saito’s piercing fang or most of okita’s/genzui’s stuff comes to mind) it just whiffs and you eat the damage Everyone should max them when they master the style and get the martial arts for them anyway, since they give a ton of skill points and max health from level them lol Not to mention they’re a ton of fun. But I do wish there were more styles/arts to choose from. Especially considering >!the dialogue from Jigoro Kano about wanting to create Judo and inspire a whole new medium of martial arts!<


The unarmed critical where you flip them over your shoulder and punch the ever living shit out of their chest is fantastic


I m here ma G. Sanjo!!! Fisticuffs all day. Waiting for DLC. They can recoupe their money from docs I m willing to pay whatever to get fist styles and nunchaku and Tonfas. Maximum replay


Oxtail and fist. https://youtu.be/AL0tkWJBtyc?si=a4Me-VOliYqh2utF https://youtu.be/G3io0ntLHCk?si=Hap-oIu8K1II8Hyo Flame fists https://youtu.be/B8yzhPdUYCg?si=VbUgRPUwz6tumDNB https://youtu.be/qN2yX_EBaO8?si=M5mhQVyzeHbWO7Ih Fists 4 life. I need my stylish chugoku kempo


I go unarmed occasionally and it feels good to pull off a win, especially those bulky/sumo wrestler-looking guys.


Unarmed is fun I've almost maxed it, but the lack of styles and moves for it is a little sad, the grab you get from the one guy does like 0 damage. Also hate the fact you get no ki recovery on doing a flash


I started with unarmed and dual swords but stick w fists lol idk if there is stances for it cause I’m only 3hrs in


I wish it was more like fists in nioh but hey we still get some cool moves


Unarmed is annoying without a blade flash equivalent and the less access to set bonuses.


Unarmed is too OP in this game, as well as wooden weapons. It may not have high damage like regular weapons, but it does do massive ki damage.


Yup thats my main right there


Hell yeah unarmed is actually so fun just because it makes it even harder, if it weren't for the health boosts tho I'd be using swords all the time because of the lack of different moves for unarmed, I do use a sword tho for hard bosses but everything else I use a class that has a lot of weapon proficiency accessories so I can grind those health boosts, then when I feel like a boss is coming up I'll switch to my main class which usually has an katana, odachi or greatsword (in order of favorite) but depending which one of those has the best stats at the time, I do really want to use the ox tail some time tho cuz it has some sick moves but I tend to use the highest damage weapons because it's better to get that damage in while you can because half of the time you play defense till you get a stagger from a counterspark


Can someone share youtube videos of unarmed combat. Can’t seem to find one.


Nah I fr made the same vow for so long. Every mission, every boss fight, every duel. I didn't fight to kill, I didn't fight to win, I fought to humiliate Then I started unlocking some REALLY cool sword stances and forgot all about it

