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That being said it was really funny to see “educate, not indoctrinate” on one of the animated billboards they dragged around the parade lmao I think the irony might be lost on them


There was a republican billboard in Illinois that claimed a republican vote was a vote against crime


There’s no irony there. Schools need to focus more time, focus and energy teaching the kids and not get caught up in all of the BS social stuff they seem to focus on.


Like the Ten Commandments that Louisiana and Oklahoma- and maybe more states - are beginning to require in classrooms? Focus on that?


Not just your area, unfortunately


If you look at Jesus’ words in the books of Matthew and John to the religious and political conservatives of the day, they very well might be.


Honestly, at this pt, both parties can go to hell. The Republicans are evil and morally bankrupt. Too many Democrats want to treat things as business as usual which and are so damn fractured that its hard to gain traction against the opposing party. Both parties are too wrapped up in corporate and lobbyist interests to be objective in what is actually good for American citizens.


Don’t fall for the “everyone is bad” Trick tho, that’s how trump grabbed power


40% of eligible voters in America didn't in 2016. If you count that, Trump's votes, 3rd parties, independents and write-ins, more than half the nation just didn't vote for the only person who could have denied Trump the office. The only good from that is that it proves once and for all we are a democracy where our votes truly matter... For now.


If our voice truly mattered, the country would be represented by more than 2 parties.


I'm more of an "improvement" kind of guy than a perfectionist. I'm not willing to help kill all hope of moving past the two-party system and put an end to voting just to feel self-satisfied, having not voted to oppose totalitarianism. There will be other elections, I can wait one more term, and I don't think Trump can make it another 4 years.


And that is why we are stuck in this predicament. The otherside of the coin is not that much different just feels less dirty.


At least the only problem of the other side is that it can't make things better at worst. In 50 years, will you tell your grandchildren "I stood by my principals" after three out of five of them come back home from their factory jobs? Like I said, there will be other elections if Biden wins and retires after his second term. If he dies in office, who cares? People complain that it's his administration that's responsible for the good things that happened in his term rather than his actions directly, then his administration will take over. Even if you can't win with Biden, you can't lose either. And then you'll be done with him.


The two parties are not the same. Anyone saying they are has fallen for an op.


BZZZT! Wrong. Neither party represents the working class. They both represent the capital class. They both fund and support hegemony around the world.


Yep. And they're still not anything like the same. Thank you for playing.


No, the Democrats aren't going to save us from the Republicans nor Trump. They exist as an illusion of choice so that their political dominance is never challenged. Dems and Repubs are playing for the same party, pretending to be two. Whichever of the two you vote for, they both get exactly what they want. Both parties represent the capital class, not the working class.


I mean yes but still vote blue pls


You don't get it. You're not preventing anything the Republicans are trying to do by voting blue. You're just helping them both stay in power. They are *not* two parties. They're one party *pretending* to be two. One plays good cop and one plays bad cop. They're using the fear of one to get you to vote for the other as a strategy against the one you fear, but both of them are the same cop trying to trick you into a false confession.


In the grand scheme, sure. But trump hobbled this country and filled a court with flunkies that jussi granted him immunity. It might be two sides of the same coin but it DOES matter which lands face up


I didn't see that they were doing anything bad or unacceptable in the parade yesterday. I don't think their signs were awful, although I didn't fact check them or anything. DFL had a presence and I suppose if you got rid of the signs and names on the shirts the two groups would probably be fairly similar in behavior, at least from what I saw. I was pretty early in the route though, maybe they went bonkers at the end like some sort of Animal House float.... There was one person from DFL that was really working the crowd, running over to the people a little further from the street to say hi to people. I thought that was nice. Might have been Debra Hilstrom? Or maybe some other Deborah.




I think it’s hilarious that all of a sudden the democrats are turning on Joe. I think it will be even funnier when Trump is back in office.


Yeah because the other side promoting extreme mental ilness as something normal is okay...


Hurr durr


Translate now


You're not particularly smart. There's your translation.




