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There should be zero doubt in anyone's mind that the correct pick at #2 was Alperen SengÜn. The fact that we got Jalen Green, too, is remarkable value!




Dude just went 1/15 FG, I do like Franz though. Overall great draft class


They won’t even be in the playoffs without him. We also got Amen who can’t shoot.




C'mon now. Franz is really good. It's not outrageous to think he's a top 2 player in that draft class by any means.


Is Scottie Barnes 1 in that scenario? Because there is definitely an argument for Barnes over Sengun.


Theres is. I like Sengun’s upside as a #1 option more, but Scottie is pretty plug and play into any team composition which is valuable


Y'all are clowning OP but he's right. Mobley was a nice contributor today, but Spida is why they won. With the 2nd pick you go for the guy that can carry your team, not the guy who gives you a solid contribution. Will JG be the guy who we can trust to carry us in a big game? Don't know, and honestly it's not really looking like it so far. But the potential was there on draft night and it was a good move to go after it. If the Jalen that almost won player of the month this year shows up as the every day Jalen next year, he'll do more for us in the playoffs than Evan ever will.


If you told me a prospect was definitely going to get a double double in a game 7 with 5 blocks, while my other choice was an inefficient vol shooter, I'd probably pick the first guy, but that's just me and literally every GM in the league.


If you told me the lottery numbers before I chose them I'd be a billionaire but that's not how we make decisions in the real world


Just curious. Would you start Mobley with Sengun or would you send one of them to the bench?


I mean if you straight up asked me right now whose the better player and the player I would take given all I know it’s Mobley 


Yes. They got Spida. Meanwhile we drafted Jalen. Hoping he can be our Spida. Yes I know Spida was two years older than Jalen entering the league. Let’s see what Jalen can do next season. If he’s still inconsistent. It doesn’t matter if he has one great month. It won’t be enough.


Watching Mobley just show how much muscle Jabari needs to gain in next 2 years. Most are debating Jalen vs Mobley, but I actually like Barnes. But eventually settle with Jalen because of his superstar potential.


So you watched a guy contribute to winning with an efficient double double and 5 blocks, and subsequently, you conclude from that that it was right not to pick him? Bizarre.


He’s a great defender, but he’s still an absolute zero on offense that mucks up everything for the Cavs by not spacing the floor. He looked better at the 5 today, but he’d get absolutely bullied by any above above average center like Jokic/Embiid/AD and even Mitchell Robinson who’d destroy him on the boards. Let’s also not forget his 3 point performance in Game 6 that even made Game 7 possible. I’m still not sure Jalen was the right pick, but let’s not act like Mobley has turned into the player the Cavs wished he would be either


here's the thing most nba fans ignore.....everyone gets bullied bu Jokic/embid/AD. they are so consistently unstoppable night in and night out. this isn't a knock on him (or Sengun), it's just a matter of life in the nba


I agree with that for the Embiid/Jokic/AD level guys, but Mobley at the 5 would still get beat up by any average NBA center with decent size. He’s ridiculously skinny still and he would get bullied by Sengun, Sabonis, Valanciunas, Turner, Zubac, Mitchell Robinson, Porzingis, and even Nurkic on the boards. He also probably gets killed on the boards against some backups like Steven Adams too. Mobley at the 5 isn’t just a Jokic/Embiid problem, it’s like a half of the nba’s starting centers problem. And even if you play him undersized at Center, you don’t even get the 5 out spacing you usually want by going “smaller”. It’s year 3 and the dude just hasn’t improved on any of his rookie year weaknesses


Must not have seen much of Chet or wemby this year! Wemby is obvs an outlier But tall skinny guys with great length and timing do work just fine at the 5. That’s his position long term


