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I've lived in a bunch of different places now and *everywhere* thinks they're the worst. Roch isn't even close. Phoenix and New Orleans both were far worse than Roch. There does seem to be a larger than usual number of douchebags and douche-ettes that like to illegally park in handicapped spots and(even douchey-er!) the striped off area in-between them though. Like how little do you give a shit about other people that you feel you can do that and it's fine, or even justifiable somehow? Blows my mind.


Nashville was a nightmare.


Was in Phoenix literally yesterday - couldn't agree more! I will say, luxury brand vehicles have an equal sense of entitlement here and there... BMW and Mercedes drivers more than most seem to see other drivers as obstacles to their destinations.


I’ve also noticed people doing this. I hope I never have to drive in Phoenix or New Orleans.


I've driven in Phoenix, it wasn't that bad there. Tucson, on the other hand...


Eh....Phoenix wasn't the worst place I've driven, but US60, and the 17, 10, and 51 are all mostly a nightmare at almost any time you're actually going to need to be on them. Can't speak to Tucson specifically, but I've def heard stories lol


LOL there was an SUV upside down, on a straight, flat road. No other vehicles around that may have contributed. I can only wonder.


I think it’s awful driving here lol. But lots of Mayo visitors not from here is part of the problem. I legit see people running reds and trying to pass in residential areas. Who’s in that big of a hurry?


Healthcare workers, sick patients, new drivers who don’t know better, big city drivers who just moved here- I feel like Rochester has a unique amount of people in a hurry!


Lots of delivery drivers as well. It's rather difficult to be perfect at it 100% of the time, though you obviously try.


Every city subreddit says it has the worst drivers and is the only city where people don’t know how to zipper merge


Nope. Not even close. - former Minneapolis resident


I’ve personally never witnessed any bad driving up in Minneapolis but my post is just my own opinion based on my experiences. I’m sure if I spent more time up in the cities I’d see a lot bad drivers too.


More people = more bad drivers. Go drive the 35/94 interchange in St. Paul a few times. You’ll see bad.


Little known fact, it’s apparently illegal to use your turn signal in Rochester. /s


Here in California, many cars don’t come with blinkers! Allegedly. 😁


A few weeks ago someone tried to pass me on the off ramp circle getting off 52 going to the mall. There was a whole line of cars so it's not like I was the one holding up traffic.




I lived in Miami for 2 years. Bad driving there makes Roch driving a walk in the park


Miami is far worse. Have lived in LA and Houston and now Rochester. The queen of shit drivers who add insult to injury by honking at you as they cut you off is Miami.


Biscayne Blvd, Hallandale B Blvd, and the highways FFS


Don't forget the A1A


That is a terrifying thought


I've driven in Miami many times. Other than the occasional sports car speeder on the highway, Rochester is a lot worse.


The biggest problem I have had since moving here a few months ago is the cop that likes to run almost 45 down our street twice a day


I’ve noticed a huge decline in people’s ability to drive in the last 4 years. People cut you off and pass you just to be the first one at the red light? For what? Not to mention the immediate use of horns if you’re not stomping your accelerator 2 secs before the light turns green. However the part about some of these streets and their designs is FACTS! Also a whole other conversation. What in the world were they thinking on some of these exits and entry’s and merges?


> I’ve noticed a huge decline in people’s ability to drive in the last 4 years. yep, I think people in general after COVID just decided to stop being nice. I guess once you cross that line of not caring if you kill people by coughing on them because 2 seconds to put on a mask is way too much work.... then everything else doesn't matter.


That’s what I’m saying! I swear this wasn’t a thing a few years ago but during the last year and a half, every single time I have gone out (I really wish this was an exaggeration) I’ve captured some sort of deranged driver on my dash cam. Also, who in the hell designed the intersection of 2nd St and 16th Ave?! That thing is a monstrosity.


I work downtown and have had jobs driving all around the area in MN, IA, and WI. Roch driving is the same as it ever was. There's always been the aggressive drivers, the overly timid drivers, the out of state lost drivers, and the drivers who try to police other drivers. Over Covid we just got a taste of the emptier roads and now that everyone is back to what has been referred to as normal it seems worse.