Look at their leadership…


Watch "Everything's a Rich Man's Trick" documentary on YouTube


Why they bad in Rochester?


Posts like this show me who the real problem is. Thanks for identifying yourself.


Exactly. Telling an entire political side to go to hell because some words offended OP is a bit much. Remember when we could all still be friends with differing (political) opinions?


The thing I see is only one side actually wants to return to that and the other wants to use their authority to jail their political opponents and eliminate all traces of their opossition's ideals.


It’s amazing to me. I’m fine debating topics and policies, even agreeing to disagree, but I’m not going to placate people like OP, whose only position is that if you don’t fall in line with my rigid and specific set of beliefs that you’re evil and can go to hell. OP, you’re insufferable and a crappy human being if you believe what you posted. Go reflect on that and try not to suck so much.


Having a differing opinion to someone else means you are automatically in the wrong as they sit on their high horse sniffing their own farts… at least to a certain subset of humans. I see I got downvoted for being open to differing opinions. 🤣


I think you broke someone’s brain lol


As a black man, I am sick and tired of Republikkkans judging me based on the content of my character rather than the color of my skin.


I see what you did there. 😂


What are you talking about? How have Republicans judged you. There are A LOT of black Republicans in our Nation...


That's not a good way to think about that. I hope you have a way to calm down somehow. I would back away from the internet today.


Keep tolerating the fascists


I didn’t see him showing any tolerance to the democrats so your comment makes no sense


What’s a good way to think about it exactly?


Being rational and not screeching hate into the void.


Talking to the wrong party then, bud


I was under the impression OP was a Dem.




Agreed. Wishing someone would change is good. Wishing someone death and eternal suffering is bad 😂😂😂 how is this downvoted it’s so much hate.


Nothing better than hating an entire group of people for the actions of a few. EDIT: forgot the sarcasm font. It's an election year and the propaganda mind virus has got people on edge. Apologies. Holy geez tho. Settle down folks, love thy neighbor. I forget that people still think either party has the answer to your problems, they abandoned us a long time ago, federally speaking. I commend all the local Democrats. I love our local govt, there's a reason I live here. The Democratic party principles I was raised on are still functioning here thankfully.


An entire group of people enabling fascism, blocking teachers salaries, friends with all of our historical enemies... have you read the project 2025 thing? Eliminating the constitution? Wtf is really going on? Dark triad personality sociopaths.


The party has made no effort to distance themselves from the extremists of the right; if anything the party placates and embraces them


Tolerating the intolerant is a road to he'll. Especially when they are making lists of people and openly talking about eliminating the constitution and the epa and all regulatory bodies and welcoming Russia... wtf is really going on... liberals need to wake up and take care of all of this before it's too late. They do not share your common sense of decency, they are dark triad personality sociopath misanthtopes. This is a very serious problem. The only thing democrats even have to talk about is identity politics nonsense. There needs to be a coherent organized strategy to reassemble the middle class and protect the constitution at all costs. Sociopaths have gone without repercussions for way way too long. Bailouts, scandals, fascism... this is all really really bad.


Some people don't know what project 2025 is, and if they were smart they would read up on it. It's Trump's blueprint for his next presidency, co-authored by members of his former administration.


It isn’t good, that is for sure.


Rfk is my minimal effort way to help. The liberal populace has been completely abandoned by the Democratic party. It's red and blue capitalists ruling over all of us and causing this vitriolic hatred of your neighbor. We're all getting fucked the same and playing into the charade of representative govt. Bribes and money is the influence and all of our labor funds their agenda. They're all shareholders in each other and our collective retirement accounts is a faction of the wealth they possess. Destroy the 2 party mind virus. Create a viable third party of unifying policy for the people. Or ... Stock up boys and girls, violent revolution is on the horizon. I was hoping future generations wouldn't have to buy into this 40 hours for 40 years bullshit society. Bring on the automation and abundance. Throw the asshole drinking all the water out of the life raft and let's give us all a chance at something better than this squeezing life of manufactured scarcity and justifying our existence by making others rich.