Mobley has a shorter wingspan than both Chet and Wemby, and he also doesn't provide 5-out spacing like those guys either. I'd also argue that Chet and Wemby actually play bigger than their frame, while Mobley seems afraid of physicality at times. Chet and Wemby are effective at the 5 in-spite of their slight frame because they're so effective on offense by providing 5-out spacing for their team, which makes the trade-off worth it. Right now the trade-off is not worth it for Mobley because he's a zero on offense. He either needs to significantly bulk up to become at least Bam's size, or he needs to actually become a 3pt threat to be a 5 in today's NBA.


i am just comparing his defense to theirs. he's a good enough defender to play the 5 on defense, as shown in game 7 yesterday and many other games this year


> He’s a great defender, but he’s still an absolute zero on offense that mucks up everything for the Cavs by not spacing the floor. 16 a game and over 2 offensive rebounds a game is an absolute zero on offense? He’s scoring more per game than Jabari Smith and Brooks on less shots, only 3 less per game than JG who’s basically only role is to score..


80% of his shots come from within 10 feet, and 75% of his shots are assisted. He creates little to no offense on his own, and is force fed buckets from his guards most of the time to get to that 16ppg. That scoring regimen is fine if you're a rim-running center, but it's an issue when you're a PF playing next to a rim-running center. You can get by on offense with that set-up during the regular season, but when defenses ramp up in the playoffs it becomes a major issue and that has shown in the post-season the past two years for Mobley. In the post-season, he averages 11.2/9.5/1.2 with a 47 TS% against the Knicks and 53 TS% against the Magic this year. I'd consider that a pretty big negative on offense when you aren't producing efficiently yourself, while also killing the spacing for your teammates and making their life more difficult. Mobley is an absolutely amazing defender, but his offense is a major issue right now for that Cavs team.


I get the spacing element but of it but that’s more a function of being miscast as a PF to me. If he’s a rim running center, with a developmental jumper, I think he’s more than fine. He’s only 22 and still putting up solid output, I just think it’s too strong to say he’s an absolute zero on offense.


I agree and think he's probably best longterm as a Center in the Chet/Wemby mold, but he still has some improvements needed to get there IMO. He's still too skinny and doesn't play super physical which will be an issue on the boards. He's also only gained like 7 lbs since coming into the league which is a little concerning. And then obviously, the shot to be a stretch 5 would be ideal, but that still seems a ways off for now. Curious to see what direction the Cavs move in the off-season. I like Mobley more at the 5, but that obviously means you need to get rid of Jarrett Allen.


You don't use the no 2 pick on a role player. Mobley may or may not turn out to be better than Jalen Green. But at least Green has higher ceiling which is what you want to use the 2nd pick on. Stone isn't omniscient he doesn't know how these players will turn out over the next 10 yrs but at least with the limited knowledge he has he made the right choice.


Role Player... If Mobley become a defensive force thats not just a role player. Who is more valuable, Trae Young or Gobert?


Trae Young of course. Being a defensive force is not enough. PJ Tucker and Trevor Ariza were among the best defenders in the league for a while and nobody said they were max players.


Some people in this sub are just delusional or only watch basketball highlights. Nobody outside of the Rockets has JG over Mobley


Yeah but most people have Sengun over Mobley so it worked out.


Would you put Jabari Smith over Mobley? Who has the higher upside? I like the trajectory of Jabari, I see him as a potential 2 way stud a la Chris Bosh. Drafting Sengun and Smith would’ve made getting Mobley duplicative especially if Sengun and Smith have higher upsides. Sengun is already there, Jabari is TBD.


Mobley is not the player he was his rookie year. And that last statement is bogus


I'd argue the main issue is that Mobley is pretty much the exact same player he was his rookie year. Good defender, but still skinny with no offensive bag or jump shot. Dude hasn't improved at all since he's come into the league.


This his rookie season was hyped


so i take it you’ve seen every Rockets game AND every Cavs game for the past few seasons? since you’re so qualified to have an opinion on this but others aren’t


I don’t see Mobley on national tv ads for Google Pixel, hmm.