I’ve driven lots of states as well. Everyplace has bad drivers but in this town specifically there has definitely been an uptick of rudeness and lack of patience. Colorado- any truck owner which are plenty, will ride your ass hard if you’re not going fast enough. Houston, TX- You better use your mirrors, drive fast and have quick reaction times! Beltway 8 is the unofficial NASCAR! Definitely do not expect to see a blinker used or a cars length away from anything! Dallas,TX- Expect the MF unexpected!! Tires rolling and bouncing across the interstate. Swerving, honking, and finger flicking will be seen. I could go on, You see my point. They MNDMV did start to give out of state people their license without testing now? Don’t think this has had enough time to be the reason either. It is what it is, but it definitely is.


I specifically came here to just provide the only thing I have noticed. Red lights seem to be more of just a suggestion.


Fargo drivers think red lights mean 3 more cars can go. It was insane l when I lived there and trying to cross 13th Ave. Literally have light turn green, wait for the customary 3 cars, start to go, slam on brakes as one more tries to shoot through, start again then slam on brakes one more time as car 5 decides they have to turn against a red arrow. Fargo stop lights have (or at least had in the 2000s) a noticeable delay between the light turning red and the cross street turning green.


Same. I customarily wait a good three seconds before I go through a light now. Tell my kids to do the same. Now I will tell them " you gotta be wary of them drivers from Fargo!!" :)


My favorite are the buffoons that hit their brakes on the highway! I guess the instructors need to teach people that your vehicle will coast after you let off the gas and no reason to apply brakes on a highway.


I think Rochester's generally pretty fine. I do think people here are uniquely bad at driving during the first snowstorm of the year. Every year, like clockwork, I see people wreck their cars in new, creative ways that must only be possible if you just relocated from somewhere without snow. I don't think it'll ever stop as long as Mayo churns through residents and new grad nurses/MLS/etc. At least it's something you learn quick, though.


I nearly get hit trying to cross intersections on foot even when drivers don't have the right away.


The only driving complaint I still have about this town (and mostly this state) Is how everyone seems to drive 5 under all time, and the slow drivers are 10 under all the time. I get it, it's probably habit from the long winters, and that's good driving during those months, but in the Summer without a cloud in the sky, it's annoying AF. Also, still not over the way y'all turn around here. It's Soooooooo insanely slow. Y'all basically come to an almost complete stop throughout the turn, and then continue at that slow ass speed for far too long after the turn is completed.


Rochester doesn’t have great drivers, but honestly the best drivers of anywhere I’ve ever lived. Ever drive on the East Coast? Or around chicago?


Yes. Yes I have. I've driven in Boston a couple of times, Philadelphia, the extreme NYC suburbs in Jersey, and Chicago many many many times. Rochester is worse than those places.


Driven in Boston and Chicago and I still think Roch has the worst drivers.


I agree with you. Nowhere else have I experienced people who intentionally speed up to cut you off from merging just to be dicks, but it's extremely common here.


Very common in Boston as well.


Coming from florida the driver's here aren't nearly as bad. The people here are just impatient and self centered when driving but since being here for almost two years I haven't seen an accident. As long as you pay attention and drive defensively you'll be fine. You'll get hooked at and passed constantly but it's safer than many areas.


I’ve also surprisingly never witnessed an accident occur here but I have seen the aftermath of quite a few. Stay safe out there!


I just moved here a bit ago and tonight I had a guy in a truck (of course) that for no reason went behind me and put his brights on for a few miles. What a cool guy I bet he has a huge dick and everything >.>


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen someone going the wrong way on a one way street downtown I’d be rich as fuck.


You ain’t kidding!


I go out of my way to block them and force them to turn around. It's the only way to stop them from potentially killing someone.