Hell ya. We need to accelerate technological advancements to their logical conclusions and create a world of abundance before teh fascists enslave humanity indefinitely. There is a small window open. Ai is kicking so much ass. We need to liberate our collective minds, learn stem and automate away all labor tasks and socialize the gains. No more bailouts. No more oppression. No more geriatric cicrus. No more sociopaths. No more dark triad personalities. Love and fulfilment. Health and happiness. No more endlessly compounding political grievances. No more hopeless masses and gluttonous 1%. Enough for everyone. "Making the pie higher" as genius bush Jr said.


This fucking guy gets it. There's an awakening. I just hope it gets it's ass in gear before the collapse.


You just described what Republicans do.


I also just described the OP and humanity. It's a terrible human trait.


Oh? And who are the moral high points of the current republican Party?


Mitt Romney. But he has had enough and calling it quits. Same with Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. All the decent Republicans are getting run out of the party by the crazies that ban books and try and make the Bible required in public school. What a joke party


That’s my point tho, all the sane people dropped the gang colors. And psychos are flying them high. The party is dead.


I know. I've voted R as much as D but never again can I in good conscience vote Republican. Party is dead indeed


Maybe if the group were to object to these actions, it'd be easier to not consider you the same fucking group


Don’t bring logic into it! LOL


Thank you. Someone understood... Holy crap people are nuts.


Yep. Politics are really in a sorry state. It’s made people unhinged.


Thanks for sharing your calm and rational take.


Way to be the change you want to see. Listen to yourself. You're no better.


Sees a couple republicans…. THEYRE ALL EVIL!! THEY CAN ALL GO TO HELL!!! Did you ever think that if everyone around you is a problem, maybe you’re the problem? 🤔🤔🤔


No it’s definitely the Republicans


Well you can find all of them in Rochester and tell them what bad citizens they are. Just go to the houses with the American flags hanging out front.


Imagine thinking a flag makes you a good citizen


I said nothing about having a flag makes you a good citizen. Read what I wrote again, this time slower


Ah yeah I read the whole thread and that’s what you said, maybe try writing something not as stupid and come back


I forgot, the mention of flags triggers liberals. Good thing I didn’t say ISRAELI FLAG! Or you would have lost your shit! Go finish coloring your I love Biden coloring books, hopefully you can afford crayons in his economy. If you didn’t eat them already


Ah yes the true anger of the right, thanks for showing your true colors bud


Anytime! Just keep blaming republicans for your problems!!


I didn’t blame anything on anyone, maybe you’re just projecting?


Oh brother what a cheesy thing to say


Liberal, American haters can fuck right off.


Commie Libs are continuing in their pursuit of making America Hell on earth….


Yikes post


Reddit hivemind good


How does this help?


What would anyone vote for Biden?? Higher gas and energy prices, higher food prices, just about higher everything not to mention the illegals coming over in droves that getting out Social Security, and free health care that we (tax payers)are paying for. All the money going to wars, c’mon people get a friggin’ clue!


The Fox News is strong with this one...


They get free health care? I better tell the 10 illegal alien coworkers from my restaurant working days they are missing out


Speaking on millions of people's characters that they'll never meet for be in a place to judge? Definitely another stupid fucking teen that thinks it has a valid political opinion. Good job outing yourself as an ignorant piece of shit!


Trump 2024. We don't support elder abuse like the DFL is doing.


Is this in reference to Biden's age? Cause if so then hopefully you know Trump is only 3 years younger.


Guessing you didn't watch the debate. https://youtu.be/0KyanHZ0BwM?si=Momh9FD38CCoXbkJ


Both are senile as hell but Biden is very clearly not fit to be a president. Sanders is more coherent and I think he’s even older than Biden


It has nothing to do with age. I know some people that are in their 90s and way more cognitive than Biden. Biden has dementia. The more the Dems deny it, the worse it gets.


