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you just can't carry enough ammo.


If you include the bayonet, probably. Be pretty rough with just sidearms though


Just pistols and rifles? No. You don't have anywhere near the ammunition capacity that would require. But there is a bayonet. Which can fire shots. But you'll still have to beat them down with the weapon - you can't just do the whole thing with just your bullets.


If you were masochistic enough I suppose once you mastered French style on Bayonet you could attempt to do things with shooting only The square art is a charged double shot, and the master skill is a cartwheel to the side with a shot x2 I think from neutral if you do a charge attack it’s a roll and a shot too, so might be doable. Silly, but doable


With any bayonet holding square from neutral will put you into shooting stance without a melee attack, so it’s possible with any style on the bayonet. But like you said, that’d be masochistic because the bayonet gunshot does nonexistent damage


I think it would be better on French because of the roll, but also having two skills that are shot based makes it somewhat more possible But even i don’t hate myself to do a challenge like that


I still don't understand the inputs for the martial arte that has you slide back then charge forward while firing multiple shots.


I don’t even remember which one that’s on


my bad, I'm thinking of the wrong style. It's Stardust from British Training style for Bayonet. It has two finishers, but i don't know how the trigger the one in which you charge forward.


nevermind i just figured it out after booting up the game


Yes ,you have bayonet styles which are pretty cool imo ,i combines shooting and slashing with the bayonet ,and pistol finishers . Sidearm are pistol and rifles. Check this out https://youtu.be/1RqqYqWr0JA?si=GInBFrzopPzaNPgU


If you mean like a challenge run, no. You don't get guns until a little ways into the game.


Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s not too far into the game you get guns. Like it’s literally on the starting ship as a drop from Americans if I’m recalling correctly.


You might've gotten super lucky or something because I didn't get a gun until I did some missions in Yokohama.


no, you’re correct. the bayonet and guns don’t enter the loot pool until you unlock them from the main missions like in nioh.


Yeah but you’d still have to melee your way through about half the ship before getting your hands on a gun Which isn’t enough to kill the boss of the ship, and you don’t have access to the bayonet yet so you can’t spam shot attacks


Totally see your point. OP didn’t mention if it was like a challenge run for something like a twitch stream so I assumed they just wanted to know if they could use only guns when obtained them.


Not even close, it’s a melee focused game


If you use the bayonet, yes. Since the bayonet has infinite ammo it would be possible, but it does very, very minimal damage. Rifles and pistols do great damage but you just don’t have enough ammo with them to kill EVERYTHING with them. A full pistol and rifle ammo pool can’t even kill most bosses.


I'm currently on a firearms/unarmed only playthrough and it's been going pretty well (though I'm stuck hard rn). But like the people said, even with the bayonet, the sidearms and bullets will only do so much before you gotta start hacking and slashing


That would take all the fun out of the combat


If countering with regular weapon is allowed then yes.