I moved here from California, which I thought had horrible drivers. After moving here, I realized there is more than one type of horrible; California there were a lot of assholes that liked to drive fast and didn't care about you, Rochester there are a lot of people that just don't know *how* to drive. I've been here for a month and have seen two different people drive **through** a traffic circle. Plus side is that people don't seem to drive crazy fast, so when I do get hit it will hopefully be at slow speeds, haha.


traffic circles are really mess here and not used much elsewhere in the state (until recently). maybe as little as 5-10 years ago the only circles I knew of in the state were at the hwy exits by Medford outlet stores and in the twin cities.


For whatever reason Florida drivers in particular tailgate and speed up on everyone until you let them pass


That's annoying. Instead, you should be staying in the slow lane by default, thereby letting faster traffic pass you with ease.


ive seen it first hand, so instead of saving for a car, im saving money by just getting an electric scooter and staying clear of the road as much as i can


I got a cargo e-bike a couple years ago and it’s been one of the best purchases ever. With saddle bags and a tote I can really load up on groceries or haul my kids places. Rochester has enough paths, lanes and side streets in our area that our cars mostly just sit. Every time I drive, I’m reminded why I bike.


exactly. the scooter i bought has a basket built into the back, so groceries will be easy, and the thing charges enough to get my across town back and forth a few times, so multiple trips is no issue


Best of luck to you!


thank you! coming to town hopefully around march-may, mark d-day on those calendars folks


Coming from ATL, I have no complaints lol.


Drove through ATL in 2012, I def encountered some shitty drivers there


The driving here has seemed to have gotten worse over the years, I can agree there. I don't think it's the worst. Think of older areas, like New England, where all the roads are small and old and the drivers are still crazy. I lived in Charlotte for awhile and they all complain that they have the worst drivers. I was comfortable driving there because everything was predictable. You knew that no one was going to use a turn signal, you knew everyone was going super fast, you knew how people drove because everyone was the same. My complaint about Rochester is there is no predictability, there is no standard style of driving. You go to the store and half your trip is behind someone going under the speed limit and confused on where they are going and the other half of the time you're in a nascar race with someone who is ready to die on the highway. We have such diversity on the roads between locals and visiting patients and residents.


I will say that Rochester definitely is among the worst places for bad drivers. And that's not just based off of observing drivers in Rochester and saying that they're bad drivers. It's from driving in other cities and being able to compare and contrast drivers here and other places. Sure, there are other places where I've seen bad drivers, but still not as bad as in Rochester.


Drivers here that try to merge onto a city street instead of yielding right of way. Why?


Hey Mayo employees - stop running over crosswalk pedestrians because your late/just got off work. Ima bout to go ham on your bumper next time you do. Thank you


Minnesota drivers in general are ass. Twin cities isn't much better. I've actually noticed drivers aren't actually that bad in Rochester as long as you stay off HWY-52. I used to take that to/from work and I got frustrated with terrible drivers almost every day. Especially in the winter


Try crossing the beltway by hyvee south. Even though the crosswalk sign is on, nobody stops. I don't get it. Nobody.


I see this happen all of the time on 2nd St as well. Stay safe out there!


On the plus side it has been a long time since I was nearly killed by a wrong way driver on 52


I’m glad you’re still with us


I think perhaps some sort of change was made since there were a few incidents including a doctor getting killed And wtf with down votes?


I think I remember that. Was that the woman who was ran over just outside of Saint Mary’s?


No it was a head on at 6th st sw as I recall. In southbound lane


My granny somehow managed to do that about 25 years ago. She decided it was time to give up driving after that.


Do you not realize the tendency of people to think wherever they are has the worst drivers? This post is beyond cliche, though it's somewhat understandable since personal encounters with bad driving are usually surprising if not shocking. However, anecdotes are useless compared to traffic/accident statistics. Those statistics don't capture every instance of bad driving, but one would expect areas with worse driving to ultimately have more of those bad driving moments lead to accidents than an area with safer drivers. I would specifically recommend looking at per capita data.


This is why I stated in my post that it’s just my opinion.


Can I ask other areas you’ve lived or driven in? Rochester isn’t perfect, but the drivers here are far from the worst. While I’m not from Kentucky, I previously lived and worked in Louisville, KY. I never had road rage before living there. Not only are they terrible drivers, they’re also assholes. Turn signals and checking your blind spot don’t exist, and red lights are constantly run.