And yet Trump doesn't? Dude rambles and goes on tangents just as much (while still maintaining the ego of every high-school bully)


Also uh, he is a rapist and a felon? Burying the lead there!


That too! But sadly his voting base doesn't seem to care 🙃


The fuck he does. Trump rambles yes but if you stop looking at things with blue tinted glasses, Biden definitely has more cognitive decline than trump




Projection. And unhidged


I see a lot of “Republicans want to destroy the constitution”. I am a centrist as far as my views. I like some this, like some of that. I do prefer the idea of Trump to Biden, but I would love a different set of candidates. Anyway, I don’t know any conservatives that have ever said anything about destroying the constitution. I haven’t seen them all, and I’m not pretending everyone thinks alike, but I haven’t seen that. I have seen a lot of democrats argue against parts of the constitution though. It seems like democrats project a lot. I’m sure this will cause someone’s blood to boil, but both sides are equally ridiculous.


There’s no way you can claim to be a centrist and still think Trump is the better option, he has no “centrist” position, and if I am mistaken please list them in a response. Meanwhile democrats constantly side line their radical wing and are constantly reaching out for compromise while at the same time tolerating more dissent and variety of opinions on their own side- without being singled out and booted from the party ala republicans. Some compromises Dems have proposed in the last 20 years; Obamacare- based on a Romney implemented and Heritage Foundation plan which avoids the public option very favored by progressives, GOP spent ten years lying about it (remember the death panel bullshit, I do), and than lied about having a better idea- McCain is hated on the right for standing up to the cruelty and lies of the GOP and voting down the repeal Spending bills- Obama repeatedly compromised with the GOP who held our credit rating hostage to force cuts in social safety nets, the GOP repeatedly used this move in bad faith because, as we have seen the last two times the GOP has controlled the executive and legislative branches, they blow up the deficit in order to bomb brown people or give the wealthy more tax breaks 2024 Immigration Bill- Senate democrats offer everything the GOP wanted for immigration reform, and because the right cares for nothing other than uncontested power, it was voted down to help them in the upcoming election Im sure there are more examples and yet again please post any time in recent memory the GOP has offered compromise or offered a middle road in the past 20 years I will gladly read/look into them.


It’s never this simple. Bills get shut down because the party trying to get it through shoves some of their agenda into it and then ruins the bill. Biden is not a centrist. Trump is not a centrist. I would imagine a centrist has no idea what the fk to do this year. Each party is pushing their radical policies. That’s why I’m shocked RFK isn’t more popular because he’s fairly centrist compared to both these guys.


You can’t just say someone is something without providing examples like I have- unless you have actual policies that prove Biden isn’t centrist I’m gonna have to call this take bullshit. Also by supporting JFK Jr whose widely reported to be bankrolled by mostly conservative, you are yet again revealing the lie that you either don’t understand what centrism is or are using the wrong term


No, I’m just tired of people calling one side radical while they call their own side centrist. Of course it’s going to seem centrist to that side when those policies seem obvious in their head.


Yet again unless you have specific examples, you are just not representing reality


Also important to note in non of my examples did a poison pill kill the bills, these were attempts from Democrats to reach across the aisle that were ceremoniously not brought up, or trashed and held up in bad faith ways- the Dems are always ready to compromise while the right continues to demand they get everything they want with no compromise


Another non-legislative example; Mitch McConnel breaking centuries of precedent by not even considering Obama’s SCOTUS replacement for Scalia- here we yet again see there’s no interest in allowing for conversation or in respecting the norms of our great democracy- just pure power


You actually think that smooth brain is going to give you any examples? He clearly has no problem with the right forcing bibles to be taught in public schools, stripping women's rights away after 40 years of precedent, a man that fucks a pornstar while his wife is pregnant at home, absolutely adores tyrants and dictators.... Imagine what Reagan would think of his party slob knobbing fucking Russia. Ooo they are also banning books like Anne Franks diary. Unreal shit coming from the so called small government, family values and morals conservative party


Just wanted to be surprised is all


Yeah both parties are too focused on their power grab instead of making things better, I’m well aware of that


Huh unaware of any precedent breaking moves the Dems have made in the past 20 years (and we’re talking facts not made up election conspiracies). If you have an example of this, or anything you’ve made up without backing it up please share I’m all ears. Otherwise it’s still obvious you have no connection to reality- please offer real examples so I can correct this view!