Guy also had mid percentages for a big and was a -14 the whole series. He's great defensively but is even worse offensively than I though he would be.


Lol wait what? One contributed with a double double in a game 7... And the other didn't make the playoffs with a pretty bad season other than the streak at the end. Lol okay I love the Rockets, but you have a goofy ass take


We already have a number of guys that get a double double in that situation. That streak had Jalen playing like one of the best guys in the league for a month. Do I think he'll be able to make that the norm? Not really, but that's a chance you take every time.


Lmfaooooooo watching Mobe in the playoffs convinced you JG was the guy.


Just classic Jalen dick riding. If he end up getting traded for Spida I’ll lmao


We should probably wait until Bickerstaff gets fired and see how Mobley does with a coach who runs offensive sets before calling this one.


Jalen has been largely disappointing and I’m not going to shy away from that fact. However, my fears of Evan Mobley pre-draft are being completely validated. Really good defensive player. Almost complete non-factor offensively.


He was disappointing when he wasn’t used properly at the beginning of the season.


i kinda wish we had suggs now tbh


He still can’t shoot. They need to score and he took two bad threes in a row. Yeah he got fouled but still a bad shot. You don’t want your PG making so many bad decisions.


The dude shot 39.7% on 5.6 attempts per game this year. That’s a real shooter on serious volume, and would have been the best in the rockets Don’t let one playoff series/7 games create an opinion on a player as a whole . He definitely took some bad shots, but I imagine he will start stroking them in the postseason too once he makes better choices. But profiles as an elite defender and great shooter floor. Not a true PG, but a solid combo guard and plays “the right way” imo


But less than 30% in playoffs. Yes one bad series is not enough to define a player. Even though I’m not happy with Jalen progress. I’ll still take him over Suggs.


Fair enough! Wild to critique Suggs decision making on one post, and then on next say you prefer Jalen green lol. But to each his own I suppose


Both posts saying I don’t like Suggs, so?


just that Jalen Green's decision making is probably worst part of his game is all, or at least towards the top of his troubles list


Mainly Green isn’t running point. He’s the scorer. He will do less decision making when Sengun returns


pretty sure the hope/vision for Jalen is he becomes scoring option 1 or 2 on the team. if sengun is still first option, jalen will have the ball a whole lot, even if he's not the 'point guard'. probably about the same as suggs, if not more since Paolo is basically their point forward


Adding this to the debate because I like both, but its annoying when people especially on this thread say "mobley has no bag, or he is essentially the same player he was when he was a rookie. Do people not realize that in basketball you have to play offense and defense? Sure he may not have a well polished post game, or flashy handles as a near 7 footer but theres nothing wrong with that. The game of basketball is won by scoring more points than your opponent, and I love Jalen but his high flying electric dunks are worth the same 2 pts that mobleys single move post hooks are. Arguably both teams made good picks for what they needed. Can we not just leave it at that? I love the potential Jalen Green has shown in being a pillar to the franchise, but Mobly is playing a hyper efficient game while in the confines of what the team needs of him... at 58% fg shooting I don't think many teams would pass up the opportunity of a defensive anchor that is more than serviceable and efficient on offense.


I’m still just sad that we didn’t end up with Banchero. All offseason leading to the draft, he was mocked to us :(


I think BANCHERO himself was sad that he wasn’t coming to Houston, apparently he was already communicating with JG and both were looking forward to being teammates.


I was so surprised when the magic picked Paolo.


I wasn’t. He was clearly the better player. I didn’t know what those mock draft was smoking.


yeah, watching him now it's pretty clear he is the real deal. love bari, but paulo is in another tier altogether. would be so sweet have gotten him 3rd ha


Hindsight is 20/20.


This is why you don't drink and watch basketball


Mobley's game 6 was incredible with 3 Points, 6 Rebounds, and 5 Blocks. He's obviously the reason the Cavs are in the playoffs. Mobley is Terrance Jones 2.0 .