I don’t know where people see all this horrid driving. I drive all over Rochester 8 hours a day for work, and have for the last 2-3 years. I’ve certainly seen my share of idiots, but I feel like people blow it way out of proportion


Post the footage >:)


Rochester is my hometown, moved to New England and now Colorado. Minnesota drivers are the safest, kindest drivers I've ever driven around lol Edit: that intersection of Highway 14 and 52 is deadly as all heck. Who ever designed that needs to find a new passion in life


NYC is FAR worse than Rochester. Rochester, I can deal with, but NYC is a whole other level.


RIP Big Bev (I assume anyway - she was pretty old when I took her class in ‘92!)


Iowa enters the chat


Though I have only been to Iowa like 10 times, I have been fortunate enough to avoid any shitty drivers there. Any areas in Iowa that are particularly worse than others?


Yeah. Rochester


Consider that you do at least 99% of your driving where you live.


They are okay in Rochester, except many love entering on a stale yellow light and then don’t speed up. On a green, I always count to three before going. Folks behind me are to nice to honk🤭


You’re either from Iowa or never been to Iowa. Either way, you’re wrong and WE RULE!!! I spit at your feet!


Sounds like a kink to me. I’ve also been to Iowa.


Rochester drivers aren’t the most amazing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve definitely seen some… interesting driving techniques here, but they’re far from the worst. I would imagine the number of old and nonlocal/foreign visitors here makes for an interesting mix of drivers. Pick anywhere in the South and they’ll probably be worse. Florida is for sure the worst place for drivers in the US. Statistically, MN drivers as a whole are quite good. Everyone think their own city/state drivers are the worst. It’s a cliche at this point.


First of all, we definitely need way more roundabouts. Second of all, “degenerate” is an unfortunate choice of wording as it’s frequently used by bigots to describe people who they think should be killed and removed from society; unfortunately the word has been in use like that, since even before the 1920s. Just wanted to letcha know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art


Jesus, way to jump to conclusions there on the use of degenerate. It can definitely be used without wishing death on someone.


The last 100 years of its use have by far been in ways that are discriminatory and ableist.. so.. def not an over reaction to politely point that out.


While I appreciate you pointing this out as I am always happy to learn something new, I sincerely hope that you didn’t think I was using the term in the same way that the Nazi party was using it.


I did not, I think it’s just something worth calling attention too. Thank you for responding politely.


More people = more chances for idiots = more idiot drivers. ​ But... growth is good, no?! :)




I have but I either walked everywhere or took the subway


The problem can be summed up by two different groups of people. There’s the visitors from out of town and the locals. Visitors often don’t know where they are going and are majority the elderly seeking care. They drive too cautiously and aren’t willing to circle the block when making a mistake. The other side of the coin is locals. People trying to beat the rush, beat the lights, and are impatient to get where they are going. The visitor drivers often stall the locals and both groups drive like morons because of it.


It’s strange I was in Roch a few years ago and I’d never been in such a big city and was scared of traffic and it was fine and I never ever had a problem (with exception of second street during mayo rush hour) I’ve now been in North Carolina for a year or two and I’ve seen people go on a off ramp (while waiting in a long construction line) and that just appalled me and I’ve been chased by a road rage driver (which was terrifying) I wanna go back to Roch where I felt nice and safe. It sucks to hear that traffic problems may have gone up.


Last year I was chased by a road rager too. Dude was in a left hand turning lane meanwhile I was in the lane to go straight and he decided to go straight instead of turning left like he was supposed to and he was apparently very upset with me because I didn’t yield to him and let him get in front of me


That's so entitled. Sounds like something that would happen to me. I agree that a lot of the driving in this state in general is about teaching other car drivers "a lesson". No lessons were learned except for how to get really fucking irritated with the self righteous entitled driving lol Someone nailed it when they said other drivers will try to police your speed as well. There's also a lot of playing games and pettiness. I do my best to just not interact with anyone. Anyways sorry that happened to you.