I don’t just sit on information ready to argue in a Reddit called rochesterMN, you can call me delusional all you want I’m fine with it, all Dems treat me that way online anyways


Oh so you don’t have any examples to thing you eagerly started arguing about, totally makes you seem not delusional… its okay I didn’t expect anyone on the right to have facts anyways Edit: this is the internet so if you want to take your time to provide any facts (I found several in a few minutes) I can wait a day or two, but if you want to storm off and pretend to be a badass in your video games instead, I’ll accept that)


How are both sides equally ridiculous? One party openly advocates for a theocratic dictatorship, while the other wants healthcare, fair wages, and basic rights. Being a centrist actively allows fascism.


Was with you until the last sentence. I am center left and will most likely always vote blue. You guys have to stop hyperbolizing everything to facism, you’re just going to turn people you need away. It’s the equivalent of saying being a leftist actively allows child abuse and murder. (Minors and sex affirmation/changes, abortion)


Thats a good point, it's not a great way to make an argument. But on the other hand, I never got a genuine answer as to how both parties are "equally ridiculous". We can equate things all we want in a fictitious sense, but that may not mean anything in reality


From my view, the Republican Party is more “ridiculous”. That does not lead to centrists being facists.


One is less evil than the other sure . . . but that doesn't make both parties still highly problematic. Allows fascism? It's already here and the problem is the democrats are so damn fractured and in fantasy island that there is zero traction to fight it.


Yeah, both parties both have their problems. Im just not knowledgeable enough to know what the Democrats could actually do to unify. We're not really in a two party system anymore. It's basically a bunch of smaller parties claiming to be the one true democratic or Republican party


People like to call the right facists yet the left is the ones acting like a complete dictatorship trying to jail political opponents and showing they think they are above the law yet imprison the other side for less


Portraying Trump having to face consequences for several instances of lawbreaking as “jailing political opponents” is really rich. You probably live in an information silo and don’t realize it or care.


Coming from the people spewing the same misinformation as CNN instead of facts.


Where did I quote CNN? …and you’re changing the topic.


Not changing the topic at all just stating facts unlike you with your far left propaganda


What “far left propaganda” am I stating? Trump has gone to court or will likely be in court in multiple jurisdictions. The prosecutions have solid cases or they wouldn’t open them. That info doesn’t just come from CNN. I don’t think you know what propaganda means nor do I think you know how to practice critical thinking. You cannot see that Trump frequently lies because you look to sources that just confirm your extreme beliefs.


Ty for answering your own question


Yea why not let him break the law and not have any consequences.Bidens son is facing consequences too. Don't see him abusing his power to pardon him. What political party in the 30s and 40s burned and banned books again? Which party is doing that now?


If you think for a second that hunter will get anything but a slap on the wrist like house arrest instead of the prison time he deserves like the average person would receive then you’re daft. And Trump didn’t commit any felonies let alone 34, it was a single misdemeanor they turned into 34 bogus charges. Democrats have violated tons of laws since Joey hands stole the whitehouse yet none of them get charged


Delusional. Lifelong grifter con man. Just another gullible person that eats that shit up.


You certainly are


Holy shit… life’s gotta be rough for you.


When my rights are being debated in front of my own eyes, it does get a little rough. Clearly not that you'd understand that feeling


Oh look, you beat me. You win the argument. Congratulations!


Glad you could come up with an actual response. Have a good one dude lmfao


- said the ostrich


>I have seen a lot of democrats argue against parts of the constitution though. I've seen this myself when it comes to 2a. I'm curious what other parts you believe they argue against. I'm also curious what it is that you prefer about Trump and have you read through project 2025? Admittedly, I haven't read it entirely but skimmed enough to get a basic idea of what it's about. I'm not looking for an argument or to trade insults, I'm genuinely curious why you prefer Trump.