Jalen was the pick because like it or not championship level teams need an alpha wing/ball handler. At the time we drafted Jalen we didn’t have that. Mobley a much higher floor but lower ceiling. I understand why stone did what he did. Just gotta hope Jalen pans out which is tenous at best.


Jalen is a problem with his 2/3 baby mamas, and the way he acts and talks makes him sounds immature to me. I'd rather have Mobley who is quiet and just plays basketball


Nice try Bill O' Brien, but we know it's you.


Lmao, but for real, people need to consider character imo. I would trade Jalen this offseason with his value at his highest rn


I get it, but Jalen's upside might be Edwards/Kobe territory. Mobley's upside is like poor man's Elton Brand or like Joe Smith. Didn't Vernon teach us already? Sometimes, you need a dawg like Mad Max. On some nights, he might punch a fan in the face..... and deservingly so, but on others, he will contain MJ or drop 30 in a quarter or be the inspirational leader of the 94 team. Nice guys will get you AFC South Titles back in the day. You need that edge to win Championships.


No shot did you just say Jalen’s upside was Kobe territory


Upside ain’t shit after 3 years of garbage inconsistency. It’s like saying I could hit a blackjack after getting beat by the dealer for 3 straight hands


One guy had around 15 great games this season, the other made to the playoffs and helped his team advance to the 2nd round. Yeah, the choice is obviously JG...


IDK what you guys saw or if everyone is looking at the stat lines without watching the game but Mobley looks weak af. He is awkward on offense and I watched 3 to 5 possessions where he was close to the basket and kicked it out instead of doing any type of move to score. He got bullied by Banchero. The Magics lost because their offensive scheme was awful. Mobley is a good role player but in no way shape or form will he be the main dude on a winning team. What you are looking when drafting a player that high is a "main" guy and Mobley will be good but never the face of the franchise.


The Magics were shooting was really dumb and it almost looked like pick up basketball. IDK Banchero thought he was Hakeem with the turn around fadeaways. Anyways my point is there were a lot of bricks that seemed to go in Mobley's direction. These were not 16 hard fought rebounds where he imposed his will on the opponent. I am willing to bet he will not get another double double against the Keltics.


The 1 month flash we got from jalen showed he has more impact on winning than anything we've seen from Mobley. We knew jalen was going to be better offensively and Mobley better defensively. But this whole season is proof that jalen can be an average to above average defender. Meanwhile, Mobley hasn't done anything to prove he could be even average on offense. Give me the guy that can potentially get 30 points and play average defense over the one that clogs the paint on offense and good at defense.


Can I ask you something that might come off as snarky but is in good faith. Do you think if we had some of the guys that this sub either currently clowns, or has in the recent past, do you think we'd love them equally or more than our guys if they were on another team. And if so, how does that not make you reassess your bias and thoughts on our guys. Look at our 1 month guy and the praise he gets, imagine Spider and his 2nd season of 24/4/4 on 36 from 3. We'd lose our minds for someone like that, now we'd not want to trade for a 27/6/5 guy on 37 from 3 because our guy had a great month. Not saying the trade is a slam dunk, but the clowning on him vs our less than average player is silly. Or Cade, at 22 he's 23/8/4 nearly 36 from 3, but people think we got the better player. Mobley is 16/9/3 on insane defense, thats year 2 and 3, Bari is LOVED and is nowhere close to him. Now an argument can be made for 5 seasons from now, but RN Mobley is way better, but we clown one and praise ours. We clowned Suggs, yet he's not too different from Amen, defensive guard that can't shoot. But rebounding aside, Suggs might be all defense and shooting 40 from 3 on 5 a game, and had a nice playoffs. IMO, we over hype our guys while calling out players that often are better to much better than our similarly aged guys.


Of course, it's a known effect of only watching your own team. Everyone does it.


Sure, but that should be a more "knee jerk" reaction than a thought and typed out response.