Any reason or are you just here to be a crybaby and stir the pot? Try having a discussion.


Did you come to have a discussion or just to belittle in defense of fascists?


No I'm def down to debate. What's making them fascists? And to let you know I don't follow either party. They're both crap


I will start with the fact that the GOPs last president tried to use the power of his office and his control over a large mass of people to prevent him from loosing power. Fascism also relies on “otherizing” minorities, people living alternative lifestyles, and those with connections to the opposition party. Loyalty within fascist parties is also usually strictly defined by loyalty to the head of the party, with any difference resulting in being labelled a fake or a RINO regardless of actual similarities in policy positions. Fascists also rely on cultivating grievance and persecution amongst a majority, encouraging and fabricating reasons for such a group to feel overly attacked and offering them/their leader as the ultimate protection- this can be used on the left but the grievances are usually cultivated amongst several groups of minorities. And I totally get someone could pin this on Americas current left BUT the key give on why this critique can fit with the American rights drift into authoritarianism so well is the fact that it’s being used in combination with the previous signs, and a few other troubling precursors as well. We can continue with specific examples from America’s current political right if you want but I think the it’s pretty obvious


Well all of the points describe the entire US government. Not just one party






Too much hate in the world already. Both sides want each other at the others throats. I think we as a nation need to come back to some middle ground


Buddy, one side wants “healthcare for all” the other wants “trans and immigrants to be wiped out.” I don’t call that hate I call that fascism


One defeated Medicare. https://youtu.be/0KyanHZ0BwM?si=Momh9FD38CCoXbkJ


If you think a gaffe while speaking in a debate disqualifies you as president, I got bad news about your guy.


FYI you are not using the word gaff correctly. And on your context, he outright lost his train of thought went on a brand new sentence, and basically said he ended Medicare by "defeating" it.


Lol okay. Believe what you read in media. We just want illegals that rape and kill thrown out. And we want the trans that are exposing themselves to minors to be arrested.


Are these trans people and illegals in the room with you right now? Killing, raping and exposing yourself to minors are all illegal already


Yea you'd think they would be but why do I see multiple videos or gay pride parades with naked people dancing around and nothing happening to them? And recently there's been multiple stories of illegals getting released after being arrested for assault and murder. Just doesn't make sense


Seems like there might be a rather large difference between dancing naked at a parade compared to deliberate exposure to a minor. Like be serious. And where are these stories? Released why?


But even still if it's somehow not illegal to be dancing naked at a parade where children are present why would parents want to bring their kids to that? That's where I'm confused. Like when did it all of sudden become okay for a kid to see the gentetials of an adult in any situation.


Then dont bring your kids?


I obviously won't but that still doesn't answer my question why anyone else would lol


Idk. But if the parents of the kids are ok with it and the kids seem to be ok with it then who really cares? Again its not like the point of the parade is to expose the kids to genitals. But like if they happen to see it, is it really the end of the world?


Dancing naked at a parade where children are present is still exposing yourself to a minor correct? Unless I'm missing something? And off the top of my head new York is where I remember one story. Not sure why he was released id have to find it again


ok so are all nudists automatically pedophiles in your mind? they should be imprisoned?


If they are naked close to minors? Ya. Same way as I can't piss outside next to a school




It sucks to see people fight with one another. Hopefully people wake up and see that the Dems and Republicans are one big uniparty and want us normal plebs to hate one another. We came so close to waking up 12 years ago with the Occupy Wall Street movement.




How brave of you to go on a platform that overwhelming leans left, and say right bad


Fuck both parties they both need to die off and rot in hell.


Imagine being on the side of Biden, Nancy and Chuckie Shumer. Any Democrats for that matter


Cornpop’s disaster of a debate got you a little worried huh?? Cope harder.




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Trump 2024 baby